January 9 birthday astrology howstuffworks

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  2. January 20 Birthday Astrology Howstuffworks
  3. January 2 Birthday Astrology | HowStuffWorks
  4. January 9 Birthday Horoscope 2018-2019
Mercury enters Capricorn

It also was regarded as under the care of the Roman goddess Vesta, and hence Vestae Sidus. M ythology is closely interwoven with Astrology. Despite all that we do not know about the origins of either lore it is certain that starwatching began with passion on humanity's first night beneath the open sky.

Somewhere in time, shapes were perceived, figures imagined, names given and stories were told about the densely populated tapestry of the heavens. M ythology in general is far more than a collection of "make believe" fantasies created by primitive societies to explain away what they could not understand.

The role of Myth in a society was to set the abstract complexities of Nature within a context of story that the human mind could comprehend.

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Wondering long on what keeps the world from falling through space or whether the dawn will follow night is a costly distraction when there is hunting to do and crops to tend.

A strology and Mythology serve a similar function in this regard. We benefit from Astrology not so much as a tool of fortune-telling but as a directional guide to understanding who we are individually and what our unique role ought to be in this life.

As Carl Jung stated, Astrology claims only that we each possess the qualities of the year and of the season in which we were born. To discern just what those qualities are T he sign of Capricorn within the Astrological zodiac dates back at least some 4, years. It is known that the Sumerians placed a great emphasis upon this particular time of the period.

January 20 Birthday Astrology Howstuffworks

During this earlier age, the winter solstice now in Sagittarius occurred within Capricorn. A mong societies of the Mediterranean region, animals were associated with the four seasons. To each of these creatures belonged either a solstice or equinox. It is generally recognized that these figures were the bull, lion, scorpion and a sea creature.

This imagery corresponds to the astrological signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Capricorn. T he association of the goat with Capricorn dates back, at least, to ancient Babylon. The Greeks related the sign to their horned and cloven-footed god Pan. The image of the hybrid goat-fish creature corresponds to the tale of Pan's encounter with the beast Typhon.

Attempting to escape the dreaded monster, Pan turned his lower half into a fish, in order to swiftly swim away. The Egyptians and Chinese recognized in this time of year the commencement of the much anticipated rainy season.

C apricorn is also associated with the Babylonian god Ea, who wore a cloak designed as a fish's skin, complete with head and tail. One of his many names was "Antelope of the Seas".

January 2 Birthday Astrology | HowStuffWorks

It is the warrior that enables the human being to decide to become a musician only, or a poet only, or a doctor only, or a hermit only, or a painter only.

Who climbs and schemes for wealth and place? And mourns his brothers fall from grace— But takes what's due, in any case— Safe Capricorn. People born on a cusp tend to possess traits of two Sun signs which overlap, blend and often merge.

If you were born within a cusp period you will very likely find it interesting and beneficial to read about both Capricorn and its neighbor nearest to your birthday. Individuals born on the first or last day of Sun sign Capricorn will occasionally find their birthday placed within Sagittarius or Aquarius.

The shift in cusp dates is due to the alternating progression of the Sun from sign to sign. While the difference in Sun sign dating is often a matter of hours, the varyance can extend as much as a full day.

Having a reliable Natal chart cast will reveal precisely where the Sun was at the time you were born. Learn about February 1 birthday astrology. An Aquarius born on February 2 is symbolized by the Water Bearer and has a modern outlook on life.

Learn about February 2 birthday astrology. An Aquarius born on February 3 is symbolized by the Water Bearer and is talented, modest and charming. Learn about February 3 birthday astrology. A Capricorn born December 28 is symbolized by the Goat and has a self-possessed and intelligent nature.

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Learn about December 28 birthday astrology. A Capricorn born December 29 is symbolized by the Goat and has an attractive and charming nature. Read about December 29 birthday astrology. A Capricorn born December 30 is symbolized by the Goat and has a jovial and focused nature. Learn about December 30 birthday astrology.

A Capricorn born December 31 is symbolized by the Goat and has an impractical and creative nature. Learn about December 31 birthday astrology. A Capricorn born December 25 is symbolized by the Goat and has an introspective and ambitious nature. Learn about December 25 birthday astrology. What Makes a 'Killer' Lake Explode?

January 9 Birthday Horoscope 2018-2019

July 16 Birthday Astrology A Cancer born July 16 is symbolized by the Crab and is spiritual with an innate sense of self. July 18 Birthday Astrology A Cancer born July 18 is symbolized by the Crab and is highly energetic and somewhat psychic. July 20 Birthday Astrology A Cancer born July 20 is symbolized by the Crab and can see the positive side of any situation.

July 8 Birthday Astrology A Cancer born on July 8 is symbolized by the Crab and has a serious-minded and idealistic nature.

  • Capricorn Personality: December 22 - January 19 | HowStuffWorks.
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  • January 9 Birthday Horoscope ?

Birthday Astrology Astrology, the prediction of personality traits and future events, is based on the relationship between the Sun, Moon and planets. December 28 Birthday Astrology A Capricorn born December 28 is symbolized by the Goat and has a self-possessed and intelligent nature.

December 29 Birthday Astrology A Capricorn born December 29 is symbolized by the Goat and has an attractive and charming nature. December 30 Birthday Astrology A Capricorn born December 30 is symbolized by the Goat and has a jovial and focused nature.

People born on January 9 are extremely patient people. They can stick to a routine for a long time. They are also very affectionate, sympathetic, and refined people. They focus on the nicer things in life, but they also have a practical side.

Horoscope for birthday 9 January Capricorn

For people born on this day, keep in mind that you have a lot to offer. You are intelligent, driven, and you have an innate capacity to work hard to achieve your highest goals and dreams. Earth involves all things concrete and material. It also indicates self-control and self-possession. You have the raw ingredients to be a great leader, innovator, and world-creator.

This is the great dilemma for people born on January 9; they are hot and cold. They are either burning with a lot of promise and activity, or they are just coasting and drifting through life. You are easily oppressed by limiting beliefs. Your big task is to free yourself from beliefs that constrain you to a very low opinion of your capabilities.

You have the power to achieve great things, only if you allow yourself to.