Australian number 3 song on your birthday

What was No. 1 on the day you were born?
  1. List of number-one singles in Australia - Wikipedia
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  3. My Birthday Hits
  4. KIIS 1011 Melbourne.
  5. Happy Birthday Messages Images

Kent was able to enjoy free chicken wings, a free burger, a free latte and, of course, a free birthday cake. Kent Yoshimura via Storyful.

List of number-one singles in Australia - Wikipedia

According to figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the most common day for babies born in Australia is September The analysis of 10 years of birth data from to indicates the festive season is our favourite time of the year for conceiving, with three of the five most common birthdays falling in September.

The least popular birthday is Christmas Day, December 25 excluding February 29, which of course only occurs every four years in leap years. Fewer babies are born on public holidays, possibly a result of doctors scheduling deliveries on non-public holidays. The festive season is the most popular time for conception in Australia.

According to the ABS figures, , births were registered in Australia in , up from , in The total fertility rate for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mothers in was 2.

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Those born in December are the most unique. Births fell around 13 per cent in the final month of the year compared to the monthly average.

Ink Spots ; Frank Sinatra.

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Geraldo ; Lale Andersen. Bing Crosby ; Dinah Shore. Bing Crosby ; Joe Loss. Bing Crosby ; Frank Sinatra. Bing Crosby ; Judy Garland.

My Birthday Hits

Bing Crosby ; Freddy Martin. Bing Crosby ; Kate Smith. Sammy Kaye ; The Merry Macs. Ink Spots ; Perry Como. Ink Spots ; Freddy Martin.

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Frank Sinatra ; Tex Beneke. Bing Crosby ; Perry Como. Al Jolson ; Bing Crosby. Frank Sinatra ; Dick Haymes. Perry Como ; Joe Loss.

KIIS 1011 Melbourne.

Sammy Kaye ; Geraldo. Bing Crosby ; Gracie Fields. George Trevare ; Art Mooney. Al Jolson ; Perry Como. Dinah Shore ; Gene Autry. Perry Como ; Tony Pastor., Cody Wise - It's My Birthday (Official Music Video)

Ink Spots ; Joe Loss. Evelyn Knight singer ; Sammy Kaye.

Happy Birthday Messages Images

Buddy Clark ; Larry Green. Vaughn Monroe ; Bing Crosby. Evelyn Knight singer ; Joe Loss. Burl Ives ; Dinah Shore. Albums Top 50 albums Number-ones By decade s s s s.

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