Gemini traits and compatibility

Gemini Love and Sex
  1. Gemini Traits
  2. Gemini compatibility
  3. Gemini Traits
  4. 21 Secrets Of The Gemini Personality…
  5. Gemini Zodiac Sign

The good thing is, Gemini is smart enough to learn to be the romantic, sensual partner that Taurus craves. Gemini makes decisions based on intellect and whim , while Taurus is more practical. If Taurus gives in to those Bullish possessive feelings, or if Gemini is aloof and detached as they often are , this relationship may suffer.

Both Signs must strive to stay open and flexible in order to make this union work. Though Gemini seems unpredictable, Taurus can learn to understand that although Gemini may flirt, the relationship is still important to them. Taurus tends to focus on one thing, person, idea at a time, while Gemini moves from one thing or person to the next according to impulse.

The security the two can give each other once Taurus allows Gemini to offer that security freely. A relationship with a Gemini is as unpredictable and unstable as it gets.

These childish spirited people find it difficult to be in a serious relationship. Also, they don't particularly like the idea of finding one true love and staying committed to them.

Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius and fellow Gemini seem to not be bothered by their approach to love, as they are highly compatible with the Twins. Learn more about Gemini compatibility with other zodiac signs here:.

Geminis are well suited for careers that require clear and easy communication. Thanks to their incredible communication skills and their intelligent minds, Gemini people can interact well with others.

Gemini Traits

The mind of Gemini keeps coming up with new and innovative ideas and has the ability to see things in a different light, which makes the Gemini a great employee.

Gemini people are not overly concerned about the money they possess and they can quite happily spend all their cash on one project only if they find it sufficiently interesting. A Gemini man is charming and lively — a man with very active body and mind.

Being ruled by the planet Mercury, the Gemini man loves traveling and gets easily bored. He is impatient, unpredictable and restless, but very friendly and affectionate towards other people.

Gemini compatibility

A Gemini man loves to communicate with people and is a very intelligent man with a great sense of humor. He loves to enjoy life to the fullest while monotony and routine suffocate him. He rarely gets into a serious relationship and has a tendency to change his partners often. One of his biggest fears is being mistrusted or being misunderstood.

A Gemini woman is talkative and very analytical. She has a rational outlook towards life and is easily approachable and career oriented person.

The woman born under this sun sign is usually very charming, friendly, witty and outspoken. She loves to travel and explore new places. The Gemini woman is always optimistic and trusts people, so obviously she has many good friends.

When she is in a relationship, she is not possessive and gives complete freedom and independence to her partner. In order to keep her attention, her partner needs to express himself fully and openly. According to the zodiac Gemini woman is often unpredictable and is always on a quest for stimulation, both mental and physical.

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You've been working hard to achieve your goals, so the rewards will be plentiful in , as long as you maintain your focus, boldness, and discipline in each of your endeavors. This is not so easy for you, Gemini, as you get bored quickly, so this year choose a task and stick to it.

You are the most adaptive zodiac sign, so you're not afraid of changes. In the beginning of the year, you will face some challenges, so you will need to focus more on your health and relationships. Thanks to your dedication and focus, things will get better in February and March.

Eclipses in the months of February and August will change your communication strategy, so your words will become even more meaningful. You're always giving your all in your love relationships, which is not so easy for you.

Your unstable nature often makes you distracted, so your partner might feel neglected by you at times.

Gemini Traits

In the beginning of the year, as Saturn moves into the sign of Sagittarius, you may feel upset and distressed in love. If you're already in a relationship, a recurring conflict might appear yet again, However, if you're looking for love, you might find yourself feeling depressed at this time.

You will need to relax and allow these difficult moments to pass because as March comes along, things will brighten up. Between March and April, you can expect something exciting to happen; perhaps the soulmate you've been looking for will finally come into your life.

You'll be bursting with creativity for most of the year, which is awesome but if you focus all your energy on your mental faculties, you'll quickly run out of power and you will need to recharge. Even though health concerns are minimal for your sign this year, be sure to do a health checkup just to make sure everything is alright.

You may need to make some changes to your diet by adding more fiber and loads of leafy greens.

Gemini traits

Regular exercise is also recommended in order to relieve stress and tension. Your ideal career is one that is constantly changing and is always offering new job opportunities. A wide variety of subjects excites them, and hence, the Gemini will try their. Gemini-born is enthusiastic and full of life, and always crave for accomplishing new and interesting things, however, their enthusiasm is infectious at times.

21 Secrets Of The Gemini Personality…

Gemini-born are blessed with brilliant communication skills. They are a soft-spoken lot! They can sell just about anything to anyone with their outstanding verbal skills. Gemini-born can effortlessly impress you with their wit and humour, and you will never get bored in their company. Besides, their spontaneity adds to their natural charm.

Gemini Zodiac Sign

A Gemini can easily keep you entertained and involved for hours. Gemini are born intellectuals, they are always interested in learning numerous subjects. They are clever and sharp individuals and they will not shy away from voicing their opinions. Gemini-born are so sharp and prompt that it is hard for them to stay interested and focused in the projects they start with.

Such inconsistency is their main drawback. Gemini-born are often tagged as superficial people because of their inability to delve deep and pay attention to details. Gemini-born are constantly in two minds whenever they are supposed to decide on something. At times, they lose out on very lucrative opportunities in their life due to their inability to decide.

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  2. Gemini compatibility.
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Gemini-born often lack the direction and focus in their life and so they easily get bored with the things that they are doing. Gemini-born are full of energy, but have a tendency to bite off more than they can chew.