Virgo astrology sign compatibility

More Compatibility for you
  1. Virgo and Libra Love Compatibility -
  2. Which Star Signs Should Virgo Date?
  4. Virgo Love and Sex

Virgo and Libra Love Compatibility -

Libra, especially, is about balance, and both partners share pleasing personalities and a strong desire for balance. Together, they bring culture and beauty to the world around them. Virgo with their high expectations and Libra guilty of an intellectual superiority complex.

Libra goes about theorizing on many different subjects, while Virgo is more pragmatic. Sometimes each partner may find it difficult to understand where the other is coming from. Conflicts can arise in this relationship if Virgo seems too particular or Libra seems manipulative.

Both partners need to realize that they view the world through different filters. In this relationship, Libra will steer their direction. Virgo is complacent and easy-going, and Libra can be a gentle, guiding force without crossing the line into domination.

If Libra can be the initiator in the relationship, Virgo is adaptable enough to keep their projects going.

From time to time, it will be necessary to use their powers of effective communication and put love before all else to work things out. Capricorn gives the impression of being serious and hardworking, and those are traits that Virgo appreciates. Capricorn likes things to look good, and Virgo likes things to be good and look good, so this is often an ideal pairing.

Another factor Virgo finds fascinating about Capricorn is the fact that Capricorn often takes the long-term view when it comes to life, and this helps ease Virgo's fear that plans will be not be disrupted. Virgo doesn't like surprises.

These two signs often find that they have much in common on which they can build a long-term future. Capricorn and Virgo's Suns are trine one another, and this, as well as their shared earth element, strengthens the relationship between the two.

They are bound to see eye-to-eye more often than not, plus they hold a natural admiration and respect for each other. As lovers, Capricorn and Virgo find it easy to communicate their needs and their mutual trust makes this even easier to achieve.

The only pitfall to avoid in this area is a tendency for both of these down to earth individuals to forget to nurture their romance. Both need to make an effort to surprise each other once in a while. Virgo's idealistic and often naive nature will seldom be disappointed by stalwart Capricorn.

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It will be rare for either of these partners to stray into infidelity, and instead, they should enjoy a full relationship that deepens as time passes. There's no guarantee that there will always be perfect harmony between them, but in a relationship filled with so much mutual respect and admiration, differences can be worked out quickly and very diplomatically.

Of course, Virgos can find compatible relationships with other signs, but there may be unique challenges with some pairings. Pisces is Virgo's opposite sign. Like the proverbial moth to the flame, Virgo can't help but feel fascinated by the seemingly elusive fish.

Pisces is everything that Virgo likes: The sign seems free, unconcerned and unburdened by the traditional rules of life.

Virgo compatibility table

Virgo is drawn irresistibly to Pisces' humanitarian world view and easy, laid back style. Pisces is blown away by Virgo's ability to keep eight balls juggling in the air while simultaneously holding a food drive for the homeless. However, it's not always easy when these two signs get together.

Pisces and Virgo each have a lot to learn from the other, and if they are willing to compromise, this can be an exciting and fulfilling relationship. If not, the separation might be a long and painful one.

Which Star Signs Should Virgo Date?

The chance of compatibility for Gemini and Virgo is a bit of a gamble. These signs are very similar in some ways and very different in others. Gemini and Virgo are both ruled by Mercury, so this planet's influence is filtered through each sign's personality.

In Gemini, Mercury boosts the power to think logically. However, this tendency is mellowed by Gemini's easy-going nature. Mercury's influence on Virgo takes a slightly different turn.

Ever the perfectionist, Virgo can be a bit critical under Mercury's rule. What this means for both signs in a relationship is that they may both come to the same logical conclusion about a given situation, but they will deal with that situation in very different ways, which can sometimes lead to discord.

There are some areas where Gemini and Virgo connect beautifully. Both signs have an appreciation for the arts and enjoy mental stimulation.

This could mean engaging in deep conversation or debate, as well as sharing a good book or listening to Mozart.

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Family — People born with their Sun in Virgo are very dedicated to their family and attentive to elderly and sick people. They understand tradition and the importance of responsibility, proud of their upbringing and everything that made their mind be as dominant as it is.


Virgos are practical, analytical and hard-working, always knowing exactly where to look for the core of any problem. Their methodology makes them shine at jobs that require good organization, dealing with paperwork, problem solving and working with their minds and their hands. When they focus, perfection is to be expected from their work, for no other sign has such an eye for details as Virgo.

In love with books and artistic expression, they make good critics, while their need to help humankind serves them best if they decide to become doctors, nurses or psychologists. Virgo stands for all practical and used things, and it is in the nature of these individuals to save money and always put something on the side.

Unfortunately, this approach can sometimes make them a bit cheap and too concerned about everything they might lack tomorrow.

Virgo Love and Sex

They need to learn to indulge in some hedonism too. To seduce a Virgo man, one must respect his need for cleanliness and order. In most cases he enters romance slowly, carefully, and likes to take his time getting to know a person before starting anything serious. When he receives information on what to expect, his partner has to be sure to deliver nothing less.

Virgo & Scorpio: Love Compatibility

A Virgo man might put up a cool front, but don't let him fool you. He has deep and sensual needs, and only if his partner is patient enough, able to withstand his tendency to overanalyze everything, he will eventually warm up. It takes obvious and hard work to sweep a Virgo man off his feet.

He needs a partner to inspire, remind him of his own talents, and will often find such a person in platonic and completely irrational spheres. In search for someone honest, patient and tidy, he is always ready to settle down with the right person for a very long time. A Virgo personality is a mix of intelligence, attention to detail, common sense, and commitment, and a woman born with her in this sign is very smart, modest, and capable.

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Trying to seduce this woman can seem intimidating at first, for she is likely to put on a facade of indifference. However, she is not cold but practical, realistic and cautious when it comes to starting new relationships.

She will never simply give herself to someone without assessing their character and emotions shared with her from the beginning. As all Earth signs she will enjoy the material world and see any gift she gets as a blessing, but still truly enjoy things only when they are extremely practical and easy to use, digest, or when in need of fixing.