Horoscope leo 21 february

Leo Daily Horoscope
  1. More Inspiration
  2. Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, February 21 | jakubzidek.cz
  3. Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, February 21
  4. Monthly Horoscope – Leo February 2018

But remember, like I mentioned before and this belief is not just my opinion, it's shared by many published astrologers dating back hundreds of years , if you are born on the day the Sun moves from one sign to another, you should consider yourself of two Star signs.

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My Star Sign calculator below will let you know if you are at a cusp, or if you have one whole sign. On the rest of this page I'll show some of the discrepancies in various Horoscope Date tables, and provide evidence to support my hypothesis that the only way to really know what star sign you are is to calculate it.

If you just want to know what Star Sign you are, you might want to just use the calculator above The following image is my favorite example that shows the sky split into 30 degree arcs, radiating from earth.

It's from a book by Comte C. A Simple Method of Casting Horoscopes. It shows an ancient tool, with the planets in each Zodiac sign radiating from Earth in 30 degree arcs. Each 30 degree arc is split into 3 Decans or Decanates.

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These are same degrees used in my Calculator although I have rotated mine by degrees. It's too complicated to get into here, but if you would like to learn more this Wikipedia page is a good place to start. Wherever you have Aquarius in your chart—and its ruler, Uranus—you have the potential to catch lightning a bottle because this sign and its planet carry associations with electricity and lightning and their equivalent on the inner plane: Despite the water in this symbol, Aquarius is an air sign: We also need to pay attention to sudden inspirations that come through hunches, intuition, and "eureka!

For you, Leo, the Sun, Mercury, south node, Venus, and new Moon in Aquarius are activating inner genius in your seventh house of marriage, business partnerships, and agreements.

Leo daily horoscope Febrary 22, 2018

Follow every hunch in these areas and open your heart to connect more lovingly with your partner at home or to show appreciation to your work partner if you have one.

Also, your seventh house rules agreements, so you may enter into a contract with a new business partner or sign with an advisor such as an agent or publicist who has a good chance of bringing your talents to a much wider audience. February brings you many opportunities to enjoy your married life or take a business partnership to a new level.

If you work in entertainment, this month also will bring opportunities for you to shine and feel loved by your fans.

In business, you have good prospects for talking to customers or meeting promising prospects. On February 6, Venus in your seventh house of partnerships and agreements will connect with Uranus in your international and education house.

Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, February 21 | jakubzidek.cz

Also, your spiritual life may deepen now: On the 13th, your ruler, the Sun, will talk to Uranus in your ninth house of long distance travel, higher education, and all things that expand you and your world.

Mardi Gras arrives on this day, so go to a party or event and get into the spirit of this holiday. On February 15—and for the week and half afterward—you can tap success by starting anything new related to your marriage, partnerships, alliances, and agreements once the new Moon arrives in brilliant Aquarius at 3: A solar eclipse comes just minutes before that—and the day brings harmonious angles between Mercury in your marriage and partnership house with Uranus in your ninth house of travel, foreign places, higher education, publishing, and broadcasting as well as between Venus in your shared financial house and Saturn in your house of work and health.

You also may receive a perk or small bonus recognizing your hard work at the office. On the 17th, this theme continues with the Sun and Mercury coming together in your partnership area for a final burst of thought provoking inspiration as well as possible new agreements, contracts, or alliances related to marriage, a business relationship, or your dealings with the public.

On February 18, energies shift to Pisces, as the Sun, your ruler, leaves your opposite sign of Aquarius for the sign of the Fish. Feel the change from air to water, from electricity to "see in the dark" intuition.

Pisces always activates your introspective eighth house, where you focus on deep inner reflection, personal renewal, and spiritual investigations.

Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, February 21

Ground your focus on yourself in something to serve others, as the Sun and Saturn will bless practical efforts. That can feel exciting for a while, yet it can leave us drained, too. Also, you already may feel a bit depleted: Aquarius time comes after the Capricorn time of year, a sober period when we feel conscientious and work very hard. We began January with four planets in heavy duty Capricorn, and by mid-month we had two more for a total of six.

You can plan your life with astrology by building in time to pause. Each month, the planets bring regular times that favor slowing down and reflecting:.

This month brings several key dates to watch as you plan your month.

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Mark your calendar and take action or rest as recommended on the dates listed here, as your efforts can bring impressive progress now. Make time for your spiritual life: The "cross quarter day" called Groundhog Day, Imbolc, or Candlemas.

Get out and meet new people. Greenwich time , lovely Venus moves into Pisces, a sign she adores visiting. Go to a dance recital, concert, or art museum or pull out your art supplies to create a dream-inspired masterpiece.


If you give in, it will be a waste of valuable energy. Your relationship has been slowly suffocating under the weight of unspoken issues and unaddressed problems. You have been avoiding them for fear that facing them will lead to the breakdown of your relationship.

Monthly Horoscope – Leo February 2018

However, you will be in an unusually confrontational mood today and are willing to look at all the issues that had seemed wrong to you previously. Understand compatibility with love horoscope. Check love percentage using love calculator. If you are unemployed, an opportunity may knock your door. Grab it with both the hands.

You have nothing to lose.