Virgo man virgo compatibility

The Virgo Man: Love, Sex, Friendship, Style
  1. Virgo Love Match Sign Compatibility | LoveToKnow
  3. The Virgo Man
  4. Virgo And Virgo Compatibility

They are often a couple that meets at the perfect time — when they are both ready or old enough to start a family, or when they both ended relationships they were exhausted by for years.

The biggest challenge for them is to keep the love burning after their brains interfered with the process their hearts should have kept to themselves. As two representatives of a mutable sign, these partners change quickly and they often end up in a situation where love at first sight brings them together, but they stay together even when emotions between them are long gone.

In order for them to keep the flame going, or break up, at least one of them has to have enough faith to believe they will make the right decision whatever they do. If both of them start questioning everything, they will both probably get nowhere at all. We could say that their values match perfectly, but nothing with Virgo matches perfectly.

If there was a sign to show us how different similar people can be, it is the sign of Virgo. These partners have their own opinions and thoughts on everything.

Virgo and Leo Compatibility

It will be very hard for them to find a partner, even if it is another Virgo, to coincide fully with their system of value. Two Virgos can really do anything together. When it comes to everyday things and the routine they both care about, they will find excitement and joy in most of their activities. This fact could lead them to a point of apathy, where none of them lives their life in color, to the fullest, threatening their creative energy.

They need to remain in love, creative and romantic, or it will be very hard for them to truly enjoy the time they spend with one another. When Virgo decides to be with another Virgo, we can assume that their relationship is a product of one of two possible things, the first one being the need for stability and their rational decision to be with one another, and the second one being the unexplainable force of love at first sight.

Whatever the case, both partners are quite rational and belong to the sign of mutable quality, so their emotions can change very fast. Because of their shared tendency for sacrifice, the lack of faith they have in themselves, and the tendency to rationalize everything with value, they might easily end up in a relationship where none of the partners is actually in love, or satisfied.

It is imperative for them to act according to their hearts if they want their love to last. Virgo sign - traits, horoscope, personality, dates, characteristics and astrological sign information.

  1. Virgo Man and Virgo Woman: Nature of Bonding.
  2. Virgo And Virgo Compatibility, Love, Friendship!
  3. Virgo Man and Virgo Woman!
  4. Virgo Love Match Sign Compatibility.

The sign seems free, unconcerned and unburdened by the traditional rules of life. Virgo is drawn irresistibly to Pisces' humanitarian world view and easy, laid back style. Pisces is blown away by Virgo's ability to keep eight balls juggling in the air while simultaneously holding a food drive for the homeless.

However, it's not always easy when these two signs get together. Pisces and Virgo each have a lot to learn from the other, and if they are willing to compromise, this can be an exciting and fulfilling relationship. If not, the separation might be a long and painful one. The chance of compatibility for Gemini and Virgo is a bit of a gamble.

These signs are very similar in some ways and very different in others.

Virgo Love Match Sign Compatibility | LoveToKnow

Gemini and Virgo are both ruled by Mercury, so this planet's influence is filtered through each sign's personality. In Gemini, Mercury boosts the power to think logically. However, this tendency is mellowed by Gemini's easy-going nature. Mercury's influence on Virgo takes a slightly different turn. Ever the perfectionist, Virgo can be a bit critical under Mercury's rule.

What this means for both signs in a relationship is that they may both come to the same logical conclusion about a given situation, but they will deal with that situation in very different ways, which can sometimes lead to discord.


There are some areas where Gemini and Virgo connect beautifully. Both signs have an appreciation for the arts and enjoy mental stimulation. This could mean engaging in deep conversation or debate, as well as sharing a good book or listening to Mozart.

As scattered as Gemini can sometimes appear to be, both signs love to keep a clean and orderly home. They also share a taste for the finer things in life, including stylish clothing and fine dining. The primary area where Gemini and Virgo will find conflict is in the different ways they think about and handle things.

Both signs are strong minded, and they are ready and willing have their say in any situation, which can lead to some head-butting. Their intellectual natures can also lead to periods of boredom, especially if Virgo proves to be the dominant partner and reigns in Gemini too much. Money can become another bone of contention in this pairing.

The Virgo Man

Virgos are very responsible with money, and the urge to save rather than splurge can occasionally cut into Gemini's pursuit of care-free fun. In the romance department, Virgo's libido is slightly less dynamic than that of Gemini, and this can lead to another mismatch of energies. Almost any Sun sign love match can be made to work if the individuals are both willing to set aside their differences.

All of the love matches below are not naturally compatible, and each needs understanding and compromise by both people involved. Virgo with Virgo is an intelligent and analytical pairing. Both are perfectionists, workaholics, very practical, highly organized, and methodical. There's a meeting of the minds so, theirs could be the ultimate business relationship; but when it comes to love, there's a brother-sister vibe that will soon cool romance and passion.

There is an element of magnetism in this love match, but the longevity of this relationship is in doubt. An Aries can't take nagging or criticism and has a tendency to act impulsively.

Virgo And Virgo Compatibility

Virgo can be nagging and critical, and also has a tendency to ponder over an issue before taking any action. These two are very different, and it will take a lot of understanding, adjustments, and compromises from both to make this love match work.

Leo has great pride, and Virgo can be very critical. Leo's domineering personality will eventually annoy Virgo, and Virgo's fault finding nature will annoy Leo.

Theirs is a love match that can quickly prove to be a mismatch. Leo and Virgo seldom end up in a long term emotional or intimate relationship.

Libra is a social people person, Virgo is shy. Virgo is reserved when comes to expressing love and affection, Libra is very open and romantic. Virgo is a realist, Libra an idealist. Most often they won't even be attracted to one another.

A love match between Virgo and Libra is not a good choice, as theses two are likely to drive one another crazy. Virgo is productive, cautious, and reserved. Sagittarius is carefree, spontaneous, and sometimes reckless. Virgo is reclusive, quiet, and often pessimistic.

Sagittarius is social, talkative, and always optimistic. They are both flexible and adaptable people who have changeable nature, but their differing personalities and attitudes about life combined with their unpredictable natures does not bode well for a long-term relationship. Both Virgo and Aquarius are intellectual and can easily be friends, but a love match between these two will be an ongoing struggle.

They each have a different approach to life, and neither has what it takes to bring out the other's passions. These two can bring out the worst in each other, and making their love match last will require both of them to make more than a few adjustments.

Virgo can successfully pair with any number of astrological signs, but much depends upon the birth charts of both partners.

Compatibility of Virgo Man and Virgo Woman

However, based solely on the Sun signs, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, and Capricorn are the best love matches for the sixth sign of the zodiac.