Antares astrological meaning

The astrological influences of the constellation Scorpius
  1. The history of the star: Antares
  2. Watchers of the Directions
  3. The Four Royal Stars | Astrology Basics

It is the 15th brightest visual star in the sky. Antares is a red supergiant of immense dimensions, with a diameter of million miles million kilometers , which is times the diameter of our Sun.

Yet, for its size, its density is only one-millionth that of the Sun, due to its massive expanse, which marks it as a star moving towards its final days. In total, its mass is approximately solar masses, which still makes it a very massive star.

It is rivaled in size only by Betelgeuse Alpha Orionis and used to be one of the most massive known stars before science produced better instruments for deep-space observation. It has a luminosity times that of the Sun and lies at a distance of light-years. Antares has an absolute magnitude of It is a binary system with a small yellow-green companion star having an absolute magnitude of 0.

It is separated from Antares by a distance of about 3 times the diameter of our solar system. It is not known at this point whether this companion star orbits Antares but, if it does, the orbital period is estimated to be somewhere in the order of years.

The history of the star: Antares

We will have to wait several centuries to see if, indeed, this companion does orbit Antares. At the moment they share the same proper motion.

The Antares system is veiled in a vast reddish nebula approximately 5 light-years in diameter, which is somewhat symbolic of the secretive nature of Scorpio. This nebula in and of itself is interesting because it is not composed of the usual gas which makes up common nebulae. It is, instead, composed of very fine metallic dust.

Such a composition points to the fact that it was formed from the remnants of a massive, exploded star. Only the more massive types of stars produce this sort of metallic remnant. Antares is an older star and is somewhat unstable, being in a phase of its life where it periodically casts off part of its mass, which is the common way of things among the more massive stars in that stage of their evolution.

It will eventually contribute its own component of metallic dust to this nebula as it approaches the spectacular end to its life by becoming a supernova and eventually a black hole. The cloud reflects the luminosity of Antares.

Antares has a variable luminosity which pulsates with a semi-regular period of 4.

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It was one of the first stars to be detected by radio telescope. Antares is also the largest and most evolved oldest member of a group of stars called the Scorpio-Centaurus Association.

This group is a large aggregation of mostly large, blue stars considered to be early types of stars , all moving together--thus sharing a gravitational center--toward a point in the eastern part of the constellation of Columba.

At the present time at least of the large, B-class stars have been noted as members of this association, while it is unclear how many smaller, less luminous stars are in the group as well.

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Antares Meaning

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Watchers of the Directions

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The Four Royal Stars | Astrology Basics

Legends, Fables and Lore. Monthly Tarot - Spiritual Magic Journey. John of God Braco. Astrology Basics Wednesday, 07 August Hits: We could easily over-simplify Scorpio stars and brand anyone who has them strong in their chart as a budding psychopath.

A badly afflicted Mars may be a problem, as this will only inflame the more aggressive side to Antares.

In the stinger and forehead. Antares is found in the Scorpions heart which may actually give it some heart! The natural theme of this star is to generate success by going through a cleansing life-and-death experience.

It can suggest one seeks intensity even when not required. By its mythological symbolism it indicates extremes, whether by choice or not.

This red star shakes us out of our complacency. Instead, Antares was very fortunate and gave eminence and achievements for humanity. Creative products reflects societies traumas and dark underbelly.

An attraction of combative situations and challenges to their authority. Prone to emotional outbursts. Devoted, but verging on obsessive with family affairs. Breaking down of emotional armour. Penetrating the heart through intense emotional turmoil. Guarded in social situations. Seeing the world as a battle between good v evil.