January 21 horoscope globe and mail

  1. Jan. 2: Your daily horoscope - The Globe and Mail
  2. Horoscopes
  3. The Globe and Mail
  4. Jan. 1: Your lookahead horoscope

At some stage today you need to stand up for yourself and let certain people know that you will not be taken advantage of.

They may not like what you have to say but that's not important — what matters is that they believe you. Something of a creative nature that you are working on will run into a wall today and you may be tempted to give up on it.

Fortunately, this is one of those occasions when what looks like a setback is actually a blessing, so stick with it. You may not be in the mood to party at the moment but you don't have to sink into despair.

The planets suggest that if you make an effort to look on the bright side over the next 24 hours you will soon find ways to cheer yourself up. Try not to get uptight if someone you live, work or do business with refuses to see sense today.

Yes, they are being obstinate. Yes, they are being stubborn. But if you react to their negativity you will just drive it in further. If someone offers to help you out financially today you would be wise to resist the temptation to accept.

Chances are there will be strings attached that cause you more problems than you are experiencing at the moment.

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  2. Jan. 2: Your daily horoscope.
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Thank them and say "no". Any promises you make today could turn out to be a burden later in the week, so don't let your enthusiasm get the better of you. You are such a can-do sort of person that sometimes you take on tasks that should really be left alone.

What you learn about yourself over the next few days will help you make a success of your endeavours a few weeks from now when the sun moves in your favour again.

Jan. 2: Your daily horoscope - The Globe and Mail

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Find a way to let others know that you are not much in the mood for talking or socializing. You don't have to be rude about it but you do have to make it clear that you are not going to waste your time on trivialities any more.

Make sure everyone knows what it is you desire and how they can help you to get it. There is a great deal you can do on your own as the new year begins but if you get other people involved there are no limits to what you can achieve.

Your dealings with important people will improve in leaps and bounds during the early days of the new year.

With Venus, planet of harmony, moving into the career area of your chart this week you're sure to be flavour of the month.

The Globe and Mail

It will feel as if a huge burden has been lifted from your shoulders over the next few days. No one deserves a vacation more than you, so why not start thinking about where you can go later in the year? Make it somewhere exotic. The intensity of your emotions may surprise you this week, especially if you have been keeping your feelings under lock and key recently.

Hopefully it won't have too harmful an effect on your environment — but better out than in!

Jan. 1: Your lookahead horoscope

It seems you can do no wrong at the moment and when relationship planet Venus moves into your opposite sign on Tuesday the feelings of love and respect you get from friends and family will be wonderful.

Enjoy being the centre of attention. No matter how ambitious you may be the current cosmic set-up demands that you slow down. Venus, your ruler, moves into the work and well-being area of your chart early in the new year — so put yourself on cruise control and coast for a bit.