Todays 23 february birthday horoscope washington post

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A brighter future is about to bloom. You may be in the mood to do something dramatic today but the planets urge you to think carefully before you act. If you push too hard or too soon you could easily overreach yourself. If you go to extremes over the next 24 hours it could cause problems in the early part of the new year. Maybe just this once you should err on the side of caution.

Do you follow your instincts or do you follow what someone who seems to know more about a situation than you do suggests? Only you can decide but chances are they actually know less than they claim, so maybe your instincts are safer. Would they feel sorry for you if the roles were reversed? Their loss is your gain. Because of their fragile ego, they require frequent validation of their magnificence e.

But it's worth it, because you'll enjoy their loving, affectionate nature as well as their attempts to seduce you with foreplay that will go on for the entire evening.

Virgos tend to appear sweet, chaste and uninterested in sex at first blush. But don't let that fool you because they can be highly sexual and sensual, especially when they feel secure. They have to find a balance between being a pleaser and needing things to be perfect.

The good news is they take pride at being good at whatever craft they practice - and lovemaking is no exception. Don't look for a lot of "fancy-sex," but they can provide you with a well-designed and earthy lovemaking experience you'll enjoy. The secret is to get them to relax before sex by touching or massaging them.

Linda C. Black

Libras are among the most sensuous signs of the zodiac. They appreciate beautiful things and are usually quite refined with excellent tastes and delicate sensibilities. Never be crude with them because it will turn them off.

Because they are extremely verbal and sociable, they get sexually turned on through mental stimulation and verbal foreplay. Their sexual passion comes out with flirting and playful banter.

Libras are sensually aroused by anything that aesthetically pleases them: They love the ambiance of luxurious surroundings, and respond well to foreplay that includes candles, verbal encouragement and slow touching.

Scorpios have a well-deserved reputation for being seductive, lustful and highly sexual when they are truly engaged in a relationship. They tend to be intense and highly erotic, often a little kinky because nothing is off limits to their passionate desires.

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Because they're not normally into casual sex, they need to feel a deep emotional connection before becoming really intimate. Often there is a great deal of drama and conflict in their sexual relationships because of their possessive nature and need for power and control.

Expect them to possess you like a soul mate - not just a bedmate. Sagittarius are the Peter Pans of the zodiac.

They are wanderers and seekers who are flirty, charming, affectionate and intellectually interesting. Sex is just their idea of a good time.

If Today is Your Birthday

Expect them to be playful, adventurous and unafraid of trying something new. They tend to get bored rather easily, so they need spontaneity, and often variety in their sex lives. They are fun, loving and a great joy to be around. The secret to engaging them is to avoid being possessive or restricting their freedom.

Capricorns, despite their buttoned up conservative nature, have a well-deserved reputation for being one of the most highly sexed and sensual signs of the zodiac.

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Don't look for them to be into "public displays of affection. They are goal-oriented, and may try to impress you to win your heart and libido. Capricorns are patient and enjoy courting and seducing their love interest. As a lover, they have great sexual stamina and love to please and be pleased.

Aquarians are unconventional lovers who come across as being very casual rather than overtly sexual. Your first responsibility is to take care of yourself. Boredom gets a bad rap. Extreme boredom can cause a person to wander into his or her own brilliance.

Horoscopes - Washington Times

So when things slow down, don't rush to check your email or get sucked into social media. Sit out the long moment. It's once again time to ask yourself why you're doing it. The reasons have changed or maybe gotten lost. A good answer to the question "why?

Sometimes we blame others — partners, employers, the government — for not giving us what we want when the real problem is that we're just not letting ourselves have it.

Open your hands, arms, spirit to the thing. If you spend enough time around very selfish or self-absorbed people, then the parts of you that don't get seen will be in danger of diminishing. Counteract the effect with exposure to the spiritually generous. People say the game is rigged, but don't let that stop you from playing.

If it's a good enough game, it will be beneficial to play whether or not you win, rendering any "rigging" irrelevant.

What would happen if you had to completely and totally mind your own business for the extent of the journey?


There's something that can only be solved by shutting out the rest of the world. Positive role models are wonderful, and you've known plenty of them, but if they're scarce today. Don't worry — reverse-role models who represent what you don't want are equally motivating, if not much more so. You don't have to win to be confident.