Broadly monthly horoscope february

  1. Taurus Monthly Horoscope: February 2018
  2. Taurus Monthly Horoscope: February
  3. Monthly Horoscopes and the Personality
  4. Mars enters Aries
  5. February 2019 monthly horoscope

You are flirting like crazy! And you are getting asked out left and right. Put on your favorite end-of-winter sweater and let the frost give your cheeks that ruddy, outdoorsy glow. An obstacle could help you figure out if you really want whatever it is that said obstacle is standing in the way of on the 16th and 17th.

Everything is going pretty great on the 18th, 19th and 20th of February Who knew you could be so clever, witty and cute under pressure?

After all, you need to stay on course, right now. All this good news and romance invigorates you on the 28th. Why, a perfect ratio of fun to happiness, passion to playfulness, and a dash of magic.

The Gemini February monthly predictions suggest that on the 1st and 2nd, you have all the ingredients you need for a totally terrific romance. Put them all together and stir! And you both like this situation just fine! Revel in the delightfulness of it all on the wonderful 18th, 19th or 20th of February Gemini, you two could get to know each other on a whole new level, if you take time to commune with each other now.

If you have a hard time communicating with them on the 25th, take a timeout. By the 28th, you two have what it takes for a terrific romance, again. So find a brainteaser and get going on it!

Taurus Monthly Horoscope: February 2018

Gemini, just keep at it and eventually it will all come together. There is such a thing as being too focused on your career, as a couple of snafus will show you on the 11th and 12th take this as a warning and lighten up a little! By the super fabulous 18th, 19th and 20th, the world is your oyster and your job is a pearl.

Be sure to do your best to appreciate its otherworldly luster. Keep close tabs on your correspondence on the 25th. Otherwise you could have a lot of problems!

Live a little on the 28th. Hey, there, sugar pie! So get started on the 1st and 2nd. Why not spend the great energy you have on the 5th recommitting to a serious weekly or daily workout? Has anything been getting in the way of you taking really good care of yourself, lately?

Take a look at it on the 10th. If you skip your workout, your fitness levels will diminish on the 15th of February Your headaches could well disappear, almost as if by magic, if you stick to your healthy resolutions on the 27th. Deal with any inner resistance to maintaining a well-rounded lifestyle you could encounter on the 28th.

The February Cancer horoscope predicts that new projects are always exciting. But on the 1st and 2nd, be ever so slightly cautious as you decide whether or not to dive on in. By the mildly unsteady 7th and 8th of February , do everything you can to get yourself back into balance.

Yes, a yoga class will help. Slow way, way, way, way, way down on the 13th, 14th and 15th. You could learn to love taking things a little easier. Celebrate a diversity of ideas on the 25th. And slow down, again, before you go plunging in on a new project on the 28th. The February Horoscope for Cancer zodiac sign shows that everybody knows that, when it comes to romance, newness is thrilling.

Taurus Monthly Horoscope: February

Newness tickles your tummy. Newness is, well, new! But you might want to take all this new-and-exciting stuff with a teensy tiny grain of salt on the 1st and 2nd. Which can be awesome! But do try your best not to totally turn off your critical facilities as you plunge on in now.

Cancer, if you are feeling even slightly emotionally unsteady on the 7th and 8th of February , do something to ground yourself immediately. Yes, that does include going for a run, swim, walk or to a nice long yoga session.

Why the rush on the 13th, 14th and 15th? Listen to what they have to say on the 18th. Your feelings may be stronger than you thought on the 21st and 22nd.

Do something nice, together, to celebrate on the 25th. Use that gimlet eye on the 28th. You will learn something new! You will test your boundaries! You will broaden your horizons! You will meet you people! And all of that is definitely exciting. If a new project crosses your desk on the 1st or 2nd, go ahead and get excited!

But do your due diligence before signing on. Have you been neglecting your workouts? And leaving you feeling frazzled, say, on the 7th and 8th? Cancer, go work out! Take your time with a complex assignment on the 13th, 14th and 15th of February At least listen to what the boss has to say on the 18th.

The more ideas the better, so brainstorm on the 25th. Another new project on the horizon on the 28th? But check it out, first. The February Cancer horoscope predicts that you should take a look around on the 1st. What annoying obligation has disappeared and freed you up to jog on a regular basis? Assuming, that is, that you take advantage of your free time to workout.

Are you getting enough sleep on the 5th? You might get a little bit bored, if you always do the same thing for your workout, particularly on the 10th. Why not shake things up a little? Physical exercise, plenty of sleep and healthy eating make you feel great on the 20th and every day.

What can something new do for you? Find out on the 25th! On the 28th of February , congratulate yourself on having made some serious progress this month. How will you top it, fitness-wise, next month? Next month is just around the corner! Like pasta and pesto.

Like lettuce and tomatoes. Like chocolate and more chocolate. And on the 1st and 2nd, you two are a good combination. Who knows what you will come up with? You had better be ready for romance on the 5th and 6th of February , because it is coming your way, ready or not!

Trust your intuition on the 21st and 22nd. Wrap up the month celebrating what a terrific half of a fabulous combination you are on the 28th. Yep, you two are darned good together, and when they enter a room, it lights up!

And when you enter a room, it lights up. Even more romance on the 5th and 6th? Keep your cool, emotionally and financially, in the face of an issue that arises on the 11th or 12th. Look hard at the question of what you really need from your romantic relationship on the 16th and 17th of February You usually have a pretty awesomely accurate intuitive sense, in all matters romantic, so go ahead and trust your gut on the 21st and 22nd.

Great developments pep up your date night on the 23rd or 24th. Leo, you two are just so good together on the 28th. The February Leo horoscope predicts that sometimes, you have a wild flash of inspiration. And before you know it, you are the reigning power in pickle vending machines, worldwide!

A little romance might distract you from building your automated pickle procurement empire on the 5th and 6th. A slight financial hiccup creates an obstacle on the 11th or 12th of February Ask hard, probing questions about what you want and what you need in your work on the 16th and 17th. Your sixth sense comes out in full force on the 21st and 22nd.

How great do you feel on the 23rd and 24th? Celebrate, celebrate, celebrate on the 28th. The Leo February monthly predictions suggest that you feel fit, fine, fabulous and fantastic on the 1st and 2nd assuming, that is, that you have been attending all those yoga courses you signed up for!

Your blood is pumping! Your lungs are expanding! Your heart is steady! You have lots of energy! Your mood is good! On the 7th, make a decision! Find a workout that will keep you interested.

On the 8th, why not try stretching? Or adding a breathing routine to your cardio workout? Are you neglecting certain parts of your body in your regular workout? Ask yourself that on the 12th. Are you very sore? Are you sleeping much better? On the 23rd, take some time to look at your feelings about your relationships.

How does your work impact your health? On the 28th of February , wrap up the month with some more new bright ideas. What about some sort of meditation? Does this inability to buy a brand new mansion in the hills make you realize that you really just need to do a little thrift store redecoration?

By the romantic 7th and 8th of February , somebody at work really, really thinks you are cute. Give some relationship issues some serious thought on the 11th and 12th.

By the fun-filled 16th and 17th, trust your gut when it comes to planning. Organize a super-fun get-together on the 21st and 22nd. What on earth is your romantic end-goal? Is there even such a thing? The February monthly forecasts for the Ram predict that you should enjoy the journey: You both deserve your total and complete emotional honesty.

So many things are clear to you on the 25th, 26th and 27th of February , that you suddenly find making decisions about emotional issues relatively easy. Virgo, give yourself time! The February Virgo horoscope predicts that as the month begins on the 1st or 2nd, you might feel like your career is missing something.

More cold, hard cash for the job you do? Instead, why not meditate on it. Breathe, deeply and a lot. Find out more about what you think you want. Work and romance really, really want to mix on the 7th and 8th. How are things with your coworkers on the 11th and 12th of February ? Is everything copacetic, or are there simmering issues? Make a plan on the 16th and 17th.

Get those files organized, then plan an office night out on the 21st and 22nd. The February Horoscope for Virgo zodiac sign shows that on the 1st and 2nd, try bringing your natural impulses to get creative to your approach to your health. Maybe you would like to learn something new? Or is there a different type of exercise you could add to the mix to keep things interesting?

On the 7th, take control when it comes to your diet. On the 15th, you might want to try working out with a partner. Does it make it more fun? Somebody sure thinks so — on the 17th, they want to partner with you.

Virgo, you have a ton of energy on the 25th, 26th and 27th. And, importantly, you feel happy. Resolve on the 28th to keep up the good work next month. The Libra February monthly horoscope forecasts that you are off to one heck of a terrific month, starting on the 1st and 2nd. You get a raise.

You get a new bike. You get a peck on the cheek from that super hottie. Be sure to stay open to all this awesomeness! By the somewhat emotionally challenging 7th and 8th, you might be coming down from all this high energy, and that feels hard. You really, really, really need to think hard about whether or not this relationship is working for you on the 13th, 14th and 15th.

Bring a peony to work on the 21st or 22nd.

  1. February 2018 Horoscope: Predictions for Taurus!
  2. taurus february 3 horoscope!
  4. Keen: Daily Cosmic Events;

Libra, you need to be around beauty! The big picture is where your mind should be on the 25th. Get ready for a whole lot of wonderful on the 28th of February Wow, wow, wow, wow, woweewow. The February monthly forecasts for the Ram predict that you sure are witnessing some super awesome romance in your life on the 1st and 2nd.

Well, do everything you can and that will be a lot to enjoy it to the maximum. You abso-positively deserve all this happiness. Keep your cool and everything will shift back into perspective, promise.

That will only lead to trouble. A serene start sets the tone for the rest of the year. Your fellow Zodiac Signs may be under the spotlight right now but you can slowly and surely work towards your own goals. Your ruling planet Saturn, known as the Lord of Karma, moves into your Sign in mid You are able to work now to reap your rewards then.

If you avoid your responsibilities then you may make extra work for yourself later. A Lunar Eclipse occurs in your Zodiac Sign on January 21 triggering insights into your emotional needs. The pace around this Eclipse may be faster than the rest of the year surprising you with unexpected events.

The key is to remain flexible. This is your year to shine in public. This could be through your chosen profession, as an office bearer in a voluntary organisation or through your marriage. You are held in high esteem and receive the positive recognition that you deserve.

You may make some changes to your life direction. Luckily friendships are forged that support your personal and professional hopes, dreams and wishes. You need to continue to seek meaning, rather than ambition, in your life as the planet Neptune continues to wend its way through your Zodiac Sign.

Spiritual and artistic pursuits can be healing. The middle of the year sees some changes that slow you down a little. From June 22 you benefit from focussing on more relaxing activities such as listening to music, swimming, or meditation and prayer.

By November 27 you are able to move forward listening to your intuition. It is time to see the bigger picture rather than the minutiae. In many ways you are in your element right now as you can go into Aries pioneering mode.

You may need to take some time out to meditate or ponder the imponderables in life. However, the planets are aligned in a positive array in the 9th House of your Solar Chart beckoning you to explore new territory. Your journey may be physical into foreign lands, intellectual into areas of higher learning or spiritual through orthodox or unconventional religious organisations.

Taurus December Horoscope April 20th - May 20th Life has been a bit topsy turvy since May this year, particularly when it comes to love and money. Nothing changes in December or perhaps everything still continues to change.

Uranus, the planet of surprises, continues to influence your Zodiac Sign. The trick is to take nothing for granted. You may prefer to stay in your usual routine but that is not the way forward at the moment. You are being encouraged, if not challenged, to change the way that you view your relationship with your significant other and with money.

Embrace new ways of thinking and you are likely to appreciate the results. Gemini December Horoscope May 21st - June 20th Rewards come to you this month through partnerships.

This could be through your marriage, legal, de-facto or others. Alternatively, it could be through business associates or contracts. You can broaden your own vistas through co-operation and plentiful communication with partners.

Rather than focusing on your own singular needs or desires, you need to turn your attention to your affiliations with others. You have positive planets aligned in the 7th House of your Solar Chart meaning that it is through compromise that you are likely to succeed now.

Remaining flexible, positive and enthusiastic brings you the right kind of appreciation. Cancer December Horoscope June 21st - July 22nd Your own health and wellbeing is highlighted this month. Anyone with strong Cancer is likely to be emotional. Strong feelings can be seated in your stomach. So it is time to attend to any physical symptom or worry that has been niggling at the back of your mind.

This may mean a medical check-up, a tweak to your diet, letting go of a hurt feeling or perhaps a change of lifestyle.

The choice is yours. You live with the consequence of your own choices and this month you have the chance to focus on changing your choices. It is never too late. Leo December Horoscope July 23rd - August 22nd The planet Jupiter has moved into your fellow Fire Sign Sagittarius and is shining positive rays on the 5th House of your Solar Chart heralding a month of heightened creativity.

What are you going to create? You may spend December having fun, taking some time out to pursue playful activities. On the other hand, you may actively start a creation. Either way you are able to enjoy the lighter side of life this month.

Children may also feature strongly.

Monthly Horoscopes and the Personality

The planets are aligned in a way that gives you gust of energy for cleaning and clearing spaces in your living quarters, creating room for enjoyable pastimes. It is time for fun in your home. Family members may visit from faraway lands, or you may simply enjoy streamlining for the immediate household members.

The aim of December is to declutter. Most Virgos like cleanliness and tidiness. However, this month you outdo yourself. If you are not happy in your home then you may decide to move somewhere more spacious.

Libra December Horoscope September 23rd - October 22nd Your ruling planet Venus is finally moving in the right direction heralding a time of improved relationships. The balance of your life is gradually being restored after some topsy turvy, if not downright tough, times.

You are ready to become more sociable, to branch out and have some fun. Instead of looking after everyone else in your life, you can now accessorize and socialise. Connecting with your local community is the key. Scorpio December Horoscope October 23rd - November 21st Your ruling planet Mars is combining with the planet of illusion this month meaning that you need to slow down and contemplate life a little more.

You may feel confused if you try to force yourself into action. It is possible that you are saying farewell to a man, or letting go of a project dear to your heart. On the other hand, you may be tired after a busy year. Whatever your personal scenario it is time for compassion for yourself and others.

You need to renew your inner world and the outer world may have to wait a while. Create quiet times during December.

Mars enters Aries

The lucky planet Jupiter is also your ruling planet and has moved into your Sign. This portends for a happy and rewarding month at the very least. It is the right time to put your own health and happiness on the top of your personal agenda. Your natural optimism is likely to attract attention and rewards.

If you would like a makeover then now is the time. Otherwise you can simply put your best foot forward and enjoy the rewards that come your way. Capricorn December Horoscope December 22nd - January 19th The serious planet Saturn continues to wend its way through your Zodiac Sign bidding you to face your fears and limitations and build on your strengths.

It is possible that a long-term duty or project demands your attention. Even as one project or responsibility ends, another is likely to begin. This is your time of structure, organisation and work. The good news is that you are a commanding presence, likely to become an authority in your field, or to increase your authority.

The South Node, a point of karma in astrology, has entered your Sign and with the Lord of Karma is delivering some messages from the past. Aquarius December Horoscope January 20th - February 18th If you are feeling a little more light-hearted in December it may be because the South Node, a karmic point in astrology, has finally left your Zodiac Sign and headed into neighbouring Capricorn.

Also, the lucky planet Jupiter has entered Sagittarius which is a cheerier influence on Aquarius. Good-natured Jupiter is parading through the 11th House of your Solar Chart beckoning you to socialise, seek like-minded friends and to pursue your hopes, dreams and wishes.

This is your month to enjoy a busy and social calendar. December sees you seeking a more spiritual or physically satisfying path to health and happiness.

If you feel tired then use it is a barometer to take a different direction. There is a strong focus on your career path. Perhaps your profession is demanding much of you in December. The positive planet Jupiter, considered by ancient astrologers to be your planetary ruler, is high in your chart indicating that you receive recognition and rewards through your chosen profession.

If you are planning a change then it needs to be one that encourages your growth and education in your chosen field.

You are accustomed to meeting any challenges head-on. Therefore, leadership skills and independent activities are your strengths, but group politics not so much. Personal friends and family may respect your forthright, honest nature. However, this month relationships with acquaintances, associates and social groups are influenced by the feisty planet Mars, also your planetary ruler.

This means that conflict needs to be resolved in as calm a manner as possible. This is not the time to ram home your point of view. Everything is calling on you to pay attention to your closest relationship.

Primarily your spouse if you are married. Your nearest and dearest needs your support. You, too, may feel the need to focus on your partnership. Matters of importance may need to be discussed. An Ex may feature this month. Be careful not to fall into old relationship traps.

With so much activity in your stars, this can be a loving and rewarding month, during which your connections grow and strengthen through love.

Sensual pleasures, generous monetary transactions and enjoyable outings abound. This will affect everyone. For you it will be activated in the 7th House of your Solar Chart — the house of marital and business partnerships. Therefore, it is vital that you think twice before making permanent decisions regarding marital or business contracts.

You need to do your research, plan and perhaps start negotiating terms, but wait until Mercury goes Direct on December 7 before finalising matters. November is also a good time to make sure that your health in heading in the right direction. Cancer November Horoscope June 21st - July 22nd You may be pleased to know that you are able to put yourself first.

You can involve others but if you want to indulge in solitude or solitary playtime then the planets are aligned in your favour. You simply have to take some time out to discover what it is that you would love to do and then book it in. Beginning a new health regimen will be high on the list of things to do.

The solutions may be quite obvious but unique just the same. On the 23rd the starts brightens the picture a bit.

A renewed strength can be found. It serves you well to find the answers through food or fluids you ingest. Evaluate how they effect your physical emotional health. Design a plan to help overcome any obsessions you may have developed over the last few years.

Try not to be too nitpicky and avoid being overly critical of self or partner. You present a picture of one who has it all together despite what others may think it is really possible for your near future. Your service to others is the clue to achieving success in your own life. Its time to get serious about setting some goals again and following through with them.

An older friend or authoritative figure may hold the answers. Ask for advice and you find yourself developing a much needed bond that is gratuitous for both. Sudden upheaval effects the home environment resulting in changes that have been long in the making and will result in a much happier environment. Seek the truth within yourself and develop a contingency plan that will allow you to break ties but still enjoy the perks.

Finding it difficult to get over a recent career change you find Mercury and the Sun come to your rescue followed by Venus shortly after. A wonderful trine in fellow air signs develops promising a lovely time for leisure activity.

You can expect to have an especially happy Valentines Day this year. Take time off to get away from it all for the dream weekend of your choice. Intuition is at its best now.

Color and sound experiences provide the background for expanding your awareness often healing you in the process. This month brings creative inspiration your way that is perhaps ahead of its time. Unusual and inventive ideas flow easily and your choice of medium is unlimited.

This may cause havoc in your home environment possibly causing you to undertake a major construction project or makeover. The latter is what may get you in trouble making you put on extra pounds that may be difficult to shed or spending too much money.

Your health takes on some unusual quirks now. You may feel particularly nervous and will need to spend time recharging on your days off, void of all stimuli. Sharp tongue ultimatums will do nothing to advance your position with sibling or neighbors. You may find yourself breaking ties with one or the other for now so that you can reevaluate things.

This can be done through astrology or holistic healer. Analyze how patterns at work can effect your well being and emotional health. If this is not satisfactory than its time to spread your wings a little and look elsewhere for broader horizons. Will you use your present success to advance or let it ride for the next 14 years before you consider making a change?

Keep that in mind when making career moves and do your best to ride this wave to the end. Moon visits you sign on the first 3 days of February bringing a renewed strength and feeling of well being.

The bond between parent and child can be especially important now strengthening the connection for both. With the New Moon and the majority of planets visiting your 4th house, home and heritage becomes increasingly important. Your residence may change and you hold the dream key to the undertaking. Your understanding of relatives both here and recently passed becomes apparent.

You may find yourself developing a wonderful flare for some unusual decorating abilities that outshines even the most daring. Invite everyone near and dear and even some that are not so near. Make special plans to be with that special someone then. Friends flock to your side and bring some light to your current situation.

Try not to be too critical of those who have not lived up to your expectations. Realize it is their own weaknesses that have prevented this from ocuring, not your own.

You may also see some of your goals come to culmination now lending reason for celebration. Enjoy yourself and enlist the aid of children to bring you to that special place where you connect with all living beings.

Let loose your inhibitions and seek the pleasure you once had as a child. Water will hold high significance for you now and you may find yourself traveling by air to arrive at waterfront hacienda.

February 2019 monthly horoscope

Unexpected circumstances bring you exciting changes that will keep you busy for months. Light a pale blue candle for Candlemas and dedicate it to peace. That includes all you may have offended over the last few weeks.

You may want to bring some special goodies to work to show others your feelings and beg forgiveness through their stomachs. You can trust your instincts about neighbors or siblings. Work to communicate with them. Keep a journal to help you on that quest for spiritual knowledge. Record all Tarot spreads and take notes of omens or mythological creatures.

It may be especially helpful to review these archetypal messengers to help you encode a problem in your current affairs.

As you read through the stories and accounts of classical gods and goddess compare it to current times and facilitate your spiritual awareness. The stars bring better chances of improving finances. A lessening of worries and workload follows. Others are intrigued and fascinated with you now, finding little fault with your wild suggestions. Your communication skills will bring new challenges and offer new beginnings, An opportunity to travel for education exists now.

Make it a point to visit siblings in there home. They will play an important part in the sudden events that occur. A change in residence is in the offing and it may come as quite a surprise.

Friends help you conquer all obstacles. The 23rd shines some light on your career and social status in the community. A welcome change of events brighten your days. Despite working hard for your money you could actually get recognition in some form.

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  • A cash settlement or raise may surprise you. Communications may be a bit misleading. There is an important lesson to be learned now and the healing part may involve a sibling as Chiron enters that sector of your chart. The change may be in the way you present yourself.

    Force will not replace subtly and in this case a change is indicated before you break through barriers. Use the assistance of your more diplomatic friends to assist you in this very precarious matter.

    Always your favorite subject this can hold especially true. This only empowers you to perform more of your magic. Create enough to sit back on and smile.

    It may be time to direct your energies toward more compassionate ways of dealing with your family. Much can be accomplished. Keep up with current trends in your profession and keep communications active with those you work with.

    Be sure to maintain a healthy relationship between personal and professional life. Study the history of spells and incantations well, especially those from ancient days and other countries that come rich with folklore to enhance your own imagination.

    These can be seen as your power play days.

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    Use them to enhance your possibilities and encourage good reactions from others. February 8th is sure to present you with many opportunities to enhance your money options. Your horizon reaches wide now and you will not settle for just any old thing. You want to reach back into time where your mind was set on a beautiful and fanciful deal that only you could devise.

    Satisfying your current goals you take the initiative and encourage others to join in this wonderful new opportunity. Let others see you for the leader you really are. This period brings a culmination to recent educational pursuit or travel plans.