Horoscop virgo 24 january 2019

Yearly Love Horoscope: 2019 Love Guide for Virgo
  1. 2019 Virgo Horoscope: Money, Career and Business
  2. Virgo January Horoscope - Monthly Horoscope
  3. Virgo January 2019 Horoscope: Solar Eclipse
  4. Virgo January 2019 Horoscope

2019 Virgo Horoscope: Money, Career and Business

Venus transits Sagittarius between January 7 th and February 3 rd. Venus always makes things interesting… normally much more creative and romantic, to be specific.

For this transit, Venus is going to influence you to beautify the day to day surroundings you live and work around. Not only does this mean at your home and office, but also you will be drawn to get out and experience beautiful places. There is a lunar eclipse now on January 21 st. Issues that have been itching at you are now going to appear and you will have to deal with them directly.

On January 24 th , Mercury enters Aquarius, and will be there through the 10 th of next month. You have absolute clarity at work and with projects that you are working on. They become very detail-oriented and have a great memory, remembering incredibly random details that nobody else does.

They make a habit of proofreading and revising their work several times over, so that almost all possibility of error is eliminated.

Virgo January Horoscope - Monthly Horoscope

This is good news for those Virgos with jobs that require performing routine or repetitive tasks. On the other hand, creativity may suffer, during this transit.

Most probably, this is not the time when you will compose a memorable melody or when you will write a terrific speech. In the second half of April and the first week of May, they should try their luck in business.

Virgo January 2019 Horoscope: Solar Eclipse

Being so well-informed, Virgos may become successful businessmen faster than they expected. For the first time, Uranus entered the ninth house last year, on May 15th. But, on November 6th , the planet came back to eighth house. This time, when Uranus re-enters the ninth, on March 6th, this is for long time: Until now, this revolutionary planet brought, from time to time, unexpected financial events for Virgos.

Virgo January 2019 Horoscope

It was difficult to make a budget and to stick to it. The idea was to change the way they thought about and handled their money. Now, at the end of this long-term transit, Virgos must already know how to be prepared for almost everything , financially speaking. Best of them already have a solid emergency fund. It helps you a lot to know you have the money there while you are dealing with issues such as a job loss, illness or anything else that might affect your income.

Virgo probably also learned that you must always be prepared to change your job. Know your professional value and also build a career back-up plan. With these lessons already learned, Virgos will have more chances to achieve financial security.

  1. Virgo Love Horoscope.
  2. Virgo 2019 Love Horoscope.
  3. february 4 super moon astrology.
  4. 7 february horoscope in urdu!
  5. January 2019 Horoscope Virgo;
  6. aries horoscope mantra.

Having Mercury in the tenth house, the astrological house of career and public image, Virgos think more about career and about the right direction in life. You also have more conversation on these topics.

This means that you should not expect any help from the outside, although this is most likely not needed by Virgos as everything will be quite successful. It is recommended to act aggressively, but carefully, avoiding unnecessary risk. The main thing now is to make your efforts in a timely manner, without wasting resources.

In this sense, January will become a foundation from which to build on. The first third of January will not bring Virgos much news or many events. Some will realize that they are not doing what they really want to and what is worth doing; Some will make an important decision regarding the sphere of personal life; some will plunge into introspection.

The third option is the least promising, as this month is not very well suited for detailed planning or reflection.


You should act, otherwise, because of the unfavorable location of Mercury, a short pause can quickly turn into stagnation on all fronts. At the same time, in early January, it is better to focus on personal life; something important can happen here in the near future.

The second third of January for the Zodiac sign Virgo will be a more dynamic and eventful period in comparison with the beginning of the month. Here you may gradually switch your attention to your professional life, and you should not be afraid of major changes.

You will rest later.