Taurus job horoscope february 2019

My Horoscopes
  1. Taurus Horoscope 2019
  2. Taurus horoscope - Exciting news! | jakubzidek.cz
  3. Taurus Horoscope 2019 Keywords
  4. Taurus 2019

The master of your career house, Saturn, will deal for a long time with the financial aspect of the Taurus life, especially regarding businesses, investments, loans, money recoveries, inheritances, marital assets, and partitions, as well as bank and financial institutions interactions.

Saturn is not a comfortable planet and it can bring certain frustrations and restrictions in the coming years. But Saturn is a great maestro of organizing and financial strategies and it can help the wise and the patient to build sustainable fortunes.

The good relationships between Saturn and Jupiter, and Uranus during the first five months and a half of will facilitate the profits and the investments. Fitness represents a real challenge, you always try to eliminate monotony. They prefer to win a competition by following the principle: The Taurus natives have a robust figure due to their slow metabolism.

Lifting weights at the gym is a recommended exercise for a strong and beautifully shaped body.

Taurus Horoscope 2019

In team games, they are happy if they have a constructive and coordinating role. Also, you enjoy physical exercises that require flexibility, this is why you tend to practice yoga. This is why, it is possible for the natives, at least in the second part of the year, to feel tired, sometimes stressed or to suffer episodes of low self-esteem.

All these moods are not long lasting and it is important to avoid them, by not neglecting your rest time and, at the same time, by finding relaxation methods that you could follow more often.

वृषभ राशि फरवरी २०१९ राशिफल Taurus February 2019 Rashifal Taurus Horoscope February 2019 Predictions

The digestive system, the bone system and especially the ankles are more sensitized this year. It is possible to even change your diet, and any healthy choice you make during this year will not be without results. Up until May 21, there is a continuous risk of accidents in the head area, which may occur as a result of an accumulation of stagnant nervous energy.

The danger persists in more diminished form until July The advantage is that you can benefit from a strong energy coming from Mars, which will help you make effort without getting tired. However, it is advisable to avoid the consumption of foods or substances that might lead to high blood pressure.

Sharp, but fleeting headaches might occur mid-July. Although the digestive system is sensible, during this week you are not going to experiment anything unpleasant at this level. January 21, Full Moon in Leo: February 18, Sun enters the Pisces zodiac sign: March 20, Sun enters Aries — Spring Equinox: March , Mercury turns retrograde in Pisces: April 10 — August 11, Jupiter retrograde: When Jupiter is retrograde, you will revise their vision about life, ideals and faith.

April 30 — September 19, Saturn turns retrograde in Capricorn: April 24 — October 3, Pluto is retrograde in Capricorn: Mai 18, Full Moon in Scorpio: June 21 — November 27, Neptune turns retrograde in Pisces: June 21 Sun enters Cancer — Summer Solstice: July 23 Total Sun Eclipse: July Partial Moon Eclipse: August 12 Uranus turns retrograde in Taurus: July 8 in Leo zodiac sign — August 1 in Cancer zodiac sign Mercury retrograde in September 23, Sun enters Libra: In the following 3 months, you will achieve success at the workplace, those who were against their ideas are now admitting they have underestimated them.

Health during this period is well sustained; should problems occur, they are consequences of too much stress and assuming too many obligations. April 30 — September 19 Saturn retrograde in Capricorn: April 24 — October 3 Pluto turns retrograde in Capricorn: November 27 Neptune returns to its direct trajectory in Pisces: Those who wish to relocate have the possibility to fulfill their dream during the fall.

October 31 — November 20 Mercury retrograde in Scorpion: December 22, Winter Solstice — Sun enters Capricorn: The Taurus natives will thus succeed to obtain things, regardless of their nature, which they have desired for a long time.

Therefore, you will manage to obtain substantial and well-deserved advantages, especially at the workplace. December 26, Sun Eclipse: You experiment a month with many beneficial aspects, especially in their relationships, in love and in their partnerships. Taureans working towards a second marriage have good opportunities this year.

They should look close to home, in the neighbourhood. Those working towards a third marriage have an exciting social life but marriage is not likely nor is it advisable. Your 2nd House of Finance is not a House of Power this year. There is much freedom to shape your financial life, as you will.

In spite of this perhaps because of this I see prosperity this year. Increases in earnings, travel and travel opportunities, pay rises, promotions and more recognition for your work. You seem loose and carefree when it comes to money and the anxiety and strain, which tend to block earnings are removed. Mercury, your Financial Planet, is a fast-moving planet that will move through all the Signs and Houses of your Horoscope in the year ahead.

Financial trends will be short term and are best covered in the monthly forecasts. As always, more than most, you need to be careful when Mercury retrogrades three times a year. These are times when your financial judgement can be confused or not up to par.

Financial confidence is not what it should be either. This too, will be covered in the monthly forecasts. Your 10th House of Career is a House of Power and important changes are going on this year.

You felt the beginnings of them last year but now the change is in full swing. Your career is going to involve more creativity. You have a need to follow a career path that lets you express your highest ideals. You need to feel that your work helps the world, that it has some meaning and purpose.

Friendships and networking are unusually important in advancing your career these days. This has been a trend for many years and is now even stronger. You are meeting important friends, people of high status, people who can and want to advance your career. You have a knack for knowing the right people and this is a big help to you.

Many a Taurus is going to opt for a spiritual or artistic career. Many will seek jobs in spiritual or charitable organisations. Job seekers have wonderful aspects all year With almost all the long-term planets either making good aspects to you or leaving you alone, your health is excellent this year and, though your 6th House of Health will become powerful after September 25th , I read this as more of an interest in health education and in health regimes.

You are interested in health for its own sake and not because you are under the weather. It means a healthy social and love life. It means looking good as well as feeling good.

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There is a strong connection between love, vanity and health Please keep in mind that a personal Horoscope for your exact birthday, birth time and birthplace could modify what is said here.

When your love life is good, health tends to be good. When health is good, your love life tends to be good. When health is good, you look good.

Taurus horoscope - Exciting news! | jakubzidek.cz

It all translates almost immediately into your physical appearance. When health suffers, your looks suffer in a more dramatic way than for most people. Often the cure for a health problem will be to cure a problem in a love relationship. Equally often, it will mean sprucing up your image, buying some nice clothing or a fashion accessory or getting your hair done.

And often, it will merely involve giving your body some of the sensual pleasure it needs. Overall paying more attention to your kidneys, hips and buttocks can enhance good health. Your kidneys can be strengthened in many natural, drugless ways such as foot and hand chiropractic, kinesiology, herbology, acupressure, acupuncture, massage and shiatsu just to name a few.

With the Lord of your 8th House moving into your 6th House of Health on September 25th , Taureans would get good results from detox and elimination regimes. Pluto in your 8th House of elimination reinforces this.

These elimination or detox regimes can be herbal, nutritional or mechanical i. Health becomes more interesting beginning September 25th.

Taurus Horoscope 2019 Keywords

Those suffering from a health problem should hear good news on that score. Many of you will be studying the metaphysical and philosophical aspects of health. The role of the mind on the body will be more deeply explored and understood. Health of children seems good. The right diet and nutrition play major roles in their health.

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The stomach, breasts, spine, knees and teeth are unusually important. The health of your spouse and grandchildren are status quo. The health of a parent seems a concern and the right diet will play a major role in healing. Your Health Planet will go retrograde from May 17th to June 29th, This is not a time for making major changes to your health regime or to make major investments in health products, though you will be sorely tempted.

This is a period for studying these issues more carefully but not for taking overt action. You have leeway to shape this area, as you will. Usually, this shows that the home and family situation is where you want it to be and you have no need to tinker with it. Generally, the status quo will prevail. The major action and interest in the year ahead is in your career and not so much with your family.

So if there are family or domestic changes, they probably stem from your career.

Taurus 2019

A side effect of your career. The periods of most intense domestic activity will be from January 20th to February 18th, June 23rd to August 23rd and September 6th to October 3rd, September 6th to October 3rd seems an especially good time for holding or attending family gatherings, mending fences with family members, buying objects of beauty for the home, or for otherwise redecorating and beautifying the home.

June 23rd to August 23rd is an especially good time for doing heavy work in the home, moving furniture around, doing major renovations, construction work, breaking down walls, ripping out old pipes and wires and the like. A parent or parental figure who has been quite erratic for some time will start to settle down.

He or she is now less interested in personal freedom and starting to focus on finances. His or her financial prosperity looks sound. Siblings are having a challenging year, conforming to taurus horoscope.