January 3 libra astrology

Love and Compatibility for January 3 Zodiac
  1. Libra Horoscope 2018
  2. Libra Daily Horoscope
  3. Libra Daily Horoscope
  4. Mars enters Aries
  5. Libra Horoscope 2018 ~ April to June
Libra Monthly Horoscope 2019 ~ Eclipse Special

This at a time when materialism can so engulf the true spiritual meaning of yuletide. Cooking from scratch, and eating magical, seasonal foods will infuse your body with live, solar energy.

These fruit and vegetables have been kissed by the Sun so you are actually taking in light! Instead of negative Ceres craving fake bling bling, positive Ceres has you consuming produce that will have you really sparkling, from within!

What an appropriate way to celebrate the return of the sun at the winter solstice. The main backdrop for the whole year for you Libra is the Saturn square from Jan 1 to Dec Saturn square your decan means you will be forced to learn discernment. This works out well in the end because it will force you to rip out all the draining weeds in your life.

The Lilith square from Jan 1 to Feb 6 introduces you to some of Saturn tests where you will learn to draw boundaries around yourself from vamps.

You will learn to be objective and transcend those lower chakra impulses! The first half of the year is nice and busy starting with a lovely Venus trine from Jan 18 to When you get harmonious transits like this they will really help mould into being whatever Saturn throws at you. The Venus opposition from Mar 7 to 14 provides an opportunity for you to solidify a relationship.

Any new relationship could become more committed at this time. The Mars square from Mar 18 to Apr 4 prepares you for a bumpy time ahead. You are in the mood for combat and find it hard to hold back your temper.

If you do succeed in self-control then you will find misunderstandings with the Mercury Retrograde are less likely. The Mercury Retrograde square from Apr 4 to 14 could bring some work challenges as having Saturn testing you at the same time is not an easy gig.

Try not to fall into the trap of negative thinking. You are feeling much more positive with the Venus trine from 25 Apr to May 2. This also gives you a window of luck in love too.

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There are more relationship challenges with the Venus square from May 20 to 27 , but this is short lived. Use that time to get stuck into any work that involves design and bringing harmony to people. Hurrah, your mojo is back with a confidence inspiring Mars trine from May 16 to Jun This gives you the courage to push ambitious projects ahead and ask for a wage increase if one is long overdue.

The Saturn square continues until Dec No pain, no gain is your mantra for this period. Grit your teeth and mantra yourself into a trance while the universe is bashing your knuckles with a hammer. One thing you will learn is patience and how to stay grounded no matter who pokes you. Once Saturn has passed you can lean on this wall rather than being obstructed by it.

At least the Mars Retrograde trine from Jun 27 to Aug 12 is here to help you bounce over any Saturn obstacles. The first of which is the Lunar Eclipse trine of Jul Like eating healthily, you only notice the advantages from that when you eat badly!

Libra Horoscope 2018

The fabulous Venus conjunction from Jun 7 to 16 is a real feast of delights. It will also help with the trance antidote to the Saturn square. Another nice buffer is the magical Lilith trine which lasts from Aug 11 to Nov 4.

This is overlapped by a super-natural Ceres conjunction from Sep 6 to During this period pagan treats await you if you take the opportunity to convene with nature and heal thyself with fresh air and good, home cooked food.

After that you can look forward to the coming Jupiter sextile from Nov 8 to Dec Although it might be deepest winter where you live, prepare for an astrological springtime. You have worked hard on preparing and nutrifying the soil, now you can grow those Jupiter dream seeds.

Libra Money and Career January 2019 Horoscope Predictions

Libra is still dealing with the long-term Pluto square of transformation and resurrection from Jan 1 to Feb 5. Then you get a nice break where you can rest those psychic muscles that have been stretched into a pretzel.

A little bitchy Venus square starts the year for you from Jan 3 to 9. Silly lies or slander which you can ignore. Part of the Pluto square journey is about learning not to feed the trolls. There can be quite a lot of jealousy when Venus makes hard aspects to you at the same time as Pluto is. You will need to learn to trust your intuition and at the same time become more sceptical.

Libra Daily Horoscope

Yes, some people just lie like its second nature unfortunately. The Lilith square from Jan 1 to Feb 6 can also be quite treacherous when she is at odds with a sullen Venus. Watch out for those triangular relationships. The rude awakening with the background Pluto square is that you are not on an equal playing field and people will use their victim status to drain you of your sympathy, and then your resources!

Life gets easier as springtime starts to blossom with the fragrant Venus trine from May 2 to This gives you that resurrection energy again. The Pluto square feels like a series of plunging into the volcano and then rising like that Phoenix from the flames, over and over again. But each time more purification occurs, coming off in layers, with each one getting clearer.

The last Venus square of the season is from May 28 to Jun 4. This is an opportunity to get tough with relationships that are not serving you. At the same time you need to question if you are not getting, is it because you are not giving?

Venus is about balance and fairness. Energy is levelled out. The Pluto square lasts longer and intensifies in the second half of the year from Jul 14 to Dec The Venus conjunction from Aug 17 to 27 gives you your big Persephone moment.

This might be the time of the year that you make that brave move to dive into a collaboration or relationship that seemed too intense or demanding. With this transit you at least give the prospective romance a trial run instead of running for cover. You never know with Pluto, what seems dark and scary are just demons that you actually need to confront and lay to rest.

It may just be a short lived affair, but one that has the ability to blow away any long held phobias. Earth also gets new meanings in association with the other elements, modeling things with water and fire and incorporating air.

Libra Daily Horoscope

This day is representative for the humorous nature of Capricorn, is ruled by Saturn and suggests labor and strength. People born on January 3 are caring and generous but also very motivated in succeeding through their own forces.

They enjoy traveling and try to discover as many things as possible about the world surrounding us. They try to stay away from deceit both from their part and that of those around them and are never disappointed more by something than when they discover some kind of betrayal.

They are practical beings and are mostly attracted by such endeavors. Perseverant, neat and organized, these natives have great self control.

Capricorn people are usually energetic task achievers but also very calm and patient persons. Those born under this sign are also intelligent and sincere. They tackle everything they have to do with care and always having in mind the people around them.

Overly cautious and pessimistic, these natives often get caught in their own dark thoughts. They find it very hard to embrace change and are often suspicious of the smallest things.

They are frustrated by their inability to enjoy fun and adventurous activities but at the same time they don't do anything about it.

They are overly idealistic at times and behave in such a naive way that others take advantage of them. Lovers born on January 3 are reliable and romantic.

Mars enters Aries

They are attracted to energetic people who can be as dependable as they are. When they decide to commit they do it for a lifetime. They are attracted to intelligent and trustworthy persons whom can offer the same degree of reliability as them. You can conquer the heart of Capricorn by being an honest and supportive partner.

They are likely to surprise everyone around them with the passionate love they are capable of if they come across someone that will truly awake their interest. Otherwise they are aware of their attractiveness and this leads them to a tumultuous love life.

A creative person and a freedom lover, once decided to settle will invest all their attention in their family and they will probably have brilliant children. Some struggle, trial and error will govern parts of their love life but in the end everything will be worth it. They are most compatible with those born on the 6th, 9th, 15th, 18th, 24th and 27th.

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January 3 Zodiac people are very attracted to the other earth signs: Taurus and Virgo as they tend to share the same vision of life. In life, Capricorn is constantly seeking for an attractive and sensible partner and the most suitable to offer them this is the native from Cancer.

Capricorn is thought to be least compatible with Sagittarius. As for the rest of compatibilities between the other star signs and Capricorn, you know what they say, stars predispose but people dispose. This hue suggests the conventional and stable nature of the reliable native in Capricorn, who prefers to stay inside their safety zone.

Making money in is a stronger ambition than usual, particularly until November. Career matters assume more importance to you in the last two months of the year. Uranus continues to transition out of a direct opposition to your sign. Partnerships may have been a wildcard in your life for many years, but this is set to change. Even so, some experimentation with relationships is likely to continue.

Your attitude towards intimacy will be changing over the coming years as you open yourself up to new pleasures and experimentation. From October 5-November 16, take more time with decision-making and aim to understand your needs, particularly related to love and money, more intimately.

From November forward, you enjoy strong support for your social life and for learning, communicating, and new interests. You are hungry to learn, to produce, and to share your ideas. Relationships with siblings, a partner, and even neighbors can improve significantly.

Uranus moves out of your partnership sector for good on March 6, , dear Libra.

Libra Horoscope 2018 ~ April to June

Uranus has been bringing a spirit of rebellion, unpredictability, and unruliness to your close partnerships for the past seven years, and will continue to do so just until March.

From March forward until ! Uranus moves through your intimacy sector and can bring change, excitement, and experimentation to your sex life or intimate world. Uranus is also a ruler of your romance sector, suggesting relationships revving up. This is likely to be exciting and different.

You are approaching intimacy and relationships in unconventional ways. Some people with Uranus in this sector change their attitude towards sexuality quite radically, whether this is going in the direction of opening or closing!

Saturn, on the other hand, is continuing its challenging relationship to your sign from your home and family sector, and there can be heavier responsibilities this year that occasionally weigh you down emotionally, which can affect your responses in love relationships at times.

Mars is your partnership ruler and is moving at a normal speed this year, while last year it was slow or retrograde much of the year. While Mars moves through Libra from October 4-November 18th, a partner is more likely to be on your side, pursuing you, or actively supporting you. Venus, your ruler, is also direct in with no retrogrades — another good sign for forward movement and fewer obstacles and delays to manage.

Until December 2, , Jupiter is transiting in harmony with your sign from your communications sector. This points to happier thoughts and communications. Read the sections for both your Sun Sign and Ascendant for a better picture of what lies ahead for the day.

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