Virgo february 14 2019 weekly horoscope by marie moore

Virgo weekly horoscope 24th December to 7th Jan 2019
  1. Virgo Weekly Astrology & Tarot Horoscope December 24-31 2018
  2. Leo Monthly Horoscope
  3. Pisces January Mid-Month 2018 Your Past Is Coming Back Around
  4. Free Daily Horoscopes For Virgo
  5. Leo Monthly Horoscope 2019 ~ Eclipse Special

Outings to museums, theatres and concerts for singles could connect you to someone else with whom you can share the finer things in life. Most of all, you are appealing to others because you are happy and confident with just being yourself. Make the most of this fantastic period.

These horoscopes are most accurate when read for your ascendant , but if you have your Sun plus a stellium 2 or more planets in this sign then you will find that these horoscopes will ring true for your Sun also. All mainstream horoscopes are written using solar houses, which, in others words, is writing for your ascendant.

If you do not know your ascendant please use this free chart maker to find it. Once you have done that you can also read more about your rising decan and star too! It is the most personal point of your chart and the only one Along with your ruling planet that really describes you personally and your incarnation for this lifetime.

If at the same time the Sun opposes Mars or the Ascendant, violent death. The ascendant is also the relationship axis, so the influences above will play out mostly in how the subject relates to others.

The fixed stars interpretation for the ascendant are not very positive, and there is certainly violence. But a list that contains both Aleister Crowley and Edgar Cayce shows there are two sides to the same coin. Out of pain and addiction can come the healer. There is also the strength that comes after a struggle.

Ascendant Leo 1 can have very challenging, obsessive and dramatic relationships, in some cases, they inspire art Morrisette. Talent and prophetic ability are here, usually, it is a gift passed down from their ancestors.

The Christ connection is strong here where perhaps the subject plays the part of either the fallen man or woman Mary Magdelene or they can be the Christ savior figure in relationships. The experience of slander by the opposite sex can also be marked with the Ascendant Leo 1.

Feeling linked to the environment, working towards the protection of the land. So either these folk are going to be hugely confident in relationships or they suffer a total lack of ego and are attracted to egoistical people.

Even the most insecure of these will be perceived as bossy, in the sense that they may only feel confident if they are in total control of their partner.

Virgo Weekly Astrology & Tarot Horoscope December 24-31 2018

The mother bear energy means that Leo 2 rising will easily become the parent and caretaker in the relationship. Their appearance is very often glamorous or theatrical and some of them may be known for their golden hair or wild locks.

Being drawn, intentionally or not, to intense emotional encounters. The importance of this star is accentuated by its nearness to the ecliptic. Its effect is in the best sense that of Jupiter and Mars.

Without a doubt, this must be the most authoritarian ascendant you can have.

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This is the boss no question. Not everyone born with this decan rising has to be typically bossy or domineering, but they are natural born leaders depending on how the rest of the chart is configured.

Leo Monthly Horoscope

Any planet conjunct the Ascendant will show what style of king or queen they are too, but all will expect you to show them loyalty and respect.

The message of this card is two-fold. If you are feeling lost, do your best to prioritize and direct your efforts especially with Mars in Pisces making your daydreams especially vivid.


Do one or two things ONLY at a time!! And only focus on the things th Instead, focus on the tasks you can do, that you need to do, and that are yielding to your efforts once you take the first few steps. If you focus on both of these small things, it should help you to calm your nerves and get more of your needs met by the end of this week than maybe now seems possible.

Now booking personal reading starting January 9, click the link below to book scheduling is first come first serve www. There is one more week until the full moon in Cancer! We could simultaneously be feeling good about the progress we have made so far this year to re-calibrate our relationships, finances, and sense of self-worth It can be quite confusing, but the astrology is sending us slightly mixed messages.

BUT the sun in Sag is coming into a square with Chiron, making us for some reason still feel bad about all the adjustments we have had to make or continue to make.

With the sun in a trine to Uranus, we may feel also like now is do or die to get some of the things done that we need done! Make last minute efforts to assure your own freedom and liberation from all of the challenging events of this year, and try not to doubt yourself. Things are better than you think. It is just the transition from the past few months to the next few months that is hard.

Give your soul space to feel its way forward, heal, and get its footing — without judging your progress or reactions too harshly. It's almost ready get your PDF version at www.

For those asking the next available dates I have for personal readings start January 9 so if you want a reading to start your year go to wondergirlastrology. Instead, be patient, hold your ground, and stay the course.

Pushing things too hard this week may not yield the results you want. Use this week instead to become more firm in your resolve and more clear on your needs, re Just know you might not see action on that resolve and on those needs until later.

Pisces January Mid-Month 2018 Your Past Is Coming Back Around

Also, I am in the last stages of completing my astrological planner. I will let you all know as soon as it is available!! Today, as Chiron stations getting ready to go direct early tomorrow morning, it is time to experience the more positive part of that equation, and less of the negative.

It is time to get a real awareness of what in the past has caused your wounding, and how It is time also to understand that all the things from the past that have hurt you were not meant to bring you down and bury you Use today to find that inner healing and wisdom, and with Chiron being in Pisces, approach the world feeling more whole and at peace.

Are you ready to manifest your dreams next year??? Be prepared and stay in the know and learn how to navigate the upcoming Astrology with my Wonder Girl Astrology planner that includes:.

This planner is designed for those who are passionate about Astrology and want to live their best life! You can use the planner to aid in personal self reflection, manifesting goals, spiritual growth and development, or to plan your life, do's and do nots according to the stars! This is the moon we have been waiting for!

This alignment is encouraging you to SAY and DO all the things that were left unsaid and undone just a short time period ago.

It is all about NOW not shying away from difficult conversations just because they are uncomfortable, but in speaking and saying the uncomfortable thing! And once we speak and say those things They are, in fact, much better, much easier, and way more fortunate that we once thought! That is because much inner and deep transformation has occurred in the meantime.

The magic is in the saying, speaking, and unveiling of deeply held truths.

Free Daily Horoscopes For Virgo

Real insights about your life and a new awareness about your situation can occur in a positive way if you just take the leap to say what you feel. My wonder girl astrology planner PDF version is now available with an early bird special if you pre-order before December 15, Get days of astrology and all of the most important transits for next year and live your best life!

I am also booking readings starting January eclipse season! It is time to understand that, and embrace instead all of the things that DID stick with you and DID make the cut into this next chapter of your life.

They are just as goo If you feel there is still something or someone in your life you need to add in or let go of before making things final, you have ONE WEEK left to make that happen. Next year will be all about building on top of and bringing to success and completion all the things you decide now.

And happy decision making! Venus opposed Uranus two times in the past three months. This will be the last time Venus makes this aspect. If there are some choices you feel you need to make in regards to relationships and money that have been weighing on you for months, then this video is for you!.

You may make decisions that are what you need on the surface.. My recommendation then is to hold off making any official decisions until December 7 at the new moon in Sagittarius, right after Mercury goes direct.

You will eventually need to incorporate that new information and insight into your plans in order to make better choices that you will not just feel happy with now, but will also feel happy with later. There is a good solution to your problems, and a middle way. But the solution must be based on a deep and intimate knowledge of yourself and your situation, with the foresight too of what the future could bring.

Neglecting to have the hard or deep discussions after giving these choices much thought can lead to you making plans and decisions about your life… that look good on the surface, but are ultimately hollow — a pretty shell! Key deep discussions about your wants and needs, from a much better vantage point, are needed first.

Love it or hate it? I can feel things getting lighter but then also feel moments of frustration. The moon in Leo today too making quincunxes to both Mars and Saturn could highlight those frustrations.

We want to just enjoy life and have fun. But practical progress must still be in made, especially in the physical in order to make this happine Sun square Mars too could make us very impatient. That almost goes against the long-term focus and planning Saturn in Capricorn is trying to teach us right now. To overcome the tension, learn to enjoy the practical work you have in front of you, and get to doing the things you know you need to succeed.

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You will only start to feel better once you see the work being done in a tangible way, without getting too lost in all these other distractions. For those asking I still have room for personal readings at the end of December and in January This week Mercury will square Mars and conjunct Jupiter and the sun The square to Mars can bring up feelings of anger or frustration, and could also bring some harsh words shared between you and another.

Know that what you are feeling has nothing to do with things actually happening in reality If you can change your perception, you can then change any negative The conjunction to the sun and Jupiter this week will help you figure out just how to turn your bad fortune if there is or has been any around for the better!

It will all start to hit home too just what you need to do in order to move on into your future feeling way more optimistic, even if some things with relationships and money still need to be re-arranged in the physical. Let go of beliefs that are limiting you this week and step into new ones. My astrological planner can help with a description and questions specially targeted at helping you navigate this time.

Be on the lookout for my planner to come soon! I believe that whenever a planet goes direct, it is typically a positive thing, bringing more clarity and forward momentum around the particular issue the planet deals with.

Leo Monthly Horoscope 2019 ~ Eclipse Special

Neptune is the planet of our spirituality, intuition, past, and inner life. When Neptune goes direct, it gives us a rare opportunity to receive positive insights about our lives, who we are, what we have been through, and where we go from here. It gives us a chance to heal our It whispers very quietly, and likes to work alone.

That is because the matters that Neptune deals with are so sensitive, so personal, and so close to our hearts. So, take the time today to listen to what your spirit, soul and intuition KNOW are true, even if it makes no logical sense. Your mind could be working overtime to put all the pieces of your life together bit-by-bit in a logical fashion with both a full moon in Gemini, and Mercury retrograde.

Sometimes the things you cannot see, touch, or feel matter more. Your soul knows what you need, and will not steer you wrong. If a thought enters your mind today that takes you out of balance or disturbs you If a message is truly from your soul, you will feel it strengthen and edify you, even if it isn't what you originally wanted or hoped for!