Michele knight weekly horoscope 23 february

Michele knight weekly horoscope 13 may
  1. 2018 Yearly Horoscope (Written) With Michele Knight
  2. michele knight weekly horoscope 13 may - 10th lord in 5th house vedic astrology
  3. Aquarius weekly horoscope 13rd may 2018 by michele knight

This is pointing the way to you setting in motion and then fulfilling, a radical and exciting change for And yes, it forms part of your destiny. Along this path you are going to meet people with whom you have made agreements over many lifetimes and all this is aligned to your karma, fate, destiny — whatever you want to call it.

Your way to initiate this cycle is to be uniquely and unashamedly yourself — no matter how radical this may feel to begin with. The gift you can give yourself this season, and one which will bring you the most value is the freedom to do just that.

This is your path to bigger opportunities, travel and freedom in Step past those invisible barriers between you and those big dreams. And step into a cycle of expansion that takes you on into The first day of the New Year sees ruler Mars arrive in your sign.

January begins with four planets in their ruling signs — Mars being one of them. For you, this means they are also in their ruling houses in your chart also giving you the ability to maximise all this potential.

You should be filled with confidence, dynamic energy and courage putting you in a go-getting mood. Whether this is just in your head or in the outside world your drive and determination plus a large helping of big dreams, will see you through. You want something to show for your efforts and also thanks to Jupiter in your 9th, you are craving freedom too.

As far as your work goes, if you have ever thought about starting your own business and being your own boss, this is your year.

No matter whether you decide to release your inner entrepreneur or look to improving your current work situation, you are very much going to be running — and starring in, your own show in However, that does not mean you will be flying solo however. When your birthday season begins in March love, partnerships and above all, relating will take on a new meaning for you.

This is due to two rare full Moons in your 7th house across two consecutive months. The first, on the 21st March is actually a Supermoon. The second one appears on April Especially as the day after the second full Moon in your 7th appears, Venus the ruler of your 7g house, enters your 1st making this an enchanted time for relationships and your power to attract.

You are getting an extra dose of love potion from Venus due to her moving from your 1st on into her ruling 2nd until the beginning of June. So you can fully explore the potential unleashed by the two full Moons.

So, you could fall in love with someone much older or younger, from another country or from a very different background to yours.

For you, love knows no borders in Your birthday season also asks you to release your inner rock star. You began the year with retrograde Uranus in your sign having a brief re-visit. Uranus went direct on January 6 and by March 6 has re-entered Taurus — this time for good.

Music may take on a new meaning in your life especially modern music. Your taste in music may change or undergo a radical shift. A beat to whatever it is you do that you did not have before. However, Uranus in your 2nd will not just be bringing you alternative bands, but also altering the way you look at your money and your value system.

You may find yourself looking past the pounds, dollars, euros, yen or even Bitcoin and asking yourself: Am I selling out? How does having this add real value to my life? These are the kinds of questions you may not have asked yourself until now and with Uranus involved the answers you receive may surprise you.

How you earn your money may change as well as your attitude towards it. Again, Uranus is the ruler of the inventor, the entrepreneur, the visionary maverick who rides the next wave before anyone else knows just what, when or where that may happen.

You could be the idea whose time has come. Big ideas are just one possibility that can open your eyes to a whole new world of experience thanks to Jupiter in its ruling 9th in your chart for 11th months of the year.

Have your passport handy because travel is highly likely — especially the long haul, overseas variety. But do remember that unlike Uranus who frees us unilaterally, with Jupiter we get the choice whether we go along for the ride — or not. If so, you are encountering Jupiter in person regardless of their gender and will benefit from them in some way.

People and experiences will open up your eyes to possibilities and paths that you either did not know existed or did not think were for you.

If you were over 18 12 years ago when Jupiter was last in your 9th house, think back to the themes that emerged back then for you. What opportunities were you offered?

Which ones did you take up and which did you leave unexplored? Your sexy self-confidence and fiery daring streak ensures you not only know what you want but have no hesitation in going after it. Especially during May when ruler Mars and Jupiter together ignite first your business and communication sector and then your house of romance, creativity and pleasure.

As we head towards the end of the year, you will have an opportunity to turn the answers to those questions you were asking earlier in the year around money, values and true costs into tangible results as Jupiter changes signs in the first week of December and heads into your 10th of career, reputation and renown.

What do you want to be known as or for? But what you should now be aware of is the true cost of getting to the top. Uranus and Jupiter want you to realise that true success is self-defined.

But yours is the only definition that matters. And the only one worth valuing. And the experiences you have will prove to be the most valuable things of all. Step onto a magic carpet ride! Aries Is the first sign of the Zodiac and a fire sign. You feast on life and have courage and passion. Your soul lesson is to be a warrior of love and to learn completion.

Watch the All about Aries video for more. Get ready for new love or just a bigger love experience as Jupiter enters Libra this September and says It takes two, baby! Aries ruler is the fiery Mars — the planet of action, boldness and assertiveness.

So if you are an Aries or have Aries rising, you are ruled by Mars. How can you channel your Mars for best effect? Follow these simple hacks and get him forging your path to success as your warrior partner and […].

Michele lets you in on the essential soul hacks for love success. Your North Node points the path to your soul mate. I believe that we can be compatible with any sign.

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Here is a traditional view on compatibility. Of course to really tell you need to get a proper chart done. Aries relationship vibration Aries is the spark of […]. Venus Uranus Transits Venus Conjunct Uranus Like a bolt from the blue this transit can give you a radical insight into your needs.

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Skip to content your aries horoscope page. The week ahead for aries. View your written weekly astrology reading Get ready for outrageous fortune Unleash that inner indy rock God Alternative routes fast track you to success So this is Christmas, And what have you done?

View your written monthly astrology reading. View your written yearly astrology reading. All about aries Aries Is the first sign of the Zodiac and a fire sign.

Below you can find free daily, weekly monthly and annual readings for Aries. The Sun meeting Mercury in your 10 th on the 17 th could bring good news around your career or job status.

The Sun and Mercury then move on into your 11 th the following day. Expect free-flowing communications, ideas, invitations and a new focus on social activities. Your circle of professional contacts could also expand. Fabulous soul connections could be made when Venus meets Neptune on the 21 st which make you feel you are communicating on a higher level.

There is a feeling perhaps of connecting with this person before. The connection could be spiritual and even telepathic at times! Good friends, good company and also unusual ideas provide you with a necessary release now.

The same goes for relationships. Just bear in mind that right now your best resources are friends rather than partners. Social life lacking or just lacklustre? Time to make the effort and change that. February offers a course adjustment in your career if one is needed, and a wider social experience too.

Remember, something has to change now and it all starts with you. Opportunity could come knocking this month, Taurus. Are you ready to open the door? The first three weeks of February are all about what you have learned and on expanding your horizons. One thing that will come up is what you consider to be the truth vs.

All this of course rests on how attached you are to your ideas and beliefs. You usually love to entertain new ideas. If this is how you approach matters this month then you could experience not just being in the right place at the right time but being in the right mind when the right opportunity appears.

Most of us have regrets about missed opportunities we did not recognise for what they were when they appeared. Well, for one thing we could have been so focussed on one particular outcome or one way of getting there, that we failed to see we were being offered something better or an easier or more scenic route.

Good things often come in disguise. Remember that as this month unfolds. How does the dream measure up to reality? Dare to go after it? The Sun and also Mercury will oppose the North Node in your 3 rd this month. Does news you receive have anything to do with those dreams of something you want to see, do or experience in the world?

You want to reach out and have more too now, Gemini. These are the facts. The need for personal freedom is paramount now — and with Mars in your 7 th , heaven help anyone you see as trying to restrict you in any way. Settled Geminis need to plan activities to do with their partners as too much time sitting around doing nothing can see you grating on one another.

Are you a single Gemini? If so read on as I have news specifically for you. Travel and people from overseas feature. Whether you are literally doing it or not and whether you realise it or not, you are embarking on a journey now. That is yet to be revealed as a solar eclipse occurs at the time of the new Moon in your 9 th on the 15 th.

You want to head in a new direction — maybe even step out of your comfort zone. This is a new phase opening up but please remember — eclipses initially conceal.

You may have to wait for the direction to become clear. What may happen initially however is you questioning some of those ideas and beliefs around life I mentioned earlier. If so, go with this process until the next step reveals itself. I said I had news specifically for you.

Aries weekly horoscope 24th December 7th Jan 2019 BOOM! You're back!

This eclipse is all about connection. Not just a lover. How you meet that lover is probably going to be through people. Time to make a concentrated effort to go beyond that comfort zone I talked of earlier and get social in new and exciting ways if love is your goal.

All Geminis whether settled or single should take this one on board, but singles in particular can benefit now. Venus the planet of love entered your 10 th on the 10 th , not only enhancing your professional image and career prospects but also your love prospects too.

Ruler Mercury and the Sun are also twinned at the moment as they will enter this house together on the 18 th. Time to push forward those career plans as this will prove to be a time when major decisions around your work and future direction can be made.

Needless to say, your image is very important. Cultivate an aura of glamour as Venus and Neptune meet. Above all, remember when it comes to business to stay businesslike and not to allow sentiment to cloud any decisions especially when Mercury also meets Neptune on the 25 th but you have the Sun angling at Saturn in your personal power zone supporting you now and he rules your 10 th.

Not just professionally but also in love. Time to make fantastic connections in business and the heart this February. Wrap yourself in empowerment and show the world a whole new you this February.

Powerful transformational forces are yours to command. You could be put in a position where you have to take a stand, negotiate something or make sweeping changes.

This could be an intense month for you where passions surface and your sexual self demands more expression. The cosmic line-up in your 8 th includes the Sun, Mercury and Venus as well as asteroids Astraea and Hygeia. Your transformation this month is all about striking a balance. All the planetary meetings, angles from those in your 8 th to those in other houses have a power and a purpose.

Take a close look at where the imbalances are in your life. And remember, too little or none of something is an imbalance as well as too much.

Too much focus on one area to the detriment of another is an imbalance. This is your house of shared resources after all. This applies to anything from sharing bills to chores. Or is the imbalance a power issue?

Is someone else calling the shots all the time and making unilateral decisions without consulting you? Only you can say for sure what kind of imbalance needs to be corrected. This month is all about identifying this, determining what steps you need to take to correct it, and above all, taps you into your personal power so you can confidently push through changes.

Be an agent for your own transformation if one is needed. You can also be your own best negotiator when it comes to money as your 8 th rules your salary, bonuses, perks, benefits, maintenance payments etc. We have an unusual month this month as it is a month with no full Moon.

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We do however have a new Moon on the 15 th which brings with it a partial solar eclipse also in your 8 th. This is all about the passion.

But please remember that eclipses initially conceal. We often have to wait to see what emerges from their shadow. This eclipse asks you to transform an area of your life by growing beyond your present experience.

To do this we often have to reach deep into our personal power source as this can be challenging work. Expect to be dealing with not just transformations but possibly the deep side of life — endings and rebirth as these too are transformations.

Transformation is intense work — remember that! This points to the path ahead after your transformation cycle is complete. Travel, fun, romance and even a touch of luck surround you once more.

2018 Yearly Horoscope (Written) With Michele Knight

Love could take on a cosmic, fated vibe but please be aware that Neptune can quite literally obscure or distort things. Imagine trying to see underwater. Yes, this can be a beautiful, soul-transporting transit. But ensure you remain grounded in reality. For whatever reason, one of the main messages of this month is take your time.

Step into your power, this February Cancer. Passion could transform an existing situation as love takes on a cosmic, other-worldly vibe. Sealed with a kiss? Sitting on the fence? Maybe the you of last month would have gone along with that.

But the you of this month? Breath-taking aspects on the 3 rd have you looking at how your destiny is unfolding. Mars in your 5 th angles back to Mercury in your 7 th reminding you where passion may be missing. While your ruler the Sun also in your 7 th opposes the North Node in your 1 st. Venus is also in your 7 th until the 10 th and remember, this is her ruling house in your chart.

Your home or living arrangements could also be under scrutiny with your 7 th house planets making aspects to Jupiter in your 4 th.

Some of you could be looking at moving in with a partner or changing residences. And inevitability with the North Node involved. Singles could attract a new love and as this is time for commitment, why not commit to your search if you are on your own?

Or if you are happy flying solo then commit to that. This is also a good time for creative self-expression as Mercury in here brings ideas and also opportunities. Are you being true to your heart?

Astrea is all about integration and balance while Hygeia represents not just healing but being in control of yourself and your destiny. Instead this month, we have a partial eclipse of the Sun at the time of the new Moon on the 15 th. As the Sun is your ruler you feel the effects of the eclipse more powerfully than most.

Remember — eclipses conceal. By now you should have noticed how this works. Remember, your 7 th rules partnerships of all kinds. Including business partners, collaborators and long term friends.

Others could take their relationship to the next level. Legal matters could come to a head if you are involved in those. So expect feelings to intensify and passions to run high. This could accelerate the change or commitment process as this is your house of things that you share as well as transformation, sex and endings.

The Sun and Mercury both move in to your 8 th on the same day 18 th. And whether you know it or not, you are about to astound others with this as you take a radical step which initiates a new cycle for you.

Venus meets Neptune in here on the 21 st and Mercury encounters Neptune on the 25 th. This is the point where you may go within and formulate your decisions rather than act on them. Again, remember what I said about the eclipse covering things up. New information may be revealed and if so, examine this carefully from all angles before acting.

If you are worried about taking any kind of action, wait, but also remember your power source is there for you, a vast reservoir for whenever action is needed. We have nothing to fear but fear itself — remember that whenever the next step forward appears daunting. Above all, what you need to bear in mind is that this is a month where you can transcend an old problem, issue or phase and leave it behind for good.

Make a radical departure if necessary towards something different now. If you do, others will just stand back in amazement or even jealousy! Which makes it all the sweeter. Time to seal the deal this month, Leo. Old problems fall away leaving you free to create a fresh future.

Ruler Mercury is busy this month and of course, in full-forward form at last. Because you have some interesting asteroid action happening along with the Sun, Venus and Mercury in here. For you, this energy has a deep resonance and will just emphasise the usual themes we see cropping up when Mercury is in here.

Time to be adaptable, flexible and to bring you considerable attention to detail and truth-seeking abilities to anything you undertake now.

You have asteroids Astrea and Hygeia in your 6 th and both the Sun and Mercury will meet both of them in here this month. Now, there are presently some big arguments amongst some astrologers being waged about whether one of these should in fact replace Mercury as your ruler.

Astrea is linked to practical problem solving skills which fits in with your mental acumen, and also balance and integration wellbeing. So the connection is easy to see here. Hygeia on the other hand is about health, wholeness, holistic healing and the intellect and of the two, you may find you resonate with Hygeia more strongly.

The dates to watch this month are the 6 th — 14 th when the Sun and then Mercury meet Astrea and then move on to Hygeia. If rewards are due, they could now manifest as the Sun and then Mercury oppose the North Node in your 12 th. Also, the 12 th is your house of spiritual truths and psychic ability while Astrea gives us access to quantum information.

You can see beyond the surface of things and probe deeper using insight and intuition like a precision tool to guide you through any decisions. This month is highly unusual as we have no full Moon occurring. What we do have however is a solar eclipse when the new Moon occurs on the 15 th which also impacts on Uranus in your 8 th.

Be careful of accidents, sudden health flare ups or unexpected changes to your routine. But does your routine need to change? Work issues could also come to the fore with unexpected problems, changes or shifts occurring. You could change to a job or discover a routine that works better for you — perhaps by accident.

Could it be that any shifts — even if not initiated by you, are actually designed to set you on the path towards something better? Behind all of this — a shift has been going on and something wonderful is happening in the relationship sector of your chart now.

Venus entered this, her ruling house on the 15 th. Venus in here says love and accept every facet of you. Are you not doing something because you are worried about what others might think? Now is the time to stop. This along with your 5 th is your house of attraction.

michele knight weekly horoscope 13 may - 10th lord in 5th house vedic astrology

This is a wonderful time to attract a new love or to revive the magic in an existing one. All kinds of close relationships receive that extra shot of love espresso now!

This includes business partnerships, close friends and activity partners. The love that you receive back from people is increasingly important now and you need your partner to tell you they love and appreciate you.

Mystical connections can be made as Venus meets Neptune in here on the 21 st and Mercury on the 25 th. Stars may seem to collide and watch who or what is drawn in to your orbit. Your romantic status is subject to change — one way or another.

Just ensure that the object of your affections is all they appear to be. Yes, you could meet the love of your lives now. Ensure they really do measure up to reality before giving away your heart. Time to escape that rut, Virgo. Ruler Venus begins the month in your fabulous 5 th along with the Sun, Mercury and some fabulous asteroid action for extra sparkle.

Plus you have the Sun and Mercury opposing that fated point in your chart — the North Node in your 11 th. Strange, charmed and fated encounters could feature — along with goal-getting synchronicities.

This is the month of hearts and flowers and also for you, the month where Cupid or just Lady Luck could play a major role. Step out, radiate and look for opportunities — to socialise, to meet new people and to showcase your talents and skills. Remember, this is the house of fun and pleasure and you are being asked not to take life too seriously.

The time for work will so be upon you so make the most of this now. Cash-attracting aspects as Venus squares Jupiter in her ruling out could give your bank account a much-needed boost. You have major decisions looming around your home, lifestyle or long term security and you need to invest any extra money now towards this.

Live in the moment but have that long term plan — that you stick to. Not enough fun, romance and pleasure? You know too little of a good thing is probably worse than too much! That asteroid sparkle extends to restoring balance as the Sun meets Astraea on the 6 th and Mercury on the 12 th plus both will meet Hygeia in here. On a deep, soul-resonating level Hygeia represents healing and soul-cleansing.

She brings us increased self-awareness and with that, self-empowerment and a better understanding of what it is we truly need as opposed to what we think we want.

Watch as you could experience a major shift in your priorities which result in the one thing we all need more of — happiness. Love coming in could be one effect of the partial eclipse in your 5 th on the 15 th.

New Moons always bring about a fresh phase of something or a new cycle. However, with an eclipse we have to say something is covered up to be revealed later. So, take a new romance slowly — no matter how heart-starting it may be. Children, young people and creative ideas feature too.

You feel the desire to express yourself and this is actually a good time to start or launch a creative venture — something that will get you noticed. But love could leave under this eclipse — but this only usually happens if the writing has been on the wall for some time.

Before the Sun and Mercury leave your 5 th you have a wonderful conjunction taking place between them on the 17 th which could deliver news which represents a total change of luck for you and represents the start of something new and exciting. The planetary shift into your 6 th of work and wellbeing begins with Venus on the 10 th.

As you know, not the best position for Venus as this is about work, duty and routine — none of which sit well with her. However, Venus in here can enhance your relationship with bosses — current and prospective, as well as your co-workers and see you bring enhanced creativity to your routine and daily tasks.

Just remember, Venus looks for distraction from the mundane in here so stay focussed especially when Venus meets Neptune on the 21 st.

On the one hand this can bring you inspired ideas and enhanced creative and psychic abilities. But you have Mercury entering this, his ruling house on the 20 th along with the Sun. Just stay connected to that as Mercury also encounters Neptune on the 25 th or a momentary lapse in concentration could result in mistakes being made.

Being confident, walking tall, embracing more pleasure and then being prepared to balance this all with whatever work is necessary are all part of February. This month could prove a turning point for you, Libra. You need to go find them. You begin the month very home-focussed.

Home is where the heart is. Home, your living arrangements, lifestyle, your roots, family members or even your country and where you feel you most belong, will form the basis of all your decisions as February arrives. Venus remains in your 4 th until the 10 th when she enters your magical 5 th.

Until then, time to unleash the domestic goddess or god for that matter! Make your home your temple of sensuality and pleasure. Open your pantry doors. Entertain — if not guests then yourself. Immerse yourself in your environment and fill it with delicious scents, music, art and pleasure. Mercury in here rules contracts so what better time to sign that new lease or sale agreement?

Home life should become more stimulating with you perhaps inviting more people over. Change is in the air now as you have two important asteroids also in your 4 th — Astraea and Hygeia.

These two are all about balance, healing and empowerment and Ceres in your 10 th also speaks of regaining power in situations where we have been exploited or felt powerless. Our home should be our base which supports us and from which we can launch ourselves out towards life and our goals. If our home is insecure or toxic, then of course we cannot fulfil our potential.

Hopefully you are not dealing with anything like that but as you are the sign of power, look carefully at any imbalance on the home front and know this line up gives you the ability to change it if that is what is needed now, especially with Jupiter supporting you in your 1 st.

Get moving this month. The Sun in here throws a light on what we truly need to sustain ourselves. To get in touch with this may mean some time spent alone and to look at where and how you want to spend the rest of The only negative side to all this 4 th activity is that in rare cases it can bring up feelings of insecurity which can make you afraid of venturing out into the big wide world or leaving your comfort zone.

If you find this happening, please reach out and ask for help if it goes on for too long and you begin to feel life is closing in on you, rather than expanding outwards as it should.

Sudden shifts in work and lifestyle which are obviously linked to your home, could occur. Remember, eclipses conceal and later reveal. What is being brushed under the Welcome mat may emerge later.

Whatever happens, your family, home or living arrangements will take precedence over all other matters now. Just remember, part of this journey has yet to unfold. The planets are now leaving your 4 th and entering your joy-packed 5 th which started on the 10 th when Venus entered here.

Needless to say, single phoenixes are now entering one of the best periods of the year for attracting new love. And attraction is your keyword for the coming month ahead.

Be aware now as the Sun and Mercury also head in to here together on the 18 th that you have the ability to attract what you love and also what you may actually fear. But this is your time to be out in the world, to shine, to have fun and to bring back romance if it has been missing.

Aquarius weekly horoscope 13rd may 2018 by michele knight

Or you may channel this creative energy into a project. Just ensure you are running towards something and not running away however as Venus encounters Neptune on the 21 st with Mercury right behind on the 25 th.

Or else instead of running towards something, you are in fact running away and take refuge in escapism — anything from boxsets to extravagance, alcohol, food or even drugs.

Projects and business plans could come to a successful conclusion with the results better than even you, the sign of the perpetual optimist and big dreams, imagined possible. Ruler Jupiter in your 12 th impels you to discover your higher purpose.

While Mars presently in your 1 st infuses you with fire and passion when it comes to the pursuit of your goals. Mercury is in your 3 rd and this is his ruling house in your chart. Communications, business dealings, exams, anything that involves writing, are now all favoured.

You could see that interview process come to a successful conclusion or that deal signed as Mercury rules contracts.