Pisces weekly astrology forecast february 21 2019 michele knight

  1. Pisces February 2018 Love Tarot Reading
  2. Aries Horoscope - by Michele Knight
  3. The week ahead for aries

You begin December with the quest to achieve more freedom and a bigger, bolder, more immersive life experience as your top priority, Aries.

Examining just how, why or what is preventing you from experiencing this could just be a quest in itself. Make no mistake, you are on a journey this December whether it is a real or a metaphorical one.

Asking yourself where you are on it will be extremely helpful in charting the next part of your course. Imagine your goal on the horizon — how near or far does it look to you? What if anything, stands between you and it? Mars in your 12 th is a power position for your ruler. Spiritual fortitude, bravery and determination push you forward when it comes to uncovering the truth now.

You are able to bring fearless insight into any situation as well as the steel of creativity and desire to know more. Especially the inner workings of your mind. You could have a moment or rare illumination on the 3 rd when the Sun in your 9 th angles to Mars and then Neptune on the 5 th.

Pisces February 2018 Love Tarot Reading

Whether this revelation is what you want remains to be seen but it is what you need to know in order to identify what stands between you, freedom and those big dreams and desires. Once you do see it, act on the information especially after Mercury in your sector of change, heads direct.

Paradoxically, this can also be the point you shrug off worries and cares or simply put things back in perspective. Shifting our thoughts about something is usually all we need to do to transform a problem.

The first part of the month hands you this unique gift so use it, Aries. The new Moon in your 9 th marks one of the most powerful new beginnings you may have experienced for some time.

Especially as it occurs the same day as Mars and Neptune meet in your 12 th. The past blends seamlessly into the present and the future now as something could well arise from it.

Travel, embarking on a course of study, news, contracts, overseas contacts, paperwork and something just coming full circle but in a new way, could be set to expand your outlook — and those ideas about what is possible for you in the coming year.

Just be aware that until it passes out of the shadow period, plans can go back and forth and are also still subject to delay. Bear this in mind especially if you are travelling this holiday season as your 9 th rules long distance travel, airlines and mass transportation.

Are you looking back at with satisfaction when it comes to what you have achieved, Aries?

Aries Horoscope - by Michele Knight

Above all, take a moment as the solstice approaches to celebrate your person achievements and acknowledge how well you have handled things and just how far you have come.

Especially when placed in a larger context over the past seven years. By now you should have embraced who you truly are and your outer appearance as well as your ideas and how you meet the world, should have also shifted along with this. Ask yourself if not now, then when? Opportunities and that freedom I mentioned, are yours to claim now as for the first time in 12 years, Mercury meets Jupiter in its ruling 9 th on the 21 st — the same day the Sun arrives in your 10 th.

How far can you go in the coming year? Or just how far can those ideas, your talents and abilities take you? And to showcase what is unique about you at the same time.

No matter where or who this happens to be. Create that wherever you find yourself. Time to heal any issues with family members. Who do you call family? Where are your roots and who or what are you pulled towards? Full Moons always shine on the opposite house to where they appear.

So security issues which this one may well stir up, impact on your career. And how this can be used to establish that feeling of stability that makes all other dreams possible — and sustains you at the same time.

For the time being however — sentimental you rules this festive season. Give in and share the love. Ruler Mars wants you to end the year on a high note. Mars angles to the North Node in your 4 th of family, home and roots. Remember, this includes your soul family as well as the one you were born into.

Home is that corner of the earth that feels right for you and where you can live your purpose — and again, this may or may not be where you were born or even living now. Mars is also set to meet Chiron in your 12 th on the 29 th.

This is pointing the way to you setting in motion and then fulfilling, a radical and exciting change for And yes, it forms part of your destiny.

Along this path you are going to meet people with whom you have made agreements over many lifetimes and all this is aligned to your karma, fate, destiny — whatever you want to call it. Your way to initiate this cycle is to be uniquely and unashamedly yourself — no matter how radical this may feel to begin with. The gift you can give yourself this season, and one which will bring you the most value is the freedom to do just that.

This is your path to bigger opportunities, travel and freedom in Step past those invisible barriers between you and those big dreams.

Virgo Monthly Astrology Forecast February 2018

And step into a cycle of expansion that takes you on into The first day of the New Year sees ruler Mars arrive in your sign. January begins with four planets in their ruling signs — Mars being one of them. For you, this means they are also in their ruling houses in your chart also giving you the ability to maximise all this potential.

You should be filled with confidence, dynamic energy and courage putting you in a go-getting mood. Whether this is just in your head or in the outside world your drive and determination plus a large helping of big dreams, will see you through. You want something to show for your efforts and also thanks to Jupiter in your 9th, you are craving freedom too.

As far as your work goes, if you have ever thought about starting your own business and being your own boss, this is your year. No matter whether you decide to release your inner entrepreneur or look to improving your current work situation, you are very much going to be running — and starring in, your own show in However, that does not mean you will be flying solo however.

When your birthday season begins in March love, partnerships and above all, relating will take on a new meaning for you.

The week ahead for aries

This is due to two rare full Moons in your 7th house across two consecutive months. The first, on the 21st March is actually a Supermoon. The second one appears on April Especially as the day after the second full Moon in your 7th appears, Venus the ruler of your 7g house, enters your 1st making this an enchanted time for relationships and your power to attract.

You are getting an extra dose of love potion from Venus due to her moving from your 1st on into her ruling 2nd until the beginning of June. So you can fully explore the potential unleashed by the two full Moons. So, you could fall in love with someone much older or younger, from another country or from a very different background to yours.

For you, love knows no borders in Your birthday season also asks you to release your inner rock star. You began the year with retrograde Uranus in your sign having a brief re-visit. Uranus went direct on January 6 and by March 6 has re-entered Taurus — this time for good.

Music may take on a new meaning in your life especially modern music. Your taste in music may change or undergo a radical shift. A beat to whatever it is you do that you did not have before.

However, Uranus in your 2nd will not just be bringing you alternative bands, but also altering the way you look at your money and your value system. You may find yourself looking past the pounds, dollars, euros, yen or even Bitcoin and asking yourself: Am I selling out? How does having this add real value to my life?

These are the kinds of questions you may not have asked yourself until now and with Uranus involved the answers you receive may surprise you. How you earn your money may change as well as your attitude towards it. Again, Uranus is the ruler of the inventor, the entrepreneur, the visionary maverick who rides the next wave before anyone else knows just what, when or where that may happen.

You could be the idea whose time has come. Big ideas are just one possibility that can open your eyes to a whole new world of experience thanks to Jupiter in its ruling 9th in your chart for 11th months of the year. I truly appreciate it: To order a personal reading, please visit my online store http: Copies fade to fast.

Horoscope, tarot reading for Pisces, February , by psychic medium Sasha Bonasin. To book a personal reading visit www. Check out my e-book "50 Little Moments of Love" https: Ways to support my channel: The Romance Angels by Doreen Virtue: Thank You for Subscribing! Blessings and Abundance, Kelley http: Queen Of Cups Tarot.

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Quick readings are written or voice recorded only 3 questions only! I deal with love, general, career and finance matters. Readings are either video recorded, voice recorded or written depending on what you prefer. You will receive your reading via email once payment is verified. Please inbox me with your questions and what you would like to cover in your reading.

I can not stress it hard enough to please beg you to pay very close attention to this month! This might turn out to be the most important month in this year. Turning point in your life! My dearest Girls and boys, but mostly Girls. My heart is fully connected with every each and one of you! My name is Alla.

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And I am a psychic, a very powerful empath , medium, clairvoyant, clairaudient There are many names but all of them can be combined in one. I like to call myself a candle in the dark room.

To bring a little bit of warmth and a little bit of Light to those who needs them with the help of the Gift I was born with.

I do not limit myself. I will tell you all I must, and you can ask me any questions you want. I prefer not to do recorded video readings, unless absolutely necessary.

In this case, a video will be around 30 min and the price will be the same. Also the questions you want me to answer. I will also need your phone number, because I will be the one calling you.