Grand sextile february 27 2019 astrology

Moon Phase Cycle: Bigger Picture
  1. 2019 Calendar
  2. February 27 Birthday Horoscope 2018-2019
  3. Planetary Overview

Although Lunar eclipses are more relationship-oriented than Solar eclipses, they are not always about relationships between two people. They can trigger awareness of need in other areas of our lives, such as our relationship to work, to our health and bodies, and so forth.

This is a time when matters come to light — things that have been brewing under the surface. This Lunar Eclipse presses us to look more closely at our needs, lacks, and wants in our lives.

The Leo-Aquarius polarity deals with the balance between the personal Leo and the impersonal Aquarius. The energy of Leo is creative self-expression and the boost to the individual ego that we receive through pleasure and romance, while Aquarius rules the group, more impersonal friendships, and objectivity.

This Full Moon urges us to strike a balance between romance and friendship, and between expressing ourselves in personal and impersonal ways. The Leo Moon is proud and intensely individual —not content with simply being just one of the team. Some sort of crisis which can be a crisis of consciousness or sudden awareness of a lack in our lives provides us with a golden opportunity to explore our emotional needs within the context of the house polarity where the eclipse occurs in our natal charts.

Daily Astrology Horoscope: November 25 - Mercury and Saturn

Relationships may be challenged, broken, or strengthened dramatically at this time. Our discovery is emotionally charged and dramatic. Epiphanies are likely at this time as we become acutely aware of our lack.

This understanding can propel us into positive action. Eclipses are tied to changing circumstances. Human beings are progressive by nature, and although we might stay in situations that are making us miserable for longer than we should, deep down inside we know that change is necessary for growth.

However, these new feelings and revelations are emotional ones, as emotions burst forth into our consciousness. Of course, we might want to exercise some care while doing so, knowing that what is coming out of us is new and not particularly rational as yet.

Full Moons are about exposing or illuminating issues that are already there, but that have not yet been dealt with. When a Full Moon occurs, we can suddenly burst forth with proclamations and outpourings that seem fresh and new, simply because they are not yet rationalized.

A Lunar eclipse is a more potent Full Moon, and its effects tend to last longer. The effects of a Lunar eclipse last approximately six months. Full Moons and Lunar Eclipses bring issues in our lives to fulfillment.

2019 Calendar

Our emotions are heightened, and there is often some sort of drama involved with the house, sign, and any contacted planets activated by the Full Moon. This Lunar Eclipse gives us a cosmic push to make needed changes in our lives.

The areas of life activated by the eclipse may see dramatic turns, after which the path is clear to move forward. Note that whatever happens at this time is nothing truly new. The issues have been brewing inside of us, and emotions have been building.

Something comes to light at the time of the Full Moon, and if we get in touch with our emotions, we can get a better idea of what needs to change, or what needs to go. Read more about the Eclipse. This phase of the Moon occurs at 11 degrees and 37 minutes of Leo opposite the Sun at 11 degrees and 37 minutes of Aquarius, affecting people born with personal planets and points at approximately 7 to 17 degrees of the Fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius most significantly.

During this cycle, we are motivated by our hunger for knowledge, experience, and originality. Innovation is more important to us than convention. We become more aware of what is outdated in our lives and strive to find new perspectives and new ways to do things.

The class distinctions, structure, and order that Capricorn finds appealing now seem to be too rigid. The freedom of the individual becomes far more significant to us. We strive to free ourselves from some of the restrictions, inhibitions, and limitations that now feel constraining rather than safe.

When Mercury is in Capricorn, our thinking is methodical and our focus is sober and practical. It is easier to concentrate on the task at hand under this influence. Our thought patterns and communication styles become more logical, orderly, and organized.

We are more able to sort out what is relevant and essential. Realism enters the picture, our speech is no-nonsense, and precision becomes important to us. We need to be wary of becoming too rigid in our thinking.

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We may come across as cold or harsh. For some, there is a fine line between realism and pessimism. When Mercury is in Aquarius, we are hungry for knowledge and open to new and original ideas.

We begin to think outside of the box, and our thinking becomes more progressive and objective. Our communication and thought patterns are spontaneous, somewhat fragmented, and liberal.

This is a time when inventive thinking is at a peak. We move towards unconventionality, independence, and freedom as themes in our social relationships under this influence. Aquarius can be just as faithful as Capricorn, but it has to be on his own terms! Experimental relationships are more intriguing now.

Being friends as well as lovers is important to us during this cycle. Allowing one another freedom of expression, and treating others fairly, unselfishly, and impartially, are themes now. With a Sagittarius Mars, our actions are motivated by our ideals.

We are bothered by routine, quickly becoming restless if we feel confined. We have a love of adventure, and of conquest—this is the position of wanderlust.

Archive for the ‘Grand Sextile’ Category

We start projects or challenges with gusto, although we may tend to abandon them rather quickly. This may be because we set our sights too high! The urge to start fresh, to break free from restrictive attitudes or circumstances, to totally redesign an area of our lives or even our personalities , and to gain freedom through independence is strong with Uranus in Aries.

Venus is in Aquarius from January February Our talents for creating artistic structure and form are enhanced, and our ability to form connections with people who support our ambitions is increased. We value enduring connections, reliability, and faithfulness.

We take expressing our feelings seriously, and we take our time to warm up to others. On Sunday and Monday, we may be questioning whether some relationships or elements of our relationships are good for us. We may be a little indulgent with one another now. We have a stronger desire than usual to find meaning in our relationships.

There may be some overstating or overindulgence as well now, however. Venus, the Goddess of Love: Highlights in the Coming Week: Love cannot be forced. This is not a commitment-friendly transit, as we may feel alienated for no apparent reason and unwilling to give of ourselves. Venus opposition North Node true January This is a time for reviewing our attachments in terms of whether they are contributing to our growth.

We are charitable with others and have a stronger desire than usual to find meaning in our relationships. There may be some overstating or overindulgence now, however. Venus semi-square Saturn February 2. Feelings of isolation, of not getting what we really want, and of not being loved the way we want to be loved can get in the way of pleasant relations with our partners.

Venus square Jupiter February We experience a strong desire for more pleasure in our lives, which can be excessive. Take care not to overstate your feelings or to set up unrealistic expectations in your partnerships.

As well, take what your partner says with a grain of salt. There is no malicious intent involved, but feelings of elation can cloud our judgment, and we can promise more than we can deliver.

We lose our fear of taking risks at this time, and we happily embrace all that is new, unusual, and out-of-the-ordinary with regards to romantic involvements.

We are ready to experiment, but not necessarily ready to commit. The Void of Course Moon is the period of time after the Moon has made its last aspect in one sign until the Moon enters a new sign. During Void of Course Moon periods, it is generally wise to stick to routine rather than to begin new projects.

More Shakespeare, less Melville. Not a big surprise considering the news. With our usual three Degrees of Sensitivity, Pholus-Quaoar has been prominent in Solstice charts since December , and will continue to be through December — including the October US election, but not the December Solstice. A new sort of special relationship has been forged between the UK and the US; we are united by the fact that we have become global jokes.

February 27 Birthday Horoscope 2018-2019

Beginnings and Endings often occur together. Antichrist, and their respective MPs and lackeys, have done a bang-up job of Creative Destruction, but their Fun may be coming to an End. Our Soul will return to the task of Descending into our Physical Vehicle. But it could start a trend. And most of us most of the time live Time forwards, or at least we think we do.

So 29 Cancer is still the End of Cancer, even if Time in this case is butt-first. So we can expect from it Significant Insights into how we might Respond to our Survival Instinct most productively. A strong hint about that resides in the Square red line that like a bow holds the Tension for the arrow. In other words our Values can get pretty stilted.

Doing that is also very likely to guide you toward the Life Force, help you Respond to your Survival Instincts, and lay the groundwork for your New Life in 5D! Much gratitude and grace in abundance emanating your way. A Big Thought indeed! How many songs from our formative years still go through our head and get stuck there!

Ingeniously appropriate you chose the Clapton version — Patti Boyd and all. But what a story. Do they have a place? A little like karma you unconsciously carry? Fixing a hole where the rain gets in and stops my mind from wandering where it will go Ringo and his hole in his pocket, and of course, Alice and that particular trip down a hole.

Narnia and other such portals might agree: As kids we believed for a while that if not for the Moon radiating Cold, the World would get too Hot from the Sun. Some elements of our Language are Unitary rather than Dual.

In these cases, the Limit — the Absolute — is usually unreachable, only Approachable. We have to travel out of our Body to Experience it. With Dualities it helps to use Circular or Spherical or Cyclical Scales, where if you go far enough toward North you end up going South, or far enough toward Absolute and we end up Relative.

The same might be true of Black Wholes — if we fell into one we might end up Knowing the Incredible Lightness of Being, as our Material Vehicle would be so torn apart that the only thing left would be Spirit. I wanted to share a strange thing that happened recently, as it pertains to the alignments this week. There were many absolutely awful occurrences over the course of my time there — on the global and personal scale — but what totally upended my entire time there and ultimately my entire career was a seemingly fated freak accident that occurred immediately after I landed back in London, on January 6, Not even within 60 seconds of this very distinct thought process, I tripped into an open pothole in my street — flailing for what felt like an eternity before slamming down EXACTLY on the direct spot that my January 6 injury hit, directly on the most scarred part where the surgeon had removed a lot of damaged tissue.

I know Capricorn rules knees and career and thus Saturn as ruler carries those influences as well. On that January day, the sun and pluto were in close conjunction in Cap on my descendant, as well as transiting Saturn on my natal Karma in Sag but house ruled by Cap. Currently as you know the moon as of the 9th anyway Saturn, BZ and Karma are all right around the exact positions they were in Jan Moira is smack on my ascendant at the moment, directly across from Pluto.

Is this all because of the Pluto Capricorn position? A month later she wrote back to say that she was busy Attending to her infant granddaughter because her daughter had been unexpectedly unable to do so.

All Prayers are answered, and all thoughts are actually Prayers. Which is an ever-present danger for all of us, even if we rarely Experience it so vividly. Often thinking prevents Mindfulness completely. Do you remember what you were thinking about when that Abbey Road cobblestone interrupted you?

Remember that our Karma does not Grasp us, we Grasp it. Whenever it recurs, we have the Choice of thinking….

Then our Path is clearly Getting to Know this Stranger!

What was Chiron up to in your January Transits? The Celts may be the remnant of Atlantean Wisdom that survived in Europe.

As if our Complete Entity is Weaving a Complex Conspiracy to make each of us parts or spawn of Itself, Conscious of as much of us as possible. So our Karma becomes our Introduction to the Rest of Ourself. So this week is a big week for a shift in Gender Balance, so Reanimation of the Earth is really right in line. Which is actually an excellent practice for this week….

For instance, I was grumbling to myself this afternoon about this very thing. It was trespass that irritated me, but when I ask myself how I trespass the direct Mirror , nothing pops up. In the Funhouse Mirror, though, what shows up is Deservingness. Am I willing to stand up and unequivocally Claim my Space?

When I contemplate that, I find only visions of escalating violence rather than any sense of Peace and Safety. So I get to look beneath that Mirror for the little man behind the curtain. So our Grand Sextile endures for a solid week. Ceres has been Out of Bounds since Christmas.

So Asbolus Clairvoyance supports Juno Consciousness which supports Makemake Manifestation which supports Saturn Focus which supports Ceres Sustainability which supports Mercury Alertness which supports Asbolus, etc, in a rising crescendo.

Not only that, but we can take these in any order we want — so So Sustainability supports Consciousness which supports Focus , just to suggest one possible partial combination. In other words, this week Intuition and Analysis and Growth and Attention and Permanence and Creativity are all mutually supportive.

When our Beliefs or Dogmas or Archetypes change, our Boundaries change with them. Which brings us to the Stellium, a significant Configuration in its own right, for several reasons. When a planet is either Stationary or Out of Bounds, its influence is Stronger than usual.

In general, when a planet is Approaching a major event, such as a Station or an important Angle, the influence is Strong, and grows Stronger until the event is Exact. After that, the influence fades fairly quickly if one is Conscious about the event, more slowly if one is not Conscious around it, and not at all if one is Defended against it.

The Mythical Centaur Hylonome committed Suicide with the spear that killed her Lover, rather than live without him. So we interpret the Cosmic Centaur Hylonome to symbolize Grief over major Changes in our Life, such as detachment from an Archetype, or from any other Energy with which we had been Merged.

The Loss of an Archetype is indeed an Ego Death. With Pallas Conjunct, Boundaries are obviously involved, and there is a strong implication that we will be strengthening a Boundary against an Archetypal Trance, or loosening a Boundary that overprotected us.

Or it may be us with the gilded tongue, talking our way out of long-standing entanglements that no longer serve us.

Planetary Overview

Eclipses reveal to us Energies which were previously merged with the background but which are now made obvious by their absence. The more we Embrace our Grief, the less painful it is. Almost forgot that Chariklo, part of the Stellium, is Stationary on April 7!

The photo is by Waldemar Skorupa. The Harmonic Concordance Grand Sextile was discovered astrologically and publicized, at great personal expense, by Johnny Mirihiel…. The Vacancies article gives us some benchmarks to compare to our own subsequent Lives.

For instance, I have natal planets in three of the four Muse Vacancies. These disruptive changes mark the beginning of a new era that we have entered as a global community, an era of increasing disruption. Sometimes such movements will give rise to movements that bring about profound change, and sometimes they will falter and fail.

In many cases these disruptions are already on their way. It is too late to prevent all of them. So where is our point of control? It is in how we respond to the impact that these disruptions have on how we work and live. Such moments bring our world to a sudden stop. They may be terrifying, but they also constitute a great blank space that can be filled in one of two ways: But in order to create consciously, we have to become conscious first — otherwise our creations are echoes of our pain and fears because these pains and fears are louder broadcasts than happiness and harmony.

When we are clear and in alignment, we see the world as it is — beyond the limits of matter-perception. An ability to envision, to see, to interact with other-than-matter components of this life is a prerequisite to creation.

How to Create with Spirit , pp. Remember that Sextiles — especially Grand Sextiles — represent Creative Grace — the Grace flows freely, but after we take the first step.

Or that if you have a message for the world, you need to repeat it a zillion times no matter how much you bore yourself, because as my first teacher would say, Your own Truth goes right through you!

That is, you hear it and instantaneously know it to be true, but your programming covers it up as quickly as the old forces obscure the actual root causes of the breakdown. So Grace and Equality is one thread we can look for in our lives over the last 10 days.

Have there been any circumstances arise, where you did not feel the loving hand of Grace? Have real or imagined issues arisen in your life where Equality was missing? If so, when they arose, where did your Attention go?

Did you focus on the difficulty or the inequality? Did you lovingly Attend to your natural reactions? Another name for rejecting our natural emotional reactions, by the way, is self-abandonment. Not yang Integrity honoring Commitments but yin Integrity honoring Intuition.