Gemini third decan horoscope

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  1. Gemini Monthly Horoscope
  2. Friday, December 28
  3. Gemini Ascendant Horoscope
  4. Do you know your planet Mercury ?

Like tropical Gemini, this decan has two sides to it and each one is just as forceful and strong as the other. On the one hand, we have the peaceful dove and the nursing goat.

This hand is the life-giver, a birthplace of stars, the ever-nourishing Milky Way that flows from the breast of Nut the sky goddess. On the other hand, we have the hunter, the destroyer of life, the mighty warrior, the potent phallus.

  • Gemini Decan 3 ~ June 11 to 20 (20º-30º).
  • Gemini Decans and Personality Traits.
  • Gemini Horoscope 2018.
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This decan can signify the battle of the sexes or more positively, the sacred marriage between the god and the goddess, Heros Gamos…. The tarot card associated with this decan is the ten of swords.

As I stated in the previous decan, unfortunately, the air signs are stuck with the swords suit as representing them so the imagery is not going to be so positive. We must remember that these cards must be read slightly differently when associated with the decans as they will show the lessons learned in other lifetimes and karma that may have already been paid back.

With the 10 we have come to the end of a cycle, so it is likely that these souls are very old indeed. This card is the end of the line and the darkest hour before dawn, which goes very well with its Saturn rulership.

Karmically this life is is about releasing. However, you cannot just lie there and expect it all to be done for you and to you. At the least, it should become clear to you what your next steps should be regarding your finances.

You can create an air of magic around you now. You have the ability to make yourself appear as others would like to see you. This can bring people to you, but they may not see you as you really are. A certain amount of illusion in a relationship can be pleasurable, but it may also be disappointing when the glow wears off.

♊ Gemini December 2018 - Astrology Horoscope by Nadiya Shah

You may be concerned over your ability to take care of your family or career responsibilities. You feel you are being tested as to whether or not you can effectively manage your authority and status in these areas.

Gemini Monthly Horoscope

This will personally make you feel less secure or unloved during this unsettling, yet brief, period. One area you should not neglect is your own physical and emotional health.

Find time to pamper yourself and take a break from the daily pressures you experience now. This is an excellent time to be out and about. There are significant opportunities to make connections, exchange information, and to learn something through a meeting or chance encounter.

Letters, phone calls, and conversations that you initiate are productive at this time. Your intellectual curiosity and mental restlessness is high now and you may flit from one activity to another or spend a lot of time chatting and socializing.

Plan frequent outings and short excursions to satisfy your need to move about and to communicate. You can take on a different attitude with each person you are with now. This can imply a certain feeling of intimacy which may not really be there.

You are capable of sliding around difficult issues now by couching them in terms which mask the seriousness of the situation. You are a peacemaker now since harmony in your environment seems more important than ever. Loving relationships, giving and receiving affection, and attracting people into your life who are good for you are very likely at this time.

At this time you will want to make your home more pleasing, comfortable, and beautiful, perhaps by doing some artistic decorating or landscaping or buying something which will give you and your family much pleasure.

You feel very kindly and affectionate toward family members, and you may do some entertaining or invite friends in to enjoy your hospitality, as well. You want to be stimulated by new ideas and experiences in your mental exchanges with partners, associates and close friends. Others will lend support for your creative and career desires, offering assistance and beneficial advice to you.

There is an easy flow of communication with others, focusing on intellectual, rather than intimate or emotional, interrelating. You seek companionship that inspires you and have a tendency to put romantic passion on the back burner for now.

This is a time for being with people and especially giving something of yourself and your talents to others. You want to be seen and noticed. You receive appreciation and a positive response and possibly an opportunity or personal contact which will be quite beneficial. This is likely to be a busy, active time in which telephone calls, errands, commercial transactions, and the business of everyday living takes much of your time.

You are also somewhat restless and not inclined to long quiet periods of concentrated or solitary work. You tend to fritter away your time on inconsequential social activities, but this may not be all bad. Taking time to chat with neighbors and associates may result in more positive and smoother-running relationships.

You can be at your charming best right now. This is a good period to make a positive impression as you can combine sweetness and dynamic energy in one attractive package. Enjoy yourself and your relationships now by bringing some playfulness and creativity into them. You can be sensitive and compassionate right now. You need, however, to remember your boundaries so that you are not worn out by others.

This is, however, a good time for imagination and for playing roles and exploring ways to best present yourself. At this time you are inclined to invest your time and money into making your environment more beautiful and comfortable. You may also wish to enhance your personal appearance in some way, such as getting a new hair style or purchasing clothing, cosmetics, and the like.

Friday, December 28

Social gatherings are also very positive for you now. You are feeling inspired creatively and romantically and you express your loving feelings quite openly now. Creative self-expression of any kind is favored at this time. You will also thoroughly enjoy artistic, musical, or cultural events and activities, especially in the company of a loved one.

Disputes over shared resources, joint finances, or anything which you hold in common with another are more likely now, and you are prone to impulsiveness and recklessness regarding such matters. Also, fights over money may only be symbolic of other, deeper conflicts between you and your mate or business partner, such as questions of personal power and control in the relationship.

Your desires and passions are stirred up now as well and this can be a time of a sexual and emotional renaissance in an intimate relationship. You may not feel comfortable with the way your relationships are right now. You may want more, you may want less, but in any case, change seems likely.

You can start to make changes by letting go of what you no longer need. Expressing your deepest desires is another way to push things along. You may feel out of step with the people in your immediate environment now, not in harmony with the intentions and desires of those you work or live with.

Relationships, especially professional ones, can be tense, especially if you attempt to work your own will. This is not a time to force issues. Your domestic affairs, family relationships, and most intimate personal life are the focus of your attention now.

This is a time to do what you can to build trust in your family life and a strong foundation within yourself, so that regardless of what you meet in the outside world, you have a secure place to return to.

If you are of a contemplative nature, now is an ideal time to meditate and reflect. Your home is very important to you now also, and this is a good time to give it extra attention.

At this time, you guard against any attacks on your personal views and beliefs. You may sense or perceive that a partner or associate will challenge your opinions and are quite prepared to defend or justify your objectives. If you must engage yourself in conflicts now, then use tact and diplomacy when dealing with other individuals. The key is to use constructive and rational thinking and be less afraid of rejection and disapproval of your intentions.

Uphold and preserve any agreements or contracts that you have previously made with other people. It may be best to keep your creative plans and thoughts to yourself.

You may not be feeling as attractive or outgoing as usual right now. You could be feeling cautious and conservative when you are with others. But you can use this more grounded approach to clarify relationship issues and present yourself as a reliable partner.

You will be alert and on your toes now. The pace is likely to be fast, even hectic. You are restless and eager to meet others halfway, to converse, exchange information, and make connections. Nervousness or irritability due to aggravations and the stress of increased demands at work is possible.

You are likely to be in a rather nostalgic frame of mind, remembering earlier days and thinking and speaking about past events. This is a good time for communicating with family members, perhaps re-establishing your connection or resolving a long standing problem between you.

Speaking about very personal, private matters comes easier to you now. You may also find it worthwhile to record some of your musings, memories, and thoughts in a journal or diary. The cooperation, as well as the personal concern you receive from those you love, instills in you the desire to establish strong family bonds and values.

This is a period when you are able to effectively harmonize your career or creative ideas with those of other people in your surroundings. Your health condition or that of a loved one may improve under this astrological influence. You feel and express more sympathy and compassion in your nurturing role toward others.

You may utilize this time to take up new hobbies which interest you, such as creative projects, gardening, cooking, or learning more about the healing services, or you may find simple pleasure in taking care of children and family members.

You are disinclined to stir up trouble or cause unpleasantness of any kind at the moment. Relationships are thus apt to be smooth, but this may well come at a cost to you.

You may be at peace with others and at war with yourself; you may go along with something now that you will kick yourself for later. Choose your company carefully. Spending time with those you truly trust and enjoy should be no problem. At this time you have a cooperative and receptive attitude which promotes harmonious relationships with your co-workers, employers, and employees.

You may be a peacemaker or even a matchmaker! You may, however, not feel like working very intensively. A pleasant break from routine, even a short vacation, would be appropriate now.

You may be very physically active now. If you are not it is likely that circumstances will keep you moving anyway. This is a good time to be busy, to take on new personal projects. You can also come across with greater forcefulness at this time. You need to move fast and to think fast. It can be a great time to get a lot done. The key is not to overstimulate yourself and wind up having to do things all over again.

You can appear more aggressive mentally which can be used to make an impact and get projects rolling. Communications are excellent now. You come across clearly and present yourself articulately.

Public speaking, interviews, and other transactions with the public are favored. Conversations you have at this time go smoothly, and an agreement can be reached.

Entertainment and amusements that are mentally challenging, such as chess, crossword puzzles, or other word games, have a strong appeal to you now. You will also enjoy dramatic presentations, the theater, creative writing and, if you have natural leanings in any of these areas, you will be inspired with ideas for future creative projects.

You are in harmony with the people in your immediate environment. There is a sense of ease and of flowing with, rather than fighting against or resisting, what is going on around you. Therefore, you have more energy and more fun at this time.

Now is a good time to make a presentation, go for an interview, or meet the public in some way; the response is positive. You are energized and inspired creatively and emotionally at this time, and you want to bring forth all that is within you. You express yourself more freely, playfully, and spontaneously and are more willing to take chances.

The dramatic and performing arts, sports and games, or other forms of self-expression and entertainment appeal strongly to you now. You may not feel like talking much. But if you get on the right subject, it may be difficult to stop you. You could have tunnel vision which will allow you to concentrate and focus your mind.

However, this can look to others like a lack of flexibility on your part. The need to make yourself more attractive or improve your appearance is highlighted at this time. You want to be pampered by your mate, as well as lavish attention on him or her in return.

You make a favorable impression upon your marriage partner or loved one, as you appear sincere, honest and cooperative. You place a greater value on improving conditions in your relationship, striving to achieve greater closeness and equality. This would be a good time to let your mate know how much you appreciate their love and dedication.

If you meet a new love interest during this time, there is a good possibility that it will develop into a serious love relationship. This person makes you feel very comfortable and secure in expressing your true nature, and a strong bond between the two of you can be felt from the beginning.

Be conscious of your desires and you will have nothing to hide. This is a time when you can become clearer about what you like about yourself and what you want to change.

This can allow you to transform yourself in order to make the outside of you more like the inside. You may come across as serious, even closed and non-communicative, at this time. However, you may be very precise in what you have to say which can bring clarity to your relationships.

Taking the time to get your thoughts in order before speaking is appropriate now. This is a time when short trips, excursions, errands, etc. You will have to adjust your plans or appointments to accommodate an inconvenience. You may also have to re-examine some matter you believed to have already been concluded and resolved.

Negotiations are apt to be strained and awkward, although direct confrontation is unlikely. Thinking, reading, and learning about how to improve your work, or some aspect of it, is on the agenda now.

You may learn a new technique. Discussions with co-workers, employers, and employees are likely to be fruitful, and minor but beneficial changes are likely to result. Talking about any health concerns you may have, with someone knowledgeable is also helpful at this time. You could be a bit serious in your relationships at this time.

You want to be sure that your status is secure and may hold back a little in showing your feelings. This is a time when dignity and commitment are vital in working with other people.

At this time, you may need to acquiesce, accommodate, or make adjustments for other people for the sake of expediency. That is, it will be less strain to step aside than to tangle with the opposition. You may be humbled now, see the flaws in your course of action or your attitude towards a situation, and remedy some of your errors.

If you are unwilling to do this, a general sense of static or dissonance both within and without is likely. Doing your best work and taking pride in it are a focus for you now.

This is a good time to examine how you use your time and energy, with an eye to improving your efficiency and productivity. Health matters are also a concern of yours now, and you may be inspired to begin a self-improvement program, create better health habits, or begin a new diet or fitness regimen.

Conversations with your partners and friends are critical now. This is a time for you to really listen and learn from others. If there is some matter you are concerned with, now is an excellent time to consult a professional or even a good friend that can give helpful feedback.

At this time you need and seek out the opinions, advice, and counsel of others, realizing that an objective or opposing point of view helps you clarify your own thoughts. You are able to present yourself as an articulate and intelligent person now.

Your grasp of the facts and your understanding of the broad issues combine to make you a successful spokesperson of your ideas and beliefs.

You are comfortable and at ease in displaying your creativity and skills in career endeavors and one-on-one relationships.

New and inspiring experiences bring you greater understanding and awareness of all that you can offer to the world. Other people can sense that your desires and ideas are based on fairness and equality, and they offer you opportunities to express yourself. Healing techniques that enhance the mind and the physical body are favorable.

You enjoy pleasant and relaxing surroundings, and your relationships are cooperative and rewarding to you. Significant changes in your social circle, your friends and associates, or the groups and organizations you are affiliated with occur at this time.

There could be a sudden disruption or unexpected turn of events in some group of which you are a part. You are moving away from the conservative or outdated and are likely to meet a number of unusual, interesting people at this time. You seem to be drawn to those who are more idealistic, innovative, creative, free-spirited, or eccentric.

You come into contact with a wider circle of people at this time. You may become friends or develop an association with an influential person or someone that can help you a great deal. This is an excellent time for advertising, promotion of a product or event, and mass media communications.

This is the time to get out and meet people. You should accept most invitations to attend social events of any kind because you may be surprised to find that you form important, mutually beneficial relationships.

Harmony and increased satisfaction in your marriage and in your personal interactions in general are very likely, perhaps because you are more tolerant, generous, and unpossessive than usual. However, you are also feeling a strong need not to be restricted or possessed by others either, for you sense that many people have something of value to offer you and you do not want to limit your world to just a few.

Expanding your social involvement and meeting new people appeal to you more than ever. Doubts about the love and concern you are receiving from family members and loved ones can manifest during this period.

Your fears of rejection, abandonment, and separation may be projected onto your mate, children, and other loved ones. Relationships will remain stressful and in turmoil until you can release your feelings of inadequacy and incompetence in giving and receiving supportive family nurturing and care. You need to experience self-love and acceptance, either from those you care about or by letting go of your own critical beliefs.

On the positive side, you can emerge from this period with more compassion and sensitivity toward loved ones, once you free yourself from being too dependent upon them. Irritations, conflicts with the people you relate to on a daily basis, and a generalized feeling of impatience or edginess characterize this period.

Because you are not feeling very obliging or compromising, this is not a good time to try to come to an agreement with another. However, you need to get your grievances out in the open; otherwise the tension builds up to an unmanageable level. You are strongly motivated to achieve your professional goals and get personal recognition for your efforts, and competitive energies run high.

Ego conflicts, especially with those in authority or who have some bearing on your career life, may arise. Try to control or temper your ambition with consideration for others. Your urge to act and to do is so strong that you are prone to rush and to try to force your will in situations where waiting may be more appropriate.

Your personal optimism and openness can inspire others now. You have a lot to say, even if it is done in a joking or light manner. Your wisdom encourages people to reach out to the experience of life just as you are enjoying doing so yourself. A significant personal encounter or confrontation occurs today. You cannot, and probably will not want to, be alone now.

Listen to your mate or a friend who can enlighten you at this time. Also, consulting a professional for health, business, or personal reasons will be very constructive and fruitful now. Partnerships, marriage, and your close one-to-one relationships engage much of your attention now and you are called upon to cooperate and perhaps to relinquish some of your own personal interests for the sake of harmony and mutual benefit.

You will not wish to go it alone and will seek the companionship and counsel of others. If you are having difficulties in some area of your life, now is the time to seek the advice of a counselor or consultant, someone with an objective point of view. This is a favorable period to dedicate yourself to turning your professional and personal objectives into real opportunities.

On the other hand, if you are happily working in your chosen profession, this can be a time when you know how to make the most of your abilities.

On a personal level, there is a desire to intensify the level of intimacy and honesty in your closest relationships and to clear away anything which is impeding the deeper union you seek. You can look really great now and come across like a winner.

People want to respond to you favorably and you should enjoy contact with others. Relationships can be very rewarding with an expansion of love and pleasure possible. At this time you are able to be very clear and aboveboard with other people, bringing out your desires and differences between yourself and others in a way that is unlikely to offend or stir up hostility.

Because you appear confident, others are inclined to follow your lead now. You may play a leadership role in a group or organization that you are affiliated with or take some initiative in a group situation. You are fired up about your ideals and can stir others to action. Team sports and group efforts of any kind appeal to you now.

Communication and negotiations regarding joint finances, shared assets and investments, and property or anything else you own in common with another person, are likely now. It is a good time to get such affairs in order. Discussions about death are also likely to arise, both over legalities wills, inheritances, and so on , and the more emotional, personal aspects of it.

This is a very positive time in your marriage or closest one-to-one relationships. Your need to be together and to share loving feelings is very strong. You want to give to your friends and loved ones and may spend generously in order to make them happy. You may also meet someone now who is very good for you.

This is a very favorable time for meeting people, particularly potential friends or romantic partners. You are feeling especially open-hearted and will find that others are very receptive to your friendly overtures. You want companionship and affection very much at this time and will not want to go it alone.

If you are married, the love and attention you give to your mate will make your relationship much smoother and happier. This is a time to lift yourself out of your usual mundane concerns in order to get a larger perspective on your life. You seek new vistas and broader horizons through traveling, studying, or reading about foreign cultures or by seeking out people with greater experience, insight, and knowledge than your own.

A teacher or mentor may be particularly important to you now. This is a good time to plan or take a journey to a distant land. Travel and exposure to new ideas and ways of thinking about the world interest you now. You may meet and learn from someone from another culture or with vastly different beliefs and experiences than your own.

Philosophical discussions or studies are also on the agenda. A dose of tender loving care may be needed in a close relationship at this time. You may have to increase the amount of nurturing and support you give to your spouse, children, or other loved ones as well how much you require in return.

You must learn to integrate your mutual needs for love and acceptance by opening the lines of communication between the two of you. This is also a time when you should take care of your health, such as developing better dietary habits.

Demands or obligations in your work or personal life can cause you to avoid relating on an intimate basis with others at this time. There may be a lack of support or indifference to your own needs which you sense on either an internal or external level.

You are not interested in wasting your energy on work or relationships that conflict with your personal ambitions or your well-being. But it is difficult to determine at this time if it is your own insecurity or other people who cause you be unclear as to your personal goals.

Hard work is indicated if you are to apply your efforts with concentration and commitment. You might have to justify your need to work alone to those persons who rely upon your involvement and attention.

  1. Gemini Decan 3 - Media Gods & Business Tycoons!
  2. linternaute horoscope vierge.
  3. aquarius man aquarius woman sexually compatible.
  4. Gemini Monthly Horoscope.
  5. Gemini Decan 3 ~ General Meaning!
  6. Financial or business affairs are favored at this time and you may meet a benefactor through friends or in a social atmosphere.

    You are likely to get both the financial backing and the emotional support you need to succeed. On a personal level, intimate relationships are intensified.

    Gemini Ascendant Horoscope

    Either you or your partner want a deeper union. Career planning strategies or thinking of concrete ways to make your dreams into realities as well as sharing your thoughts on these matters with a few significant others should be very fruitful now. It is a good time to communicate with someone in a position to help you achieve your aspirations.

    Retreating from confrontation and allowing matters to take their own course may well be the best path now. Though not the most auspicious time to act on your own behalf, this is a good time to do things that benefit others. Selfless work is likely to be the most satisfying avenue for you now.

    You may experience mental strain and tension caused by difficulties and interruptions in your work, relationships or personal plans. You may have to choose between your personal fulfillment and your work. Or a relationship may cause you more annoyance than usual, and you are indecisive about whether or not it is in your best interest to remain with this person.

    There can be unpleasant and rigid schedules at work that infringe upon your freedom. A minor health problem may require you to take off from work or it may hinder your productivity on the job. This would be a favorable time to reflect upon your attitudes and opinions with regard to your personal life and career.

    You may need to alter some of your views in order to make more progress in these areas. Your career, reputation, role in the community, and contribution to the world are very important to you at this time, and you can make significant gains regarding your ambitions.

    This is an excellent time to ask for a promotion, or to engage the support of those in positions of higher authority. The exotic and unknown have much more appeal to you than the familiar. Also, sharing and comparing your spiritual, religious, or philosophical interests with a friend or loved one may open up a whole new dimension of your relationship.

    Involvement in clubs, social organizations, or any other group to which you belong is likely to be a focus at this time. You may be asked to take responsibility or even a leadership role or to contribute and participate more fully than you have in the past.

    You will enjoy being part of a team or group effort now. Being part of a community or circle of friends and building your social network is important to you at this time. Your career, social standing, or reputation is favored at this time, especially by making personal contact with superiors or by socializing and making friendly contacts at work.

    You may make a good friend or meet someone beautiful and charming through your work. Now is also a good time to enhance your public standing and to create good will with the public. This is a time for positive, decisive action on your part, forging ahead, taking the initiative.

    Try not to do so in a completely insensitive, arrogant manner as this will almost certainly work against you. You are decisive and forthright and your energy level is high. You appear rather headstrong and most people will stay out of your way, or let you take the lead. You may even provoke them in an unnecessarily forceful or inconsiderate manner.

    Now is the time to act, but try not to be foolhardy or step on too many toes. You may have the advantage of keeping other people from getting in the way of your work and personal goals now.

    Their contact would be helpful now, but you may determine it is best to keep certain facets of your business and personal affairs to yourself. It may be that you are more focused and devoted to your own well-being, so any commitment or dedication outside of your personal or vocational needs has no purpose for you.

    However self-absorbing this sounds, it can still be a fortunate period in which to find your own satisfaction and rewards in your work and personal endeavors.

    Do you know your planet Mercury ?

    If you belong to any club or organization, you are likely to be involved in group discussions, planning sessions, or committees at this time. You will want to socialize and talk with people you share common interests and ideals with. Meeting with people who share common ideals or purposes, either on a professional or personal level, will be very successful now.

    You have a friendly, cooperative attitude that will help such gatherings flow smoothly. You need and want to socialize now.

    Parties or other gala events are favored. Getting together with a group of friends to play music or sing would be very satisfying. You can have a great deal of nervous energy running through your body now. This can be exciting and it stimulates you to move quickly and to try new things.

    However, it is important not to get too high-strung as this can cause rifts with others or result in accidents. Get your unique Personalized Horoscope for the year ahead—over pages long—for a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more.

    See also Gemini Monthly Horoscopes. For those of you born with your Ascendant or Sun in the second ten degrees of Gemini 10 to 20 degrees Gemini , this is your daily horoscope guide to the month ahead.

    During this time, you will concentrate your thoughts on your own individual direction. You aspire to put your creative planning and intelligence into outlets which enhance your self-image and meet with approval from others.

    This is a favorable period to assert your personal ideas and skills with confidence, faith and determination. However, even though you feel assertive, be careful of overloading yourself with too many projects. You can attract persons who are well-informed, high-spirited, inventive, and talented.

    These people can provide you with fresh ideas and new insights into the arts or healing techniques for the body and mind. You find yourself pulling away from people at this time and, even if you tell yourself you want to form or maintain a close relationship, you have some difficulty doing so. It is hard to put your best foot forward right now; all of your flaws or insecurities seem right at the surface.

    On another level, you may feel something or someone in your environment is blocking, interfering, delaying, or pressuring you in ways that are difficult to address or rectify at the present moment. Patience, steadiness, perseverance, and forbearance may well be the only way to meet these challenges.

    Try to avoid a negative, pessimistic, or self-pitying attitude, too. If you cannot maintain a positive momentum, at least have the grace not to blame other people or yourself. Whatever frustrations occur can help you define or redefine things in your life, especially in your relations with others.

    This time can be spent sharing and participating in family activities or in pursuing creative endeavors. You feel a bit more energy and vitality in your domestic relationships. This may be because you give them with your undivided attention and show concern for the interests of others.

    You want everyone in your family circle to reap the benefits of good health, sound nutrition, and security. It is easier for you to take care of others now and provide them with assurance of your reliability.

    This is an excellent time for involvement with children, as they sense your confidence and therefore feel more secure and protected in your care. You may be able to see your place in relationships more clearly now. You have a more detached perspective which can help you understand the meaning of your contacts with others. You can present yourself with greater dignity and awareness of purpose.

    You can even change the way people see you. Work wisely now and you will find a more effective means of defining and achieving your goals. Greater responsibility and concern over business affairs, joint finances, and anything you own in common with another are on the agenda. You may feel burdened by the commitments for support which you have pledged, or you suddenly find a source of income that you relied upon is no longer available to you.

    This is definitely not a good time to initiate business ventures or go into debt. This may be a good time to face your fears of mortality and perhaps begin to rectify some of your ways in accordance with your awareness of its inevitability.

    For those of you born with your Ascendant or Sun in the third decanate of Gemini 20 to 30 degrees Gemini , this is your daily horoscope guide to the month ahead. You are not likely to be very gregarious or sociable now, and you may feel that you cannot be openly affectionate with someone you care about.

    You may have romantic yearnings for someone that is unavailable to you, and great discretion regarding this relationship may be called for. On the other hand, a friend or loved one may need you very much. You could be called upon to give to or care for them without getting much personal enjoyment or pleasure at the moment, except through serving them in an unselfish way.

    You can come across as someone lively and full of passion right now. This can help you influence others, sell your ideas or beliefs, or impress them with your energy.

    It is possible, however, that some people may experience you as coming on a little too strong now. Listen to your audience so that your communications will be as effective as possible.

    Those in your environment are irascible and quarrelsome; they may attempt to embroil you in their disputes. What begins as a high energy competition or purposeful activity may turn nasty. It will be difficult for you to stay out of it; your inclination now is to do something. It would be much better for you to go solo right now rather than attempt a cooperative endeavor.

    Unexpected increases or overexpansion creates inconvenience and stress at this time. Too many opportunities for social, professional, or community involvements can leave you feeling overwhelmed and stretched to the breaking point.

    This need not be troublesome if you are willing to decline some of the invitations and potential for growth which are offered now. Undue restlessness, insatiability, or a desire for something out of your present grasp is also likely. Note that the precise timing of this astrological influence is very dependent on the exact birth time, so the dates given are accurate only if your birth time is very accurate.

    A burst of inspiration, playfulness, and energy for creative projects infuses this time period. Relationships with children are likely to be excellent, as you are feeling more free and childlike in many ways yourself. Personal inhibitions are discarded rather easily now and this opens up all kinds of new possibilities both creatively and romantically.

    You can meet people who are intense and powerful during this cycle. You might feel manipulated by them, but they can teach you to examine your own beliefs more deeply. You come across as somewhat intense at this time and may not have a great deal of objectivity. However, your beliefs can be expressed with passion and power. Natal Report Your personality based on the analysis of your natal chart.

    Synastry The comparative analysis of both charts in your relationship. Forecasts Transits Your astrology forecasts dated from the analysis of your planetary transits. Solar return Your annual astrology forecasts from the analysis of birthday and natal charts.

    During the week of 16, the Sun is in opposition to your decan and you will feel discouraged, especially in your relationship with others. In the week of 16 you will realize that with Mars in dissonance you will have a hard time combining your professional life with your family life.

    You need to unwind With Mercury in opposition in the week of 30, you may experience misunderstandings because it's hard for you to communicate with your partner or co-workers.

    Make efforts by changing your point of view and by keeping your ego to yourself. Gemini, do you know your zodiac sign? Curious, observant and happy, your zodiac sign is an air sign connected to Mercury, symbol of intelligence, traveling and communication