Pisces astrology psychic

Pisces Traits
  1. Pisces is the most psychic of all signs…
  2. An Astrological Guide to Your Psychic Powers | Articles at jakubzidek.cz
  3. Psychic Powers by Zodiac Sign

Your focus as we run up to Christmas should in fact be on personal dreams, desires and big ambitions. The Sun is in your career zone until the 21 st and on the 5 th questions ruler Neptune in your 1 st about your intentions to achieve for the coming year.

You have a path-defining new Moon in your 10 th on the 7 th — the day that Mars planet of affirmative action and passion, meets Neptune. This is about inspired moves and not making any more excuses when it comes to making them. Who makes it happen?

You make it happen under this new Moon. If you do, you are in a position to impress people in positions of authority and influence, gatekeepers and those who can say yes or greenlight that next career move.

Mercury re-enters your 10 th from the 12 th and has another 12 days of retroshadow catch-up to play but that does not mean you cannot begin to make those work related moves now. Venus meanwhile could bring about a transformation around a long term relationship or romance as it draws on the higher love vibration of your ruler on the 21 st.

It may not be time to get serious about something new but something old or existing could get taken to a higher, transcendent level now. The time of the solstice is a fabulous one for all Pisces.

For the first time in 12 years Mercury and Jupiter meet in your 10 th on this day which could signify a milestone event or news which raises your reputation and sends your stock soaring.

This is your future calling. We also have the Sun entering your 11 th of goals and your social life promising good times ahead for the holiday and New Year periods and also assistance from those you know when it comes to attaining those dreams — be they professional or personal.

Recapture the joy and the wonder you felt during the holiday season as a child. Work you did earlier in the month around balancing out that love and claiming the freedom to love and be loved your way pays off under this full Moon.

You end the year with a full house and rushing to dive into whatever brings you. So, look to where you need to reclaim that love freedom this December, Pisces. So make sure that includes that all-important self-love too. Balance the love this December and embrace freedom at the same time. Time to flirt and above all, stop taking things so seriously.

Aside from showing you with self-love that is! This year, people may not quite understand how your mind works. But what I can tell you is that despite this, they are going to love your ideas. Uranus rules electricity and current and in your 3rd house this adds up to Brainwaves. Flashes of genius and ideas that you and only you could have come up with.

New and radically different ways of seeing the world, old problems transformed, innovations and standing accepted thinking on its head.

Uranus always delivers the unexpected and in this house, this ability is increased. Think of this as surprises on steroids. Unexpected news, ending up in unexpected places, running into the last person you expected to see — all these bear the hallmarks of Uranus and if so, will usually come packaged with an unexpected opportunity too.

On a more mundane level, taking a new approach to anything from your daily tasks to your commute could pave the way towards success which continues long after this cycle ends. And Uranus will remain in here for seven years. Just be aware that the two most powerful times for this cycle and when you will see the biggest changes occur are the end of it — and the beginning which you are entering now.

Get ready for rush hour! This all adds up to your work, business, what you say and even your studies having an electric quality to them now. Uranus also rules entrepreneurs, inventors and ideas which can ignite and inspire the collective. If you have dreamed of running your own show, launching that start-up, website or blog, writing that novel or even becoming an influencer, Uranus in here gives you that unique edge that allows you to not only stand out from the competition, but to engage those followers too.

This year will see Jupiter spend almost the entire 12 months in your house of career and professional success. If you were over 18 back then, think back to what opportunities presented themselves in terms of your career path. Also, whether anyone in a position of power or authority helped or assisted you when it came to career progress. Did you land that coveted role?

Secure yourself a mentor perhaps? Take a big step towards a longer-term career goal? See your ambition soar? Get yourself recognised and rewarded for what you do? Did you manage to exceed not just the expectations of others but your own?

Expand those ambitions now. If you want to explore alternative career options to the one you are on, Jupiter will aid you in changing course. Alternatively, if you are that round peg in a spherical hole, Jupiter will bring you at least one opportunity to expand your role and also how you are rewarded.

You could benefit from this especially when it comes to your finances or in property dealings. Be seen as someone who can combine self-leadership and determination with taking on board the advice of others when you need it.

This could just turn into a winning combination for you as your open attitude and willingness to learn will. Opportunities and financial benefits may come your way from unexpected sources or just plain luck. Just one word of caution with Jupiter in here — you may find yourself working long hours and often alone or carrying a great deal of responsibility during this cycle.

Pisces is the most psychic of all signs…

You may not mind this as you will have tangible results and rewards. This may mean not being able to commit in other areas such as your social life on occasion.

But it will be worth it, I promise you. You have the opportunity to lay a foundation that will determine your path for the next 12 years and also to gain the support of those who can help you over the long term.

Ruler Neptune remains in your sign until and while it does, it will continue to provide you with a gateway to higher insight, creativity and spiritual wisdom. Your ruler is highly unusual in that it spends almost half of every year retrograde.

You often know what is going to happen before it does. Think back over the times when you have listened to your intuition and when you have chosen to ignore it. The only variable in the equation was whether you acted on the information or not.

An Astrological Guide to Your Psychic Powers | Articles at jakubzidek.cz

Your very special new Moon of March 6 the same day as Uranus arrives in your 3rd of communication , appears within one degree of Neptune in the sky. Your birthday cycle this year which begins on Feb 18 will give you the ability to measure once and for all just how powerful and accurate that superpower can be. People from the past are going to feature as Mercury will meet Neptune on Feb 19 and then on March 5, turn retrograde in your 1st and then meet Neptune again on April 2.

You will know who or what is going to appear or happen before it does so please pay attention. Also remember, this cycle is normally about new beginnings and this one carries shadows of the past. Past loves could be resurrected and remember, this can include past projects or opportunities as well as people.

The past is ours to revisit and learn from but it can also represent a trap. Chances are if someone re-enters your life it is for one final go-around.

This time you make it work — or if they exit again this time it will be for good. Again, your intuition will be advising you. Hopefully I am not painting a portrait of a year which is all work and no play.

Because this year also comes packaged with fabulous opportunities for partnerships and pleasure.

Get ready to claim your dream and also your gorgeous, authentic self. That part of you who you know deserves the recognition, the romance and the chance to express itself that may have been suppressed. And to know what it is you need. We have a total eclipse of the Sun in your 5th occurring on July 2. Remember, eclipses cover up and what I have to ask you straight out is: Have a mid-year soul stocktake at this time.

Look at the people you are surrounding yourself with and who and what you are attracting. Do you feel you can truly be yourself with your friends or with your lover? Do you feel you have to hide a part of yourself away or pretend to be something else in order to loved and accepted?

Psychic Powers by Zodiac Sign

Are you afraid to express yourself because of what people might think? Or, on an even deeper level, are you continuing to maintain connections when deep down you no longer feel a resonance with them? Between this eclipse and the next which is a lunar eclipse in your 11th on December 26, step into a cycle of honest passion.

Being open, expressing yourself, being able to come from a heart-centered place will bring to you spontaneous opportunities for fun, increased depth in your connections and also if you need to, attract new people including that. Your intuition should also be broadcasting this message loud and clear: All these will at one point trine Uranus in your 3rd and oppose ruler Neptune in your 1st.

More often than not, the experience was ineffable, and so they simply keep it to themselves. They have a finely tuned emotional sense and can walk into a room full of people and feel where it is safe and with whom, or even know if they don't belong there at all. Duality On the down side, some Pisces can't be expect to be punctual and practical, nor can you always rely on them for factual information.

There are always a few Pisces people that are constantly in one tragedy after another, as though they had "victimize me" written on them. They may hold out their tragedies like a badge of honor as though they were great achievements.

And for the very worst of the Pisces, if they are going down they will take you with them. On the other side of the coin, the Pisces can be a fighter and challenge destiny at every turn. Symbolized by the two fish, one that goes with the flow, and the other that fights the currents, it is seen that Pisces is both passive and aggressive.

  • Pisces the Psychic of the Zodiac?
  • Horoscopes.
  • Pisces the Psychic of the Zodiac;

A Gift of Empathy A Pisces will often help you in some fashion and you will never know, for they prefer to be anonymous. They will listen to your story and tales of woe without offering advice or opinions, and furthermore, your story is kept confidential.

The last sign of the zodiac has a universal element about it.