Chinese horoscope western eastern compatibility

Zodiac Sign Compatibility through the combination of Eastern and Western Astrology
  1. Chinese Astrology & the Zodiac
  2. Primal Zodiac Signs By Combination (Western + Eastern)
  3. Calculating Chinese Compatibility Animal Signs

This gives you a basis from which to work.

These aren't the only compatible signs. The ox and the rat are side by side within the circle and make a good match, but for the purpose of this method, the ox is not a part of the triad. Again, this is an easy way to work with combinations of three. While being paired with a like sign may be one of the ideal combinations, there are many other combinations that work well together.

Just as Chinese animal signs have varying degrees of compatibility, so do the Western zodiac signs. Now that you have determined the Western zodiac and Chinese zodiac signs compatibility you can begin to evaluate each. To see if your mate falls within these perimeters take the birth year and find the correct Chinese animal.

You can then add the Western compatible signs.

Chinese Astrology & the Zodiac

Although Western Astrology is more simplified it can give rather accurate predictions to probable personality types. However it does only give a basic and sometimes generalized view of a person's likely characteristics. If a more detailed analysis of a character is required it is often beneficial to look at both ways of gaining an insight.

Utilizing Chinese and Western methods of thinking together can reveal a much clearer and fuller picture. It can help differentiate and explain why two people of the same sign have differing qualities and in varying strengths. The influences from the Chinese animals often adds the little extras to a personality.

The correlation of Chinese and Western horoscopes is very useful information to examine for the purpose of a personality interpretation. Most people are aware of their Western sun sign and will recognize their similarity to the conventional average assumed traits. While this gives an adequate portrayal it can sometimes leave out the finer and more significant details of a person's temperament.

In order to fully assess someone's traits and astrological forecast, we need to look beyond their elementary horoscope and into the deeper theories of the centuries old Chinese doctrines. To take an in depth look at a person's character and possible destined path in life we need to discover their nominated Chinese animal.

It is easy to find this out simply from the looking up the birth year of the individual concerned. We can then combine this information alongside the revelations from Western Astrology concepts. For example a Scorpio born in a Monkey year will differ from a Scorpio arriving in a Dog Year and so forth.

Consulting Chinese systems as well as Western ones will give a more elaborate record of how the person thinks and what his or her habits and tendencies will be.

When you compare this pair of astrological analysis insights as one you will easily be able to see the difference it can make. The addition of the animal and element presences in a personality can disclose revealing aspects to a personal assessment that can be uncannily accurate.

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  6. The Western and Chinese Zodiac Sign Compatibility Chart?

If someone feels that they are not a typical Pisces or Sagittarius, then it will usually be because they have the influence of a creature that dominates or alters the fundamentals of their sign.

If there are two animal influences, for instance a Taurus the Bull born in the Year of the Ox, then the Chinese version tends to be the stronger as a rule. Examining your own or someone else's predestined horoscope with such scrutiny is probably the best way to understand yourself or them. It can help determine suitability for the contemplation of professions and person to person and soul mate relationships.

Correlating the enlightenment from both astrological ideologies is an excellent means of gathering additional awareness and comprehension. If a Western determination of your individuality is not a fair description then it is worth doing some further investigation with Chinese interpretations.

Descriptions of the combined Chinese and Western Astrology personalities will give a more complex account. The intensity of expression of a quality varies as you travel across the zodiac signs. There are some signs which share a large set of qualities and core values and on that basis, all the 12 signs are divided into four categories, containing three each, which are: These categories are named after elements of nature Fire, Earth, Water and Air as they symbolize the combined qualities of all these signs.

Primal Zodiac Signs By Combination (Western + Eastern)

People born under fire signs are enthusiastic, aggressive and strong willed extroverts. People born under Earth signs are practical, materialistic and introverts.

Gemini / Dog & Pisces / Dragon Compatibility

Water sign people are emotional and sympathetic towards others. Air sign people tend to be detached, analytical and flexible extroverts.


Astrology signs compatibility has been comprehensively covered in the chart presented below: Chinese Zodiac Sign Compatibility Chart. Chinese astrology dates back to 10 th century BC, the days of Zhou dynasty in China.

Like western astrology, Chinese zodiac is characterized by 12 signs or animals that are representative of various human temperaments. Even so, similarities end there, as this oriental astrological system is radically different in the way it assigns signs to individual.

Calculating Chinese Compatibility Animal Signs

Instead of months, the Chinese zodiac is based on a year-time cycle, with all individuals born in a year, belonging to the same sign. Like every other system, the Chinese zodiac is based on a picture of the world, as ancient people of the land saw it. They believed the entirety of cosmic action to be a result of interaction or transition between the five processes or stages Wu Xing - wood , fire , Earth , metal and water.

Each sign is made up of a combination of these elements or a result of interaction between these processes. According to intrinsic abilities and behavior patterns of these signs, a compatibility pattern emerges, which is presented in the chart below.

Astrology is borne out of human experience and it's not a precise science.