Corina dross astrology

Horoscopes by Corina Dross
  1. Corina Dross
  2. Contributor
  3. But Make It Fashion
  4. Flax and Gold Horoscopes by Corina Dross Mask - MASK

Corina Dross

And now here she is, emailing me, asking me to design her new astrology website. And you know what? I wanted to focus purely on tarot. But what can I say. Over the three-month process of designing and building this website, Corina never missed a meeting and was never late, no matter what was going down in her personal life. She did everything she said she would do, when she said she would do it.

I felt respected and valued and our project was a true collaboration. I just wanted to put that out into the world somewhere, as freelancers so rarely get to rate their clients.

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It launched yesterday, to coincide with the start of her new monthly horoscopes column on Autostraddle keeps getting better, right? Satellite of Love focuses on queer relationships, love, sex and romance and comes out on the first of every month.

Join her mailing list to be kept up to date! I believe that spirituality and ritual are for everybody. I am excited by anticapitalist business and living with my whole entire self present.

I use tarot cards to bring forth hidden truth, and ritual to affirm my commitment, over and over, to my ever-shifting path. Two cards - the Wheel for the inevitability of change, Steadfastness for finding an anchor, a place from which to observe.

On synchronicity and networks beyond social media.

View all posts in this series here. Hello my astrology friends! One of the most beautiful things about sharing my tarot journal online is the sense of community that builds up around it. As Venus moves from Aries to Pisces this month, we continue to navigate longings, nostalgia, and tricky conversations with lovers past and present.


As Venus moves retrograde this month, get ready to examine how love and defense are intimately intertwined. These horoscopes are guided by the Sagittarian energy of the month, reminding you what you already have and what you can trust about yourself. Amid the current political climate, the sun moves through Scorpio urging us to seek what is obscured and if we need to let go - just fall apart.

In this state, we understand that we are never finished and we are never neutral. Plan wisely this month, and enjoy the sweetness as well as the fireworks. As Mercury stations in retrograde, Virgo season is all about asking the harder questions.

But are you ready? Corina Dross highlights the many ways to practice freedom under the stars and lots of crushing conditions. The thunderstorms of July break trees, electrify the air, and reduce all solid earth to viscous mud. Taurus insists on pleasure, rest, and abundance.

Curtain opens on a shadowy figure. As the year closes, as the darkest days approach, a new planetary alignment is forming. Corina Dross brings you the December horoscopes to help you focus your energies this month.

Welcome back to the dark time of the year, on the other side of the veil. These months leading up to winter solstice bring an energy of releasing, integrating, and renewing. This month is a big, sloppy mess of a kiss from a drunken god. With a rowdy cohort of planets in Gemini this month, our energy is likely to be quick, curious, and easily distracted.

But Make It Fashion

Add a month-long conjunction of Mars and the Sun, and our over-caffeinated state can quickly turn stormy. The short answer to all your complicated questions: February begins with a dramatic, tender, passionate and syrupy Full Moon in Leo, heightening our romantic and creative aspirations and offering us all a chance to be a little bit of a diva.

So ends a long, challenging, inspiring, tragic, and eventful year. As we near winter solstice, we're coming up on that day when the sun barely makes an effort, rising late only to skirt the horizon in a dim and distant arc before ducking under the red earth. Over the millennia that humans have been aware of this cycle, we've collectively determined that now is a good time for as much partying as we can manage.

The major event of this month is the eclipses. Eclipses heighten emotions and set the stage for dramatic endings and beginnings, surprises and sudden revelations. After a tumultuous summer, September greets us with deceptive calm.

Flax and Gold Horoscopes by Corina Dross Mask - MASK

The winds have died down, the storms moved on. This stillness is a critical time for reflection, strategy, and redirection. But with the faster planets moving through Virgo and Libra this month, now is not the time for abandon. What would we love to do, but are too embarrassed to pursue?

Are there places in our hearts and minds that are unconquered by the logic of the marketplace? How do we combat cynicism? This month, homebodies and wanderers alike may be struck by that homesickness which persists no matter where we are, or where we could be.

Do we feel we belong here, or anywhere?

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Who is our chosen family? Are we taking care of one another? There will be battles all around this month, and some will be far subtler than others. Read your horoscopes to soak in whatever feels restorative. We get to breathe more freely this month as the grand cross eases off, but there are more fireworks on the way. April is an astrologically eventful month that has many freaking out.

Are you going to hide in your bed or throw yourself into the storm? For those of you who would love nothing better than to smoke a bowl and headbang in slow motion, this is your time to shine. For the rest of us, strategies below. Mercury is in retrograde this February: Use these horoscopes to see what may be coming your way, and ready yourself accordingly.

Corina Dross Corina Dross is an artist , astrologer , and rabble-rouser best known for her illustrated card deck, Portable Fortitude.

September Shake off the excess and sort through what to keep. Published in The Lawless Issue on Sep 3, August This is a month that rewards dreaming big. Published in The Lawless Issue on Aug 7, July July is here to thwart our desires and whip our frustrations into a fine foam. June Gemini broadens our field of perception and flattens our sense of scale.

May As Uranus moves into Taurus this month, we enter a seven-year cycle of learning how to make the struggle more habitable. Published in The Confusion Issue on May 1, April Horoscopes This month requires that we face our faith, or our fear of it.

Published in The Confusion Issue on Apr 9, February Remember that pain is a pervasive, inescapable side-effect of being alive.

Published in The Autonomy Issue on Feb 5, January This a year that rewards focusing on exactly what matters to you most.

Published in The Refuse Issue on Jan 5, December You are the flood and the flood is you. Published in The Organized Issue on Dec 4, November Scorpio energy encourages us to feel, to release, and to transform — in that order, preferably.

Published in The Organized Issue on Nov 3, Published in The Body Issue on Oct 2, Published in The Rant Issue on Sep 3,