Cafe astrology february 8

Moon Phase Cycle: Bigger Picture
  1. Mercury enters Capricorn
  2. February 8 Birthday Horoscope 2017-2018
  3. February 8 Birthday Horoscope
  4. What’s Ahead for Each Sign of the Zodiac
  5. February 5 Birthday Horoscope

If you are an artist, this could be an especially inspired, imaginative, and productive year. Pay attention to your gut feelings, which will, more often than not, give you valuable information. Fresh energy is with you this year as you turn over a new leaf. Your social life is fun and keeps you on your toes, as you meet new people and open yourself to new experiences.

In general, you are inspired—you are certainly getting in touch with the dreamier, more spiritual side of your nature. As well, you present yourself with self-respect and others trust you more than ever. Ruled by the Moon. This is a year of potential companionship.

It is a quiet, gentle, and mostly harmonious year that is less active than other years. Instead, you are more responsive to the needs of others. If you are patient and open yourself up in a gentle manner, you will attract both things and people.

This is an excellent year in which to build and develop for the future. Advice — be patient, be receptive, enjoy the peace, collect.

Mercury enters Capricorn

This is a year of sociability. It is a friendly time, when it is easy to enjoy life and other people. Focus is on personal freedom, reaching out to others, making new friends, and exploration. You are more enthusiastic and ready for adventure. Advice — reach out, but avoid scattering your energies. These lengthy, detailed, and comprehensive reports reveal the themes and circumstances you are likely to encounter in the coming year, and are based on your actual birth day, time, and place, as well as your current place of residence.

This report also makes a great birthday present—for yourself or others. See a sample of one of these reports here , and find out more information about this personalized birthday forecast here.

February 8 Birthday Horoscope 2017-2018

We also offer other forecasting reports. You possess much stamina. Others can truly count on you! Famous people born today: A Full Moon in your Solar Return chart marks this as a year of great personal significance, when major new beginnings, endings, and activities occur. This period is the culmination of a stage of personal growth and development.

Events occurring this year may bring various developments in your emotional, psychological, or spiritual life over the past several years to a head. Relationships are especially important.

There can be increased activity in your professional and public life, causing a conflict with your domestic and personal goals.

How to Read a Birth Chart.. in Minutes!

There is little moderation in your life this year. Connections are made or ended; or your job focus may change as one focus fades to make way for a new direction.

The year ahead is certain to be a very busy, dynamic, and significant period in your life. The year ahead is likely to be a very busy one.

February 8 Birthday Horoscope

At times, you may feel like the pace of your life is running ahead of you. You can be especially productive, however, in all types of communications—writing, speaking, learning, teaching, and so forth.

  1. Monthly Horoscopes.
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  4. Monthly Horoscopes!

It may be that you experience sudden changes or breakups with a friend or lover. However, the chance of a sudden new friendship is just as likely. At the root of this is a stronger taste for the unusual.

Your Birthday Year Forecast: The Sun in harmonious aspect to the Moon in your Solar Return chart is a pleasant aspect, suggesting that your domestic and career needs are not in competition with one another this year.

Your inner needs tend to be mirrored by external events, and vice versa.

What’s Ahead for Each Sign of the Zodiac

You are likely to be on top of your game this year for the most part, and positive connections with others can be made fairly easily. A comfortable level of personal popularity helps keep conflict to a minimum. With the ability to handle your emotions successfully, there will be less stress on both your mind and body.

Your self-confidence and positive attitude will reward you! Mars harmonizes with Saturn around the time of your birthday this year, helping to ground you.

February 5 Birthday Horoscope

Work is solid this year, and you can see results from your efforts, or at least foresee success down the road. This gives you a sense of responsibility and a feeling of directedness and purposefulness. Traditional methods work, and thoroughness brings rewards.

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  • February 8 Birthday Horoscope ;
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  • Practice or refining a technique is favored this year. The approach that seems to work best with this aspect is a step-by-step one, with modest ambitions and the appreciation of slow but steady progress.

    You are especially interested in setting goals and challenges for yourself this year, and taking the necessary action to meet them.

    You may meet or interact with others who encourage or inspire you in some way to have more confidence in yourself. Your energy levels are generally strong this year, and your sense of timing better than usual. You tend to instinctively know the right course of action to take in most situations. Your desire nature is strong, and increased physical activity, including sexual, is likely.

    Independent work is favored and competitive activities may also thrive this year. Joie de vivre and increased energy can truly enhance your life in many ways, not only because you are more able to enjoy life this way, but also because others sense your dynamism and you are likely to attract good things to you as a result.

    You could be rather wilful and impassioned, and it would be best to channel excess energy into healthy physical outlets instead of wasting your time arguing or getting yourself into conflicts with others. In October and November, you benefit from Saturn transiting trine to your Sun, which helps you to focus on your goals.