Astro astrology software

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  1. Professional Astrology Software from Astro-VisionĀ®
  2. What to download (scroll down for more info):
  3. World of Wisdom Astrology Software
  4. TimePassages for Windows and macOS

The Part of Fortune from the Latin Pars Fortuna is the only Arabian astrology part still commonly used in modern astrology. It indicates an area of life that is a fortunate one for the native.

The house in which the Part of Fortune is placed indicates an area of your life which is likely to be a successful one for you; an area where the applications of your skill will bear fruit.

Its is where you will find good luck and happiness. More about the Planetary Bodies The Nodes of the Moon indicate areas of life that are of special concern to you.

Also referred to as the dragon's head, The North Node indicates your goals. The placement of the North Node indicates work that needs to be done in your life, or new faculties that need to be developed in the present lifetime.

Also known as the dragon's tail, the South Node indicates areas of mastery, often from a previous lifetime.

Aries people tend to be energetic, forceful and outgoing. They are good at getting things done, although they prefer starting to finishing.

Like the energy of the first rush of spring, they move into the world in a headstrong, pioneering way. Aries people are likely to rush into things before reflecting, and may also be impatient or unwilling to sit back and allow events to mature.

Taureans revel in the pleasures of life. They crave the security and comfort of relaxing in the warmth of their home environment. They value the senses and the enjoyment of material things. Taureans are likely to work hard to make their home an attractive one. They also have the makings of a healer and have a large capacity for kindness.

Gemini is the sign associated with communication, logical thought processes based on duality and the conscious mind.

Professional Astrology Software from Astro-VisionĀ®

Gemini people tend to be airy and intellectual, glib of tongue and curious about life and other people. They can experience two sides of things at the same time, and may tend to be flighty.

Cancerians are nurturing and protective of others. Their ruling planet is the Moon, and they tend to be moody, with constantly changing emotions. Cancerians are also likely to be security-conscious and highly value their home life. They may appear passive, and tend to rely on their feelings to make decisions. They are subtle, rather than direct, and are likely to reflect the moods of those around them.

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Leos are likely to express themselves in dramatic, creative and assertive ways. They are also likely to enjoy the warmth of the physical Sun. Leos have great energy, courage and honesty. They are likely to be self-confident and maybe even a bit self-indulgent as they expect to be the center of attention, and often are.

Leos can be quite determined and usually get their way when they really want to. They also possess great integrity, and are a natural leader. Virgos love work, service to others and the gathering of the fruits of the material world, as symbolized by the harvest.

They are also likely to be a good conversationalist, with wide-ranging knowledge and interesting ideas.

What to download (scroll down for more info):

They can be analytical and perhaps overly fond of detail, with perfectionist tendencies, and they may miss out on the big picture by concentrating on the micro.

It also benefits them to learn the fine line between discrimination and criticism. Libra is the sign of harmony and relationship. The Sun in Libra is at the time of the Equinox, when day equals night, and similarly Libra strives for balance between polarities.

Librans are known for their good taste, elegance and charm. They are seekers of harmony and beauty. Scorpio is the most intense sign of the Zodiac, and is associated with sexual activity and with the symbolism of death and rebirth. Their emotions run deep.

World of Wisdom Astrology Software

Scorpios have great personal magnetism and great powers of persuasion or even the ability to coerce others. Sagittarius is an optimistic, positive-thinking sign associated with the quest for freedom from all restriction as well as idealism, religion and philosophy. Sagittarians are direct and forthright, good-natured and affirmative in their outlook.

Capricorn people are ambitious and practical, and are likely to have an excellent sense of social responsibility. They also tend to be conscious of social mores, perhaps to the point of over-concern. Their natural caution allows them to advance slowly and steadily to the top.

Aquarians have a rebellious nature, and are eccentric, spontaneous and original. They are forward thinking and detached, and can seem conservative though they really are not very much so. They are scientifically minded and logical, and confident in manner. Pisceans are friendly and likable, and yet can be very moody and introspective as well.

Pisces is a watery sign, concerned with subtle emotions and secret mystical depths. Pisceans are not entirely at home in this world. Log In Join Now. Horoscopes Reports Apps Readings Support. As one of the largest astrology portals WWW.

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Chart of the moment. AstroQuick 7 Astrology software with no installation. Astrology software and reports since Time Cycles is acknowledged as the leading developer of Mac Astrology software programs for astrologers of every level of experience for more than 28 years.

KP Muhurat Electional Astrology. Software helps to find Best Muhurat based on the event. The software is based on the book K. Muhurat - A Novel Technique in K. This software guides the user, step-by-step through the process of calculating the most astrologically auspicious time for a particular occasion or commencement of an activity on the basis of a good longevity and the required significators of the concerned cuspal sublords and running Dasa-Bhukti-Antara-Sookshma lords.

This exceptional astrology software offers accurate and complete horoscope calculations and predictions based on the Indian system of predictive astrology. The Planetary effect and Dasa-Balance are also considered for gem recommendation. The system of horoscope analysis is used for general recommendations while the stellar healing principles of direct remedies are used for specific illness and problems.

In case of incompatibility between birth number and name number, DigiTell Numerology Software also offers a tool to tweak or tune your name so that it is compatible with your birth number. Astro-Vision NameFinder presents you with beautiful and meaningful names for your baby.

TimePassages for Windows and macOS

The Name Finder software provides a vast number of names along with its meanings chosen based on your preferences like religion, sex etc.

The Varshaphal Period covers an entire year from the day of Varsha Pravesh, which is approximately from one birthday to another. Yearly Forecast can be generated for a total period of upto 10 years. It helps to calculate auspicious time and in answering queries Prasna. Astro-Vision Starclock VX comes with built-in muhurtha finder as well as a host of other great tools such as the Nazhika convertor and Transit Finder.

Free Astrology Software

This software is perfect for astrologers who would like to focus on the predictions and leave the calculations to be done accurately by the computer.