Moon sign capricorn january 2019 horoscope

Areas of Expansion in 2019 for Capricorn: Privacy, Spirituality, Personality, and Body Image
  1. Areas of Contraction and Lessons in Simplicity:
  2. Capricorn 2019 Horoscope
  3. Capricorn Horoscope – Capricorn Predictions |

It is truly said that, it is better to stock up before the winter comes. As you are also a reliable, practical and hardworking person, it is a perfect time to think about your future.

And remember that, action speaks better than words. Try to improve yourself, think more rationally and make realistic plans, and keep the eye on the ball, always!

For now, keep the worry about your financial investments and savings at bay as there will be better than average results. Are you planning to buy a new home? Or a more comfortable office? It seems like the most unexpected benefits are just around the corner, and you may win a lottery or get a promotion, or see the rates of your shares quickly going up!

So, be prepared as it is more likely that you may invest in property. Although a series of less pleasant events will occur during this time, you should not lose your faith in yourself or in your loved one. The most compatible zodiac signs with the Capricorn natives in love are: Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, and Pisces.

There is no other zodiac sign so disciplined, pragmatic and with a better perspective than you. For many zodiac signs, you might seem too rigid, but not for the Taurus or Virgo natives, who are guided by the same life ideals.

The Scorpio natives appreciate the ambitious nature of the Capricorn, their emotional stability and their seriousness when solving issues. The Pisces natives are fascinated by the verticality of this zodiac sign, despite their own slippery nature and they will want a role model worthy to be followed, therefore their couple relationship is going to be happy.

This might be a promotion, a change in status or an increase in income. Professionally, a series of opportunities will occur and your training and determination will be the key factors that will help you obtain the desired outcomes.

The partnerships are well oriented and are going to be profitable if you act with maturity and caution. If you want a career ascension, signing up for various training courses in the country and abroad may be of great help.

In April, May, and June of , you will have plenty of opportunities to excel professionally. You will have more freedom to explore and to come up with new ideas, with the help of their colleagues and with the support of the hierarchical superiors. You will have to deal with some adverse circumstances along the way, but by maintaining a professional and modest attitude, you will overcome all the difficulties.

Areas of Contraction and Lessons in Simplicity:

Halfway through the year, you will notice some delays and obstacles in your career development. The key to all your issues is teamwork.

Towards the end of the year, there is a possibility to relocate or to make an important change of direction, if this is what interests you. Your practical spirit and your management skills will help you make important steps in your career.

New opportunities to earn through your own work, the end of a stage of obtaining money due to others, solutions regarding inheritances, divisions or businesses. Taking into account that during the majority of Capricorn natives had financial issues, it is a good idea to also act with caution and to avoid any unnecessary spending in The adaptability that you manifest can offer you a lot of opportunities.

However, you need to carefully set your priorities and to stay very well informed when you make decisions. There is a possibility of earning more money especially in the first part of the year. They can come from extra activities, outside work or from your own businesses. Save this money for difficult times. In August , you are not at all willing to act based on the spur of the moment, but rather to develop well-thought-out and tested strategies.

You have the ability to find support in people with a greater authority within the domain they are interested in. In September,you manifest real interest especially towards collective activities and public presentations. In the first part of the month, travels and studies are favored, which will bring success in legislative and cultural activities.

The last part of the month seems to be the most beneficial. Businesses, investments and, implicitly, opportunities start to take shape. Starting from December , you are all action.

Capricorn 2019 Horoscope

A great emphasis is placed on entrepreneurial spirit, competitiveness, ambition, energy, courage, the desire to prove your value, the need to conquer and to get recognition through your own forces. Financially, things are going well. By excellence, you are the one who can handle money issues, whether they are a lot or not.

This year, money is not going to be scarce, but also not a lot, except that, by the middle of , you will face some expenses that go beyond your regular budget.

For this, it is best to start saving money in time. If not, after you pass the expenses from the middle of the year, start saving again. In April, you are dominated by a strong will of making major changes in your live, so they can attract on your side as many successes, power and wealth.

The Capricorn zodiac sign represents the knees, the femur, the stomach, the nails, and the hair. Your system of eliminating toxins is faulty, favoring the occurrence of hepatic affection, dermatitis, pancreatitis or nephritis.

Although this is one of the most resilient zodiac signs, when facing a prolonged sickness, you manifest the tendency to self-isolate. Lymphatic-nervous temperament, in front of sickness, you are dominated by feelings of sadness, melancholy, and pessimism. Cereals, quinces, beets, or spinach in the diet can alleviate the stomach weakness to which they are prone.

Vitamins C and L1 help them regain their specific vitality.

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  • Capricorn Horoscope 2019.

The Capricorn women are especially attracted to strict diets due to their inflexible and stubborn nature. Their potential of losing weight is amazing, taking into account the discipline and the focus of the Capricorn women.

2019 Moon Sign Yearly Predictions : 2019 Yearly Horoscope Predictions

You are more willing to enjoy new experiences and to rid yourself of those things that have been holding you back from truly living and owning your life.

There can be new projects begun now that have long-term potential. Expanding your horizons through higher learning or travel might also figure strongly. This is a time for aligning your behavior with what you believe is right. This is also a strong time for material affairs, money, self-worth, and personal possessions.

Jupiter is the natural ruler of the resources sector in your solar chart. This comes at the same time as a Saturn transit to this sector, so that there may be some restrictions or buckling down involved with these areas of life as well.

There is generally good energy for bringing more structure and simplicity to your material world. How you handle your money can affect your outlook very strongly during this period. You are seeking out a new beginning — a fresh start, of sorts — and your desire to do right is especially strong.

Work or projects that you have been working on in private or behind the scenes may now begin to pay off. There is less focus on serving and helping others now, perhaps because this is no longer as necessary for example, a child can go off to college, or even the end of a relationship that took up a lot of your energy and resources, from which you are now enjoying some level of freedom , and now you can put some of your personal interests on the front burner.

You are hungry for new experiences. Everyday stresses that may have frustrated you in the past now seem almost inconsequential, as your vision is lifted above the mundane. As such, your ability to manage stress and pressure increases.

There is a magical quality to your personal appeal as well as your creative works! Weight gain, pompous behavior, restlessness, over-confidence, wastefulness, and excesses in general. There might also be times when others may feel threatened by your newfound displays of freedom and independence, when your personal desires are greater than your means, or when you have troubles with self-discipline, budgets, and limits.

Otherwise, this can be a time of opportunity. You might choose to pursue a new channel for self-expression or mental interest with great passion.

There can be a strong sense of release and freedom from previously limiting, rigid, or stifling conditions. Because this transit occurs concurrently with a Saturn transit, outlined immediately below, you are less likely to waste your time or pass over the opportunities that emerge. You are especially productive, ambitious, and effective.

There are always areas of life that require more simplicity. Tests may be part of the picture as you learn that life with only growth and expansion can run away with itself. This sector also rules how you initiate things — your first impulse for coping with day-to-day demands.

There may be tests of sorts in these areas of life — as if the universe is checking that the foundations are strong. Things built on weak foundations may very well crack under the pressure of these tests. Those that are strong will endure and strengthen. This influence is with you until It can be felt most strongly earlier or later in the cycle, depending on whether you were born earlier or later in the sign of Capricorn.

During this cycle, you are likely to be more cautious than you usually are and, at times, pessimistic. The end result is a newfound identity and a realistic understanding of the self.

In terms of career and projects, outward signs of progress may not be as forthcoming, yet the work that you do during this transit will lay a foundation for future success and progress!

You can more successfully begin new and improved health regimens, diets, and the like, simply because it is a time when you look in the mirror and see yourself clearly instead of what you want to see.

You can be serious during this phase, with more concern for your responsibilities and duties. You are getting in touch with your inner strength, and this takes some time and adjustment.

This is a grounding energy that gets you back in touch with reality.

Capricorn Horoscope – Capricorn Predictions |

This is also a significant period for issues surrounding your personal identity and self-image with Saturn, your ruler, in your sign. Try not to come across as a heavy during this period — not everyone is going through the same cycle at the same time as you.

However, others are seeing you as more responsible.