February 14 horoscope cancer

Check out what the stars say your day will be like today.
  1. Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, February 14
  2. February 14 Birthday Horoscope 2018-2019
  3. Horoscopes
  4. Mars enters Aries
  5. February 14 Birthday Horoscope

Even your self confidence gets a much needed boost, as the Moon makes its way through Capricorn. Not only do you know that you're a great person, but for once everybody agrees with you!

You might as well save some time by skipping those daily affirmations - your actions definitely speak for themselves at the moment.

You're conscious, in tune with the Universe and happy to be alive. Spend some time celebrating your zest for life tonight. Auspicious colors are green and red. Lucky numbers are 5 and Happy Face There's a certain charm in creating a system and sticking with it, as Venus dives into your house of work.

Habit and tradition are comforting factors and give you a feeling of security. Nurture has a tendency to triumph over nature when you're facing something new or different. An office romance may be on your agenda. Beautifying the work place is high on the list.

Problems you encounter today are just temporary and the less fuss you make, the sooner they'll go away. Lucky colors are forest green and autumn gold. Suit Yourself Many Crabs have chosen the place that they want to be in right now.

Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, February 14

Let everyone else rush around trying to accomplish last minute tasks, but you've made a vow to yourself to stay put.

As the Moon spends another day in Aquarius, you're in no hurry for the next few days. If impatient friends can't be bothered with your dallying, let them go on without you.

Favorable colors are cherry red and salmon pink. Lucky numbers are 4 and Right And Reason For most of you the truth suddenly comes into focus as the Moon makes its way through Pisces. Luckily, the forces of right and reason surround you now, silencing the irrational thoughts you've been dealing with lately. You don't always have to be right.

February 14 Birthday Horoscope 2018-2019

Dominant Crabs are often tempered by their partners. It's necessary to understand other points of view, even if you have no intentions of adopting them.

Fortunate colors are cerise and charcoal grey. Heads Turn People of all ages and both sexes can't help but gaze in your direction as you pass them by today. Most Crustaceans love being the center of attention, and right now this is a positive thing.

Heads will turn, but gossip is rife and there are some around you who are envious. There's no need to try to mold yourself into someone else's idea of what you should be. Put on your own spectacular show by decorating your shell and being yourself.

Good colors are chocolate brown and apricot. Lucky numbers are 25 and Dazzling When you're a painter of sweeping murals, the big picture is all that matters. As far as some of you're concerned, the details are there for other people to worry about, not you. You'll prefer a symphony of people to a solo performance. Tonight you can look a million bucks without spending that much.

It's all about attitude, and you have enough to make others believe whatever you want them to! Favorable colors are peach and sea green. Lucky numbers are 8 and The Solstice The next four weeks will place a delightful emphasis on your relationships. A wonderful encounter with someone special is in the wind, and there's even a chance you could embark on a new partnership.

This is a time for teamwork rather than going it alone, even if it's only a temporary measure. Favorable colors are russet brown and golden ivory. Lucky numbers are 7 and Whether you're between projects or physically depleted, a day of doing as little as possible is exactly what the doctor ordered.

It's nice to feel needed, but the world can do without you for a little while. Treat yourself to something that you normally wouldn't splurge on. Instead of cooking dinner, order in. A good movie or book is all you really need to complete a restful evening.

Favorable colors are electric blue and lime green. Caring Crabs Instead of retreating into your own little world, get out there and spread the love and joy to all those around you. Be sure to pay close attention to the things that make others truly happy -- often it can be the simplest of things.

Cancer is the most caring sign in the Zodiac and you'll be in your element at the moment. You don't need to go overboard, though, and pick up everyone else's tab! Favorable colors are charcoal and silver. Lucky numbers are 35 and Christmas Eve Crustaceans may be feeling a bit out of sorts as Venus gets cross with Jupiter.

You're eager to contribute as always, but it's better to wait until you're asked first. Stick with things as long as you can, but walk away if you become unhappy.

The most important thing isn't that you didn't succeed, but that you tried. Harmonious colors are amethyst and citrine.

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Cancerians generally understand things better than the other signs and are very compassionate. Even if you are feeling rather overwhelmed by it all, change is waiting to enter and redecorate your life. You live for home and family, and today is always very special to the Crab. Open the door and let love and people flow into your home.

Fortunate colors are avocado and light brown.

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Adventurous Crabs This is your chance to really do something because the Gemini Moon indicates that the follower can turn into a leader if the mood suits you. The only voices that you heed right now are those of ambition and adventure, and the only companions that you need are those who will gladly accompany you.


Don't be afraid to cast off any baggage. Balanced colors are grapefruit and tangerine. Breaking Out Even though you crave security, you're sick of staying within boundaries that have been set by others and later today many Crabs will be breaking out of their shells. Don't be afraid to take chances: It's time to think big and your goal for today is to create an environment in which everyone can thrive, and be treated fairly.

Ideal colors are pink champagne and lilac. Lucky numbers are 13 and Full Moon Today is your very own Full Moon for the year, but just because you think you know what's going on doesn't mean that you should act on it.

Your emotions are running high, but this isn't a good time to get carried away. Appearances are everything for the next day or two.

You can still look your best, even if you don't feel that way. Advantageous colors are blood red and silver.


Lucky numbers are 1 and 7. Shifting Sands Today Cancerians prove the theory 'the only thing that stays the same is change'. You are ruled by the Moon, which accounts for your moods and fluctuating emotions. Enjoy the rollercoaster ride, and make the most of the gorgeous cosmic glow that surrounds you!

Mars enters Aries

Beneficial colors are apricot and autumn brown. Lucky numbers are 12 and Personal Passion Some of you may be dealing with personal upsets as the sensitive Moon clashes with Mars and Venus today. Try not to get into discussions about sex or politics, as they are likely to become arguments. Find a balance between giving and receiving in your life.

One of the best ways to do this is through a loving relationship, but beware: Passionate colors are crimson and purple sage. New Year's Eve It's time to review the events of the past year and make resolutions that are realistic.

Keep in mind that the first symbol speaks of the perfection of BOTH wings of the butterfly, the right one is just a little more perfect. The story of equality and gender domination can come into focus here, only until the person finds that no masculine activity could be done without the feminine within, be it the left wing or a hydrometer.

It is the actual Aquarian liberation that those born of February 14th seek, achieved through work, acceptance and the position of equality. Although we might state that every Aquarius is on their quest for freedom, these individuals see it as a vivid force pulling them forwards, a light beam to hold on to when circumstances get difficult.

On a day of love, their task seems to be focused on their own individuality rather than any other person, and the love of Self they are to discover in this lifetime, as they discover the value of tradition too.

As if there was a rock standing between those born on this date and any other person, they will constantly feel something standing in their way in their serious relationships.

The more they seek their personal freedom, the harder it will be to share it with the rest of the world, and this inner conflict makes them a bit difficult as partners and spouses.

Spontaneity will give them wings and keep them open for new emotional experiences and excitements necessary to keep their life force strong. Keeping their distance from the outer world is usually their way of dealing with limitations and people they find tiring.

As their third chakra gets stronger and they find a way to express their personality vividly and with clarity, they will feel stronger to face everyone around them and manage to steer clear of those who choose to steal energy instead of creating their own. Only then will they be prepared for actual intimacy with someone just as special and unique as they are.

February 14 Birthday Horoscope

A person born on February 14th excels at being different from everyone else. Their talents will usually be found in unusual activities and places too, and while we might expect an Aquarius to artistically express, this is someone with a knack for mathematics or history, a programmer, astrologer, or an architect, someone to create something in the real world that is to be used.

To inspire others, they must embrace their limitations and see their true nature as unique and special, even if it doesn't coincide with their closest surroundings or their family. The crystal that fits the nature of an Aquarius born on February 14th is fosterite, in any color available. It is a stone that enhances communication with spirit guides and it will help one understand and receive messages of the Universe.

Boosting their mind processes and clearing up the field of thought, this stone will help them avoid unnecessary distractions and make changes to the planned course when necessary. A birthday gift for a person born on the 14th of February should always be a surprise, rather than something that is agreed on.

A piece of technology will do, in absence of other ideas, but be sure that it is something they don't already possess and something they actually want. Although a person born on this date understands the value of antique and old things, it would be wiser to choose something innovative and weird, to inspire their free spirit rather than satisfy their ancestor within.

Buy them a modern watch they will be proud to wear in public, or something to boost their ego in the time of need. Stable, yet open for new things, ready to make a foundation for miracles and create long lasting bonds with others.