January 13 horoscope for aquarius

Aquarius Daily Horoscope January 13 2018
  1. Aquarius Horoscope Overview - jakubzidek.cz
  3. Aquarius: Your daily horoscope - December 28
  4. TimePassages Advanced Edition

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  2. Aquarius Daily Horoscope.
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What has your partner done for you lately, Aquarius? Keeping it real can be a bit of a challenge this year, with Jupiter in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces January 13, June 16, and September And in June, Venus in Gemini throws more fuel on the fire! Her aspects to Jupiter and Neptune on the twenty-third and twenty-fourth have you feeling fun and flirty… but the attraction may be quick to fizzle out.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope

Fortunately, Mercury will be spending two months in Pisces your second house of finance , giving you plenty of time to balance your checkbook. From February April 16, try keeping a money diary to track your expenses. Mercury goes retrograde three times this year—and for better or worse, Aquarius, all three happen in career and money houses.

Progress may be slow, but with the North Node in Cancer your sixth house of work , trust that things are moving in the right direction. The total solar eclipse in Cancer July 2 could signal a new direction.

Aquarius Horoscope Overview - jakubzidek.cz

Mercury conjuncts Mars twice this summer: With Mercury and other inner planets opposing Uranus, constant interruptions make it hard to keep your eye on the prize. Check the love potential between you and your partner or potential partner , and how you can improve your relationship. Horoscopes aquarius aries taurus gemini cancer leo virgo libra scorpio sagittarius capricorn aquarius pisces.

They have charisma and can draw people to them. Despite their intelligence and creativity, they are not difficult to know.

Though dedicated to making their personal lives a success, they are usually focused on something greater. They care about a number of issues -- politics, the environment, the economy -- and believe they can make a difference.


An Aquarius woman is unusual, startling, even unclassifiable. The typical Aquarian woman is atypical, unique. She wants to experience as much as possible and is not afraid of consequences. Every experience is valuable if it shows something about herself and the world.

Aquarius: Your daily horoscope - December 28

Intelligent and talented, she would rather be judged for her abilities than her glamour and sex appeal. There is nothing conventional about the Aquarian child.

This youngster enjoys going his or her own way and is apt to rebel for seemingly no reason.

10 Unknown Facts about Aquarius - Jan 20 - Feb 18 - Horoscope - Do you know ?

Although likely to be intelligent -- even brilliant -- he or she does not fit a prescribed image. Their curiosity is stronger than any other characteristic.

TimePassages Advanced Edition

The Aquarian child needs parents who encourage his or her need to be different. The Aquarius lover is full of surprises. They simply cannot be happy or fulfilled unless they are free to do as they like.