The mountain astrologer venus in leo

  1. Those Wild Out-of-Bounds Planets
  2. The Mountain Astrologer
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  4. Mountain Astrologer magazine - Learn astrology, read forecasts - student to professionals
  5. This Week's Features

October 10—16 is definitely a time to watch financial indicators very carefully, especially in regard to those individuals and companies who are being deceptive. But the whole period of July through October is definitely when we will likely witness the titans of the world banks, governments, corporations, groups, individuals topple over and disintegrate right before our eyes, creating an opportunity for others to seize what has crumbled and take over.

Stay tuned — and stay tuned in — and you will know which way to go. There are still honest people in the world, but this configuration will greatly test that honesty when it comes to money and possessions. We will observe what absurd lengths people will go to in order to profit.

Those Wild Out-of-Bounds Planets

Saturn and Venus retrograde in Virgo urge us to invest in something more solid and practical, like higher education or training, journeys to distant lands with people who inspire us, skills enhancement, self-knowledge, health care, and overall maintenance of that which we already possess. Spend time with children or youthful-oriented adults and engage in play.

Pour yourself into an art project or enjoy attending musicals, concerts, opera, and festivals. Be creative and try something new in the garden this year. Financial Crisis of Arielle traces the conjunctions of Venus with the Sun in their five-pointed star pentagram and describes their symbolism unfolding in personal and global events. For more about her innovative work, visit Venus Star Rising where she also has a short video describing a pioneering use of the Venus Star Point in group situations.

Feel free to subscribe to the Venus Star Rising newsletter blog on the site — there are several articles of interest in the archives. But this time the problem will be much bigger and they will be forced to change its nature.

The Mountain Astrologer

The Mesoamericans linked the morning phase of Venus with Quetzalcoatl, one of their major gods, believing that this was a time when leaders are struck down and natural disasters occur. Bruce Scofield, astrologer, and researcher has observed certain types of events occurring around the time of the interior conjunction and Venus rising as a morning star.

He states that typical news items are of airplane crashes and the discrediting, resignation or loss of power of public figures. Previous events around the time of the interior conjunction of the Sun and Venus: August 15, — Former U. June 5, — A plane carrying people on board crashes in a residential neighborhood in Lagos, Nigeria, killing everyone on board and 10 people on the ground on June 3; on June 5, voters in the U.

August 27, — the death of Senator Ted Kennedy on August 26 was the dominating news story for the week. August 8, — first reports started coming in regarding a potential financial crisis; China temporarily bans exports from two toy manufacturers whose products were banned or recalled in the United States and other countries on August 8; on August 13 Zhang Shuhong, the head of a Chinese toy company at the center of a worldwide toy recall committed suicide and Karl Rove, Deputy White House Chief of Staff and George W.

He also passed along such insider tips as which players were injured. January 13, — among the notable news stories: June 8, — the death of President Ronald Reagan on June 5 was the dominating news story for the week; the National Electoral Council of Venezuela announced a recall referendum to remove President Hugo Chavez who won the recall vote ; CIA Director George Tenet resigned on June 3 and Deputy Director for field operations James Pavitt resigned on June 4; Enron was in the news again when CBS News obtained and broadcast audio tapes of Enron traders gloating over the way they manipulated energy shortages to maximize profits.

These planetary placements show the potential for zealous beliefs and a rigidly judgmental value system along with a subconscious desire for a powerful or prominent social position.

In fact, in an interview in George magazine, Tripp admits to her judgmental inflexibility and states that she dreamed of working at the White House since she was eight years old.

With Venus square 4th-house North Node in Aries as part of the t-square to Neptune, she felt compelled to use the deceit for her own safety and self-preservation.

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The Venus trine to 9th-house Saturn and Mars in Virgo helped Tripp participate in the critical attack on the President who she felt was misusing both political and sexual power. This is especially true in her case with the Moon conjunct Venus.

Venus quindecile Uranus in Cancer indicates that these issues may be rooted in some disruption of the basic home life in childhood that affected her sense of emotional security with others. The Capricorn Moon often indicates a mother or caretaker who was more of a drill sergeant than a nurturer and Venus trine Saturn and Mars in Virgo can relate to a critical father.

He deserted the family for another woman when she was still in high school and Linda suffered through the subsequent painful divorce of her parents. She admits that she deals with the difficulties in her life through food, a symptom of her out-of-bounds Moon, and that she was horrified by how unattractive she looked.

After being scandalized by the press and ridiculed by late night comedians, Tripp had expensive cosmetic surgery that was paid for by a supporter. Considering the extreme emotional sensitivity of individuals with out-of-bounds Moon, the constant derision about her appearance must have been devastating for her.

Consequently, she had two plastic surgeries to reconstruct her face, making her more attractive Capricorn Venus trine Saturn-Mars in Virgo , along with losing 30 pounds and having a total makeover to change her entire look.

Tripp was indicted by a grand jury for illegal wiretapping on July 30, when her solar arc directed Moon in Pisces opposed natal Saturn.

Explore Everyday Health

Contacts involving the progressed or directed Moon are particularly important for people born with it out-of-bounds. These felony charges have since been dropped. However, Tripp is currently suing the White House and the Defense Department, her former employer, for leaking information to the press from her personal file for purposes of discrediting her.

Her Moon in Sagittarius on the 12th-house cusp quindecile Jupiter in the 6th shows both the subconscious compulsion to eat, accompanied by the expanding physical size, and also the obsession with diet. Oprah admittedly prefers the freedom of spontaneity and even refuses to set future goals because she feels it is too confining.

The out-of-bounds Moon often reveals an overachiever who is unconsciously seeking success, prominence or material security as a substitute for the love and attention that was not received from the mother during childhood years, something that may have plagued both Oprah and Linda Tripp.

Oprah was born illegitimate and poor in the Deep South. At a young age, she was abandoned by her mother who went North to work and left to live with her grandmother. Oprah has tremendous drive and does the job of four people as she hosts a TV show, acts, spearheads a magazine, and runs her own production company, Harpo.

Mountain Astrologer magazine - Learn astrology, read forecasts - student to professionals

It is no secret that she works long hours, sometimes hour days, and that she can be a hard driving worker obsessed with perfection. The 12th-house Moon in Sagittarius gives Oprah the need to tell the truth and an impetus to nurture and educate society spiritually. She says a prayer before every show.

Oprah is a truth seeker who listens to an inner voice and she has the ability to uplift and encourage others with her spiritual philosophy. On the boundary between the 11th and 12th houses, the Sagittarius Moon helps her to be a bridge bringing spiritual ideals 12th to many diverse groups 11th.

She is an inspirational teacher to many. She has said that it is the educational aspect of her TV show and the ability to change lives that she most enjoys. Characteristic of her out-of-bounds Moon, she never recognized or even considered that any of her challenging life circumstances might limit her in any way.

She started her public speaking career reciting inspirational sermons in church at the remarkably young age of three and a half years old, part of the atypical expression of the out-of-bounds Moon in Sagittarius.

After years of codependence seeking to please others, a symptom of her childhood abandonment and the victimization of sexual abuse, she has learned to speak her truth and listen to her inner voice as well as her lunar instincts. Transiting planets can be significant activators for a natal out-of-bounds energy. This film project was her baby. Perhaps, the grief of a much older and deeper rejection linked with her out-of-bounds Moon was surfacing for her at that time.

As this article illustrates, out-of-bounds planets signify one important aspect of astrological interpretation, especially in relationship to psychological factors and the potential for achievement.

Today, planetary declination positions are available as part of most astrology computer programs. For example, when Mars is out-of-bounds, its natural assertion and physical energy can become violently aggressive or produce extraordinary courage and physical abilities.

The alluring charm and aesthetic beauty of Venus can produce extremely vain indulgence or exceptional artistic talent.

This Week's Features

As I have illustrated here, always look at the chart as a whole along with the aspects that are formed with the out-of-bounds planet. Positive aspects can mitigate the potential for a dysfunctional expression of the out-of-bounds planet by directing the energy in more productive ways.

Challenging aspects can increase the likelihood of more abnormal behavior. The 1st-house Chiron conjunct North Node in Capricorn provided the opportunity for her to heal the lack of empowerment from childhood so that she could become a successful business maverick in the field of communications.

Also, having more than one out-of-bounds planet in the chart increases the odds that the influence will be highly stressful. This is especially true when there are challenging aspects square, opposition, quindecile, quincunx between the two out-of-bounds planets, as in the case of Judy Garland.

Hopefully, this article has been an informative introduction to out-of-bounds planets that has also sparked your interest in declinations. There is certainly much more in this exciting world to explore. For example, even if a person does not have a natal planet out-of-bounds, through progression the Moon or planet may at some point step out-of-bounds.

Begin to utilize these elements in your chart interpretation and see what you discover. Remember, even though an out-of-bounds Moon or planet can be challenging, it can also indicate your most extraordinary qualities.

By becoming conscious of out-of-bounds planets, you can tap into their unlimited potential. So, have fun coloring outside the lines! Albert Einstein , March 14, ;