Aquarius daily horoscope 14 january 2019

  1. The Globe and Mail
  2. Jan. 14: Your daily horoscope
  3. Daily Planetary Overview
  4. Aquarius Horoscope Today -

Don't give too much away. You need to work more closely with other people and you need to realize that while your opinions may differ on a range of issues it need not spoil your relationship.

The Globe and Mail

It is one of the wonders of life that opposites often work well together. Try not to get carried away with ideas of your own brilliance over the next 48 hours, because later on you may realize that you have missed something that is of great importance.


Your ego can be your biggest friend — and your biggest enemy. The sun in Capricorn at this time of year does wonders for your confidence and you certainly believe that all things are possible. However, other influences warn you should limit your activities this weekend to areas where you know what you are doing.

  • Aquarius Horoscope;
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You may not be overly emotional by nature but you have your moments and you will certainly feel deeply about something over the next 48 hours. The good news is this is the perfect time to let others know how much you care for them. Life seems to be moving at a faster pace every day, and yes it is enjoyable, but there is a danger that in your eagerness to get ahead you might overlook some small but incredibly important detail.

Slow down — before something slows you down!

Jan. 14: Your daily horoscope

If you are too free and easy with your money this weekend you could regret it later in the month, so think before you buy. Yes, of course, there are more important things in life than cash but it's still a crime to squander your resources. You need a challenge that will bring out the best in you and what happens over the next few days will test you in ways you had not expected.

You cannot help but succeed, so long as you have learned from recent mistakes. It may seem to friends and relatives that you are aiming too high but you know that the higher you aim the more likely it is that you will realize your dreams.

Daily Planetary Overview

Believe in yourself and make impossible things happen. If anyone can do it, you can. What happens over the course of the weekend will open your eyes to new possibilities.

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The sun in Capricorn at this time of year is especially helpful for group activities, so get involved in team projects.

You'll be on the winning team, of course! For your extended forecast, call , or for credit-card access. We have closed comments on this story for legal reasons or for abuse. For more information on our commenting policies and how our community-based moderation works, please read our Community Guidelines and our Terms and Conditions.

Aquarius is known as the Sign of discoverers, inventors, adventurers and visionaries. Amiable and cheery by disposition, Aquarius-born tend to have a plenty of social charm. Aquarius natives may have a lot of acquaintances, but may have a very few close friends.

Even if some Aquarius may seem to lead an entirely mundane life, on some digging, you would find that they have attached, somehow, themselves to a charitable cause.

Aquarius Horoscope Today -

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