February 14 birthday aquarius horoscope

Love and Compatibility for February 14 Zodiac
  1. GotoHoroscope
  2. Planetary Row
  3. February 14 Birthday Astrology | HowStuffWorks
  4. February 14 Zodiac Birthday Horoscope Personality
  5. February 14 Birthday Astrology

Aquarius, you can become passive, rude and secretive.

What is worse is your capacity to have temper tantrums that could result in violence. This is not one of your most desirable birthday characteristics , Aquarius. What you should try to do is be a little more accepting of others as they too have the right to be who they are.

Hey there!

It is a part of giving and receiving unconditional love. Being that emotionally upset can wreak havoc on your health.

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  3. February 14 Birthday Horoscope — Zodiac Sign Personality.
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The predisposition to be passive and to hold things in could affect your heart or your health in other ways. Aquarius , you could suffer from sleep problems, headaches and other types of illnesses. Do not let this linger, get it all out but rationally.

You will feel a whole lot better! February 14 born are intelligent people. You are progressive and unconventional. Your birthday astrology links you to professional careers that will make changes in local politics or within corporations.

You are very detailed and creative.


You love being meticulous. Your serious-minded approach can make it difficult for people to approach you but once they do, they find out a little something about themselves and you, Aquarius.

The Aquarian lover is honest. This February 14 birthday individual born today will not tell you something so that you will feel good. Your ability to express yourself is entwined with thoughts of being free. Aquarians place high regard on being free and independent. Sometimes, you may use this as a way to keep your emotional distance.

Aquarius , your ability to accumulate friends like a stamp collection does not help matters much either when it comes to making an intimate relationship work in your favor.

Planetary Row

Someone is bound to have some insecurities and jealousies. The perfect soul mate partner will need to appreciate your understanding nature and humorous side and be able to return equally your intense loyalty. Minor health ailments like headaches and fatigue experienced by those born on February 14th are commonly stress related.

You have a strong constitution but are not especially adept at keeping anxiety at bay. By eating a suitable diet, getting adequate rest and restricting caffeine intake you should be able to help your body cope better with daily worries. You are not ordinarily a fan of exercise or sport but may enjoy some of the modern relaxation methods such as meditation, Yoga or Spa treatments.

You could also need to take extra care of your teeth as these are a possible weak spot. Your main strengths of character are that you are affable, amusing and bright and these qualities provide you with a capable social awareness.

Your lively but tactful verbal expression is another of your stronger positive points. For those born on February 14th personality weaknesses are mainly centered around your vulnerability to soon get stressed. This causes you to be tearful or quiet and moody and occasionally act uncharacteristically hostile towards others.

These traits of negativity are less likely to surface if you can learn to deal calmly with stressful situations as they happen.

February 14 Birthday Astrology | HowStuffWorks

Being born on the 14th of February makes you quite perceptive and this encourages you to tune into your dreams. You will often try and interpret their meanings and relevance in an attempt to match them with your past, present or future circumstances.

When it comes to setting personal goals any that you do decide on usually include a time limit on their attainability. You strive for a comfortable lifestyle with the opportunity to be yourself and have an even blend of work and fun.

A loveable partner to share your aspirations is another of your wishes to make you feel complete and content. As you were born on the fourteenth day of the month you are allocated with the day of birth Root number of Five.

The keyword for this numerical reference to your birthday is 'Inquiry' and probably denotes your inquiring and communicative manner. The Tarot card associated with your birthday is the 14th in the Major Arcana called Temperance.

February 14 Zodiac Birthday Horoscope Personality

This emphasizes your wish for evenness and moderation. When contemplating a lucky gemstone the Diamond is highly recommended for February the fourteenth birthdays. They are believed to attract good fortune for you especially in matters concerning romance. The astro influences of the celestial body Uranus are thought to be accountable for the typical characteristics of Aquarians.

The actual day you were born, the fourteenth of February is astrologically governed by the planet Mercury. Therefore it is the combination of these 2 cosmic forces that help determine your zodiacal uniqueness. Your witty but sensible outlook and verbal excellence are some of the best required attributes for getting along well with others.

Your friendly and helpful mannerisms more than make up for your occasional aloofness. If you can quell doubts and worries you will benefit enormously. An ending thought for people born on February the 14th is to aim to slow down a bit and take time to be more sensitive to and think deeper about the feelings of others.

Birthday Horoscope February 15th, personal asctrological characteristic for those who were born on February 15th.

February 14 Birthday Astrology

Birthday Horoscope February 16th, personal asctrological characteristic for those who were born on February 16th.

On the road to self-discovery, individuals born on the 14th of February need to go through an inner set of fears, shadows, and restrictions they impose on themselves to reach the light at the end of a tunnel.

This is a lifetime that will teach them about responsibility and everything they set out to achieve without really considering their true heart's desires and the state of inner peace. Once they face their demons and jump into the unknown, facing family ties, law propositions, traditional values, and everything that Aquarius is so easy to dismiss on their road towards liberation, they will learn that freedom hides in acceptance and not denial.

The Sun and the Moon are separated by a mountain in this planetary row, and they will feel the need to overcome their own abilities, physical, emotional, and mental, to finally find the love needed to feel childish joy and happiness. The Sabian symbol for Aquarius representatives born on February 14th of a leap year and two years preceding it:.

The Sabian symbol for Aquarius representatives born on February 14th of a year following a leap year:. The sign of Aquarius is one of the masculine signs by nature, but its symbols emphasize this fact, each of them reminding us of the importance of the feminine to keep the balance.

Keep in mind that the first symbol speaks of the perfection of BOTH wings of the butterfly, the right one is just a little more perfect. The story of equality and gender domination can come into focus here, only until the person finds that no masculine activity could be done without the feminine within, be it the left wing or a hydrometer.

It is the actual Aquarian liberation that those born of February 14th seek, achieved through work, acceptance and the position of equality.

Although we might state that every Aquarius is on their quest for freedom, these individuals see it as a vivid force pulling them forwards, a light beam to hold on to when circumstances get difficult. On a day of love, their task seems to be focused on their own individuality rather than any other person, and the love of Self they are to discover in this lifetime, as they discover the value of tradition too.

As if there was a rock standing between those born on this date and any other person, they will constantly feel something standing in their way in their serious relationships.

The more they seek their personal freedom, the harder it will be to share it with the rest of the world, and this inner conflict makes them a bit difficult as partners and spouses. Spontaneity will give them wings and keep them open for new emotional experiences and excitements necessary to keep their life force strong.