Western chinese horoscope

Westernized Chinese Astrology
  1. The Differences Between the Chinese Zodiac and Western Astrology
  2. Westernized Chinese Astrology
  3. The 12 Signs

In order to fully assess someone's traits and astrological forecast, we need to look beyond their elementary horoscope and into the deeper theories of the centuries old Chinese doctrines. To take an in depth look at a person's character and possible destined path in life we need to discover their nominated Chinese animal.

It is easy to find this out simply from the looking up the birth year of the individual concerned. We can then combine this information alongside the revelations from Western Astrology concepts. For example a Scorpio born in a Monkey year will differ from a Scorpio arriving in a Dog Year and so forth.

Consulting Chinese systems as well as Western ones will give a more elaborate record of how the person thinks and what his or her habits and tendencies will be. When you compare this pair of astrological analysis insights as one you will easily be able to see the difference it can make.

Who's a Good or Bad Match For You, Based on The Chinese Zodiac

The addition of the animal and element presences in a personality can disclose revealing aspects to a personal assessment that can be uncannily accurate. If someone feels that they are not a typical Pisces or Sagittarius, then it will usually be because they have the influence of a creature that dominates or alters the fundamentals of their sign.

If there are two animal influences, for instance a Taurus the Bull born in the Year of the Ox, then the Chinese version tends to be the stronger as a rule. Examining your own or someone else's predestined horoscope with such scrutiny is probably the best way to understand yourself or them.

The Differences Between the Chinese Zodiac and Western Astrology

It can help determine suitability for the contemplation of professions and person to person and soul mate relationships. Correlating the enlightenment from both astrological ideologies is an excellent means of gathering additional awareness and comprehension. If a Western determination of your individuality is not a fair description then it is worth doing some further investigation with Chinese interpretations.

Descriptions of the combined Chinese and Western Astrology personalities will give a more complex account. If even further research is required then Chinese Astrology also allocates five fixed elements into the equation.

Each animal has a connection with an element and this can display even more perspicacity into a person's behaviors, likes, dislikes and proneness's. These components and the Ying Yang classifications provide further clues to the inner workings of different personalities.

The main idea behind Astrology and especially Chinese Astrology is the ability to evaluate and understand one's self. By studying its history and teachings we can learn how to best utilize our characteristics to gain the most from life.

It is exceptionally good at assisting with compatibility when people join together in work, friendships or personal relationships. If you have not already checked your Chinese horoscope and all its insightful structure you are advised to do so as soon as possible. You should be pleasantly surprised by its observations and accuracy.

Horoscope Junction for Aries. Horoscope Junction for Taurus. Horoscope Junction for Gemini. Horoscope Junction for Cancer.

Horoscope Junction for Leo. Horoscope Junction for Virgo. Horoscope Junction for Libra. Horoscope Junction for Scorpio.

Westernized Chinese Astrology

Horoscope Junction for Sagittarius. Horoscope Junction for Capricorn. Horoscope Junction for Aquarius. Horoscope Junction for Pisces. Chinese Horoscope and the Zodiac Junction. The Dragon is a sign full of vitality, independence, and the wish to challenge itself.

Dragons have their own ideas about the world, and their own code of honor, and live according to them no matter what anyone says. They are honest, hardworking and loyal but are not interested in regular jobs or a regular life: Dragons are good communicators and can easily make friends and influence people, but are very independent and will go their own way.

They are idealists, and their goal is to transform the world to fit their ideal. They will often be successful thanks to their insight, willingness to take risks, and capacity for work, but they can be excessively confident, too high and mighty, and unwilling to compromise. The Snake is venerated in Chinese astrology as the sign of beauty and wisdom.

The Snake is elegant, poised and has an innate sense of measure and moderation.

The 12 Signs

He possesses a sharp critical mind and a keen eye for detail, and is not easily fooled. He wonders about the world, questioning conventional wisdom, and has a philosophical vein. Not fond of great exertions of force, the Snake achieves goals little by little, using strategy, technique and compromise. His ambitions are high but mundane in nature: However, the Snake is known for a certain tendency to become possessive and manipulative.

The Snake finds success thanks to its clear mind, acute perception, and patience, but can be vengeful, vain and lazy. The Horse is hyperactive, popular, sexy, classy, and a very fast thinker.

Always looking for new adventures, friendly, posessing many talents, the Horse is the original cool guy. The Horse likes being the first at the finish line, he is quite competitive, just for the pleasure of exerting himself fully. He can be a driven workaholic, provided his job can keep him on his toes; otherwise he will soon leave to seek new challenges.

The Horse enjoys social occasions, and thanks to his good looks, wit and eloquence, is generally the life of the party and very popular with the opposite sex.

He was not made for the careful consideration of subtleties, but for exploring new terrain and galloping with energy. The Chinese horoscope says the Horse is the only sign that can take several paths at once, but is capable of leaving everything for love. The Goat is the artist of the Horoscope. Although the Goat is fragile and often feels threatened and misunderstood, he can gather great force from his strong belief in his internal vision.

In fact, the Goat can have difficulties to adapt to changes in his environment, and can disregard signs of danger. The Goat is a sweet and imaginative companion, and probably operates best by association with someone who can relieve him of the pain of dealing with the world and its conventions. Money is much appreciated as a buyer of freedom, and Goats can be capitalists even if they swear they will never wear a tie.

The Monkey is the game player of the Horoscope. He never quite believes what he sees, and likes trying different strategies to solve problems. A very original thinker, his opinions are multifaceted and unconventional. With this goes certain mischievous maliciousness. Monkeys have extremely flexible and sharp minds, and can solve problems that appear intractable.

The Monkey would like to believe, but his curiosity makes him always wonder and question, and generally lose faith. Though very active, the Monkey disdains routine. Anyway he can get away with that thanks to his persuasiveness, flexibility, and his ability to turn arguments around. The Monkey can be indolent, dishonest and manipulative.

The Rooster is the teacher of the Horoscope. He has an original mind, is a quick thinker, and has a very good eye for detail. He is also organized, obsessively clean, and very concerned with appearance, especially its own. A dynamic sign, he likes to keep himself busy and is a multitasker.

In fact he likes to think out loud and show his originality and logic thought. He can be quite the exhibitionist, and is generally popular and well regarded. However, his incessant advice and criticism, and a certain bossiness, make the Rooster hard to take at times. Also, he tends to lose the big picture because of his attention to detail.

The Chinese call the Rooster the small Dragon, and legend says that he is capable of digging food out of the ground by force of his perseverance. The Dog is the alarmist and firefighter of the Horoscope. When trouble finally breaks out, he likes to be there giving orders to solve the crisis. Dogs tend to be funny, lively and witty, they are very sociable and they often have a quick temper and an acerbic tongue.

Well suited to popularity, they will nonetheless not stop worrying about the troubles ahead. They also tend to warn others constantly about trouble, and this can make the Dog a difficult friend.

The Dog tends to be the very visible defender of the weak and denouncer of foul play.

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He then attacks, and he can bite! The Dog dreams of heroic acts, awards, and a successful career. He tends to always be in some sort of trouble, but thanks to his know-how, wit and vitality he often comes out unscathed.

The Pig is an honest, idealistic and romantic sign. Although the Pig is scrupulous and idealistic, his judgment is not always reliable and he can get involved in dirty business. He is a great enjoyer and accumulator of material pleasures, and can become greedy and materialistic.

Generally liked by all because of his caring nature, honesty, and ability to enjoy life, the Pig needs good advisors to not fall astray. Lawrence, Michael Jackson, Charles Manson. Chinese astrology also has a grouping of signs, but it makes less sense, to me at least.

If you put the 12 animals on a circle, and make a set taking every fourth sign, you can do it in four ways, giving you 4 sets of 3 signs each. These are the elements, and give an idea of the temperament of a sign - or person.

Water signs are intuitive, good communicators, flexible.


They rely always an their own internal judgment, and question conventional wisdom. They are open minded, confident, and adaptable but can end up scattering in too many directions, or taking the easy way out of things. Their strengths are their flexibility, critical spirit and capacity to persuade, but they can be overconfident in their own judgement, and can lack focus.

Wood signs are great appreciators of detail, beauty and external appearance. They are community oriented and their network of family, friends and business connections is ever growing, like a tree.

Their judgement is based on keen observation, conferral with others, and logic, but sometimes they can get lost in the details. They show and require respect, responsibility, organization and logic, and have high chances of success in society.

Their strong sense of duty comes coupled with humor and good taste, but their high standards can alienate others. Fire signs are warm, passionate, active and competitive. They are alert observers of their environment and are ready to strike when trouble comes up.

They also have a quick temper and can spark trouble themselves! Their force is their dynamism, focus, bravery and competitive nature, but they can be insensitive and unwilling to question themselves.

Their readiness for trouble, and enjoyment of the limelight, can also tire others. Metal signs are at once fragile and tough. They are sensitive and tend to obsessively examine their emotions.

They often feel troubled, and build themselves shells where they can escape from the rat race and take comfort. They know how to enjoy culture, friends or parties, and can in fact neglect their obligations.

However, they can also have an almost unbreakable determination, ambition and faith in their own interior voices.