Horoscope verseau definition

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  1. The Signs of the Zodiac in French
  2. February 13 Zodiac is Aquarius - Full Horoscope Personality
  3. The Zodiac in French - learn the French signs and words.

Gemini and Libra as they tend to share the same vision of life. In love, Aquarius is in a permanent search for someone capable of understanding their adventurous and curious nature and the most suitable to offer them this is another native born under Aquarius. The lover in Aquarius is said to be least compatible with Scorpio.

As for the rest of partnerships between the other star signs and Aquarius, you know what they say, stars predispose but people dispose.

Blue-green symbolizes loneliness, activity, security and maturity.

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This zodiac color should be used in objects around the house and accessories. People having blue-green as sign color are quiet and usually hide their feelings but when treated unfairly they start fighting, want to be noticed and show all of their hidden strength. This watery color brings this native a great flow of energy and imagination.

The lucky Aquarius birthstone for those born under the February 13 is the seductive Amethyst. Amethyst is a precious material that denotes balance and inner strength. This zodiac birthstone could be used in accessories and bracelets.

Amethyst is said to have empowering energy on the Aquarius and also enhance their ability to express their feeling or communicate with other people.

This stone can be found in Brazil and comes in all kinds of purples and mauves.

Horoscope Verseau Janvier 2019

Another gemstone considered lucky for Aquarius natives is Amber. It is the symbol of courage and reaction. Orchid suggests the elegance and grace of an individual. This zodiac flower should be used in decorative items in the places these natives spend time. In ancient Greek, this flower was thought to determine the gender of an unborn child.

The Signs of the Zodiac in French

You can enjoy this flower during spring time. This is a metal that symbolizes inner strength and wealth. This zodiac metal should be used in all kinds of jewelry items that are to be worn frequently.

This is one of the rarest metals on Earth and so it associated with an exclusive and prestigious status. Being resistant to tarnish and wear platinum is frequently used in electronic equipments.

  • February 13 Zodiac - Full Horoscope Personality.
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  • AQUARIUS - VERSEAU Ladies Horoscope (Preview print).

Those born on February 13 prefer to maintain their freedom and fight anything that would try to interfere with their independence and eccentric style.

Stability and a sense of welcoming is essential for these natives at home and this is what they try to instill to their partners and children as well.

In regard to their behavior with money, they sometimes save more than it is possible, leaving a lot of needs unfulfilled while other times they tend to spend everything in one go. In health, they tend to stress to much and this might in turn lead to a lot of tension accumulating, backbone problems and even neurological issues.

What do you believe is the gift people belonging to February 13 were given by mother nature?

February 13 Zodiac is Aquarius - Full Horoscope Personality

Here's a poll about this that you are invited to answer:. This decan is under the supervision of the planet Venus.

Those born in this period are affectionate and considerate just like a true Aquarius and passionate and attractive just as Venus makes them be. This period is said to temper the characteristics of the Aquarius zodiac sign.

The Zodiac in French - learn the French signs and words.

Being born on the 13th day of the month means tolerance, honesty, adaptability and self discipline. High intellect combined with an Aquarius' willingness to share their talents inspires many who work in the same environment. Being visionary types, Aquarians love to engage in careers that aim to benefit humankind in the long-run. When it comes to money, this sign really has a knack for keeping a healthy balance between having the things that they need and putting money away.

When they are out shopping, the shiny, glittery, and extravagant will catch their attention even though their homes are generally decorated with great taste.

It's not uncommon to find the Aquarius turning heads dressed in daring, brightly colored outfits.

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  4. Aquarius (astrology)!
  5. Aquarius (astrology) - Wikipedia.
  6. Aquarius Facts.
  7. Aquarius Love and Sex.
  8. Most are well-attuned to their individual sense of style and aren't afraid to show it. Careers that suit the Aquarius are acting, writing, teaching, photography, or piloting.

    The best environment is one that gives the freedom to tackle the task without a lot of strict guidelines. The Aquarius is unconventional, and given the opportunity to show their true talents, they can perform amazing feats. Manage your newsletters To manage your subscriptions, please type in your email below.

    Strengths Progressive, original, humanitarian, independent. Weaknesses Runs from emotional expression, uncompromising, temperamental, aloof.

    Likes Fun with friends, fighting for causes, helping others, intellectual conversation, a good listener. Dislikes Limitations, being lonely, broken promises, dull or boring situations, people who disagree with them. Charismatic marks Good looks, beautiful eyes, angular faces, thin build. Retrieved from " https: Use mdy dates from April Commons category link is on Wikidata.

    Views Read Edit View history. In other projects Wikimedia Commons. This page was last edited on 26 December , at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. January 20 — February 18 , UT1 [1].