February 8 horoscope 2019 pisces

Horoscope Month by Month
  1. 2019 Pisces Horoscope Preview
  2. Pisces Horoscope 2019
  3. Pisces Decans
  4. Pisces Horoscope 2019 Keywords
  5. Pisces February Monthly Horoscope Predictions | jakubzidek.cz

It is in your nature to love and care for others, You are likely to come across many opportunities t Where there is a will, there is a way! This year for you is really going to be a happenin In addition to acting, Kapoor supports charities, hosts award ceremonies, and has featured as a talent judge on the dance reality show Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa Reloaded He is married to Mira Rajput.

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Home Zodiac Signs Pisces Decans. Pisces Decans Born between February 19 and February 29 The planetary rulers are Jupiter and Neptune in case the individual is born between 19th February and 29th February.

The individual born under this Decan shall have fixed purpose and would be stubborn. The individual shall have a vision but shall be largely impractical. In the middle and old age, destiny would smile. A Decan of spirituality, tail-spins, sudden power and gains. Those born under this influence are selfless, intuitive and romantic.

They have a h5 imagination and would see beauty and poetry in everything. They can sense the mood and emotions of others as they are very intuitive. They are happy to help people and share their burdens. They also make wonderful friends and are good listeners. Further, if you are interested to know more about your friendship bond, you can buy Best Friends Forever report.

The big Jupiter aspect of the year is not without its problems, but the contact between your ancient and modern ruler should make manifestation magic work pretty strongly.

2019 Pisces Horoscope Preview

Really it will just be a case of being careful what you wish for. Thoughts really are things in and the square aspect is a lot more proactive than a trine. Piscean musicians, mystics, healers, artists, poets, photographers and filmmakers will benefit the most from this pattern, and if you are one of those dreamy procrastinating Pisces, you will be more likely to actually start crystalizing these visions.

Which might not have been the case with a blissed-out trine! None of the eclipses of will bother you in the slightest so there will be no upsetting that crystallization.

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A really great date for promoting your artistic works or healing modality will be Jan 22 with Venus conjunct Jupiter and trine Mars at the same time. Mars in your money zone could activate a bonus or advance on your work. Maybe someone at work has taken a shine to you and wants to see you do well.

It may well be that this work benefactor may also want to lure you into their love-nest so be careful you are not sending out the wrong signals. Neptune can blur communications very easily. There is also the issues of transgressing professional boundaries too which can sometimes happen with Neptune squares.

Pisces Horoscope 2019

Mars trine Jupiter on Jan 25 cannot hold you back, however, so just make sure you channel that energy in the right direction. You will be more moderate with the expenses for others and will regard them with more discernment. If you have the possibility to invest in real estate — houses or land —you will have everything to gain.

It is an excellent time for this type of investment. During the past seven years, Uranus had been in transit through the second house of Pisces, the astrological house of work, of money and proprieties. You had the tendency of taking financial risks and obtaining mixed results: Another propensity manifested all during this period was to find less common methods of earning money.

And there are a lot of such methods all over the world, if not invented, at least practised by you under the influence of Uranus. During July 8 and August 1, with Mercury — the planet of intellect, communication, and adaptability — in retrograde, the Pisces employees become more productive and efficient.

During these three weeks, their focus is increased, thus they can fulfil their tasks easier than before. They pay attention to details and their memory is functioning great.

Pisces Decans

They make a habit of checking many times over what they have done, so the possibility of making an error is diminished by a lot. On December 3 of , a second good news: Jupiter — the most important and the most powerful from the planets that are considered beneficial — enters the house of profession and of public image, of social status.

It is a suitable period for asking for a salary raise or for a promotion. Jupiter will support your efforts in this direction. Moreover, we are talking about a period in which people with power and authority display a benevolent attitude towards you.

Now you can improve your work relationships with the superiors, business owner, teachers, masters etc. Jupiter in the house of health has a positive influence on the functioning of their organism and their mental state.

Pisces Horoscope 2019 Keywords

This beneficial planet offers optimism and a great mood, thus we get rid of stress and react with a smile on our faces in any situation. One single risk is brought by this astral aspect: Expansive in its own way, the planet will sometimes push us to excesses, which can result in few extra pounds.

Neptune in his own house gets an additional force and emphasizes your natural capacities: The Pisces women can take the decision of starting a diet so that in the very next second to start eating a pound of sweets.

They tend to do exactly the opposite of what they have planned.

Pisces 2019 horoscope - Yearly horoscope from astrology forecast

Having an idealistic nature, you are tempted by fad diets and weight loss pills, which promise a fast weight loss, without requiring changes in the regular diet. You have a sensitive organism and they should adopt a balanced lifestyle with enough physical excessing.

The Pisces women love good food, so the most suitable for this zodiac sign is a varied diet. January 21, Full Moon in Leo: If you are involved in a relationship for a long time, gives you the opportunity to rekindle the flame that joined them at the beginning.

Pisces February Monthly Horoscope Predictions | jakubzidek.cz

February 18, Sun enters Pisces: Their body energy will be at fever pitch, and you will feel protected and guided by divine forces in maintaining physical and mental health.

March 20, Sun enters Aries — Spring Equinox: Health is blooming but your weakness will be nervous system and bone system.

You must pay attention to exercises of posture. Mach , Mercury turns retrograde in Pisces: In you are being more sensitive to others needs and especially at the emotional needs of the partner or the children MORE.

April 10 — August11, Jupiter retrograde: Besides, you can expand the horizons metaphorically said. Because you study easily and want to find out more about religion and philosophy.

April 30 — September 19, Saturn turns retrograde in Capricorn: