Aquarius weekly horoscope january 20 2019

2019 Horoscope Month by Month
  1. Aquarius 2019 Horoscope: You Will Be More Effective
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  5. Aquarius 2019 Horoscope

Your social area also get a good boost as you make new friends and acquaintances through the year. Some of your ideals would be met as the year moves on and new ones would be put on the anvil.

Career horoscope For Aquarius Through the year, the professional prospects of Aquarius natives would be quite good. A satisfactory period is ahead as you learn to convince and get into the good books of your higher-ups.

Aquarius 2019 Horoscope: You Will Be More Effective

Consolidation of your position is also likely this period. You would be on the right track with luck on your side as you get the co-operation of family and friends for your career pursuits.

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However the year is not favorable for you to make a switch. Wait for the year to end if you deliberately want a change.

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Also a hard time is ahead for Aquarius guys who are keen to force their ideas and opinions on those around the professional field. Avoid head-on collisions with collaborators as this would land you in much trouble than anticipated these days. Love and Marriage horoscope For Aquarius The love life of Aquarius guys would evolve through the year Do not let sentiments and emotions take on you through the year.

Instead sit for a good talk with your partner or spouse to move ahead in the right direction in your relationships.

Aquarius 2019 - 2020 Astrology Annual Forecast

This is the best period to assert your position to your partner too. Make yourself and your moves more transparent and understandable to your partner. Annoying or irritating them would take you nowhere these days. Family and friends would be a great source of inspiration in your love life.

This year would also be the perfect time to make radical changes in your relationships. The middle of the year would bring about much freedom in this area of yours.

Assert your position and speak up your mind to your partner. Make yourself understood more easily to him or her. When rifts loom around, step back and lay low for some time.

Friends would be a great boost for your love life. During the last quarter of the year, love seems to be more of a dream than a way of life for you. Your partner would be more surprised by the ways you have evolved through the year.

The end of the year would be an ideal time to plan for your future conjugal life. Take time to relax with your partner too. Finance horoscope For Aquarius Aquarius guys would learn a lot of lessons regarding finances this year. Through the year, you would be readjusting your budget several times.

Lead a simple life to manage your budget effectively this period. They are balanced people, who know to make the difference between desire and obsession, so you can never be seen making great sacrifices for money and wealth. You work a lot, you wish to learn and you are willing to offer yourself all the resources to reach as higher as they can on the social ladder.

In the same time though, they treat with great care their private and family life. A series of opportunities will occur especially in the first part of the year. If you want to work as a freelancer, is ideal to start. You will have the necessary optimism, enthusiasm, and energy for a good performance at work.

You will be very appreciated by your bosses and your colleagues. If you are looking for a job starting from June , when the house of work and career is governed by Jupiter, you have all the chances of finding what you are looking for.

Aquarius Horoscope 2019: Foreign Trip/Travel Likely In The Upcoming Year

Take full advantage of this transit. Also, the presence of Saturn in the career house towards the end of will help you act with maturity and responsibility. Thus, you have all the chances to get promoted and to increase your income. The ascension in career or finding a new job will ensure all the money you need.

Taking into consideration that the finance life is also under the influence of Neptune during , you need to be very careful with the business and partnerships what you initiate.

Jupiter goes retrograde from April until August , a period in which the you must improve you their professional skills in order to complete your career projects and goals.

Some Aquarius employees realize that they need to complete their studies or to learn new things. Therefore, the period between March and July is suitable for attending some online courses, for participating to conferences and workshops, for more reading, so that you can get everything or almost everything from the domain you want to excel.

In short, everything for personal development! Once you accomplish this, you can then set new goals, bolder than the ones you dare to dream now. Jupiter the planet of growth, prosperity, and development is in transit through the 10th house, the astrological house of career and public image.

Due to this fact, you will enjoy public recognition and success in your professional life. Their work gets appreciated, and many doors get open in their career — it can be a promotion, a new job offer or a diploma.

You are satisfied with the way things go at work, they accept the challenges with no protest and you constantly set new objectives.

This period is beneficial especially for those Aquarius natives that work in the field of public relations, administration, politics, arts, showbiz or press.

Aquarius 2019

Between July 8 and August 1, Mercury will be retrograde in Cancer and can bring disagreements and different communication issues at work. This is not the best time for important meetings, conferences or for job interviews. The first part of May is oriented toward practical aspects, with emphasis on real estate, headquarters, proprieties, consumer goods, family business or work at home.

It is a complicated period when you progress with difficulty. The second part of May is more relaxing and richer in opportunities. It highlights your creative talent, your expressivity, and your qualities, it sets you at the right place at the right time and it gives you the necessary enthusiasm and courage for new beginnings.

It is an excellent time to promote, launch, present and represent. The financial life is also favored, with the occurrence of new sources of earnings, extra income, gifts or other unexpected material benefits.

September of brings many opportunities in career, social life, projects and professional aspirations. Possibilities of professional expansion and positive evolution can occur in the career of Aquarius natives. This energy can set you in the spotlight, you can receive certain bonuses as an appreciation sign for your work, and you can participate in events that can give your life a positive direction.

The emphasis is on profession, career, status, reputation, your confidence is increased, you can travel more and these journeys will be related to your career. You can receive help from influent people, this is going to be a year to evolve with success and honor in your profession.

November brings professional success and public recognition of our merits and accomplishments. Same as in January or February, there is a chance of a salary raise, of a promotion, a very tempting job offer or another type of award might occur.

In , you have all the chances to enjoy an excellent physical shape, at least in the first six and half months of the year. You can now take full advantage of the effects of any therapy. This transition can also bring a slight risk of gaining weight, precisely because it is a sign characterized by a surplus of positive energy.

As in the past years, Pluto transits the 12th house.

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  4. Aquarius Horoscope 2019;
  5. Towards the end of July and December, their tonus and vitality are a bit lower, but without any health issues. The end and the beginning of the year will thus be excellent periods of time regarding the health state. The Aquarius women are mostly drawn to fad diets, nutritive supplements and pills for losing weight.

    Aquarius Horoscope – Aquarius Predictions |

    However, they quickly realize that only a healthy diet plan can help them lose weight. A diet poor in fats, associated with regular exercising are two essential conditions for preventing circulatory issues. The optimistic nature of the Aquarius women turns into a really fun time the weight loss diet.

    Planning the diet and the physical exercising program is an easy task for them due to their calm and rational thinking. The physical activity is important for you, who especially appreciate individual sports such as swimming.

    Aquarius 2019 Horoscope

    January 21, Full Moon in Leo: The Horoscope predicts personal achievements and success in the career. The family represents your priority, and the Full Moon will bring you reasons for being satisfied.

    February 18, Sun enters Pisces: March 20, Sun enters Aries — Spring Equinox: Hope is the keyword for you. Things start to get better in , especially in your private life.

    March , Mercury turns retrograde in Pisces: It is a period when relationships tend to become practical, and passion gets diminished. You will be tempted to be austere and realistic when it comes to their feelings. April 10 — August 11, Jupiter turns retrograde: Starting from April 10 of , the career is the biggest priority.

    April 30 — September 19, Saturn turns retrograde in Capricorn: When Saturn is retrograde in Pisces in the natal chart, your life lesson refers to learning how to walk on a genuine spiritual path.

    You will feel very attracted by spirituality and sometimes you will have the tendency of trusting certain people, more or less knowledgeable in this field. April 24 — October 3, Pluto turns retrograde in Capricorn: All these astral events and conjunctures announce important opportunities and success in your career.

    May 18, Full Moon in Scorpio: It is the perfect time for success, which will make you proud.