Aquarius february 2019 monthly horoscope

Aquarius Horoscope 2019 Keywords
  1. Monthly Horoscope by Moon Sign
  2. Horoscopes
  3. Daily horoscope
  4. Aquarius February Monthly Horoscope Predictions |

Superiors would recognize your skills. Some of you may get a chance for going abroad. Your dreams of migrating to distant lands would come true. You should avoid duplicity in thoughts which probably may hold up your work. People you trusted may try to cheat you all of a sudden, be aware of it. Your personal relationships would be good.

In social life, you would meet with people from different cultures. Your attention to health would keep you energetic and happy.

Your love would culminate in marriage this month. You would try your level best to maintain your love relationship. Your domestic life would go on as usual. You should fulfill the commitments towards your partner.

AQUARIUS: January 2019, February 2019, March 2019, April 2019 HOROSCOPE PSYCHIC TAROT READING

A new proposal for marriage would be finalized from your end. Divine Technique for Marital Harmony: Your financial graph would go on normally. No need to worry about expenditures which would be maintained properly.

Monthly Horoscope by Moon Sign

You gain recognition and even honours. Conforming to horoscopes, those of you looking to pay off debt, refinance existing debt or who are searching for outside capital have wonderful aspects most of the year.

This is a year to be achieving these kinds of goals. Those of you involved in tax issues, insurance claims or estates will also hear good news now. Financial opportunity will come through an uncanny ability to see value where others see only death, decay or junk.

Troubled companies, troubled properties perhaps even troubled people that everyone has given up on, junk that floats around in attics or garages all have profit potential for you, if you keep your eyes open.

Health was good last year and should be good again this year.


There are no major long-term planets stressing you this year but health should get even better after September 25th when Jupiter makes a harmonious aspect to you.

Yet, in spite of these wonderful aspects, I see a very strong 6th House of Health. There is intense interest in this field. I read this as an interest in keeping fit, preventive types of medicine, diet and exercise.

You are undertaking health regimes and disciplined ones not because of sickness, but for prevention, just for the sake of staying fit.

Saturn is now in your 6th House of Health for the next two years or so. This is showing many things. More attention needs to be paid to your spine, knees, teeth and skeletal alignment than usual. Nothing wrong with these but problems if they happen, are likely to begin there.

Regular visits to a chiropractor or osteopath would be advisable. Therapies such as Alexander Technique, which targets the posture and skeletal alignment, would also be good. Though you personally are very experimental and love new things merely because they are new, this year, health wise, you are much more conservative.

2019 Horoscope Month by Month

You want therapies that have proven themselves over time. You are concerned with long-term health. Saturn also happens to be your Spiritual Planet.

Daily horoscope

He is the Lord of your 12th Solar House. You are also exploring spiritual-type therapies probably the tried-and-true ones like prayer, meditation, laying on of hands and the like.

You will get good results from these things. Your Spiritual Planet in your House of Health shows that the major health lesson is to seek healing from within.

Your connection to the Higher Power is the most important healer. Yes, there is a Divine Physician within to which you have access and connection with this brings enduring health.

The Moon is your Health Planet. Since the Moon rules the stomach and breasts, these organs are also unusually important for overall health. The Moon rules moods, feelings and emotions hence emotional health is part and parcel of physical health. Negative moods are not only unpleasant but have a direct, dramatic, impact on overall health.

This is true for everyone to some degree but especially for you. Since the Moon rules the stomach, diet is more of an issue for you than for most people.

Good nutrition is important and consulting with an expert in these things is advisable but just as important as WHAT you eat is HOW you eat. Meals should be taken in a relaxed and calm way. Your thoughts should be elevated and many religious practices make ritual out of eating for this very reason.

It has important health benefits as well. Scientific studies have been done that show the impact of thought on the molecular structure of food.

The Moon moves through your entire Horoscope every month, the fastest of all the planets. Healing can come to you in many ways and through many instruments. Health needs can fluctuate weekly and daily depending on what is going on with thThe health, where she is and the aspects she receives.

These short-term trends will be covered in the monthly forecasts.

Aquarius February Monthly Horoscope Predictions |

The health of a parent or parent figure seems vastly improved over last year. Health of children likewise. Though you may have more freedom in this area, you seem to lack the interest to capitalise on this freedom. The health state will be good to satisfactory all throughout , except some minor affections that may occur towards the middle or in the last part of the year.

You is one of the most favored zodiac signs by the stars in in love.

The year is divided into three big periods, during which somehow different influences are exerted, at least in terms of nuance and intensity. From the beginning of until April 8, Jupiter highlights different issues and debts from the past, which it will help us solve.

Also, the current partners share secrets and fully open up in front of those who they want to share their entire life with. The golden period is between April 8 and August During these four months is the best time to declare your love, to make a marriage proposal or to schedule one of the parties that we mentioned above engagement, wedding, christening.

You are not going to encounter such a favorable moment anytime soon, so it is best if you take full advantage of it. The end of is more relaxed in the relational life. This is the best time for scheduling a honeymoon even though, today, it often lasts only one week or ten days and for enjoying the company of your lover. If things are going great in the love life , the friendship relationships might suffer, starting from Some friends simply no longer click with the way you developed, and the relationships start to cool down on their own, during a long process that will continue in the following years.

The most compatible zodiac signs with the Aquarius in love are: Aries, Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius. The Aquarius, considered the genius of the zodiac since there are many scholars and geniuses minds in history that were born under this signs, wants freedom and understanding.

He needs to invent, to feel at ease and to be ready at any moment for a new adventure. Therefore, you will make a wonderful couple with the Sagittarius native, who will follow and support him through all the craziness of his life, and with the Aries, who will be a source of inspiration and endless ideas.

In , you desire to be rich, but money is not their ultimate goal. They are balanced people, who know to make the difference between desire and obsession, so you can never be seen making great sacrifices for money and wealth. You work a lot, you wish to learn and you are willing to offer yourself all the resources to reach as higher as they can on the social ladder.

In the same time though, they treat with great care their private and family life. A series of opportunities will occur especially in the first part of the year. If you want to work as a freelancer, is ideal to start. You will have the necessary optimism, enthusiasm, and energy for a good performance at work.

You will be very appreciated by your bosses and your colleagues. If you are looking for a job starting from June , when the house of work and career is governed by Jupiter, you have all the chances of finding what you are looking for.

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Take full advantage of this transit. Also, the presence of Saturn in the career house towards the end of will help you act with maturity and responsibility. Thus, you have all the chances to get promoted and to increase your income. The ascension in career or finding a new job will ensure all the money you need.

Taking into consideration that the finance life is also under the influence of Neptune during , you need to be very careful with the business and partnerships what you initiate.


Jupiter goes retrograde from April until August , a period in which the you must improve you their professional skills in order to complete your career projects and goals. Some Aquarius employees realize that they need to complete their studies or to learn new things. Therefore, the period between March and July is suitable for attending some online courses, for participating to conferences and workshops, for more reading, so that you can get everything or almost everything from the domain you want to excel.

In short, everything for personal development! Once you accomplish this, you can then set new goals, bolder than the ones you dare to dream now. Jupiter the planet of growth, prosperity, and development is in transit through the 10th house, the astrological house of career and public image. Due to this fact, you will enjoy public recognition and success in your professional life.

Their work gets appreciated, and many doors get open in their career — it can be a promotion, a new job offer or a diploma. You are satisfied with the way things go at work, they accept the challenges with no protest and you constantly set new objectives. This period is beneficial especially for those Aquarius natives that work in the field of public relations, administration, politics, arts, showbiz or press.

Between July 8 and August 1, Mercury will be retrograde in Cancer and can bring disagreements and different communication issues at work. This is not the best time for important meetings, conferences or for job interviews. The first part of May is oriented toward practical aspects, with emphasis on real estate, headquarters, proprieties, consumer goods, family business or work at home.

It is a complicated period when you progress with difficulty. The second part of May is more relaxing and richer in opportunities.