Number 4 on my birthday every year

Check out the full list of every Number 1 single in Official Charts history.
  1. Unhappy Birthday: How I Conquered the Birthday Blues

The first thing to think about is, how long is a year?

But our calendar has to work with whole days, so most years are just counted as days long. There are other rules for leap years, but that's all that matters at the moment: Now, how many weeks are there in a year? We can find that by dividing by 7: For a leap year, there will be two extra days, since the remainder of divided by 7 is 2.

Now, if your birthday is on Monday this year, days later 52 weeks it will be Monday again. But your birthday is not days later, but days later - on Tuesday.

If it's a leap year and leap day falls between these two birthdays, then you'll actually have to wait two extra days, so your birthday will be on Wednesday.

Unhappy Birthday: How I Conquered the Birthday Blues

So the simple answer to your question is that any day of the year moves one day later each year, and two days each leap year, because the remainder of divided by 7 is 1.

Can you figure out how long the year would have to be to make the day of the week move the other way?

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Remainders can be very useful in many problems involving large numbers. Most readers who performed this calculation will have found it to be true.

A (semi-retired) digital sketchpad for data stories, by Matt Stiles.

The reason for this is not some mysterious, once-a-millennium event, but rather simple mathematics. If I am 18 years old and I was born in the year , adding 18 and 2, will yield 2, Equally, if I am 40 years old and I was born in the year , adding 40 to 1, will also give me 2, In October , someone born in November is still only 17 years old, just as someone born in November is still 39 years old — in both cases the calculation yields a total of 2, rather than 2, In logical terms, the reason this meme sometimes tricks people into believing they have witnessed something incredible or meaningful is that it expresses your age and your birth year as two separate facts, rather than explaining as we all actually know that your age is a function of your birth year.

You are the age you are because your age is the number of full years that have passed since you were born.

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Internet users spread an almost identical meme in Producing reliable fact-checking and thorough investigative reporting requires significant resources. We pay writers, editors, web developers, and other staff who work tirelessly to provide you with an invaluable service: Help us keep Snopes.

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