Horoscop capricorn 4 februaryie

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  2. HOROSCOP 2018
  3. Horoscopul DRAGOSTEI: 24 decembrie - 30 decembrie 2018
  4. HOROSCOP 16 NOIEMBRIE 2017: Planetele favorizează creativitatea, explică Urania

Sunt posibile invitatii la evenimente sociale, unde vei intalni o lume diversa. Posibil sa te oboseasca toate acestea, de aceea fii prudent. Unii vor dori sa le povestesti despre ultimele tale realizari, altii vor dori sa-ti povesteasca ei despre ale lor, iar altii vor tine mortis sa se amuze, provocandu-te la discutii pe teme de larg interes.

Cultiva-ti intelegerea, toleranta si rabdarea. Lasa, pret de cateva momente, gandirea rigida, conservatoare si mofturile personale. Dialogurile cu ceilalti din aceste zile de weekend iti pot modifica filozofia de viata si felul in care te raportezi la relatiile cu mediul in care traiesti si iti desfasori activitatea.

Ia aminte la recomandarile facute de catre cei dragi si deschide-ti sufletul si mentalul spre orizonturi noi. Sunt momente potrivite in aceste zile pentru a discuta cu rudele, partenerul de viata sau colaboratorii pe tema banilor si bunurilor comune.

Se pot lamuri chestiuni importante in acest sens, ceilalti fiiind dispusi sa coopereze si chiar sa investeasca alaturi de tine in planurile tale personale sau profesionale. Deocamdata stabileste clar punctele-cheie a ceea ce doresti sa faci si apoi prezinta-le si celorlalti. Ti se pare ca numai pe umerii tai apasa cele mai neplacute conditii, cele mai grele sarcini sau ca esti mereu dezavantajat de altii.

Faci sacrificii peste sacrificii, dar nu te simti deloc bine cand vezi ca acestea nu au efectele scontate. Dai mult de la tine, treci mereu cu vederea, taci si inghiti, dar ai inceput sa te intrebi daca merita.

Ce ai de castigat de pe urma acestor compromisuri? Mai nimic, deci insatisfactia creste, ca atare gandeste-te serios daca merita sa le tolerezi in continuare. Poate e timpul sa intorci foaia! Miercuri, 15 Noiembrie Citeste mai mult despre: Daca ti-a placut articolul, urmareste RomaniaTV. Nu conduce Klaus Iohannis sistemul BOMBA finalului de an.

Farmec inaugureaza al lea magazin de brand. Horoscop indian pentru anul Pepco deschide un magazin in centrul comercial Milcov din Volkswagen, BMW si Audi, cele mai cautate marci auto de Adrian Dobre, subiect de glume pe Facebook. Se schimba vremea in mai multe regiuni din tara.

Connect-R si Misha au petrecut Craciunul impreuna! Inca un divort zguduie showbiz-ul romanesc! S-au despartit dupa 10 ani de casnicie, nimeni nu se astepta. Cum arata Valentina Pelinel nemachiata, la varsta de 38 de ani! Doar Cristi Borcea o vede asa! Ti se mai pare la fel de frumoasa? Prima imagine cu Elena Udrea dupa ce a fost eliberata din inchisoare!

Cum arata acum, dupa ce a stat aproape 3 luni dupa gratii. Kovesi conduce tot de la Parchetul General Der Spiegel: Inca de la debutul saptamanii se anunta castiguri financiare.

Imagini nephotoshopate cu vedeta. Elevii si grupele din invatamantul prescolar intra in vacanta de iarna pentru trei saptamani. Iata ce rol joaca planetele in viata copilului tau.

Horoscop Dragoste - Horoscop saptamanal

Folosirea inhalatoarelor, o problema pentru copilul astmatic? Terapii alternative, beneficii in imunitate. Previziunile runelor cu Mihai Voropchievici pentru Revelion. Ce fel de vecin esti in functie de zodie. Later this year an arguably misnamed film, The Changing of the Gods, based on the work of Cosmos and Psyche by culture historian Richard Tarnass, should be making irrefutably clear how much events follow cycles.

And these engage specific symbols. Accordingly, if we are at all sensitive to the flow of events, we can observe and are experiencing an often confused, half merged, clashing overload of Neptunian and Uranian symbols and themes. On the Piscean side we have the Neptunian victim, refugee, suffering, compassion, inclusivism at all costs, a certain domination by film, image and dreams, also lies and corruption, drugs and addiction, permissiveness and mysticism in all shapes and sizes, good and bad.

There is no need to enumerate the potential for positive and negative expression within the signs and their trends. It should be obvious. Sometimes Neptune and Uranus seem to complement one another as when Neptune is nature and Uranus is society, sometimes they suggest absolute polarities as when Neptune is sleep and dream, and Uranus is wakefulness and inspiration,.

It is these polarities, natural and social, sleep and awake, which are also biblically stressed polarities and with an odd connection to the issue of nudity that I shall be stressing here even as reaching into a sign of the times worth noting.

We can return to the point and related matters presently, but here is one of the relevant, symbolically loaded biblical statements which may not mean quite what it seems.

Nudity is all of a mixed signals symbol. To many, even or especially in the permissive west, nudity signifies little more than having sex or being immodest or aggressively exhibitionist as in streaking. Thus in relatively egalitarian Scandinavia nudity is not a big deal with families sharing naked sauna.

Famously Moses must remove his shoes before the burning bush. What we do know of God is that, as per Ezekiel Ez 1: The lovers of the Song of Solomon are understood to be in the fires of Yah.

And we may assume that in some form or other the angelic orders experience this fire — how else could the fallen angels of Genesis have intercourse with women on earth if they were totally sexless?

It follows that, almost as a point of what one could call erotic etiquette, i. Even on the human plain some of the offence or shock of nudity can be involved with the fact the genitals do not so much belong to the principle of beauty with which the body gets identified as with a more alien, numinous element of power.


Obviously the nakedness of Isaiah was involved with prophetic warning of coming defeat and reduction to slave status. After all, without some loss of the kind happening, how would the Edenic couple sense and observe they were naked in the first place?

The philosopher Schopenhauer may also provide another clue here. He remarks somewhere that the shame of nudity is involved with the sense of mortality such as the Genesis story very much points to. So at this point we arrive at paradox. Relevant here are words to the church of Laodicea in the book of Revelation.

Historically, Laodicea was a prosperous city famed for luxury goods including a precious eye salve. It also drank from the well-supplied but tepid, lukewarm waters of the region.

What is the shame of nakedness best not seen? In Revelation the redeemed who are seen as like priests unto God Rev5: So the meaning is virtually guaranteed to be otherwise. The reason the priests wore white while their feet were bare was because their white robe represented the lost and to be reacquired radiance of the original, body-surrounding aura which of course could also be coloured but white is the source colour and light itself.

We can now return to the earlier mentioned thief in the night passage. The answer is that Christ is being identified with the chief of the Temple guard composed of levite priests whose leader was called the thief. All sorts of symbolism is involved here but most obviously fire represents the judgement and purifying force of deity and the priest is symbolically judged, sent to hell.

But we must also remember especially the following point of symbolism as regards sleeping and waking. No matter how pure, free, natural or healthy the nudity of any Christian St Francis, pagan Diogenes or poetic Walt Whitman might be at a certain level, symbolically even or especially for traditional symbolic systems like astrology , nudity still equates as much as for Hebrew with some kind of loss, lack, even poverty Francis and Diogenes were both devoted to it.

Symbols are multivalent and like notes they have octaves. It follows that nudity as linked to sleep and dream is also a lack of sorts in relation to its Uranian polarity of wakefulness. We can now better see what is happening with biblical and especially apocalyptic imagery. The state of nudity risks engaging a shame related less to eros and sex than symbolically the condition of sleep which is oblivious to and unprepared for what is to happen.

But life is stranger than fiction and symbolism has almost autonomous powers, works in chains of association enforcing something like the Jungian compensation factor. Urban nudism names the practice, or claim to be able to practice a more public nudity.

It is and remains more or less illegal, though laws may not be strongly applied in some places and times especially protests and festivals like the World Naked Bike Ride or Gay pride. Because what is Neptunian insinuates rather than rebels and organizes like Uranus, there never has been nor will be any aggressive or highly organized naked revolution akin to Gay Lib but there can be local trends and movements that favour greater freedom.

I recall a TV interview with a Buenos Aires urban nudist who maintained that as he was anyway poor, unemployed and excluded, why not go naked when he had nothing to lose? Is the chief aim, fame, freedom, art, health, political protest, a neo-pagan campaign, gay pride JM is gay? And the way its icons deform the human body denying it all Solomonic or Renaissance glories, was perhaps bound by a massive act of psychic compensation, to produce alternatives at the first modern opportunity.

I suspect therefore that original support for JM has some connection to a local will to re assert threatened principles of phallos by the same society that anciently displayed herms at house entrances.

Horoscopul DRAGOSTEI: 24 decembrie - 30 decembrie 2018

Greek theology, more in line with biblical statements, teaches something closer to semi-subordinationism with both Son and Spirit issuing from the One, a position which, as pointed out in various of my books and writings has implications for how deity, creation and sexuality are to be understood.

The occultist Mme Blavatsky was the first to call Jesus Mercury outright and basically because like pagan Mercury he is described as mediator, healer and the go-between in relation to heaven and earth. These matters are covered in my Testament of the Magi: Mysteries of the Birth and Life of Christ, https: It took such a long time for my DVD of this film to arrive from America, it was a surprise it arrived at all.

But between the hype and my expectations, finally seeing this film, which expresses a variety of more or less creationist views from people of faith who work and teach in science, was a bit of an anticlimax.

It has to be understood, and thoughtful Christians like C. There is a basically philosophical argument about truth and whether or not the record indicates scientists have some unstated prejudices and are fudging the facts and then there are the more purely faith and spirituality related questions because what you believe about nature and God can colour your entire outlook on life.

But to the extent there are challenging facts and untold stories, then these facts, which should be heard, can and will largely speak for themselves. And in work lthis film undertakes, one disc the main film should have kept solely to the facts and the other two discs to discussion of related religious issues.

Especially so as, regardless of your precise beliefs, you still need to recognize that the bible you cite as authority, no matter how true, is still not a full blown science text book but often closer to poetry….

A lot of it could reasonably be called generalization to be understood and accepted as such. A good example would be some writings of St Paul who gets cited along with Genesis.

Because how much beyond generalization can and should one accept St Paul even on religion? Such ideas had never crossed their minds. Sometimes truth exists in grey areas we must see and respect.

Other ideas of truth risk becoming unhelpful bibliolatry. The run up to Easter sees the release of more than one religion-related film and not only the season but the dates of release are eloquent for what is involved. The timing of the film is rather exquisite. On March 23 rd and 30 th , Jupiter stands on 22 of water sign, Scorpio.

If one were to take the Feb 26th London premiere that message is arguably stronger. On the 23 rd March, the sun is bordering 3 degrees Aries. Shocking, extreme but crowd friendly Uranus on the day has just entered 27 degrees Aries. However this is not what is most striking in the pattern…….

We next ask where is the reputation-affecting Venus itself on the day? Sure enough it is on 20 Aries. I should say this reflects a persecution theme, the one-time persecution of Christians by Paul and then pagan persecution of Paul.

Of some significance, but I am unsure quite what, Mercury at 16 Aries on the day is at stationary apparent retrograde. I think it was this. One almost never deals in historical religious development but as in Dante more like supposedly rationally derived timeless principles promoted by Aristotle and Aquinas, truths and emotions justified more by logic than dialectic.

As such Paul is a revolutionary, transitional figure who straddles two eras, the ages of Aries and Pisces astrologically , helping to define the nature of the latter. Great men make great mistakes and that includes Paul.

We may regret today that Paul could be myopic in relation to women and gays — even St Teresa of Avila complained to Jesus about Paul on women — but he was a man of his times. And it is because he was a protestor and reformer of many things that we are at least free to question him in turn as part of the whole spiritual and intellectual revolution he began.

As said, I think this film speaks to both a certain nostalgia and hope for great er leadership in religion. This could remind us that whatever his particular gifts, Billy Graham was not a figure quite like St Paul but very much his own person and of his own time, someone made possible by media who could be as much his persecutor as his supporter.

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I note the following three points. Saturn is in that sign at 26 degrees. This means it is conjunct the Galactic Centre which enjoys a certain association with events in religion.

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  • horoscop capricorn 20 february 2019.

I would suggest that in line with things Saturnian, neither religion, nor for that matter even the animal realm and humour, are being particularly well represented. I would likely see more connections if exceptionally at this time I was not encountering problems accessing data for asteroids which I would like to read for the 17th November.

If you listen to government ministers and gay-rights campaigners, you will believe that gay marriage is all about equality, all about equal rights. And of course, this means that anyone who criticizes gay marriage can be written off as a friend of inequality, and no one wants to be thought of in that way………Writing in the s, the great liberal thinker Hannah Arendt said: When Ireland went to referendum on same sex marriage in , a leader of the No movement was a gay activist, Keith Mills.

It is actually possible to be gay and to hesitate, however reluctantly, in the face of what some gay activists are claiming and promoting and just how as in Australia. Something of the same is occurring here in Australia with activist actor Magda Szubanski getting emotional about love and toleration as though only tears could and should have authority in what is a complex, sensitive issue which will never just by itself heal wounds.

Another similarity is the influence of big money and corporations like Qantas behind Yes. I was told it would be considered but I was never as promised got back to despite a polite reminder.

HOROSCOP 16 NOIEMBRIE 2017: Planetele favorizează creativitatea, explică Urania

Though I believe the religion writer I had dealt with was just inconsiderate and indifferent, undeniably there have been complaints Irish media was strangely hostile to anyone questioning the marriage equality movement.

Supporters of No felt intimidated under the force of the massive publicity given to Yes which it was said had been flooded with funds from American multimillionaire gay activist, Tim Gill. The intimidation of No voters like the poor or irrelevant arguments proceeding from the Yes party should be noted. Such gays are a type that thinks of their community as so righteous and wronged none among them ever exploited inexperienced, sometimes homeless adolescents seeking affirmation and guidance, and never got them entangled in drugs and prostitution rather than love.

But since we do all want rights, could there really be any reason for a gay person to be against voting for marriage equality today? There is some drive at work that potentially undermines democracy in or through gay issues of which marriage equality is only the latest and perhaps strongest example.

For over a century the first gay liberationists protested the rights of gays on the basis of their perceived difference from the norm but a difference that society needed and gays should work with.

While plainly not all gays are Leonardo da Vinci or Alan Turing, there are qualities that sets them apart and which they and society are bound to recognize. Any equality should be about equality in difference.