Libra horoscope january 2019 barbara

Mercury enters Capricorn
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  3. Horoscopes - Susan Miller Astrology Zone

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Capricorn is still the responsible, quality craftsman, and it shows! He applies these principles to new ideas, and it works! Pluto knows where to get the funding, so when there was nothing before, all of a sudden unexpected backing happens!

Pluto has gut feelings when there is danger and will help Cap sidestep the pitfalls and pick more trustworthy business partners. Live fully with a juicy partner who loves you the way you are, but also wants more for you than you do, believes in you in a good way!

Pluto insists on paying attention to your health. No neglect or abandoning yourself. Keep your teeth, LOL! He is a water planet in the last water sign, seeking a deeper side of life. Though they are so different, Neptune is quite helpful to Capricorn.

Neptune dissolves some of the Capricorn crust, inspires him with elegant visions, shows him ways to ride through the storm. Capricorn survives against long odds, and holds awards for his service. Tidal Neptune always has a song of the sea, rises and falls, carries the great ships to far places.

Often weaker in childhood, Capricorn finds his own sacred rhythm, his own special place in our world, an honored master of his craft. Neptune shows him there is more than what we do, are known for.

We have Soul as well. Those of you with factors in the last two degrees of Aries will be accomplishing the maturity of Uranus in Aries, strengthening the final touches to secure the foundation of the future ideas that Taurus will anchor and build on. Change worthy ideas need to be instilled, spread far and wide to create a support network.

They need to be cleverly woven into our daily fabric so they become a part of us, so they can effortlessly be carried on. Aries is pretty unflappable, but this really shakes your space!

Aries loves a challenge and new things. Rarely are they outdone in that dept, but Uranus has a bigger platform. It rules humanity, and although Aries is only one person, they step up because they know the value of key positions that make the difference!

Uranus replaces some Aries circuits and the game is bigger yet! Young people have been fired up. The Awakener has opened their eyes!

What powerful times we are in! Aries quickly sees what can be done then like lightning takes of for the next venture. Capricorn may swat at him like a fly, take a good look at his ideas, ask him to leave or stay! Meanwhile the ideas live on as Capricorn figures out how to get them to work and tests them.

Ah, and so it is. Those few days or moments together can mean a lot, be quite valuable, so take it in. Use what you can, let the rest go, but archive the ideas — they may become useful later. March 6, Uranus enters Taurus the final time. There are exotic options free for the taking!

Walking barefoot tickles your feet, you become so aware of the charge of earth and life, that Earth herself is so very alive!

You may never have been bored before and now you are?! It could be pretty darn heady at first. Maybe the leap is best now, otherwise you never will! Or maybe you need to stay steady and not get carried away at all. But somehow it seems a time of wild chance that needs to be taken advantage of.

Put some fallback funds in a safe place, get yourself a headband and go for it! Yoga was never so good! Taurus is an Earth sign and so is Capricorn!

Their connections with Earth are different. Taurus is thought of as the fertile food growing fields, while Capricorn is the high mountain peaks the soil comes from. Taurus is barefooted in his tank top; Capricorn has gear for all kinds of weather and strong mountain boots.

Taurus can be lazy warm, the cows and their cuds, while Capricorn is bone numbing cold, with only enough vegetation for goats! Taurus shows Capricorn how to relax, use the comfort to heal and release what was held tight. Capricorn, to his surprise, feels lighter and gets twice as much done with all that old stuff gone.

Taurus helps Capricorn assess his own body, find more beauty, to nibble the flowers in the highlands, eat those alpine strawberries. They both love sex! Taurus is super sensual. Rutty goat Capricorn has never had flower petals in the sheets before…but how yummy it is in front of that beautiful big fireplace when winter comes!

Uranus in Taurus is people of the land, indigenous as well as many of us. He wants the land to be free, natural, to be used sustainably. He calls on Capricorn law to preserve and regulate, restore. He calls on Capricorn scientists to show historical change, predict what can be done.

After taking a foray into Aries, he is now back in Pisces until Feb Pisces and Aries are the last and first of the zodiacal signs!

Pisces believes; Aries takes action! Wounds and vulnerabilities will be assessed, your teaching skills improved. Updated healing systems will be applied with unbelievable results!

Medical teaching will be inspiring, especially about vision and feet while in Pisces, and the head, brain and eyes when in Aries. The Magi Society thinks Chiron is the 1 marriage factor and good in business too!

Pisces is the Dreamer visionary spiritualist musician, while Chiron is seeking healing, teaching, right relationships and good business. Chiron, the Shaman, will stand beside Capricorn. A long lasting marriage may be on the table.

It may be more of a practical business partnership than romantic, and that would likely be ok with both partners. It would be healing to both of them to succeed.

Time to get more used to Aries. Considering conditions in the world today, we will likely be grateful for some push from Aries. Aries inspires, leads us into immediate action! Working together may be a challenge. Personal relationships, marriages may not happen. Do check with your astrologer! Cappies are likely working hard as they always do.

Then this wild fiery Aries Shaman type comes in, unasked even, and makes plausible suggestions, groan. Things need updating, new things added, and there is an official deadline.

Ye, Gods, now to do that too?! There might be a few implications about changing some personal things too. Well, if they improve your health, ok. But even that takes dedicated attention. Stay with it, and give that Shaman a little sass!

Tell him if he wants it done, to send some special energies your way! And maybe some funds to hire a helper!

Saturn will be in Capricorn along with Pluto, conjuncts Pluto once, Jan 12, In his own sign! Many will have more work than anybody should, or you are let go. Saturn Returns happen every 28 to 29 years. They can bring you to your knees, or make you bring yourself up to your full height, proud of your achievements! Now, in its own sign, it is truly full height!

There will be more traditional endeavors. Saturn adds to the desire to do good work. Saturn recognizes natural law, so its works stand the test of time. Timing is one of its fortes. Steady production, the right people in the right places at the time, being on time, are all assets.

They are not only architects, builders and realtors, but understand structures — concrete, stones, glass. They can build roads and railways, bridges, homes, skyscrapers! They can do demolition as well as renovation! Saturn is expert at sustainability and conservation — more done with less effort, use less materials, smaller and stronger, for less cost, build tiny homes communities for homeless and seniors, contribute huge land grants to establish legendary preserves.

They become mentors, and with experience on their side, use new ideas of the times to start the latest businesses! They may be late starters sometimes, but often their later years are just golden — art awards, health successes, the happiness of long marriages and plenty of grandkids!

Jupiter is a big fire planet, entered his own fire sign Sagittarius as of Nov 8 ! Jupiter went into Sag at 4: Jupiter stays in Sag the majority of , until moving into Capricorn Dec 2.

It can be a hero, and there are plenty of those at this time. It can be a knowledge or wisdom of an exalted teacher and that might be your local high school teacher. It can be a journey of great beauty or a maximum athletic achievement.

A boundless love, a loving kindness, a gift, sharing. All these touch our hearts and make a story to remember.


Fortunes gained and lost, wagers won and lost, starting from nothing to making it to the top of the mountain! No thieving or robbing. Stay with respectful truth and honesty. Keep the long term in mind.

Keep your higher ethics in place, morality intact; visit the sacred place when you need to. Keep learning in every direction.

You could be the visitor who is remembered for all the work you did! You might be a random traveler, a business consultant, the foreigner who was on a mission to help the people. They might volunteer and you join them to make some kind of profound difference.

They need to travel, check out the territories. If you hire them, send them to the training seminars furthest away or send them to teach it! If they have too much routine, they will run away.

Their writings may inspire you to start an outstanding business newsletter or monthly report people count on. Jupiter can overdo, so Cappies beware. Know your personal limits. If you have had doldrums, Jupiter can cheer you up like a champ.

See your AstroLocality specialist! Not all map lines are positive; some are positive only at certain portions along their length.

The experience you have will depend on how Jupiter is situated in your chart and how current planetary positions apply to your chart. Jupiter will bring you big truths or reveal lies. Sometimes it exaggerates your condition, could make it worse, could make it wildly abundantly better! Plans for the future may be magnified, your course changed significantly.

Profound circumstances are likely to impinge on special relationships. Long lasting mergers and good marriages are possible. Happy Birthdays, Capricorns from your forever grateful fans! Any of these outer planet factors may be activating other factors in your chart as well as your Sun. They may be difficult, may be rosy, maybe both!

Check with your favorite astrologers for the whole picture! May it go well with you…. Courtesy of Ocean Properties, Ltd. Appointments as possible at your convenience, email Cerena ItsAstroLogical. December 16, by Cerena Childress.

First Lunar event of ! First Eclipse of ! First of three 5 Planet Stelliums of ! The second 5 Planet Stellium is in Virgo, the third is in Capricorn again at the end of Mercury is strong and hard working in Capricorn, getting the word out on the New Year Agenda. He wants a commitment, how much and when, by whom. He is coming up from behind the Capricorn group, will first confer with Saturn to get the top priorities, the latest news.

Mercury is square Mars. In Capricorn, likely Mercury is shaking his finger at Mars, saying slow down! New territory always has that fresh feel, goes right to his head! See how you can help him, not hinder him! Could try a little reverse psychology, or dare him though… Mercury will square him exactly at 2: Mars could trip Mercury up, take up his time, yell at him, be annoying, be of no help at all, and not even listen.

Be careful, do the best you can. Saturn is in his own sign, and his responsibilities almost seem to have doubled, though Capricorns are tough and determined. He will find a way.

Parents and elders may figure in strongly. There is so much going on at times confusion reigns, things can get a bit hysterical — sometimes scary — you could get lost, but it can be both entertaining and delightfully rampant as well, depending on where you are standing!

This is a rather friendly square. Neither one minds a little fascinating random chaos. This pup is a partial, visible in Asia and the western Pacific. New Moons always seem quiet because the night is dark, but together in the heavens, they are in recharge mode!

She is the liaison between Sun and Earth, us! This time they are exactly lined up with us, so expect some surprising Capricorn potency! Did you take that responsibility you said you would?

Are you clear about your commitments? Are you keeping your calendar up to date? Moon rules our everyday life, taking care of the kids, food, giving us hugs. She soothes his fiery Spirit, encourages him to stay Bright.

She gets tired, Sun knows, so he burns away her worries, makes her secretly feel like the Mother of all Amazons! Who would have ever known that happened? Moon is in Capricorn , her opposite sign, so she acts like a liaison from her natural sign Cancer to Capricorn as well!

Sun shines forever, rather impervious, and Capricorn, utterly dedicated, has no time for chit chat. Plus, Cap is the citadel protecting Sun. This conjoining with the Moon is likely the most receptive he will be.

Moon is very sensitive; she syncs up with him. He knows her sincere caring and listens well, cherishes her insights.

Yearly Horoscopes

The New Moon has just sextiled Neptune, gathering in masses of perception. They are separating the wheat from the chaff that will help Saturn make his decisions when he sextiles Neptune.

Sun is putting the light on what glows; Moon sings a little song of her own making when she likes a special little bit. Saturn is already very close to the sextile, only just over 2 degrees to go, so the process is in full bore. Pluto is the most powerful, the last planet in Capricorn. Moon will feel her way by him 4: She is fresh from the Sun, looks into some of the dark places, spreads a little Light in the key core places, gives him a hug.

He tells her what to be careful about, shoots her a little healing and on she goes. Sun himself gets there 3: That can be one of the most wealthy combinations in the zodiac! It can be major healing or transitioning right out of this life. Do the right thing. Mercury makes the connection Believe me, it will be a crazy day for some.

Wild things open the doors and Mercury will be there to take a look, OMG! That info will be recorded and passed along, possibly quite carefully. Could be wiser to observe and hold for later. All these connections will have root resonance in the Eclipse.

Take some time that day to think what outcomes you would like and keep that in mind as you make your decisions. Saturn closes to less than 3 degrees of Pluto when Saturn retrogrades, turns back, April 29, That will be a heck of a time! The conjunction occurs in another Capricorn 5 Planet Stellium.

Saturn, the Builder, wants to make sure Pluto achieves his goals! Pluto might take the troublemakers down, could be a major power play, take over! Financially it could be our worst fears, depression like circumstances.

Saturn with Pluto happens on average every 34 years. It will have prime significance to the Presidential election. So many important things are on the table. Call in your experts, get educated, share and learn, VOTE, encourage others to vote! Support leaders for change that affects us for the better, long term sustainability for our children.

What we do now makes a difference to the outcome, and that to the future beyond. Venus in Scorpio Outside the Stellium! At the Full Moon Venus was sweet on Neptune. Now she has just been loving on Chiron. From the DreamMaker to the the Shaman. Chiron can be good in partnerships and business. Venus in Scorpio introduces valuable connections both for love and money!

She sees what will bring the most rewards, has added her touch of beauty and class, charisma, and lots of love. Venus will inconjunct, obliquely connect with, Uranus in Aries.

Horoscopes - Susan Miller Astrology Zone

They are so very different. Venus wants a personal connection; Uranus in Aries is looking far ahead, single handedly at times, rarely even wants a personal connection.

She may catch a glimpse of what he sees, but she will likely remain on her track. Scorpio has power from within. Uranus has power from humanity. She could do fundraising for his amazing cause.

But with or without him, she will find herself wondering about the road less traveled. On her new motorcycle. Stretch your Spirit in every direction.

Laugh with the Capricorn Wizard! May it go very well with you…. November 22, by Cerena Childress. These structures weave our evolution simultaneously at all levels with all Beings throughout time. Carrying the fiery coals, Light, from camp to camp was vital.

Today we think of travel as a luxury, a trip for relaxation, fun, to see the sights, meet new kinds of people. The Light is in our hearts as we share and discover. Our smiles light the way. Light and knowledge travel to far reaches. Some of that Light stays, is gathered, in various knowledge centers , villages, great cities, universities, to small private groups who need to stay safe.

It becomes its own magnet bringing people from all over to partake. They will take it home to their own people, adapt it to local use. Evolution is in play in leaps and bounds. The first person in a family to go to school, to get a degree, is so precious.

Sagittarius is a tribe of Light Leaders. Some are just trying to survive, some think they are just going surfing, others want to change the world! Each level begets the next, makes it possible. We stabilize at one level, then some fool wants more, LOL! The new and unknown or unexpected is happening right before your eyes!

Sagittarians are rampant story tellers! Sometimes it all involves proposals, projects, missions! The scientist and novelists both want a betterment of some sort.

You start living the story in your own mind. You might find yourself coaching the crew, showing people how. The spiritual stories help you mend your morality, your life or the lives of others.

Sagittarians can be carefree, careless or caring. There are lifetimes when we need to take time out. Sag is the active version of that, versus Pisces taking silence and meditation.

Sometimes play is the balance between freedom and boredom. If you are learning to play, make no apology. Being pinned to a map is a form of suffocation. Too much responsibility leaves us tired and our beautiful open mind collapses.

Walk away before that happens. There are perfect stops along the road of life, and perfect times to go on. Crazy as it may seem, you will undoubtedly take us where we need to go just the same, no matter how you are thinking at the time.

Your natural instinct is working just fine. He was a Cancer with Moon likely in Scorpio conjunct Neptune. Venus trined that Neptune and Moon.

He certainly was a well loved Soul Traveler with a beautiful Spirit. Please breathe deeply and listen… Somewhere Over the Rainbow. This is the luckiest year for Sagittarius since his own planet Jupiter is in his own sign Sagittarius!

It started Nov 8, goes through Dec 2, Happens every 11 to 12 years! If you have had troubles, this is a good year to pick up the pieces, make a new plan. If troubles come, know that good things will come through it, though it may seem pretty dark at times. Seek the meaning and move on. As possible, live it full and well with gusto!

If it does attain naked-eye visibility, it will be the brightest comet seen from the Northern Hemisphere in more than five years. The icy interloper will reach perihelion—its closest approach to the sun—on December 12 and will be traveling through the bright winter constellation Taurus, the bull.

Remember, it will be a dot rather than a line when you see it, so look carefully! The last aspect of Nov 23rd in Eastern zone. Sag is the sign of purpose and planning.

It will be up to you Sagittarians to be our PathFinders and Guides, to keep us on track in the important times to come. Further, the Ecliptic event links with the Nov 11, 9 Transit of Mercur y! Mercury crosses the face of the Sun for hours! Though it is only on a 12 year cycle, they are potent as sister aspects, essentially happening concurrently!

Jupiter puts it in perspective, knows the meaning, intention, long term purpose! Mercury is the neighbor, Jupiter is the, in this case, galactic traveler! Sagittarius starts with Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune in their own signs, Jupiter in his own sign, Sagittarius! Saturn stomps his foot and calls for responsibility and to abide by the rules, honor your ancestors — translate that to elders, the boss!

Jupiter will speed Capricorn up! Jupiter quickly sees potential and offers encouragement. Keep tabs on receipts and contracts. Jupiter square Neptune, challenges, stirs up our dreams, makes us face misfortunes. One happy person said: Thanks for two unforgettable weeks with Beach-BBQ, sightseeing, good food and nice people.

And by the way — we learned how to surf! Take care and keep…. But this year it made the rare year aspect, Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic! His healing powers will increase exponentially! He will give that very energy to Sun and the Light itself will be more clear and radiant!

So fresh, this is a powerful time for Sagittarius! Those of you with chart factors at or very close to 18 degrees, especially in Scorpio, will be cleared and infused! Neither Scorpio nor Pluto are light weights. It takes a lot to impress them, and they can withstand high intensity, but this tested them. Pluto reached the beginning of the last third of Capricorn Feb , now moving from 18 to 23 degrees.

Capricorn is a sign ahead of Sagittarius. Pluto rules Scorpio, the sign behind. Sagittarius always has big ideas that are generally far seeing and quite lucky!

Capricorn knocks things down to size and priorities while Pluto gets the building materials at the right price. Cap may be lucky that Sag does because the idea was more optimistic than realistic!

But both are changed. Sagittarius will be a little more alert to select better partners, not lead people on a merry path that wastes time. Cap may tweak the idea to something that does work.

Cap may put it on his future list, check back on that list periodically. He is a water planet in the last water sign seeking a deeper side of life.

Those of you with chart factors between 13 and 18 degrees will be activated with this pure energy! Pisces and Sagittarius both have a boundless quality. Sag will travel forever; Pisces can step into an altered state with no boundaries at all other than being alive.

Sag travels the Earth while Pisces can sit still and be somewhere else entirely. Sag has got to be in motion and can seem like a laughing loud whirlwind. Sag thinks Pisces is slow to the bone and needs a pick-me-up desperately!

Ah, Pisces may have to stand up and go to the window for this one. Sag has done this traveling so long, place to place, he may not realize that he is actually weary and sits down for a while. Might be a few days or a few years. Listening is a whole different mode of being. Sag is a straight shooter, goes for the big Truth right now, and says what it is out loud.

Pisces is more subtle, sees gradations, variables. He morphs, encompasses, at times confuses. Adjustments are made that fit the big picture better. Talk it over, part if you must, but give it some time, hear each other out. Change worthy ideas need to be instilled, spread far and wide to create a support network, cleverly woven into our daily fabric so they become a part of us, so they can effortlessly be carried on.

See more about the sign change. Uranus is the planet of Aquarius, so unique that utter freedom is automatic.

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Aries and Sagittarius are both leaders! Aries is at the front line, saving people right and left! Sag opens their minds to possibilities beyond what they started with. Sag encourages them, is plenty confident with high hopes for them! Action sports are helpful to keep the molecules humming.

Aries get bored; Sag has itchy traveling feet. Only if you strongly have the same goals is a team likely. What is this feeling?! Taurus is an Earth sign; Sagittarius is a Fire sign that seems halfway across the continent to a Taurus.

They are so different that Sag may seem like more of a phenomena than an actual person. Fire is actually the stabilizer! Taurus is looking for peace, the ability to sit and center. Uranus rarely has that thought, but may be surprised how useful that relaxation is.

Sag sits for a bit, but must soon wander off. Uranus loves all those ideas. Taurus touches them in his own way and owns them for himself. Sagittarius is intrigued by what Uranus in Taurus has and will achieve, unpretentious genius really, and happily spreads the good word along his way. These are the last and first of the zodiacal signs!

Chiron will activate any factors you have in those degrees. Wounds and vulnerabilities will be assessed. Chiron the Healer is fluid in Pisces , takes only a moment to assess a situation.

Sagittarius happily boots Chiron right along, always wanting people to be well, have abundance, success! Chiron in Pisces can get a little lost at times, confused. Sag is known for saying everything out loud and up front, so no escaping the truth, like it or not. Though uncomfortable, it may be the very right time to face up to victim attitudes, fears, addictions.

Sag has big boots, and can help make the seven league leap look effortless! All of a sudden you are in a different land and have a different outlook entirely!

Chiron goes into Aries for 9 years, through Considering conditions in some aspects of the world today, we will likely be grateful for some push from Aries. Aries inspires, leads us into the action! Sagittarius waves as he goes by, cheers them on, is inspired to tell their story!

Sagittarius wants the information spread far and wide, encourages Aries to plant those seeds in the most fertile soil. Chiron may have spiky red hair this time, laughing like Kokopelli!

Chiron may heal people so fast, quickly picking up the pieces, even Sagittarius, stunningly healthy and able, is impressed. It is so good to see how truly remarkable health can be! He is cheered and feels he can carry on against the longest odds. Aries is fast to pick up the tricks Sag has acquired along the way, and Sag has no secrets, shares as much as Aries will take!

Sag has creds, his own health and luck! These two disperse the doubt like a whirlwind, the way is cleared, production unfettered!

Saturn entered his own sign Capricorn Dec 19, ! In his own sign, many will have more work than anybody should, or you are let go.

In the long term that may be a blessing because new work you get suits you far better, or you start your own business! On your first Return — ages 28, 29, you may find yourself having a lot of responsibility at work, getting married, owning your first home, having a baby!

Take good care of yourself. If you are older, on your second Return , 59, keep your networks alive. Right housing, parenting, care of precious grandchildren and elders may be challenging new responsibilities. Age and health may become factors, your retirement. Sometimes Saturn brings losses, sadness, delays. Advice from seasoned experts may be just what you need.

Training and studies are helpful and the knowledge you carry backs up your reputation. Alliances may be strong and mutually supportive. Give yourself credit for what you have done, the talents you have acquired! Sag has a lot to offer, but can appear to be like a big floppy puppy with kisses all around!

A wise Saturn gleans the good from Sagittarian adventures, thanks him, offers to pay for the next trip, and makes that Sag feel so valued! If anything, Sagittarius is more excited than ever! Saturn may help Sag establish a home base. That might take some doing, but it could work. There would need to be some strong compatibility for that.

Boredom or continually trying too hard to please you has too high a price. However, if you get out of hand, LOL, Saturn does have handcuffs…. Jupiter is a big fire planet in his own fire sign Sagittarius as of Nov 8 ! The huge Camp Fire in California started that morning, first calls at 6: While traveling and your money is low, no taking something because you need it more than they do.

Big stories yes, cons no. Keep your higher ethics in place; visit the sacred place when you need to. If your Jupiter is in these degrees in these signs, you will be having your Jupiter Return! Long lasting mergers and, against the odds, good marriages are possible. Jupiter, your Planet, is in your sign, its own sign! Put on your 7 league boots and have a swell time!

See the entire Sagittarius Newsletter! Walks can take days or weeks, with spectacular views along the way. November 18, by Cerena Childress. Nov 22 the Sun leaps into Sagittarius at 1: The stage has been set.

The Full Frost Moon is that evening at 9: He spent 4 months color-correcting the night time images to match them to the natural colors seen in the daytime at Yellowstone National Park. See the image large! Every New Moon is a precious restart from sign to sign.

This is a 12 year restart for Jupiter! Each New Moon is the wellspring of sign it is in, a fresh charge, and a pure source of that energy. In his sign Sagittarius, Sun shines for him and Moon can feel the Sag messages so important to share!

Schedule to review and update them from time to time! Mercury is no longer retrograde! Mercury entered an intense Station appearing to standstill for 8 days in the last degrees of Scorpio! The Scorpio messages will be steeped, condensed, focused on, anchored in place. Decide what you want to keep as core guidance, let the rest go.

The turn, very slow at first, has been made. After the next four days the findings will start being released, momentum will be gained. Mercury returns to Sagittarius Dec He will be downloading the information to Jupiter Dec 12, leaving nothing out, until he conjuncts Jupiter Winter Solstice, Yule, Dec 21!

Venus will be left behind on her own, still in Scorpio. This chart is rather simple — you can see in the chart there are few aspects made — the color connector lines. What is exciting is that the point of the red triangle and the big blue triangle are linked! It is quite odd in its combination.

Uranus is in fire sign Aries retrograde. Since the node moves faster, it will make the square while both of them are retrograde.

Either way he is consumed, others have to come to him.

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  • Venus is also in a water sign, Scorpio, still close but leaving them both behind. Water signs are usually trine, a harmonious aspect, but here they are square, somewhat at odds yet in compatible signs. Oppositions are usually in opposite signs, which oddly have some compatibility. But these are not. Could be steamy, but Venus, of Libra has had enough of that upstart Aries, no finesse she thinks.

    Or she is impressed, and takes up his cause. In charismatic Scorpio she is looking for love and money, or wants to be around involvement with deep healing skills and centers for homeless, hospice, addictions.

    Oh, the juicy secrets! She is not just a pretty face; she will do more than expected and more than we will ever know. Give her the reigns, yet check on her from time to time for your own peace of mind. There is the blue Grand Water Trine. Trines are considered a blessed configuration and the North Node too.

    North Node is our aspiration, balance with the South. In this trine, Mercury is exactly at the same degree and minute, giving deeper facts and wisdom from Scorpio, who has faced life and death.

    The North Node in Cancer wants to protect its own, so is quite grateful and now more able to secure resources and the safety of loved ones. Though the Node, always moving backwards through the signs, and Chiron are parting, Chiron in Pisces saw the weak points and showed the Node how to apply healing of spirit, as Scorpio showed the Node healing remedies.

    In turn, The node offered a nurturing place to stay, free of obsessions and addictions, instead a safe place with innocent babies and children that give us the reason to say clean and sober, to not stray from the organic reasons for being here together.

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    4. Libra January 2019 Horoscope.

    Many times healers need to heal themselves. This trine is a great gift. This trine helps calm the red lines. Uranus needs to be free, but how free? We are all a part of each other. We breathe the same air. Be free to be sweet. Pay more attention to the living beings around you doing the best they can.

    Be free to be able to receive love. Being touched by the Spirit of others makes a living difference. Venus in Scorpio can be enamored with her own seductive beauty that may be the source of her money.

    She may forget she too is a part of a web of dear humans that would love and admire her for more of what she is rather than what she has. They will love her when she is wrinkled and gray. She may be so wrapped up in giving healing she forgets herself. Open those pretty eyes, lift that chin, see and feel the love people have for you.

    The New Moon itself not in either pattern! In fact, it is virtually standing alone numerically. He is being steeped in Spirit. Aligned, he sees the vision too. Neptune is in Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac. Mars is the planet of Aries, the first sign of the zodiac! What one starts the other must end.

    What one dreams the other must begin! Both are planets of Initiation, one through perceptions and visions, the other through the action taken in their behalf! Leadership is often born of what we see that needs saving. Mars makes the exact conjunction Dec 7 at 6: Two beginnings at once! It is also true that Neptune and Pisces may obscure your vision and accuracy.

    Illusion and confusion, intentional deception, could take you on a wrong lead for a time. If necessary, admit your mistake, get help if necessary, and get back on track. Some of these experiences will strengthen you.

    The other side of that same coin is a breakthrough! Your perception may be so heightened you can see like never before! You are guided to do the perfect right thing at the right moment. If you are in water sports, you could be the impassioned winner, the hero of the day! All these Moons are resonant to each other!

    Each represents a turning point, a choice point on how to proceed further, a balance within their sign. Some of the signs will be in harmony aspects to the others, ie Libra and Sagittarius will make sextiles and trines to other air and fire signs.

    This one in Sagittarius will square the one in Pisces and trine the last one in Aries. Scorpio will make trines and sextiles with other earth and water signs. A lot will hinge on his decisions and influence the remaining three, Aquarius, Pisces and Aries. To him it seems like a zoo for the moment. What an awesome job. It will be an ongoing responsibility to make many powerful yet delicate shifts to bring these new people into productive work in their new jobs, help them stand tall yet balanced, to facilitate and establish their new ideas into a working part of our fabric.

    This New Moon is strengthening our purpose. November 8, by Cerena Childress. Spring Fairy by magical artist Ruth Sanderson. They have dates info you need to know, and explanations on what they are about and how you can use them well!

    Or you might select per the dates that are at times you expect important events in your life or you are making plans for! They are linked in several ways to other events in ! It will be a very complex and creative year! Plan ahead for your important life events; select good dates for your plans!

    Some of these you will definitely want to mark on your calendar so you will have plenty of time to prepare!