Horoscope libra sign

Libra Sign Traits Overview
  2. Horoscopes
  3. Libra Love and Sex
  4. Life Meter
  5. Libra Horoscope: Zodiac Sign Dates Compatibility, Traits and Characteristics

Libras believe that they're directing their own lives, and they take a big-picture approach in making that life look and feel the best it can be.

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They spend a lot of time figuring out what's missing from that big picture, and they may feel unhappy if they become too focused on one thing, whether it's work, a partner, or a family member.

Librans are at their best when they balance their schedule to include plenty of time for self-care rituals and personal pursuits, and when they give themselves enough flexibility to change focus. When Libra falls in love, he or she falls hard, but this sign also recognizes that there's room for more than one grand love in his or her life.

The Scales are pragmatic about love, realizing that different relationships often have different seasons. Librans can sometimes be accused of being too pragmatic, and they've been known to call off a relationship pre-emptively if they feel it may not work due to distance, age difference, or another external conflict.

Although Libra appears self-confident to outsiders, he or she might struggle with insecurity, especially as it relates to personal identity, which sometimes feels mutable. This sign's lifelong question is: In order to feel more confident in their identity, social Libras need to get comfortable spending time with themselves and getting to know their gut and their internal voice.

Libra is fiercely attracted to intelligence, which is just as important as appearance when it comes to the partners they end up falling for.


This sign is all about cerebral connections—role-playing, dirty talk, and games in the bedroom all serve to amp up their interest. Physical connection is nice, but a sexy Snap can truly crank up a Libra's libido.

L for loyal I for inquisitive B for balanced R for responsible A for altruistic. Libra's everyday vibe is this gentle reminder: Librans don't do well when anyone in their orbit isn't happy, and they're especially adept at inviting other signs to see things from a different perspective.


A Libra doesn't strong arm or use coercion, but rather relies on his or her communication prowess to help everyone see another side to a story. Libra is great at making everyone happy—but what good is that if Libras themselves don't feel fulfilled?

This is someone ready to do nearly anything to avoid conflict, keeping the peace whenever possible. The sign of Libra is an Air sign , set between Gemini and Aquarius , giving these individuals constant mental stimuli, strong intellect and a keen mind.

Libra Love and Sex

They will be inspired by good books, insurmountable discussions and people who have a lot to say. Each Libra representative has to be careful when talking to other people, for when they are forced to decide about something that is coming their way, or to choose sides, they suddenly realize that they might be in the wrong place and surrounded by wrong people.

  • Libra: Libra Zodiac Sign Dates & Traits.
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  • Libra Horoscope!

No partner should make them forget that they have their own opinion. Planet ruling the sign of Libra is Venus , making these people great lovers but also fond of expensive, material things.

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Their lives need to be enriched by music, art, and beautiful places they get a chance to visit. Libra — The Measure of Our Souls The shortest myth of them all seems to present a good analogy to the shortest constellation in the sky, you might even say that it is non-existent, presented by the pliers of Scorpio.

Libra is one dot of balance in the sea of different extremes, manifested only through the fifteenth degree of this magnificent sign, an object among animals and people. There is something awfully insecure about Libra, as if they were unsure which plate to burden next, aware that things pass and teach us to be careful around other people.

Telling us where we went wrong or what we did right, Libras unconsciously teach us that true liberation hides in lightness.


Even though you could create a workplace that functions with each detail correct, you need some chaos and an open mind to get things done in inspirational You need a strong inner sense of support This Month Dec You are ready to set up a foundation of personal value that is needed for a higher income and more appropriate relationships in your life.

Some things you figured out in the past couple of weeks stand as warning signs Once they start a romantic relationship, maintaining peace and harmony become the most important thing and their primary goal.

Their charming personality and their dedication to each relationship makes their compatibility with others satisfying, but that fallen Sun they have to heal often creates trouble in their emotional world.

Libra is the sign of marriage, making its representatives open for traditional pathways of love.

Life Meter

Even though the element of Air gives them a lot of flexibility, they will still feel the strong pull towards tradition and their desires will eventually turn to love put on paper, well-organized and serving a purpose to create a certain image for the outer world.

In a way, each Libra is in search of a partner who has the ability to set clear boundaries, as if expecting to be protected by them but without their pride being endangered in the process. This is a sign deeply connected to sexuality for Scorpio rises where it ends. It is the gravity of Libra to share their entire life with someone, with a challenge to be independent and aware of their core personality at the same time.

When a Libra has made up their mind on being with someone, they have already chosen well, but it will help to know what stands in their way of achieving happiness or pushes them forwards matching sings in widgets below:.

Libra Facts

Friends — Libra representatives are highly social and put their friends in the limelight, but sometimes raise their expectation bars too high, and choose friendships that make them feel superior to the person standing in front of them. Their nature makes them indecisive which is why they might show a lack of. Tactful and calm, they can communicate through any problem if they want to, and will often help others understand the other side of their personal conflicts and trouble with other people.

Libra Horoscope: Zodiac Sign Dates Compatibility, Traits and Characteristics

Family — Born into a family that gave them a certain weakness of the Sun, Libra can often transfer guilt between family members without even being aware of doing so. In constant search for harmony these individuals have a tendency to agree with their parents and siblings only to avoid conflict, being the one to pull back when a challenge comes their way.

They need to nurture their personality and often turn to solitude only to discover their own point of view among many. If they are well built and worked on their inner sense of power, they discover ease in being a good parent and role model, ready to share everything they know with their children. For each Libra, the key to a happy life is in a fine balance, meaning they will not commit to work without setting apart enough time for their private life and their loved ones, and if they do, they will feel like they need to set free from it.