Single sagittarius monthly horoscope

  1. Sagittarius monthly horoscope - December 2018
  2. Sagittarius monthly horoscope - December
  3. Sagittarius Love & Money For January 2019

You need to find more faith in yourself. There may be some clashes between you and a partner.

Sagittarius monthly horoscope - December 2018

You may be finding your feet in relation to one another due to differences in thoughts. If unmarried, you may feel some distance, whether physical, emotional or mental with your lover.

On the 16th, the sun moves into Sagittarius and you will find yourself brimming with positive thoughts. Your family life feels harmonious and bountiful. There may be an opportunity to travel with your loved ones. Your attitude will resonate well with others who respond to the energy that you are pouring out.

Remember, what we put out we get back tenfold. You are lucky in practically every situation you encounter. With Mercury in Scorpio, you need to plan for the future in a calm and concentrated way.

You may also need to rekindle certain areas of your life where the spark may have dimmed. Venus in Libra brings about desired and beautiful results. Love relationships are at their zenith.

Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope 2019 ~ Eclipse Special

You will enjoy the twin pleasures of travel and food. With Mars in Aquarius, you will be drawn to taking many short and sweet trips but do be cautious of your health. Are you saying something to help or hurt?

Sagittarius monthly horoscope - December

A long awaited candlelight dinner with your beloved is on the cards. Make the most of it and convey your true feelings to your partner. There could be several social do's coming up over the first weekend of the month; attending this seems to be a good idea as the planets say you are bound to meet someone special. This social gathering that you attend may turn out to be the biggest stroke of luck in your life as you meet your soul mate there.

You will enjoy this person's company and there are indications of this developing into a romantic affair. The good news is that he or she will be eager to reciprocate your feelings and will stand by you through thick and thin. However, mid month, be cautious and conscious, as chances of facing some problems, initially, do exist.

Some of you have a great reason to be happy as you will be successful in finding the person of your dreams. Some of you may have been facing slight problems in your relationship- all you need to do is communicate, and openly at that.

If some of you find yourself in a relationship that demands a lot of sacrifices from you, talk about it. Those who are in love for the first time will have to express your true feelings.

Do this and you will realise that this special someone reciprocates it, too.

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Generally, this is a time when all the romantic alliances will be content. This month you will be successful in carving a niche for yourself as you make some wise decisions. Your professional life will reach great heights if you avoid the tried and tested methods and start thinking out of the box.

Accept any offers of promotion that you get, as it will be in your best interest. Also, think hard before taking any hasty decisions and think about your career from a long-term perspective.

Don't let your low self-confidence get the better of you, as it will hamper your growth. Great opportunities don't come knocking at your door everyday so grab it while you can. However, this is only an indication you need to put in extra efforts to succeed.

Professionals engaged in the fields of PR and banking in particular will have to make special efforts to achieve your desired results. At work, things would change for better in the month end when expected success comes you way without much effort.

Do not to assign important work to an unreliable person. Also, admitting your mistakes will also go in your favour. All mainstream horoscopes are written using solar houses, which, in others words, is writing for your ascendant.

If you do not know your ascendant please use this free chart maker to find it. Once you have done that you can also read more about your rising decan and star too!

It is the most personal point of your chart and the only one Along with your ruling planet that really describes you personally and your incarnation for this lifetime. The ascendant is also the relationship axis, so the influences above will play out mostly in how the subject relates to others.

Sagittarius Love & Money For January 2019

No matter how hard they try, they cannot avoid meeting the shadow in their romantic relationships. Sometimes this will cause them to become celibate, since their obsessive partners are just too distracting from the important work they have to do. It is a position of extremes where these natives will be either very successful or utter failures.

Unfortunately, if they do fail in a project that they had invested high emotions into, they can become violent or severely depressed at the perceived rejection from the public or their loved ones.

They can attract very possessive partners or themselves be very jealous in relationships. When rising it can mean a wise and clever man, but can also indicate an individual trained in various tricks, a liar who deceives with different kinds of plots.

These folk seem to choose partners that force them to choose between their love life and their duty as a parent or child.

The marriage they make may cause them to be exilled from their family or from their country of birth. However the exiled scenario with the partner will only be the most dramatic manifestation of this position. Instead sometimes Ascendant Sagittarius 2 prefers to stay single because their choice of partner would be too taboo or contraversial for the public.

Usually Ascendant Sagittarius 2 will be quite pleased to take on the role of someone who questions how the world is run and wants to make a difference. The more evolved souls will use their natural wisdom to educate the masses to the evils and injustices that they come across in their lives.

Leonardo Di Vinci is a great example of the profound genius and inventiveness that consumed his soul, so much so that he never had time for a partner.

Sagittarius 2019 Horoscope ♐ Tarot month to month! 🎉

Sometimes these folk deliberately choose a partner with a tainted reputation to stick two fingers up to the world or their prim parents. The most cunningly clever among these folk, will be deadly on a grand scale.

Sagittarius can do great environmental work, but only if they keep themselves grounded and in touch with nature.

  1. ;
  2. Monthly Horoscope: Predictions for Sagittarius.
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  4. If their idealism loses touch with 3D reality then the consequences can be dire. A feeling that one has suffered at the hands of others or has been subject to rumours. A life journey struggling against criticism.

    In reality, it is usually a case of projection. These folk have to try twice as hard as most people to project a trustful nature because they just act so darn shifty so much of the time. Sadly these folk are sometimes just extremely uncomfortable with any scrutiny at all and feel like they are being judged.

    Sagittarius 3 rising are so used to being ostracised that they find it hard to settle into being accepted. It can become a self-fulfilling prophecy when their un-ease and shifty eyes are read as being guilty of some great crime.

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    These folk actually do very well in service to others since they have to try extra-hard to gain acceptance. It is ironic, therefore, that Sagittarius 3 rising usually live quite exemplary lives despite an often less than perfect reputation. Skip to content Search for: