Today is my birthday 16 january yearly horoscope

  1. 2018 Yearly Predictions
  3. January 29th Zodiac - Astrology Zodiac Signs
  4. Mars enters Aries

Money problems will diminish. You can be generous to family members. Furthermore, because you feel prouder and happier this year, it will be easier for you to get their respect.

This is the perfect time to explore real estate or build a home or do anything that requires a mortgage because. In terms of job, career and your status in life, you are preparing for a career peak in This is important to know because it gives you time to prepare.

The degree to which you are ready to take advantage of this time of harvest will determine how successful you will be at that time. Your time of harvest occurs only once every 30 years — and you are just three years away from it. This means you must get performance-ready. Get further schooling or training. Travel will help to polish you with worldly smarts.

2018 Yearly Predictions

Your best good fortune this year is with relationships — virtually all your relationships! This is where you will shine. Whoever you marry will probably be upbeat, joyful and possibly richer than you. Furthermore, the partnership will bring you further joy and wealth. Mingle freely and enjoy the company of others.

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Ever noticed how money keeps the kids in touch? Matters with home, family and real estate will be excellent this year because Jupiter is travelling opposite from your Sun.

This means relations with partners, spouses, and close friends will be better than ever. Furthermore, because you feel this strong support from others and a warm congeniality with those who are close to you, then like a domino effect, this extends toward your relationships with family and the people you live with.

This is the best year in over a decade to get a better job or improve your job. You can perhaps get a promotion where you work. Negotiate for what you want. Find a job description that suits you better; demand better working conditions. Or you can leave — after you found that better job that is waiting for you.

Two things that can promote positive relationships this year. The first is that your health will improve. You will feel more energetic and vibrant! This makes you more attractive to others. You will respond to someone coming into your life.


Secondly, you will have greater job success this year — and success is sexy. Not only will you be more appealing to others, but you personally will be more upbeat and enthusiastic about life.

Late this year, Jupiter moves opposite your sign indicating that your marriage and committed partnerships will blossom and be happier. However, if you are thinking of expanding your home through renovations, be aware that in the next two years, it will be harder to get money from others.

Furthermore, even though your job will improve; your partner might start to earn less. The vibes will be happy but you must not count on others too much. This is a powerful year with your career and your reputation among your peers.

Many will get kudos, praise or a promotion because something will happen that empowers you. This year your focus will shift to your outer world and how you can begin to take power. Real-estate speculation, the entertainment world, show business, and the hospitality industry are excellent areas to explore. From here on, you will work for a career peak, which is about seven years from now.

This year is the turning point. You might encounter love at first sight.

January 29th Zodiac - Astrology Zodiac Signs

You might meet someone through work, travel, friends or even your kids. Current relationships will be more playful and light-hearted. However, Mars will be opposite your sign in the spring and late summer. This will be challenging because it makes you easily annoyed with others. You have to be patient with others this year, especially in the spring and then again in the late summer while Mars is opposite your sign.

Plus because you are more powerful this year, it could create difficulties within your family dynamic. By becoming more powerful, you are upsetting the status quo of the last decade. You will be productive in because you will work hard. You will give everything your all. Do not be judgmental of coworkers and think they are slackers.

They do not have your motivation. You will take pride in your work; and you will want credit for what you do. You are preparing for your debut; and so you will do everything you can in order to get ready. At times, you might feel overwhelmed.

You are up to this challenge!

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Nevertheless, treat your body like a tool that has to be well cared for. Singles might meet someone through work or through a family member because your relationships get a wonderful, positive boost.

From May to November, it will be a testing time because Mars is opposite your sign, making you annoyed with others. Remind yourself what you would lose if that person were gone? Too often we focus on the faults of others and forget the wonderful things that attracted us to them in the first place.

Everything about home and family will improve this year. Family members will be generous to each other. Buy and sell, or buy for the first time because whatever you buy will be a financial benefit.

This is a great year to improve your home through renovations. You can rent something bigger and better. Your family might expand through marriage or birth. The ruling element for Capricorns born on January 16 is the Earth. The Earth, in this particular day, is focused on solidity. You draw a lot of passion from your principles.

You focus on the tried and proven. While you can experiment with other areas of your life, you tend to focus on conservative solutions because they are most likely to produce the desired results. Red projects a lot of passion, intensity and heat. You can get quite heated about your principles. In fact, they provide you with the tremendous fire in the belly that you need to keep going despite the seemingly insurmountable odds that stand in the way of your objectives.

This is why you tend to be successful because you are able to pull a tremendous amount of energy at the right time.

However, you need to gain some perspective.

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Understand that there are many other things you can choose to motivate yourself other than proving other people wrong. While that has its place, your highest value should be in creating something new for the sake of discovery.

Username or Email Address. Contents What is your Zodiac Sign if you were born on January 16? Negative traits of the January 16 Zodiac: Enter your account data and we will send you a link to reset your password. Capricorns like to take pleasure in the simpler things life has to offer as well as the finer things.

They eventually stop to smell the roses. They find value in all things. Famous Birthdays For This Day. January 16 Chinese Zodiac Ox. Your Ruling planet is Saturn that stands for problems but eventually makes you aware of your responsibilities.

This card shows that some untoward happening may occur in your life, but you need to learn from these situations. You are most compatible with people born under Capricorn: This is a long-lasting relationship.

You are not compatible with people born under Pisces: This is an erratic match, and a classic case of opposites attract but does not survive in the long run. Number 7 — This number is known for its charisma, technicality, inventive personality. Number 8 — This is an official number that shows diplomacy and excellent decision-making skills.

This color stands for stability, reliability, warmth, and honesty.

Mars enters Aries

This color stands for intellect, sensitivity, intuitiveness, and wisdom. Saturday — This is the day of Saturn and represents the foundation in all aspects of your life. Monday — This is the day of Moon and stands for the impression you make to the world. Garnet is a healing stone that improves your intuitive powers and helps in overcoming your emotions.

Premier club membership for the men and tickets for a fundraising event for the women. The January 16 birthday personality loves to be the centre of attention. Your email address will not be published. Share Facebook Twitter Pinterest.