Aquarius cusp compatibility

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  1. Aquarius capricorn cusp
  2. 4 Traits of the Capricorn Aquarius Cusp
  3. Relationship Compatibility of Capricorn-Aquarius Cusps With Other Signs
  4. The Aquarius/Pisces Cusp: Devine Discontent

The Capricorn Aquarius cusp is able to apply ideas to the real world. This is very different from the typical Aquarius. The Capricorn Aquarius cusp can reach for the stars and can turn otherwise fleeting ideas into solid reality.

Aquarius capricorn cusp

This is why in a very real sense Capricorn Aquarius cusp is a much more developed horoscope astrology personality type than either both the Capricorn and the Aquarius. They are relatively rare and they can definitely be an asset to any team. They can also be great lovers and romantic partners because of their focus.

The downside is that they can get very, very emotional. You have to thank the fish Capricorn aspect for that. If that aspect of their personality comes out then they can end up building something only to sabotage it later.

Make no mistake about it, the biggest enemy of a Capricorn Aquarius cusp is often himself or herself. While Capricorn Aquarius cusps are amazingly talented people who fare well on the professional front, they are not so great with handling their personal relationships.

However, being the dedicated and hardworking individuals that they are, they will find a way to make things work! Furthermore, they are great entertainers which makes them likeable to a great number of zodiac signs. Capricorn Aquarius cusps are some of the most caring and understanding souls on the planet. They will cherish you as a partner and do everything it takes to keep you happy!

The following zodiac signs go great with the Capricorn Aquarius cusp as far as marriage and romantic relationships are concerned:.

4 Traits of the Capricorn Aquarius Cusp

Being peacemakers, Librans are a good prospect for the Capricorn Aquarius cusp. They know how to attain a balance and will always find a way to adapt to these cusps. Librans are highly caring lovers and make for great matches. In addition, while the zodiac Libra is governed by the element air, the Capricorn Aquarius cusp is half-air and they thus gel well, which makes for a greater level of compatibility.

Further, Librans are also masters of diplomacy and will easily strategize their goals and communicate with these cusps. The lack of the ability to receive criticism in a sporting manner which is common in the Capricorn Aquarius cusp is compensated with the diplomatic abilities of the Librans.

This makes them the perfect partners of this cusp! Geminis are gentle, affectionate, and highly adaptable. Like the Capricorn Aquarius cusps, Gemini have a wide social circle and communicate well with people.

In fact, the communication skills of Gemini are some of the best! The partnership between a Gemini and a Capricorn Aquarius cusp is bound to result in the best entertainers at any social gathering.

Since Gemini are themselves intellectuals, they bond well with the Capricorn Aquarius cusps. This made for each other couple will definitely have an amazing relationship!

Gemini is itself an air sign and will thus mix well with the cusp that takes the earth sign from Capricorn and the air sign from Aquarius. Since Cancerians are themselves understanding and supportive individuals, they will relate well to the dreams and aspirations of their partners, helping them fulfil those with a great zeal.

All they need is someone supportive and strong whom they can look up to when seeking inspiration. This makes Cancerians the ideal romantic partners for the Capricorn Aquarius cusps.

In fact, Cancerian men are the best matches for Capricorn Aquarius cusp women. After all, they can best handle these powerful personalities! Since Pisces are the 12 th and the last sign of the zodiac, they understand and blend well with the traits of their peers, particularly those that precede them. Since Capricorn and Aquarius immediately precede Pisces, the latter have a great understanding with the Capricorn Aquarius cusps.

Since the Capricorn Aquarius cusps are imaginative individuals, a relationship with a Piscean will add colors to their vivid dreams. Pisceans are known to provide the much-needed inspiration and support that these cusps need from time to time. Furthermore, like Capricorn Aquarius cusps, Pisceans too are highly creative and thus add to the creative qualities of this cusp.

Like the Capricorn Aquarius cusp, Virgos are humanitarian souls at heart. Their sole aim is to help others achieve their way and attain freedom. They are both high achievers and dedicated to make their dreams come true. They both have a disciplined approach and value culture and tradition.

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Like the Capricorn Aquarius cusp, Virgo too follows a practical approach while also being a highly emotional being when it comes to matters of love and relationship.

In fact, Virgos, with their high standards, make for great inspirations for these cuspians. Together, they make for a great pair! The Capricorn Aquarius cusps are very comfortable with Scorpio Sagittarius cusps. They also partner well with the Virgo Libra cusp and the Pisces Aries cusp. As the Capricorn Aquarius cusp is a mix of the earth and air elements, they will have lasting relationships with Aries and Sagittarius which are the fire signs.

However, beware, for these combinations, particularly with Sagittarius, can leave them confused and wondering! The air signs, it is believed, are best suited as romantic partners for the Capricorn Aquarius cusp.

One thing is for sure: They are highly social beings and love to be with people. While Capricorn Aquarius cusps might seem mysterious and quiet from outside, they experience a plethora of continuous emotions and thoughts in their mind. Their highly vivid imagination and vision becomes a source of their creativity, with which they wish to create marvels in this world.

At times, they fail to sort of strike a balance between reality and dreams, and are put off by people who fail to share their degree of passion, determination, and discipline. This is what makes choosing the best partners for them a tricky task. One thing about these individuals is that they tend to be overcritical or judgmental about those who lack discipline and determination in life.

They also fail to understand the reason for others not being able to view their visionary ambitions and dreams. This lack of acceptance, or to say, disturbance in tuning, makes these cuspians quite detached and aloof from the "non-understanding" lot, and they continue to wander in the pool of their own vividity and mysticism.

The characteristics that we need in the ideal suitors for the men and women belonging to this cusp, are understanding, supportiveness, creativeness, and a somewhat-disciplined sense of eccentricity.

The following signs, according to us, fulfill these criteria perfectly Libra is the peacemaker of the zodiac chart, and those belonging to this sign are very much capable of weighing the pros and cons of two extreme situations, and balancing two conflicting elements at the same level. Why we consider Librans to be a good prospect for our mysterious cusps is because they will somehow adapt to these cuspians and attain a balance, as they are very caring and careful lovers.

Librans also master the art of diplomacy and are avid strategists, conveying some of the most problematic messages in a subtle manner. This trait of theirs will help handle the lack of ability in Capricorn-Aquarian cusps to not receive criticism and disapproval sportingly, or not to be able to see a reason behind criticism.

Librans are governed by the air element, which means that like our half-air Capriquarius, they too are driven by intellectual talks and undertakings. With certain aspects kept in check, like the tendency of Librans to get a bit manipulative and critical at times, we see a great relationship compatibility between these two signs.

This is because when it comes to the ones they love, Librans will quickly change the composition to bring a harmonic balance in the union.

Being the last sign of the zodiac chart, Pisces tends to absorb and understand all the traits of the signs that come before it. Aquarius and Capricorn precede Pisces immediately; therefore, those belonging to this sign will establish a sense of understanding with these cuspians, sooner or later.

Yes, there will be problems that will arise when our cuspians will be in their overcritical and harsh mode, mainly because Pisces is the most sensitive signs of all.

However, it is also one of the most compassionate, understanding, and selfless signs.

With some adjustments, Pisceans can give Capricorn-Aquarius the support and inspiration that they need. They add to their creative instinct because they are quite creative and vivid themselves, and also love to be a part of a fantasy-oriented world. In other words, a Piscean can provide colors to the imagination of a Capricorn-Aquarius.

This would be the best pick, especially when the seeker of a relationship is a Capricorn-Aquarius woman. Cancer men are perhaps the best men to handle women who are headstrong. Cancerians are quite peace-loving in nature. They are also very hardworking and determined to accumulate the best of luxuries and necessities to make a cozy shell for themselves and their loved ones.

So, they will invariably understand the point of view of their cusp mate, especially when it comes to their orientation towards goals, hard work, and discipline. Crabs are also very understanding and supportive. Therefore, whenever our water-bearing sea goats would dive completely into their vision and goals, their partner although will feel a little avoided will understand and wait for their love to come back into their arms and comfort them off their tiredness.

Being a water sign and ruled by the Moon, Cancerians can become a little moody, but as long as their partner, which in this case is the Capriquarius, is loyal which this cusp is they will find a way to overcome whatever comes their way.

Relationship Compatibility of Capricorn-Aquarius Cusps With Other Signs

A team of a Capricorn-Aquarian cusp and a Gemini has all the potential to be the best entertainers in a social gathering. Also, both are avid dreamers and have a peculiarly curious mind.

They will not only connect because of their shared inclination to intellectualism, but also because they both are social animals. This combo is definitely up for a fab start. Capriquarians are also inclined towards experimenting and finding out their own paths, just like the twins.

The Aquarius/Pisces Cusp: Devine Discontent

Also, they both have the shared sense of eccentricity and rebelliousness in them. The only problem that we see arising in this pair is the tendency of the twins to shift from one thought to another, thereby losing focus and discipline. This may bother our disciplined and somewhat traditional cuspian to quite a great extent. This can be kept in check with the versatility and vividity that these cusps can offer the twins.

With that aspect kept in check, they are truly made for each other.

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