February 15 horoscope capricorn or capricorn

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  1. Balance: Your Key To Well Being
  2. Capricorn Daily Horoscope
  3. Today's Capricorn Horoscope - Friday, December 28, 2018
  4. Capricorn Daily Horoscope

A few days later, on February 10, Venus leaves your earned income house to enter your third house of communication, siblings, and short trips.

Balance: Your Key To Well Being

Your sister who needs your help may get in touch, or you may spend more time with siblings enjoying sweet memories and making new ones. On the 13th, the Sun will talk to Uranus in your fourth house of home and family, again giving opportunities to help a loved one or to make valuable connections through a relative. You may receive heirlooms or other gifts from a family member and arrange with experts to appraise and insure them.

On February 15—and for the week and half afterward—you can tap success by starting anything new related to increasing the money you earn, managing your spending, or enjoying your possessions as part of a happy and comfortable life once the new Moon arrives in brilliant Aquarius at 3: A solar eclipse comes just minutes before that—and the day brings harmonious angles between Mercury in your financial house with Uranus in your house of home and family and between Venus in your sibling and communication house with Saturn in your first house of your personality and health.

You may accept a new job that pays more and allows you to start an innovative decorating project or install the latest security system, or you may year from a brother or sister who can help you find solutions to a health concern. On the 17th, this theme continues with the Sun and Mercury coming together in your earned income and values area for a final burst of thought provoking inspiration as well as possible lucrative contracts or news related to business or a board on which you serve.

Feel the change from air to water, from electricity to "see in the dark" intuition. Pisces always activates your third house, where you spend time with siblings, lease or maintain your car, and take short trips. Organize a family reunion, get scheduled auto repairs or pollution tests, or plan a getaway to an arts colony or a retreat center. Ground your ideas in something to help others, as the Sun and Saturn will bless practical efforts.

That can feel exciting for a while, yet it can leave us drained, too.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope

Also, you already may feel a bit depleted: Aquarius time comes after the Capricorn time of year, a sober period when we feel conscientious and work very hard. We began January with four planets in heavy duty Capricorn, and by mid-month we had two more for a total of six.

You can plan your life with astrology by building in time to pause. Each month, the planets bring regular times that favor slowing down and reflecting:. This month brings several key dates to watch as you plan your month. Mark your calendar and take action or rest as recommended on the dates listed here, as your efforts can bring impressive progress now.

Make time for your spiritual life: The "cross quarter day" called Groundhog Day, Imbolc, or Candlemas.

Thursday 27th December

Get out and meet new people. Greenwich time , lovely Venus moves into Pisces, a sign she adores visiting. Go to a dance recital, concert, or art museum or pull out your art supplies to create a dream-inspired masterpiece.

Meditate on the meaning of love, connect with your muse, or meet with someone in the arts. Venus graces this place for a full month, so fill your social, cultural, and artistic calendar for the coming weeks.

February 11 — The balsamic Moon arrives at Greenwich time on February 11 and lasts until the new Moon on February 15 at 3: February 13 and The Sun in a helpful angle with Uranus favors help at work from family members or new solutions to helping a parent financially.

New Moon in Aquarius at 3: Greenwich time —with solar eclipse a few minutes before that—plus planetary harmony involving Mercury and Uranus as well as Venus and Saturn.

The next week and a half supports new beginnings in everything related to your income and how you earn it as well as your values and how well you live up to them. The Sun meets Mercury, just before the messenger planet moves into Pisces at Greenwich time on the 18th. The Sun moves into Pisces at Pause around that time and see if you can feel the shift from airy, intellectual Aquarius to watery, sensitive Pisces.

Venus meets with Neptune in Pisces, a heavenly pairing of human and spiritual love. Be a force for loving kindness with everyone you meet. Mercury meets Neptune, so let your mind wander a bit today and pay attention to dreams or connect with your muse. Also, the Sun links with Saturn in Capricorn: February 27 and Venus on the 27th and then Mercury on the 28th make the same helpful alignment with Pluto.

Follow through on ideals from February 25 to bring spirituality, dreams, or artistic projects to earth in powerful yet practical ways that uplift everyone.

Today's Capricorn Horoscope - Friday, December 28, 2018

Your email address will not be published. Your Month Ahead Your mind can fill with genius and new ideas because of strong Aquarius energies that come at this time every year. Read on to see how. Spotlight On Shared Finances, Earning On February 1, you probably will feel aftereffects from the January 31 eclipse and the dramatic full Moon in Leo that arrived at 7: Financial News Aquarian themes will continue to dominate the first part of this month, bringing exciting energy to your second house of earning power and possessions.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope

As of February 1, we have several planets in Aquarius: Venus , who governs love, beauty, and relationships—as well as money—and brings grace and sophistication to whatever she touches As of February 10, Venus heads into Pisces, but on February 13 at 9: About Aquarius Aquarius gives us the quirky inventor, the genius, the one who marches to the beat of a different drummer.

Where Your Genius Happens For you, Capricorn, the Sun, Mercury, south node, Venus, and new Moon in Aquarius are activating inner genius in your second house of earned income and what you hold dear, from possessions including luxury goods to personal values.

Still, those born on the 15th of February have a more important task, and that is to embrace their instincts and find grounding through their animalistic nature. If an Aquarius as a highly human sign is so against all those matters of the rough physical realities, this is probably a very demanding task. Meditation, routine, and physical activities will help their cause, but if they hold on to any shred of fear, they will most likely feel incompetent to reach the heights they were made to jump to.

In order to set free from existential matters that scare them, they need to give freely and understand that money doesn't define their connection to this world. February 15th is not exactly the day for romance, and although the sign of Aquarius always shows a soft side for it in certain surprising manifestations, these individuals will be highly intellectual rather that romantic.

This shouldn't make them less sensitive or emotionally distant, but it is still a trait we should keep in mind. Their love life can be distracting and at the same time divided into two different directions, with them unable to choose if they want someone they can grow old with, or just a series of fun and playful romances to keep their life colorful.

In general, they are on the search for someone they can really talk to, but their instinctive side tends to pull them like a magnet towards all the "wrong" people.

This might lead them into two different relationships at the same time, or send them on a path of decision-making that allows no one to come close to their heart. It won't be until they embrace this inner battle and instinctive needs that they will find all their senses satisfied through one, single person in one, lasting relationship.

A person born on the 15th of February has a way with words, and even if this doesn't come as their true calling, it will be a powerful asset to help them on their way. They will excel in sports and all sorts of energetic activities, many of them choosing to become a coach, a personal trainer, and someone to lead and inspire others to find grounding and care for their physical body.

However, this care for the material world usually comes only when they reach the end of their learning process, and in the meantime they will choose all sorts of intellectual activities, from writing and problem solving, to informatics, programming and engineering. A very fine crystal for needs of those born on February 15th is cancrinite, preferably in blue, yellow and orange tones.

Although they seek grounding, the form of expression of their inner true personality is the first step towards the discovery of their own abilities. This stone will help them achieve a peaceful way to shine. Once they open the door of self-expression, grounding will come as a natural consequence. A person born on the 15th of February will always enjoy something to read, even if it is a bottle of detergent with long instructions.

Still, it would be better to choose something that will give them focus too, so go with a readable puzzle, a castle to be built piece by piece, or anything that can be glued together and touched to construct. Their physical senses need to be satisfied through curiosity and complexity of the mind, and they will prefer practicality and interesting gifts over those that are simply posing as pretty.

Intelligent, witty, and fast, their mind is way ahead of time and everyone else in the room.

Impossible to contain, they are innovators, great thinkers, and those that find a way to bring perfection to Earth. Detached from emotion, judgmental and narrowminded. Too smart for their own good, prone to turn to self-destructive choices if their emotional world is neglected for too long.