Lion man and capricorn woman compatibility

Leo Man - Capricorn Woman Love Compatibility
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It does not matter what sign he is I never thought I would actually fall in real love. I have met many, many men but none like my Steve.

Leo Man And Capricorn Woman

We're two easygoing people that enjoy being together. I'm a Leo man and I'm in a very serious relationship with a Capricorn woman. She's amazing and I'm more fulfilled and happy than I thought was even possible. We have a sublime chemistry and a total acceptance and adoration for each other.

Strangers have approached us and said things just like that, haha! It's interesting to read these comments, and somewhat ironic, because I just recently did some soul-searching. I discovered I'd developed a very unhealthy pattern of jealousy since my last relationship which was devastatingly awful, with a Gemini.

I'm having a lot of success dealing with that now that it's out there in my conscious mind. I'm also aware that I have to guard against the urge to be controlling, although I've been doing that for quite some time and can keep a lid on that impulse except when I'm physically or emotionally wiped out, but I'm working on that.

I'm very hopeful about this relationship, and I've read at least as many promising prognoses as there negative with this "match. Don't know if there's anything to astrology, but there does seem to be a lot of truth the parts of I've read.

I have only been with a Leo man three times in my life. The first two happened in a time where I was down and discouraged because of failed relationships. These Leos came in at just the right time and helped me feel strong and desirable again. However, being a Capricorn, I soon left each one to travel to new heights.

The third, the one I'm with now, came into my life after I suffered through a horrible breakup. I see him as my Angel and will treat him with love, compassion and loyalty. Even if it doesn't go further, I will always cherish our time together.

He is a king amongst men. I am currently going out with a Capricorn girl. I can sometimes be a little demanding, and I try to stop that as much as I can. I am a Leo man who is madly in love with a Capricorn woman.

The problem is that she doesn't know it. We have been friends for 4 years and I am fairly certain that if I were to make this known, that would be the end of that. It is more important to me to have her in my life in some capacity, even if it not the in the role I prefer.

She is truly amazing and it will be a monumental challenge to meet someone who can even come remotely close to her Amazing is actually an understatement I am a Capricorn currently with a Leo man.

Hey there!

Its been 3 months so far, and we're still going strong. Living abroad is already hard, having to deal with a horrible breakup with an ex Leo of 2 and a half years, and a fallout with Scorpio best friend yeah, can you imagine? My experiences with Leo men have all been good.

The first relationship ended due to unavoidable circumstances, but never once did any of the Leo's in my life ever gave me a reason to lose trust in them.

I have to say though, that both Leos are total opposites, one born on the 23rd of August, the other born on the 23rd of July. So it's been quite an interesting ride. I am a Capricorn women who is madly in love with a Leo man for past 20 yrs.

And we have one child together. For the most part In the beginning was rough he tired his flavors but guess I was the best tasting he ever had, he can be stubborn self centered jealous and want his way on his throne. I have learned throughout the yrs. I love him dearly. I'm a Leo man and my wife's a Capricorn.

She tends to be very stubborn and argumentative and likes to spew sarcasm and make comments that really annoy me a lot of them under her breath. Especially first thing in the morning. She hasn't learned even after all these years you can't talk that way to me first thing in the morning- it messes up my whole day.

She puts on a good act in the public eye, but behind the scenes she hasn't been very good to me. When she wants her way about anything she is very pushy, impatient, brash and direct, and she has temper tantrums if I try to disagree. She is also very selfish.

Leo Man and Capricorn Woman ⋆ Astromatcha

She'll dig herself into debt, and expect me to come bail her out, even if it means my bills don't get paid, and she refuses to help me with anything when I really need help. With her it's always Gimme Gimme Gimme.

She refuses to see my point of view on anything, and will disagree just for the sake of disagreeing, which has left a negative impact on my morale. I end up caving in simply because I just get tired of arguing about things. I've stuck it out with her for over 20 years, but things really haven't gotten any better.

I had a bad feeling about it right from the beginning, and sometimes I feel like I was pushed into this marriage. She is way too confrontational for my taste.

I've gone to sleep angry at her too many times. If I could turn back the clock I think I would have held out for someone less confrontational, like a Libra. I've known a few Libra women over the years and they were all very nice and respectful to me. Nothing like the Capricorn I wound up with!

I'm the Leo guy who just posted, again. Well, my Capricorn wife made yet another stupid abusive move. My daughter said she was going to spend the night with another girl she's friends with in a nearby town and said they would bring her home the next day.

About 8pm she apparently called home while I was outside, and said they changed their mind and she needed a ride home. A few minutes later my cell phone rings. It's my wife saying I would just have to come to rescue her if she runs out of gas.

She waited until she was halfway there before she called, instead of doing the smart thing and calling me before she left the house. She calls from halfway there, spewing out sarcasm and crying like a baby.

Never, ever do I hear anything until a problem gets out of control with her. I am so tired of that. She's worn out her welcome with me a long time ago, and she's just not smart enough to see that, or just doesn't want to see it.

She's never going to change, and I'm just SO tired of just going through the motions with her! If I could have a nickel for every time she has been abusive to me, I'd be a billionaire by now! I've endured the unendurable and suffered the insufferable with her, and I don't see it ending anytime soon.

Sometimes I feel like I'm trapped in a dead end marriage. At home, she lives like a slob- she goes out of her way to be messy, belches like a pig, and waddles around the house like Fat Broad from the because comic strip. And has about the same sparkling personality too! She doesn't know how to be nice at all. It's always nag nag nag, complain complain complain.

And she thinks she's doing you a big favor when she's not complaining. It's the same old broken record playing the same tired song over and over again. If I'm ever rid of her someday, it'll feel like a great burden has been lifted off my shoulders! Now I recently met another Leo man who has me going crazy! Because things are so new I don't want to tell him how I feel but he drives me crazy.

Its becoming a job not to think about him constantly. But this guy really makes me want him But I don't know how to play this out because I know he likes me but I don't want him to think I'm sweating him I don't wanna put to much weight on our "relationship" because its so new so I feel like I should leave him alone out of fear of getting hurt But I must say- he is drop dead gorgeous!!!

He always looks so happy to see me whenever we see each other But he's been out of a relationship for a long time as have I So I'm not sure where this is going, if anywhere at all- so I'm really trying to play it cool He asks me if I miss him when we talk on the phone I think I'm going to go on a date tonight with someone else just because if he's playing games with me- I want to keep my options open I can tell already- that he is someone that I would want to be with but I don't think he's ready to really be in a relationship with me I don't even ask because I don't feel like its my place.

Do you really think Sun sign astrology can tell you enough about all men born in Leo to be able to make generalizations like "I'll never date a Leo again! There are a solar system's worth of planets in everyone's charts, and they're all in different locations.

Just because some jerk had his Sun in Leo doesn't mean I am a jerk too! This is my first Leo and yes the sex is great, expensive T.

We shall see maybe just a summer fling, it'll be fun. Well I'm a Capricorn woman. I just met a Leo man.

Leo Man and Capricorn Woman Compatibility

Something about him got me like this: He's cute and makes me smile a lot. Mm I'll see where this is going hopefully somewhere good. But I'm scared because he has a lot of girls after him and I don't just wanna be da ' next girl ': Im a Leo man and it was kind of rough at the start, but we hung in there and our relationship got better and better.

Truth be told, I think I love that girl. We'll both see what the future has in store for us though. If you do go for it with your Leo, all I can say is first make sure he is not a Lazy Leo My Leo is on the Cancer Cusp, July 23rd, if that makes a difference, IDK, but he certainly is lazy and was always looking for me to take care of him financially To the poor Leo lion who is having so many problems with a dirty Capricorn goat, threaten her with the possibility of winding up a Crazy Cat Lady.

She feels to comfortable, like she has reached the top of the highest mountain. Shake things up a bit by putting her status in jeopardy or at stake.

Tell her you miss feeling like a king and ask her if she would mind if you got dressed up and went out with the "cousin of a friend"? When she starts having jealous tantrums tell her you're getting restless, life is becoming too small for you and act ad and bored rather than judgmental. Start having a lot of people call you and at first decline invitation for a week or so and then start hanging out.

Should you actually "cheat"? I find that sex clouds Leo's vision rather than focuses it. Because it is not natural for you to leave your pride My Leo man was very very very much a "lion" at heart.

You Leos are not easily going to walk away from what you have built for 20 years, out of both emotion and aggressiveness and possessiveness. Even if you went with ANOTHER woman part of you would still brood and feel an angry sense of being ripped off, where is you "fix" her, you certainly CAN get back the woman you fell in love with and even better.

Give her the scare of her life, back unto the straight and narrow. You'll be amazed how fast she turns from a goat to a unicorn to win you and then to keep you. Capricorn women have a magical gift for transforming themselves and staying young beyond their years.

Give her a last chance but on YOUR terms. I am a Capricorn in the beginning stage of a relationship with a Leo. I am sooooooooo attracted to him, it's ridiculous! He turns me on with just a hug.

He is great in the bed! Now out of dream world of the Leo Being a Capricorn, I can be stubborn and have to have the last and final word. I give up at times to calm the us both down. Someone has to give up because it's surely not him.

LOL I am really be hopeful that things will turn out well for us but I know I have my hands full with him due to his ex girlfriend of a bad relationship.

I have healed and overcome that sore, just moved on. I am a cap woman in 2-going on 3 years with my Leo mate. What I can say about our relationship is it's not easy. He is not forth-coming with his emotions and has a difficult time expressing them, especially when he is angry. He tends to take it out on his children most of the time, expecting them to understand how things are done or expected when he is not always teaching them how he expects it to be done.

This type of anger makes me and them want to fly under the radar as much as possible. I keep my mouth shut and let him do what he wants, when he wants. I try my best not to express my anger at any situation in fear of what I will get back.

I think the sun and earth together can sometimes create lava Other than that, we enjoy the same things and pleasures. We have a decent sex life- although he does tend to be a selfish lover: I think we are not the best match, and we must work to keep our mutual love and relationship together-cause when it's good it's great!

Im a Capricorn woman and Leo men seem to be the only men I fall for! They tend to have the same birthday too which is really odd. All in all none of them have worked out for me, they always end up hurting me in some way.

It's like they never really love me, or are devoted at all. Their really hard to read and I wish things were different with the two signs. I am a Capricorn Women and just started dating a Leo man.

Like a few people have said, he drives me crazy and for the most part its been nice.

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I am also drawn to Virgos. It just seem like a Virgo Man completes me. I'm speechless with the way they make me feel. So far the Leo makes me laugh and we have fun times together. At the end of the day, if the Virgo calls and tells me he is ready, I will leave the Leo in a heartbeat.

I am a 30 year old Capricorn who has been friends with a Leo man for 7years. We are truly friends. We have never lost contact with each other since we've met!

I've been battling an overdue break up with a scandalous Scorpio since ! Now that's that's done for good I want to be al into my Leo friend He spends the night over my place often and we have never had sex, we have never kissed. But when we go out he's affectionate, a total gentlmen pays, open doors, and makes me feel safe.

HE IS six year older than me and I sometime think he might end up being my husband! I was by his side when he was away at war and I think I want to be there now! I also have a long-distance crush with a Gemini! And my so call best mates scorp, Virgo Never work! I am a cap girl and I'm dating a Leo boy.

I never thought that I can ever fall in true love but I tell you Leo mans are just perfect 4 cap's. Now I have been going thru a messy divorce from a drug addicted Aries lawyer, and went so deep into depression that I thought I'd never get out but who comes along to save and love me, my Leo guy.

He makes me feel so good about myself and I am so in love with him that I can't see straight. Yes, he can be jealous and controlling, but I take it with a grain of salt and we get along just fine. As far as sex goes, it's pretty dam mind blowing. I am a Capricorn woman and met a Leo man back in , when we first met it was like love at first sight and I've never been able to forget about him ever since we've met..

Yeah I was crazy about him you could say in a good way. He never tried to have sex with me when I stayed at his house or even the second time, which made me wonder if he way gay lmao but for that reason I adored him for that.

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What I can say for sure is that when we got to talking on the phone for our first official conversation, it was very intellectual and made me want him even more its like he touched me spiritually he was different from other guys so to me he stood out.

We saw each other for a few months at the beginning and saw each other after once in a blue moon in , but he never forgot about me he still kept y number. I don't feel that he wanted a relationship which I was at time so I had to let him go and it was and still is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do in my whole life , because I have never felt that way about anyone he was my hero.

I loved him sooooo much I even wrote him a letter but he never wrote back I did all I could to get him to express himself which he just didn't meaning he was hard to read, like body language and things like that.

One day I called him out the blue to see if he was still living he said he had a baby and how the girl wants to play happy families, my heart sunk to the Earth's core, I wanted to cry and now I found out he has a girlfriend. Guess he just didn't want me but oh well another one bites the dust Every time I see him is at Carnival and when I saw him last time I just wanted to jump in his arms and fly away Im a Capricorn woman and am completely conflicted between two boys right now; a Leo and a pieces my last relationship was a marriage with a Sagittarius that ended horribly and was never good-EVER!

Now he's totally gone cold in conversation but still talks to me. However, there is a Leo I met that the conversation is awesome with and he is more then eager to talk whenever or take me out, problem is I am always making plans last minute with him waiting to see if pieces is gonna ask me out first.

As a cap im not good at putting myself out there and id much rather have him make all the first moves and just be aloof but I also don't want to let what happened with the one guy ruin what we might have if that's possible. So now im just wondering should I take the lead and ask pieces out again and see if there's anything to salvage or just move on with Leo who isn't supposed to be as compatible?

My husband is Leo, we are living together with since 7 yrs and we have 2 children. He is not good towards me but he loves me a lot but not all romantic and not good at bed he likes to sleep a lot. I don't know how can I lead my life with him. I always go near to him move very close to him but he rejects that.

His words are very rash and he is not ready to accept hie behavior. I'm currently in a relationship with a Leo man!

I care deeply for him. It's like his personality drew me to him! LOL He is rather vain at times but I can't help but laugh at him when he is! I'm very happy with him in my life! Never a dull moment and I wouldn't have it any other way. I am now dating a Leo guy and im a Capricorn, so far our relationship is o. The best relationship in my life was with a Capricorn.

My voice cracks if I utter her name and my heart pounds when I think of her smile. I am uncontrollably attracted to caps and continue to find myself trying to court them. Expect incredible moments of bliss rife with love letters, fulfilling conversation, time-freezing kisses and exhilarating sex.

On the other hand, expect incredible moments of sorrow full of nasty spats. Amazing peaks but lowly valleys. At both extremes, you may have to pinch yourself to make sure you aren't dreaming.

I think this pairing completes both in it if both are mature enough to rise above their stubborn ways. Also a great pair for people looking to get ahead and be successful. Both feed off each other and reach astounding heights very quickly. Woman dating a Leo man. I've only had serious relationships with Leo men actually.

Tried other relationships with different sighs but, never really worked. Its just the whole Leo persona in a whole that I like. The only problems are that they can be just as stubborn, can be lazy, and can't spend money too well, and they like attention toooo much Which actually isn't a problem.. I like giving it out to one special person if some space can be involved once in awhile.

They don't like it when I'm secretive, or sarcastic sometimes. Sooo it evens out. My 1st love was a Leo man but we broke up I promise myself if I ever meet a Leo male again I wouldn't let him go. I meet my Leo mate which is now my hubby I agree with some of the zodiac comments.

That is so true about Leo man they love hard and are hard to get ride of. Im a Leo Man, and my 4 yr relationship recently ended with my wonderful Capricorn Girlfriend. Im trying to give her space, but its hard, as we have a beautiful daughter together.

She lets things like finances and my previous marriage get in the way, but what she tends to forget in my opinion is how wonderful we make each other feel. She has been my rock, and I would do anything for her. My family is important, and I want very much to work out our differences. I am a Capricorn women and I've had 2 serious relationships in my life Both with Leos.

Ive never had the jealousy, or over protective issue with either of them, or maybe I didn't notice. The first one was with my Highschool sweetheart 3 years older than me which lasted 9 years. Let me tell you, being in this relationship has been an eye opener for me! I loved him for his sweet caring side, being soo optimistic, a charmer, smart, his great physique, his humor, excellent finance management skills, his passionate tender side.

We were able to compromise on little things like shopping, and where to go to eat, But let me tell you when we came to a real life disagreements marriage, family, friends the sparks came flying out the roof.. He was way too spontaneos when I was more systematic. I did love him in every inch of our relationship but at times I felt unappreciated or dumb, frustrated, somehow after our major fights, we always made up and it was OK again, the makeup sex was always good because Leo's are really passionate!..

When I finally got out into the dating market 2 years later , man thats when I realized I made a mistake and what I had let go or gave up!! Trust me I had to find that out the hard, hard way! Currently, I'm with another Leo, whos about 10 years older then me. This guy has just swept me off my feet and blown my socks off!

I have also managed to do some soul searching and realized maybe I need to loosen up a bit and not be as uptight like I was in my 1st relatioship. He makes me feel soo special and the center of his attention everywhere and everyday!

He's affectionate and our sex life never never boring -everytime is absolutely passionate -fire hazord! Hes sweet, and compliments me, he does spend money carelessly clothes, jewelry , but ive been able to help him be a more wiser spender, he likes the flashy things in life, but has learned from me to settle or save for more important things car, home.

We havent had a serious argument or fight yet, but im sure with this one hes older and mature I can talk and work it out because he cares and is willing to compromise. I guess I feel like we compliment each other well.

He loves to be pampered and so do i, so I don't mind buying him gifts, or doing little sweet things for him, because he does them for me.

What I have is what he doesn't have but wants, and what he has is what I don't have and want. Im a more jealous person, and I see that when other women flirt with him it bothers me alot..

I guess in the end Opposites do attract, Im an example.. If you are willing to communicate, let your guard down and just let someone love you, you will go far in any relatioship, thats what I had to do to learn. But truly LEOS are lovers and they will love you if you are true to them!

These are just some things I noticed with being with Leos! Well, I am gettgin married to my Leo. We were childhood friends due to my sisters dating his brother and best-friend. We moved away and 15 years later, we ran back in to eachother. He has a child and I don't but any who We need to learn to take turns in letting your spuse vent I keep mony hidden for us when we are in a bind.

He know that speaking with me about his baby mama when she is acting stupid will uspet me so, he has leanred not to speak to me about it unless I ask I can beat her up It's all about comprimise ya'all!

We have only but a single date, and I have never felt more attracted or at peace with anyone, and we havent even kissed! However I am a bit nervous, she is reserved, and somewhat shy and I find reading her a difficult task.

This makes it very difficult to tell if this feeling of admiration is mutual. I am not exactly sure what to do next, I do feel that rushing anything would be a bad idea as I don't want to loose her I believe that there's a strange connection between Capricorns and Leos.

These two totally different signs have different behavior and personality traits but often these two get on real well. Its like they need one another,call it karmic! But this is a sunsign pattern with Capricorn ruling in leos 6th house of service and Leos being in Capricorn 8th house of mystery!

Who here believes that there is a good connection here even though the books say their incompatible! My name is Heather and I have dated two Leos in my life time. They tend to want a lasting relationship and it's rediculous how much we have in common.

My current Leo partner is so much fun and Sex is never boring. They have heart and are absolutely fun to be around. I have also broken up with one and we managed to get right back together. I particularly think that The Tarus and the Cap is a horrible combination I was married to one for six years.

Great family man but just couldn't continue that relationship. I am now back with a Leo-and they truely are passionate creatures. I'm a Cap woman who has found myself totaly crazy in love with a Leo man after casually dating him for a little over a year.

I want to move forward into a more serious relationship with him but it seeems like he thinks we are already serious. I have amazing chemistry with him but it seems like he's running from it. In the beginning of our relationship people out of no where would ask when we are going to tie the knot, I think they could see our destiny far before him and I.

The problem with this couple is in the way they build up emotions, and their best chances are in time and patience, things that Leo rarely possesses, and Capricorn rules. There is no other way to reach the heart of a Capricorn partner and discover that they can be warm too. If there has been too much pain in their prior emotional relationships, both partners could be almost too stubborn to get to the point where they might actually fall in love.

Leo and Capricorn both value well organized people, presentations and plans. Still, the sensitive, calm, emotional center that Capricorn values is never found in a Leo and unless they are truly inspired by their Leo partner, they could take away their worth just because of preferences.

Leo values direct, open hearted people with big smiles, and as soon as they judge Capricorn for not smiling all the time, they might as well end the relationship. Activities these partners might share depend greatly on their priorities, once again. If Leo wants to settle down, they might find it interesting to spend time in a usual, Capricorn way.

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In return, if Capricorn needs some additional energy and vigor, they will gladly follow Leo in their chosen activities. The most important thing in their relationship is good timing. If they meet in the right moment, Leo and Capricorn might get along very well. The main problem in their relationship is the set of priorities they might not share, and the passion or determination that both of them have.

It is not an easy job, reconciling Saturn with the Sun, but it brings great benefits when it is done. The structure Leo could get and the creativity they might build on together could lift them to exactly what they desired, however their relationship might end.

They differ as much as the Earth and the Fire, but when they share a common goal, they are unstoppable. Leo sign - traits, horoscope, personality, dates, characteristics and astrological sign information. Leo man - information and insights on the Leo man. Leo woman - information and insights on the Leo woman.

Leo horoscope - daily, weekly and monthly Leo horoscopes. Leo compatibility - the compatibility of leo with the other astrological signs in love, sex, relationships and life. Leo history - the history of Leo and the stories behind it. Leo symbol - images and interpretations of the Leo symbol and ruler.

Capricorn sign - traits, horoscope, personality, dates, characteristics and astrological sign information. Capricorn man - information and insights on the Capricorn man. Capricorn woman - information and insights on the Capricorn woman. Capricorn horoscope - daily, weekly and monthly Capricorn horoscopes. Capricorn compatibility - the compatibility of Capricorn with the other astrological signs in love, sex, relationships and life.