Descendant astrology definition

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Any area which is stamped by your personality, including the display of affection or any creative endeavors such as your artistic expression, is therefore represented by planets in the Fifth House or the sign on the Fifth House cusp. The Sixth House represents issues of sickness and health, and service to others, including conditions of daily life, or work.

This house also relates to discipleship and mastery, and the overcoming of obstacles in producing the fruit of one's achievements. Planets in this house can manifest as challenges to your well-being, or as indications of a profession of service to others.

Indicates the cusp of the Seventh House. The sign on the Descendant often indicates the type of marriage partner you will seek. The Seventh House represents marriage and partnerships of all kinds, and issues with relating to other people.

As the opposite to the First House of personality, the Seventh House describes how you fit into the world of others. Planets in this house often indicate the type of marriage partner you will seek. The Eighth House symbolizes issues of death and rebirth, sexuality, and transformation.

As this house follows the house of relationship, it refers to the fruits of relationship, and these include the power to change based on new understanding made possible when one is no longer acting solely as an individual.

Planets in this house are difficult to interpret, but may refer to how sexuality is manifested or to lessons you need to learn in order to grow and change. The Ninth House represents intuition and the study of religion philosophy, and higher learning.

In addition, it represents travel to other countries, and legal matters. This house is interpreted similarly to the ninth sign of Sagittarius, and represents the expansion of horizons, mental, physical and spiritual. Planets in this house may symbolize your philosophical pursuits, or possibilities for travel.

Symbolically, the Midheaven represents your individuality, the outward expression of your energies. It can also be referred to as ego identity, and has a strong connection with public life and career, as symbolized by the Tenth House. The Midheaven also represents your aspirations and ideals. Together with the Ascendant, it represents personality in interaction with the world.

Natal planets in conjunction with the Midheaven are considered "elevated" and are emphasized in the chart. The Tenth House symbolizes the public life, authority, career issues, and also represents the mother, or perhaps the opposite-sex parent.

As standing opposite the Fourth House, the Tenth House represents how the foundation of the personality is made manifest and concrete in the world.


The birth chart is often divided into four seven-year periods, one per quadrant, cycling each twenty-eight years of life, and the Tenth House is reached at age 21, the age of legal adulthood.

Planets in the Tenth House will indicate what the energies and challenges are for your career, and also how your mother or perhaps father was experienced.

The Eleventh House symbolizes goals and objectives, also friendships and membership in groups or associations. The work in society represented by the tenth house is released through the individual in the activities associated with the eleventh house.

Planets in this house indicate how visions for the future and also group associations and friendships will operate in your life. The Twelfth House refers to the unconscious and to things beyond the physical plane.

It is traditionally associated with confinement and self-undoing, and has been called the house of karma. Planets in this house indicate functions that are hidden from your conscious personality, and are expressed in terms of psychic faculty or self-sacrifice.

The Sun represents the Self, one's way of being in the world. It can represent, on different levels, both the ego and the higher Self or soul purpose. It rules Leo and is exalted in Aries. The Sun is the most important 'planet' in the chart and symbolizes one's will and sense of vitality. When the Sun is afflicted poorly placed or poorly aspected it could indicate problems with the father, or male role model.

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The Sun energizes your entire chart, and planets in close relationship to the Sun by planetary aspect are emphasized in your personality. If your Sun is prominent in your chart, you will exhibit great power to do and to be. More about the Sun The Moon represents the personal self, the feelings and the unconscious.

Descendant - Astrology Encyclopedia

It is a reflection of the true self, represented by the Sun. The Moon also stands for security and instinctual or habitual patterns, as well as the ability to relate to others, and to be nurturing to others.

The Moon rules Cancer and is exalted in Taurus. It is often contrasted with the Sun as the female receptive principle versus the masculine or positive principle.

The Moon represents the feminine and nurturing part of oneself. In a male chart, the Moon represents the feminine within, or the 'anima' and also indicates the type of partner you will attract. The Moon also represents an attunement from the past, which operates at an instinctive or habitual level in your present life. More about the Moon Mercury represents the mind and intellect, and rules Gemini, sign of duality also Virgo, and has its exaltation in Aquarius.

Mercury is an airy planet, associated with all forms of communication and the in-flow and out-flow of intelligence.

Its position indicates how your mental function will be expressed, and where techniques and skills are available to you. Venus is the planet of love and relationship. Venus is in-taking, rather than out-going as represented by Mars , and rules the signs Libra and Taurus.

Venus has its exaltation in Pisces, and is associated with aesthetics, beauty, refinement and romance. Its position in the chart indicates the area in which the give and take of love, affection and sensual pleasure will be expressed.

Mars is the planet of outward activity and animal passion. It rules Aries and is exalted in Capricorn. This fiery planet is masculine in action, versus softer more receptive Venus.

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When strong in the chart it can indicate a volatile temper, and also great courage. Its position indicates how your personality will assert itself, and what modes of activity will stimulate your physical energies.

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  • Jupiter is the planet of faith, positivism and optimism. It rules Sagittarius and is exalted in Cancer. Jupiter represents the principle of expansion, versus contraction as represented by Saturn and the aspirations of the higher self. Its position in the chart indicates how your faith will be expressed, and what modes of activity will stimulate self-confidence.

    Saturn is the planet of limitation and contraction, and the trials of life experience. This includes disciplive, punctuality, and the conservation of material resources. Saturn rules Capricorn and is exalted in Libra, and is limited and material, versus unlimited faith as represented by Jupiter. It indicates areas where the personality will be restricted by fears and lack of confidence, and also areas which are important to be worked on in this lifetime.

    Uranus is the planet of freedom and revolutionary vision, the urge for change and the ability to visualize new possibilities. Uranus rules Aquarius, and is exalted in Scorpio. It is also associated with mental studies, electricity and astrology.

    Its position indicates the arena of originality and freedom from conventional thinking in your life. Neptune represents the universal ocean of oneness with all beings.

    It is thus highly compassionate, also idealistic, imaginative and self login or even self undoing, and can be associated with drugs or media, as fantasy expressions. Neptune rules Pisces, and finds its exaltation in Cancer. Its position indicates where there may be confusion and also great creativity in poetic or musical fields.

    Neptune has been called the higher octave of Venus. Pluto is a force for change that can be destructive in its power. Pluto rules Scorpio, and is exalted in Leo. Pluto is related to will, and intense passion, and has a reputation for ruthlessness. As god of the underworld Pluto brings the deepest compulsions into the light.

    Its position indicates areas of life that must ultimately become transformed as part of the soul's evolution.

    Chiron is a small planet, or 'planetoid' that was only discovered in , and which has already shown itself to be quite powerful in an individual's chart. Occupying an eccentric orbit between Saturn and Uranus, and named for the centaur physician of Greek myth who taught ancient wisdom to mankind, Chiron represents the archetype of the "Wounded Healer" and is associated with shamanism and going within to heal oneself.

    Its discovery is synchronous with the rise of the holistic health movement.

    7TH HOUSE IN ASTROLOGY - DESCENDANT - Relationships & Reflections - Hannah's Elsewhere

    Chiron's position in the chart reveals where one has been wounded, and where also there is the opportunity for discovering healing from within and sharing this discovery with other people, since from our wounds arises our compassion for the suffering of others.

    The position of Chiron, by house and sign, can also show where we have talent and access to ancient wisdom, as well as where we may depart from the mainstream in service to a higher practicality.

    Those with prominent Chiron are likely to be educators and spiritual healers. As goddess of the harvest and the natural process of fertility and renewal, Ceres represents the process of nurturing and motherhood in an individual chart, and has been attributed to the sign Cancer as a co-ruler with the Moon, as well as to the signs of Taurus, Scorpio and Virgo.

    The astrology of the asteroid Pallas indicates the creative use of the mental faculty in combination with ageless wisdom, and is also involved with the arts, especially the plastic arts such as sculpture and pottery, and with medicinal remedies. The astrology of Juno indicates partnering energy of intimate relationships, as in the more modern issues of where the boundaries are with another person, how much sharing is appropriate, versus holding back, are there issues of bitterness and jealousy, or projected authority and control onto another person, and intimacy needs in general.

    In the astrology of Vesta issues of sexuality and completeness unto oneself predominate. Possible associations are the woman or man who chooses celibacy, but as a nun or monk takes on a higher purpose than normal family life, also issues of sexuality and who is ultimately served in the process, self or other. While the lower expression of Eris might manifest as the lust for struggle and violence, there is also a more positive manifestation in the most basic defense of one's rights in standing up to established power, by violence if necessary.

    By recognizing and coming to terms with this potentially violent factor in ourselves we can grow as humans and become more whole. The astrology of Haumea seems to be related to love of the natural world and to the fecundity of natural process.

    This archetype thus signals profound connection to Nature, connection to Source, and a form of natural charisma.

    Relationships and Astrology: The Ascendant / Descendant Axis

    The astrology of Makemake is related to love of the natural world and to the activism associated with defending the environment. This archetype thus signals a profound connection to nature that is quite similar to the archetype of Haumea, his fellow traveler in the Kuiper Belt, with the same astronomical designation and also named from the pantheon of indigenous gods and goddesses.

    The Part of Fortune from the Latin Pars Fortuna is the only Arabian astrology part still commonly used in modern astrology. It indicates an area of life that is a fortunate one for the native. The house in which the Part of Fortune is placed indicates an area of your life which is likely to be a successful one for you; an area where the applications of your skill will bear fruit.

    Its is where you will find good luck and happiness. More about the Planetary Bodies The Nodes of the Moon indicate areas of life that are of special concern to you.

    Also referred to as the dragon's head, The North Node indicates your goals. The placement of the North Node indicates work that needs to be done in your life, or new faculties that need to be developed in the present lifetime.

    Also known as the dragon's tail, the South Node indicates areas of mastery, often from a previous lifetime. Aries people tend to be energetic, forceful and outgoing.

    They are good at getting things done, although they prefer starting to finishing. Like the energy of the first rush of spring, they move into the world in a headstrong, pioneering way.

    Aries people are likely to rush into things before reflecting, and may also be impatient or unwilling to sit back and allow events to mature. Taureans revel in the pleasures of life. They crave the security and comfort of relaxing in the warmth of their home environment.

    They value the senses and the enjoyment of material things. Taureans are likely to work hard to make their home an attractive one. They also have the makings of a healer and have a large capacity for kindness. Gemini is the sign associated with communication, logical thought processes based on duality and the conscious mind.

    Gemini people tend to be airy and intellectual, glib of tongue and curious about life and other people. They can experience two sides of things at the same time, and may tend to be flighty. Cancerians are nurturing and protective of others. Sagittarius rising can lead you in search of greener pastures so it is not uncommon to have more than one partner at a time.

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    Your partner appears to be very communicative and sociable and you may share conversations well into the early morning hours. Your Capricorn ascendant makes you slightly reserved in seeking a partnership and Cancer on the Descendant describes a homebody.

    You may be drawn to those who mother you in some way. Both Capricorn and Cancer prefer a less social lifestyle and enjoy time spent at home, cooking and building a wonderful nest. You are drawn to a very dramatic partner who appears benevolent and full of character. You are drawn to a partner who appears organized and analytical with a wry sense of humor.

    Your Pisces ascendant might make it difficult for you to understand who you are let alone what you want.

    The ASCENDANT and DESCENDANT Axis — Canary Quill Astrology

    It may be that your partner provides a sense of routine or brings you an element of groundedness that is attractive to you. You are drawn to a refined and elegant individual who is charming and graceful.

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    Your Aries rising can lead you from one adventure to another and your partner may ask just the right questions that lead you to lay down roots. Descendent in Libra describes a committed and loyal partner. You are drawn to a partner who appears very intense and may prod you through deep transformational experiences. Your Taurus rising can make you slow to reveal yourself and a bit rooted in making changes.

    You are drawn to a partner who enjoys sports, philosophy and the outdoors. Your Gemini rising can make it difficult for anyone to truly know you and your partner provides just the amount of lightness and lack of routine that appeals to you.

    Long discussions into the night is suggested by this placement. You are drawn to an ambitious and practical individual who values honesty over intense emotional expression. Your Cancer rising can make you behave like a mother to others and your mate appreciates your stability and desire to provide a comfortable nest.

    You are drawn to unusual people who help you validate your own uniqueness. There may be something unusual about how you approach relationships and your partner appreciates your open minded attitude. You are drawn to sensitive individuals who appreciate the value of family and roots.