5 february horoscope for taurus

Mars enters Aries
  1. Taurus Horoscope
  2. Daily Planetary Overview
  3. Taurus Monthly Horoscope: February
  4. Taurus Monthly Horoscope: February 2018
  5. Planetary Row

It's a good time to analyze your work tasks and to streamline them or improve your skills. There may be increased contact with the public now, or you might experience an increased need to be heard and acknowledged for your intelligence, skills, capabilities, and ideas. Mercury is transiting your solar eleventh house.

Your mind is bright, alert, and active during this cycle, and you have the ability to come up with unusual and inventive ideas.

Taurus Horoscope

Sharing your thoughts with others is a prime interest. Others tend to particularly enjoy your conversations during this transit--you are willing to listen as well as add your own thoughts.

As well, your ability to grasp unusual subject matter and to intuitively understand what others are trying to say win you some brownie points! You could also do a lot of thinking and musing about your own happiness and long-term goals. Mars continues to energize your solar eighth house. This is a less outwardly assertive or aggressive stage for you as you take the time to process recent events in your life and to develop strategies for going after what you want in the future.

You are more observant than active during this cycle, and more strategic and deliberate when you do take action.

Daily Planetary Overview

There may be an increase in sexual appetite now. It's an excellent period for eliminating wasteful activities.

Shared finances can come into focus, and you might feel an increased need to take charge of these matters. This could lead to disputes and disagreements if you are not careful or sensitive in your dealings with others. See our Time Line Forecast report for a personalized forecast for the year ahead.

Get your unique Personalized Horoscope for the year ahead—over pages long—for a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more. Know More About Yourself and Others. Try Cafe Astrology's in-depth birth chart reports , relationship reports , future forecasts , and more.

Love outlook for the year ahead. Try Cafe Astrology's in-depth romantic compatibility reports , including the Synastry and Love Ties reports. See also general trends for Taurus in The Sun illuminates your career and reputation sector. More than any other time of the year, your focus is drawn to your "place" or standing in the outer world, and your reputation.

This is the time when you are more interested in, and focused on, accomplishing something important. Your competency is something that you are especially sensitive to during this cycle.

You want to shine. Your vision is practical right now, and you want to see tangible results for your efforts. More contact with authority figures is likely during this period.

Recognition is likely to come your way whether you ask for it or not, and the responsibility that comes right along with it! Do what you feel is right, keeping in mind that you are at your most visible during this period in the year. From February 19th forward: Mercury continues to transit your solar ninth house. During this cycle, you are especially fond of exchanging ideas with others, particularly your personal philosophies.

You are inclined to take a broader look at things now, rather than concentrate on the details. You are communicating with more persuasiveness, enthusiasm, and optimism at this time. From February 7th to 23rd: Mercury transits your solar tenth house. You are likely thinking a lot about your career and business matters, or your career requires more communication than usual during this cycle.

You speak with authority during this period, and you are more accountable than usual for what and how you communicate. Your ideas may come into public view now. Use the power of words to influence authority figures. This is an excellent period for developing career and professional plans or strategies. You may be turned to for advice or for your opinion on important matters.

Although approachable and ready to communicate, you are less inclined towards chatting about frivolous matters now. You tend to think about your position or standing on a professional level more frequently during this cycle. You are likely doing some multi-tasking regarding career and business matters.

Negative use of this influence would be to worry unnecessarily about your reputation and responsibilities. From February 23rd forward: Mars continues to move through your solar seventh house. During this period, strife is possible in your close personal relationships, as a significant other is now mirroring some of your own issues with assertiveness and anger.

Taurus Monthly Horoscope: February

Attracting aggression in others during this cycle is a clue that there are unresolved issues within that need tending. You might actually seek some form of conflict, whether intentionally or not, in order to deal with these issues. There can be competitiveness in your life now.

Any troublesome issues that have been dormant in a relationship are likely to surface, and can now be handled straightforwardly. From February 12th forward: Mars energizes your solar eighth house now. Sexuality and intimacy are stimulated under this transit. Negative expression of this energy is the tendency towards ego conflicts concerning jointly held property or money.

Conflicts with partners over values or possessions are possible. Occasionally, this transit could bring a crisis or ending of some kind. Something you hear about now might disturb or touch you deeply.

Taurus Monthly Horoscope: February 2018

You are likely to be more strategic in your actions during this period, as you become aware of the subtleties of human interaction. This is a time when your best course of action is to recognize that you need, or rely on, others for support. The Sun continues to shine its light on your solar ninth house now.

This is a cycle in which you seek to expand your experiences and awareness, whether through philosophical thinking, higher education, travel, or simply activities that take you away from your everyday routines. You may feel a little restless if you don't find ways to explore. It's an excellent period for looking at your life from a different perspective--a broader one--whether you initiate this process or you make contact with others who stimulate you to think about your circumstances differently.

Your energy is strong, open, and friendly right now, you come across well to others, and you are a little bolder and adventurous than usual. From February 8th forward: This Lunar Eclipse stimulates your solar third house. Surprises surrounding your siblings, neighbors, or classmates are in store.

Your sector of communications is involved. This could manifest, for example, as the culmination of a writing project, an event involving a sibling that grabs your complete attention, a sudden opportunity for an adventure or trip, a flurry of activity in your immediate environment or neighborhood that demands attention, a letter or other communication that holds a big surprise, and other such possibilities.

Planetary Row

Venus continues to grace your solar ninth house. During this cycle, your ideals in love are set high. You might become inspired by a loved one now, or someone might awaken a new perspective or way of thinking in you. You could also enjoy a trip, or a new adventure of sorts.

In fact, you are attracted to anything that is non-routine and fare best when you are reaching out beyond your usual bounds. You might be attracted to people or even objects that are exotic or different in some way during this cycle.

It's a good period for personal charm and attractiveness in general. From February 3rd to 27th: Venus graces your solar tenth house now.

During this cycle, you are most charming and well-received on the job. Your responsibility and authority are likeable qualities now, making this a favorable period overall for schmoozing with those in a higher position than you, as well as for negotiations or social activities related to business.

Venus is charming, friendly, and affectionate, and her presence in your career and reputation sector brings social opportunities to your career. You are coming across well at work now, and romantic opportunities, or simply more chances to socialize and network, are likely.

You are socially ambitious right now, and success may come through your good managerial qualities or some form of artistic talent, or, indirectly through your marriage partner. People who turn your head during this cycle are those who come across as especially competent.

From February 27th forward: More Monthly Horoscopes: Back to Monthly Horoscopes Main. Our detailed monthly horoscopes are designed to reveal and interpret the current transits of the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars in your solar chart. Because these energies or transits do not unfold neatly into any given calendar month many transits carry forward from one month to the next , you will find some of the energies continue from a previous month.

This is normal and expected. These monthly horoscopes also include an overview paragraph, as well as other energies specific to the month, such as retrogrades, eclipses, or major outer planet transits. The Highlights section reveal lunar cycle dates.

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  6. February 5th Zodiac - Astrology Zodiac Signs.

Usually these individuals think about emotions too much to just sink in, guided by common sense and their brilliant minds. When they are stressed about relationships in their lives and have some difficult role models in their parents, they can be quite distant from the idea of love with another human being, and turn to idealism of one divine love for everyone, to support their humanitarian inner strivings.

As time goes by and they slowly start to live the nature of a true Aquarius, they will open their hearts for the world bit by bit. In many cases, they meet someone when they get older or when they have already made vast changes in their lives that separate them from the family tree and the past they have been tied by.

Still, their greatest inspiration seems to be bound in the sense of freedom, and they need a partner to give them just that. A typical Aquarius representative, each person born on the 5th of February has a brain to support them in whatever they choose to do.

They will excel as scientists, researchers, astrologers, pilots and engineers, and express well through spoken and written word.

Learning through life and with the flow of it, they don't need much education to find use in everything they stumble upon. It is their wit and fast, curious mind that guides the way. If they discover their talents soon enough, their search for freedom will be much easier.

Still, it is never too late for them to follow their inspiration. The stone of perfect color and characteristics for people born on the 5th of February is aquamarine.

This is a crystal in strong connection with the throat chakra and Mercury, and it will help them express their true Self while still in touch with their divine purpose.

This stone resonates with the ocean and helps one connect with the nature spirits of the sea, and with it all waters influenced and seen through the Moon. It is a stone to aid in connecting the brain with the heart, to develop awareness of true emotional challenges, finding a way to talk about them and find resolution.

Individuals born on this date will enjoy a gift they can read or work with, something they can touch, bend and write on. All sorts of electronic gadgets will intrigue them, so go with one they don't have yet and it will keep them busy for weeks. They will enjoy mind games, puzzles and all sorts of video games, for as long as they aren't too conservative or repetitive and have enough speed to keep them on edge.

In general, it is easier to satisfy their curiosity than their emotional needs in just one day. Intellectually superior, innovative and often brilliant, these individuals shine in the strangest of circumstances and situations.

Excellent friends, orators, always on the move and ready to surprise you and sweep you off your feet.