Sagittarius sagittarius compatibility love

  1. Sagittarius and Sagittarius Compatibility: Love, Sex & Relationships…
  2. Sagittarius And Sagittarius Compatibility
  3. Sagittarius ♐ And Sagittarius ♐ Compatibility, Love And Friendship
  4. The Archer in Relationships
  5. Sagittarius And Sagittarius Compatibility, Love And Friendship

The friendship often lasts a lifetime, primarily because no one else provides that level of adrenaline rush. They make each other laugh — humor is Sagittarian foreplay — they quote lines from favorite comedians and TV shows and use lots of innuendo and double entendres.

Sagittarius and Sagittarius Compatibility: Love, Sex & Relationships…

Sag are physical creatures — in the beginning of attraction expect goof ball stuff like arm wrestling and dropping ice cubes down shirts — which sometimes gets them slapped with other signs. Home is full of half unpacked suitcases and a vanity cupboard crammed with hotel shampoos and body washes.

Being an athletic couple, they cycle run and go to the gym — sometimes pushing each other to a level that causes injury. The legendary sense of humor takes a holiday when Sag is bed bound — they make dreadful patients and impatient carers. Most of the time this whirlwind couple live life joyously if not on the edge and create wonderful memories based on their latest adventures.

Sagittarius And Sagittarius Compatibility

Sag couples who have a long-distance relationship often forget to spend time nurturing their back-home partner and things just fizzle out.

Sag are also not particularly good at monogamy and usually have a lot of opportunity to cheat, given their globe-trotting lifestyle. Although they are adaptable and modern, they can, at times, fly off the handle. Sagittarius is ruled by the Planet Jupiter.


Expansion is the key word here; as both partners enjoy the acquisition of knowledge, they will carry over exiting ideas into their relationship. They must be mindful of over-indulgences, as such gluttony will only distract them.

Their charm and charisma make them a very pleasant couple not only to one another, but the entire crowd. Sagittarius is a Fire Sign. When these two Fire Signs come together, they merge to build a bigger flame.

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They constantly reach out together and experience life: They love to take trips more than just reading about places in tour books. Outgoing and friendly, it is the downfall of many Sagittarians to speak before thinking, thus finding themselves in an awkward social bind. Knowledge makes the world of a Sagittarian man go round.

He seeks to learn philosophy, religion, different cultures and meaning of life. This man will go to the farthest corner of the world in order to find answers to his queries and will only come back home when content with his new discovery.

Sagittarius ♐ And Sagittarius ♐ Compatibility, Love And Friendship

The Sage or the counselor of the Zodiac feels the need to discover in order to teach others. He will go where no one dares and will passionately pursue his dreams regardless the odds.

Sagittarius and Sagittarius Nature and Nuances:

Can an eternal wanderer stay in love? Yes, but she has to match him well. The Archer is looking for a woman who can love him faithfully and give him ample space for himself. He wants to be involved yet wants to be free. The perfect match for him is a woman who will not keep a noose on his neck and respect his independence.

Archers run away from too much drama so a cool headed lady will surely make him stay. Two people who think and feel alike always make a great couple.

In the case of two Sagittarians, fun and adventure begins and continues for as long as they have each other. These two are perfect travel companions.

The Archer in Relationships

Spontaneity will take them anywhere their hearts desire and just go where the winds blow. Friendship will be the springboard of their relationship. Best friends who might end up getting married later on.

The only downside to this matchup is that they are too alike. Sagittarians loved to be challenged even in love, so familiarity might lead to boredom.

Sagittarius And Sagittarius Compatibility, Love And Friendship

If they manage to take their relationship notches higher, this couple will have a smooth sailing one. Sagittarians are neither jealous nor possessive, so these two will be able to spend a lot of time together and apart.

Bickering and melodrama will be non-existent as these two dislike any form of emotional outburst.