Melissa broder astrology

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  2. Melissa Broder: Author Of The Pisces And Your Favorite Twitter Account
  3. 'I’ve Never Been That Chill About Being Alive': An Interview with Melissa Broder | Hazlitt

Me, not so much Maybe something with a more challenging and complex theme?. Well the only book I've shelved is the one for my sign Literally nothing I would read, and the book recommended for my sign is probably the last one here I'd pick up Also, if you're writing a "bookish horoscope", maybe don't write " I know you can't please everyone and all publicity is supposed to be good publicity, but I'll be adding The Pisces to my skip-it list after this.

As a Taurus I support the recommendation - "Perfume" is one of my all-time favourite novels. I also love how unorthodox these recommendations are, at least in my opinion. Clearly meant to offer something different, and I can see people either loving or hating these, myself in the former camp.

I know horoscopes are bullshit, but I'm annoyed that The Vegetarian is the one recommended for me.

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Hm, maybe next time you should make recommendations based on the individual's personal taste and not as shaky and inconsistent a foundation as a horoscope.

Most of these books seem quite niche to me. I'm a Taurus and have no desire whatsoever to read "Perfume.


These suggestions seem awfully pretentious, leading me to imagine that the author's writing is, as well. I'm a Pisces and I loved The Vegetarian. Clearly meant to offer so The Story of a Murderer? I read this truly gross book many years ago and shelved it under "Unspeakable". I love seeing all these offbeat books in a list of recommendations.

Thanks to Melissa Broder for always keeping things interesting. Cool and different recommendations! I hadn't heard of many of them. Just when you think this blog couldn't get any better. I'm a Taurus and I ask what the hell is this crap?

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Seriously, books by star signs? It was with the essays, and it was with the fiction, and I'm working on two more novels right now, and it's still I'm like one of those Russian dolls with the layers or whatever, and I think that the inside is the poet, and I also think that the outside is a poet, but maybe there are other layers in between that are different things.

I feel like I do have the soul of a poet, and for a long time, I only thought I was a poet. Sometimes it was just me slogging through my three paragraphs. I'm like, fuck, it's the end of the day, and I haven't done it.

And I'm neurotic, so I won't be able to go to bed unless I've done it. Oh, I don't just have to do it in my car! I can do it other places, but I prefer not to do it with anyone else — I don't do it with anyone else around. Like, I'll have to close myself in a room. Laughs It doesn't have to be in my car, that was just how it began.

But I don't like to do it sitting down at a desk, you know? I can't be near anyone I know. Like if I'm on the street and strangers are passing by, that's fine, cause they just think you're talking on your phone.

I don't think you can teach it. You just help people to let go and find it. For poetry, I really don't like to use any words that are contemporary. I don't like brand names in my poems; I don't want any corporate crap. I want it to be almost like every word you could have understood years ago.

Then with the essays, I'm like, totally down to talk about Cheesecake Factory. With the prose, it's sort of a Hybrid, you know? Just in terms of language constraints, I feel much more precious about the poems.

I mean Cheesecake Factory was in there like, eight times, I think.

Melissa Broder: Author Of The Pisces And Your Favorite Twitter Account

When I went from writing poems on the subway to dictating, it was like my language became a lot more conversational, so I think I allowed myself that. I think my poetry is not as humorous. My first book of poems, When you say one thing but mean your mother , was trying to be funny — I don't know if it was — and I hate that book.

I'm like, this is a disgusting piece of trash. I want to wear as few masks as possible. Right, and I think the art is in how to shape it without being too put on. Like how to still have that authenticity but also create a narrative that people will want to read.

I think with poems — certainly, you can do whatever you want — but my theory is that you have to teach the reader how to live in that world. Even if it's just a 10 line, word poem, you set up a world within that poem and teach the reader how to live there, and then you can do whatever you want.

I guess the same could be true of prose, but I feel like with prose we have a lot less patience. I don't censor at all, especially for my first draft.

I feel really fondly for Lucy. I never understood when fiction writers talked about their characters as people. How do you see yourself in Lucy?

We also both have addictive tendencies. I have a broader range of addictions than Lucy. I wanted to ask you about holes. In the first essay in So Sad Today , you write about being a baby and needing so much breast milk from your mom so you could sate a hole.

What do holes in all their varying forms mean to you? I tried to use a lot of different things to sate those holes.

'I’ve Never Been That Chill About Being Alive': An Interview with Melissa Broder | Hazlitt

How old were you when you first had that awareness? I always say that I could have probably used a drink right out of the womb. I have a memory of being on a beach when I was probably around twelve.

I had so many crushes at that point. My longing for boys was off the charts. But I remember sitting on a beach and seeing all these beautiful other girls around me and they were all wearing bikinis and I was not having a good time with my body, it was very Are You There God?

The sun was beating down and I remember the level of discomfort and darkness that I was feeling. I just thought god, I wish I could be one of them. And while I did feel sympathy for Chickenhorse, I also found her really annoying in how she always made herself the victim. What do you think about self-care as this… The self-care industrial complex?

The big business of self-care and wellness.

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I also was doing a lot of psychedelics and smoking a lot of weed.