Astrology birthday january 17

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  3. January 17 Zodiac
  4. January 17 Zodiac: Capricorn

January 17th Zodiac - Astrology Zodiac Signs

In most situations, the drive, power, and dedication that you have can almost ensure that you get to where you need to go.

The problem is there is such a thing as a worthless goal. If you are so focused on the small stuff, you will not get around to doing the stuff that really matters. This is your big challenge. You tend to work in circles.

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By learning to trust your intuition more, you would increase the likelihood that you will achieve break out success. Now, as mentioned earlier, this can be a great thing. If they are not confronted and pushed back, they start behaving more like invisible prison walls.

Facts & Trivia - Zodiac Sign Capricorn January 17th Birthday Horoscope

The worst types of prison walls, of course, are mental prisons. You tend to believe in things that you should not believe. You often develop blind loyalties when an objective look at the facts would dictate a different course of action.

People born on January 17 are hard workers. They can be very willful and they would stick to a course for however long it takes until they achieve the goal. Now, the problem is sometimes rocks can be placed on quicksand. People born on the 17 th of January tend to become very stubborn.

They tend to hang on regardless of material reality. Regardless of the fact that other people can see that you are simply wasting your time fighting a hopeless cause, you just hang on.

Unlike other horoscope signs that do it for emotional reasons, you do it primarily because of fear of change. As long as you feel somewhat comfortable, you will hang on until the very end. Consider yourself like the frog that boiled to death in the pot. The frog boiled not because it felt hot. No, it boiled because it got used to the rising temperatures and never got around to leaving the boiling pot.

They reflect the stability and concreteness of earth. They also reflect the immobility that earth often displays. However, when earth gets too baked and too dry, it ultimately crumbles. Let this be a cautionary tale. People born on January 17 have Saturn as their planetary influence. Saturn is the ruler of all Capricorns.

This planetary ruler suggests confidence and seriousness. The Saturn name comes from the Roman god of agriculture. It is also relevant to mention about the acceptance component. This is the element benefiting those with a heightened sense of reality but who also find time to pamper themselves and those around. It is especially beneficial to those born on January This weekend day is ruled by Saturn symbolizing elusiveness and domination.

It reflects upon the persuasive nature of Capricorn people and the bubbly flow of this day. People born on January 17 are practical and possess a great social awareness although this doesn't necessarily make them more sociable but instead helps them maintain their feet on the ground.

They prefer stability above all and although they enjoy travelling and discovering a lot of things, they need to have a warm home where they can return every time.

They love places that are calm and soothing and the company of their families. These natives have a great self control but are also caring and captivating. They know when to impose a certain ruling, either in their work or with those close to them so they manage to respect their deadlines and not break their pacts.

January 17 Zodiac

It is relevant for them to keep their word, maintain some equilibrium in their lives and learn at least one new thing every few days. Dictatorial and spiteful, these natives need to learn to chill sometimes and accept defeat as normal rather than search for the exact reasons that have led to the setting at hand.

They don't trust many things and are overly supervising because of that and often find themselves on the verge of heated controversy when those around them can't take their expectations anymore. Lovers born on January 17 are romantic and trustworthy.

They are attracted to people that are sensible and reliable just like them but also to emotional people with whom they can offer support and guidance. You can conquer the heart of Capricorn if you are as trustworthy and affectionate as they are. This single native is completely focusing energy on their personal development and is in no way in a hurry to enter a relationship if they don't feel it's the right thing to do.

Charming lovers they are always enthusiastic although sometimes unpredictable and hard to understand.

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If their loved one is patient and honest they are likely to open to them and their love will progress fast. They are persistent and courageous in a practical way so they will be a great part of their family team once they decide to settle for someone.

They are most compatible with those born on 1st, 4th, 8th, 10th, 13th, 17th, 19th, 22th, 26th, 28th and 31st. January 17 Zodiac people are most attracted to the other earth signs: Taurus and Virgo as they tend to share the same vision of life.

In love, Capricorn is permanently seeking for an attractive and sensible lover and the best to offer them this is the native born under Cancer. The lover in Capricorn is said to be least compatible with Sagittarius. As for the rest of partnerships between the other star signs and Capricorn, you know what they say, stars predispose but people dispose.

Brown symbolizes conventional, natural and reservation. The zodiac color should be used in items of clothing or objects in the house. People who have brown as sign color are down to earth, honest and conventional.

However they adapt with difficulty so they need to know exactly what to expect and this is why they tend to control everything around and push things their way no matter what.

Brown is favored by warm, practical persons that aim for a mundane, secure and comfortable existence within the family circle. The fascinating Garnet is the birthstone said to be representative for Capricorns born with January Garnet symbolizes faithfulness and awareness.

January 17 Zodiac: Capricorn

The zodiac birthstone could be used in accessories and jewelry items. This birthstone is said to help healing in circulatory and respiratory diseases. This stone is derived from the name meaning seeds: This gemstone comes in red, black and green shades. Another precious stone considered beneficial for Capricorn natives is Sapphire.

It represents reliability and sincerity. Carnation is a known symbol of romance and passion. The zodiac flower could be used in gifts and decorative items. This is the flower of passionate and ambitious achievers and is said to have been used in Greek coronation ceremonies.

This flower is to be found during summer time. Silver is known to represent mystery and elegance. This zodiac metal could be used in accessories and decorative objects.

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This precious metal is said to sooth and orients the wearer towards introspection and self development. Silver is also thought to bring great humor and liveliness to the person wearing it.