Astrology king taurus

  1. Taurus Decan 2 eBook
  2. Taurus Decan 2 ~ General Meaning
  3. Taurus Decan 2 ~ Apr 30 to May 9 (10º-20º)
  4. Taurus dating a libra. Libra December Monthly Horoscope – Astrology King

These bulls are tenacious and ambitious; they rise to the top through sheer determination, patience and stamina. Taurus decan 2 is mild-mannered, an ace seducer and extremely persuasive. Taurus rules the throat so these folk can be powerful orators or singers.

Their speech is a potent tool for propaganda and spin-doctoring thanks to the mercurial influence. Being ruled by the Moon makes them popular, and they appear to play the father or mother of the people. Politically these people give you the feeling they will take care of business and that your life is safe in their responsible hands.

These people can suffocate with love, literally smothering someone to death in the case of the most negative manifestation Brady strangled his victims. The tarot card associated with this decan is the 6 of pentacles.

The list could go on and on. However, one of its strong traditional associated meanings is charity or patronage. You can see how this card fits into the position of being a Svengali or stage mother. But with unhelpful connections will bring as results failures, fiascos and enmity.

When linked with the Moon, melancholy will then appear. A sense of destiny is in the air. Retrograde Venus with the Sun continues the exploration and reconsideration of the past.

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Uranus by the Moon shatters the old and makes way for the future. Which way will we go? Andrew Ifandis, Cosmos of Astrology , considers the question.

Taurus Decan 2 eBook

Beginning our approach with the co-operative and dispassionate spirit of Aquarius and moving towards expressing our selves with the warmth, creativity, and love, that Leo displays when in its best. Venus previously squared the Nodes on Sept. Think back to September. How did your values support or block your progress?

Can you carry what you want forward, or would it be better to cut that cord? North Node in Leo asks you to care about yourself, your talents and your audience. Each astrological sign can be divided into three sections, known as decans degree divisions of the Zodiac.

This Moon is in Taurus decan 1, which is ruled by Mercury and Venus. Marina Marcario, Darkstar Astrology , says of this decan:. The only problem can be if things come too easily, we can be prone to complacency.

Taurus Decan 2 ~ General Meaning

In that case, the devil makes work for idle hands and the indulgent and decadent tendencies could start to kick in. Over the years, astrologers have devised systems to assign meaning to each degree of the Zodiac. This experience of power can both illumine and shatter.


Astrologers are familiar with the seasonal, sign solar Zodiac. To the Indian astrologers, these are known as nakshatras.

Taurus Decan 2 ~ Apr 30 to May 9 (10º-20º)

To the Arab astrologers, they were called the Lunar Mansions. And be cautious around water. The Full Moon in Taurus promises shakeups and fresh air in relationships, finances and other basic, practical and dear aspects of existence. The blast may be bracing. It may be disruptive. November New Moon in Scorpio.

Wednesday, October 24, 9: Wednesday, October 24, Wednesday, October 24, 1: Wednesday, October 24, 5: Wednesday, October 24, 7: Kathy Biehl has been explaining astrology to the mainstream since slipping a sun sign column into her high school newspaper in the Bible Belt.

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Taurus dating a libra. Libra December Monthly Horoscope – Astrology King

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