Taurus february 5 astrology

December 2018 Horoscope: Predictions for Taurus
  1. Taurus Monthly Horoscope
  2. Taurus Horoscope: Daily & Today | jakubzidek.cz
  3. Taurus Daily Horoscope
  4. Daily Planetary Overview

A careful review of your financials, commitments, shared resources, or partnerships is appropriate until the 12th. For some, a past relationship can come up for review or consideration.

It may be better to wait on making big decisions, both financially and emotionally, until you see things more clearly. Avoid jumping into something too quickly especially around the when all signs point to confusion.

Taurus Monthly Horoscope

Certain roadblocks and delays lift after the 6th, and matters related to your intimate life or finances, education, travel, or publishing or legal issues tend to move forward as the month advances.

The is excellent for freeing yourself from a burden and for personal appeal or the support of friends. The Sun moves into harmony with your sign and into your adventure sector on the 21st, launching a month-long cycle in which you're feeling more spirited, vibrant, and connected to your dreams and goals.

The Full Moon on the 22nd opens your eyes to the need to express yourself more fully, and this can color much of what you do in the last week of the year. Some of you could be rushing to meet a deadline or news comes in that moves things forward.

It may be a hectic time, but it's also a period of discovering feelings that have been building or that you've avoided and kept at bay, and then embracing them.

Taurus Horoscope: Daily & Today | jakubzidek.cz

Now that you know what's in your heart, you're ready to make better decisions. You'll feel inspired and confident on the Even so, Mars heads into your privacy sector on the 31st, and you end the year with a greater need to rest your body and review your strategies.

The Sun continues to highlight your solar eighth house. Your attention turns inward, as well as to close personal relationships on a deeper level. Personal transformations, personal power, and intimate matters fulfill you most during this cycle.

There may be a strong focus on other's money, such as the resources of a partner, inheritance, banking and loans, or taxes. You are more intense in your mood and disposition, and perhaps even secretive, at this time of year.

You are more in touch with the deeper and even primal elements of your own personality, and more able to see these things in others.

This can be a determined and personally powerful time of year if you apply the energy of this transit constructively. From December 22nd forward: This month, with the Sun spotlighting your solar ninth house, your focus turns outward, away from the more personal concerns that have occupied your thoughts in the last months.

More than any other time during the year, you are feeling most adventurous and willing to take a leap of faith. Anything that broadens your experiences attracts now.

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A lack of superficiality finds you straight to the point, interested in the truth of things. It would be wise for you to consider scheduling a vacation, adventure of sorts, or a course that expands your mind. These don't have to happen now, but taking the time to recognize your needs for escaping the daily grind, taking a few risks, and feeding your spirit for self-expression through some form of adventure or higher learning, will help you to feel good about yourself.

The only caution with this cycle is that you could lose touch with managing everyday affairs and important details. From December 2nd forward: Venus graces your solar seventh house during this period.

This is a time for extra attention to a partner or significant other, as well as from that person! You are more inclined to flatter and charm others during this cycle. One-to-one relating appeals to you more than group activities or more casual connections.

Smoothing out your close personal relationships is what makes you happy during this cycle.

Taurus Daily Horoscope

If single, you are more willing than normal to enter into a committed relationship. In general, you are adaptable when it comes to your affections--very willing to compromise, negotiate, and make peace. Mercury is retrograde until December 6th While Mercury is retrograde, it's better to review, revise, and refine rather than push things forward, particularly related to communications, contracts, and transportation.

Misunderstandings and delays are more likely. Occurring in your solar seventh house this time, extra care should be exercised when it comes to negotiations and one-on-one communications.

Be as non-judgmental as you can with a partner. There may be the need to revisit old issues in a partnership, or there could be some communication problems with a partner. An ex-partner may resurface during this cycle.

Misunderstandings with your partner now can do some damage if you or your partner focus on the choice of words instead of the meanings behind the words. If you need to talk through problems, try not to over-react to what your partner has to say.

Mixed messages coming from a partner, or a disappointment, could occur now. You may not be as adept at mediating disputes for the time being, but it's a good cycle in which to reflect upon your negotiation skills with the goal of improving them.

Re-thinking a partnership arrangement is possible now, but you should avoid jumping to any premature decisions. It would be wise to be especially clear when it comes to communicating with partners; or take this time to re-examine issues rather than communicating about them prematurely.

All Mercury retrograde cycles particularly affect you in terms of communications with lovers or children, and regarding financial affairs, because Mercury rules these areas of your life. Your judgment with regards to personal finances Gemini-ruled for you as well as romantic partners and creative endeavors may not be up to par just now, so do avoid "signing on the dotted line".

Speculation is not advised during this cycle. Mercury transits your solar seventh house. You tend to weigh the pros and cons of every issue during this cycle, taking into account others' needs as well as your own.

Some indecisiveness is possible now, simply because you naturally entertain opposing viewpoints. You have a strong desire to cooperate and communicate with others now. You feel most comfortable spending time with people on a one-to-one level, or with those with whom you share a personal history.

Your own thoughts become clearer through dialogue with others. You may be doing public relations work, counseling, negotiating, or arbitration during this cycle. There is a lot of emphasis on communications with partners and best friends at this time.

You can use the power of words to advise others or to make peace with people in your life. Learning through life and with the flow of it, they don't need much education to find use in everything they stumble upon.

It is their wit and fast, curious mind that guides the way. If they discover their talents soon enough, their search for freedom will be much easier.

Still, it is never too late for them to follow their inspiration. The stone of perfect color and characteristics for people born on the 5th of February is aquamarine. This is a crystal in strong connection with the throat chakra and Mercury, and it will help them express their true Self while still in touch with their divine purpose.

This stone resonates with the ocean and helps one connect with the nature spirits of the sea, and with it all waters influenced and seen through the Moon. It is a stone to aid in connecting the brain with the heart, to develop awareness of true emotional challenges, finding a way to talk about them and find resolution.

Individuals born on this date will enjoy a gift they can read or work with, something they can touch, bend and write on. All sorts of electronic gadgets will intrigue them, so go with one they don't have yet and it will keep them busy for weeks. They will enjoy mind games, puzzles and all sorts of video games, for as long as they aren't too conservative or repetitive and have enough speed to keep them on edge.

In general, it is easier to satisfy their curiosity than their emotional needs in just one day. Intellectually superior, innovative and often brilliant, these individuals shine in the strangest of circumstances and situations.

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Excellent friends, orators, always on the move and ready to surprise you and sweep you off your feet. Unstable and unreliable, too detached and far from the ground, they can become too stressed out, negative, and aggressive to people in their surroundings.

Daily Planetary Overview

Aquarius - traits, personality, dates, characteristics and astrological sign information. Avoid jumping into something too quickly especially around the when all signs point to confusion. Certain roadblocks and delays lift after the 6th, and matters related to your intimate life or finances, education, travel, or publishing or legal issues tend to move forward as the month advances.

The is excellent for freeing yourself from a burden and for personal appeal or the support of friends. The Sun moves into harmony with your sign and into your adventure sector on the 21st, launching a month-long cycle in which you're feeling more spirited, vibrant, and connected to your dreams and goals.

The Full Moon on the 22nd opens your eyes to the need to express yourself more fully, and this can color much of what you do in the last week of the year.

Some of you could be rushing to meet a deadline or news comes in that moves things forward. It may be a hectic time, but it's also a period of discovering feelings that have been building or that you've avoided and kept at bay, and then embracing them.

Now that you know what's in your heart, you're ready to make better decisions. You'll feel inspired and confident on the Even so, Mars heads into your privacy sector on the 31st, and you end the year with a greater need to rest your body and review your strategies. Monthly Horoscopes — Details. The year ahead is potentially excellent for close relationships, dear Taurus.

At times, this influence can complicate things as a voice inside of you that is saying you want to be free! Those of you born very early in the sign April are feeling the changes most insistently while the rest of you are simply feeling the stirrings of things to come. You are making breaks from elements from your past that have limited your freedom or that have kept you from expressing your individuality.

This is a time when you are more willing to take personal risks. Uranus awakens your consciousness to areas of your life that it touches in surprising ways. As such, there may be unexpected events that free you from confining situations or past conditioning patterns. You are more inspired now, and your personality bubbles with bursts of enthusiasm.

There can be a significant break from the past that propels your life forward. Impatience will be something to look out for. This may include leaving behind unhappy alliances or getting over a hump in an existing partnership.

Taurus Weekly Astrology Forecast 5th February 2018

This can be a period for pursuing a dream or cherished goal with someone special. Teaming up makes sense now. It can also be a brilliant year for expanding your mind and experiences through travel with a partner.

Someone seems to be in your corner this year. This can be a reasonable period, overall, for settling long-standing problems and coming to beneficial agreements.